Testing the power

"Grandma I'm back!" Shen Tianyun walked straight back to his home after finished his school. He is really happy for his first day in this world, he managed to get 10,000 RMB as well as 15 Fame points today. Before leaving the school he also borrowed Lin Xueyue's various notes by giving about his absence yesterday excuses and she gave it to him, this is the impressive first move for him.

"Ah? You are back little Yun!" Grandma Su replied to him with full of smile on her wrinkled face.

Shen Tianyun smiled back at her, he took out the 5,000 RMB and give it to grandma Su, "Grandma, today I have the little bets with the teacher about playing piano and I won it. Teacher Lou give me this money and he want me to represent the school for the province competition next week!"

"Ahh! Little Yun! You didn't do some shady business right? Don't lie to grandma!" Grandma Su was surprised when she saw the amount of money, she didn't believe that he could earn the money from the teacher.

"Hehe rest assured grandma, I don't really do anything illegal. You can ask teacher Li about it later, she already knows about this. Take this money grandma, if I could win the first place in this competition. I will get 100,000 RMB." Shen Tianyun tries to ease grandma Su and began to narrating everything that happens, of course he had to lie about his piano skills as he said that he always practice at the school when he had free time.

"Is that so? Grandma will save this money for you, I don't have anything to buy after all." Grandma Su's eyes full of pride and happiness. Shen Tianyun felt warm welling up in his heart. This is supposed to be his first day in this new world but he already treated her as his closest kin, perhaps one part of it coming from the former master of this body.

"It's fine, grandma should buy whatever grandma want, didn't I says that I still have another 5,000 RMB here. I will try to find a way to earn more money later so we could get out of this place." From the memories, he couldn't find the incident and background about his parents, with Shen Tianyun's previous life experiences he could see that grandma Su should come from the wealthy family. Although she is already old but he could see the noble and compose aura faintly radiated from her. He decided that he have to investigate on this matter.

"Alright, alright, grandma won't bother about you anymore. Do your best for tomorrow exam. Go go go change your cloth, grandma will make some dishes for you." Grandma Su waved her hand shooing him away and walking into the kitchen. Shen Tianyun laughed and went into his room.

He lies down on the bed and pondering about his future, he is really confident about tomorrow exam so he didn't really have to prepare about it. Now he has 5,000 RMB on his hand, first of all, he needs to buy a smartphone for grandma Su, he remembered that the latest Apple phone is cost around 5,500 RMB but if he buys with a year bills contract it should cost around 3,500 RMB so he decided that tomorrow evening he will go to the shopping malls and buy one for grandma Su.

"System can you give me examples about the item's category?" He asked.

『 There are countless items in the system for example, precious foods recipe, medicine prescription, jewelry and basic item that you can find in this world. 』

"Foods recipe? Medicine prescription? Is there any magical like super delicious foods recipe and cancer-curing medicine?" His eyes lit up and he asked further.

『 Yes, the high ranking recipes and prescriptions from the system come from countless worlds around the Universe so host can expect from the lowest to the most advanced one. 』

"That's great! I could easily make money from it." Shen Tianyun was excited about it. If he could manage to get one of the top rank recipes or prescriptions, he could earn a lot from it.

After organized his thought and plans, he went out of the room and had dinner with grandma Su. He took a shower and went back to his own room. Shen Tianyun opened the notes that he borrowed from Lin Xueyue, he use the fastest speed possible to memorize everything. It's really convenient to have this [Photographic Memory (S)], he felt as if he's cheating.

Closed the notes, he sat crossed legs on the bed. From today onward he planned to cultivate every day, he already comprehends everything in [Supreme Celestial Scripture]. As a beginner cultivator he felt really awkward at first and then he started to feel the 'Spiritual Qi' he get so excited, Shen Tianyun hurried absorbed and guiding 'Spiritual Qi' through his body according to the scripture.

Times passing by, He immersed into the cultivating and didn't realize that it is already morning until he heard grandma Su making the noise in the kitchen, she should be preparing to open the dumpling stall. He looking at the old shabby clock on the table and it's still around 5.30 AM. He decided to stop cultivate, he could feel his body brimming with energy. He knew that he already stepped into the first stage of Qi Gathering.

From the scripture, the cultivation realm divide into 9 realm started with Qi Gathering, Body Transformation, Spirit Transformation, Sky, Domain, Void, Immortal and True God Realm, each realm will divide into 9 stages. Shen Tianyun didn't think too much about Immortal or True God realm, according to typical Xianxia novels that he had read before, he probably needs 1,000 years to reach that realm as he don't have those heaven-defying talents like protagonists in the novels. However, this cultivation already broadens his view to the world, in his previous life he always knows that there were countless miracles and mysterious things around the world and right now he experiencing it by himself.

"Grandma, I will go jogging for a while, I'll be back soon." He bid farewell to grandma Su and went out to jogging, his actions caused grandma Su dumbfound for a while.

The weather in the morning is not too hot but also not cold either. Many people already started their daily life, there are countless food stalls and various items selling in the morning market. Seeing this, Shen Tianyun felt nostalgic when he was young in his previous life. The poor man like him had no choices to choose, he had to wake up before everyone else just to find a better opportunity than others. He did almost everything, sending newspapers, selling soy milk, selling vegetables and whatever he could earn the money.

『 You have earned 2 Constitution attributes. 』 The system notified him when he finished his 30-minutes jogging, he was surprised slightly. From the calculation, if he could keep up like this every day, it won't be long before him reaching A rank on Constitution. He went back to his house and helping grandma Su setting up the stalls in the market.

"Little Yun, eat this soup dumpling. Today grandma make special beef dumpling for you! Good luck on your exam, do your best, grandma don't want you to get the top, grandma just want to you live happily every day." Grandma Su put the paper bowl with soup dumplings into Shen Tianyun's hand, her face full of smiled and tenderness. Shen Tianyun was a little emotional on this, warmth welling up in his chest. He smiled and started eating it.

「Grandma just wait for a while, I will take you out of here and live a peaceful life. You don't have to sell this dumpling anymore.」 He secretly vows in his heart.

"Thank you grandma, it's so delicious. I will go to school now. I'll be back soon." Shen Tianyun put the bowl down and bid farewell to grandma Su.


Along the way to the school, Shen Tianyun enjoying watching people passing by. He could see several kinds of people, some are in a hurry, some are just leisurely walking, he could understand them very well and he kinda missing this lifestyle a bit. Shen Tianyun has always been the working maniac type even when he becomes the richest man in China, he still wakes up early and go to work in the morning.

Suddenly, he noticed something out of usual because there are 4 thugs-like follow behind him for a while, he immediately realizes that they must have been sent by those shitty young master from the school. They probably want him to miss the exam, he calculation in his mind while looking for a hiding, desolate place. Right now he is in the first stage of Qi Gathering and he never uses it to fight before, he also not sure if he could fight them or not so he has to prepare a retreat way too.

He saw the gap between the building and immediately went into it, the 4 thugs followed him with a fast speed. They were stunned upon seeing Shen Tianyun standing there as if he waiting for them.

"Hahaha, brat why don't you run? Come here, do you have money? Give it to me." The most tall man with red hair licking his lips staring at Shen Tianyun as if he saw his prey.

Shen Tianyun shook his head slightly and smiled at them, "I say, don't you have better dialogue? This is too classic. Just cut the craps and come at me, I have to go to school." He then makes a taunting gesture at them.

The 4 thugs looking at each other, they started to laugh, "Big bro, is this guy insane? Did he think that he is a superhero or something?"

"That's right, his brain probably didn't work very well." Another thug said.

"Go! Beat him and get out of here, I'm very hungry." The red hair thugs who is seems to be their big brother command.

The 3 thugs running into Shen Tianyun, the place he chooses is the narrow path, they can only come at him one by one. The first thug almost reaching him, he circulates the Qi to his fist combined with his previous life fighting experienced, Shen Tianyun punched on his right jaw sending him to hit the sidewall. The first thug instantly unconscious, everyone was stunned including Shen Tianyun himself. He knows that his current body is too weak to fight and he just wants to test his cultivation power. The result was unexpected.

Came back to his sense, he hurried stepped closer to the second thug and sent out another punch on his stomach then pushed his body behind him as Shen Tianyun himself closing the gap between him and the third thug. He circulating Qi into his right leg and kicked into the third thug's waist sending him hitting the wall and collapsed on the floor.

"Hey, why are you standing there? Come on don't you want to rob me?" Despite himself being shocked by his own performance, he didn't forget to act cool. Shen Tianyun smiled at the red hair thug as he walking towards him step by step.

The red hair thug's legs went limp he collapsed on the floor, "D…don't come near me!, please forgive me I was wrong!"

"Just tell me who sent you here? I won't do anything to you if you tell the truth."

"T..this" The red hair thug is hesitating.

"This is your life, you can choose by yourself." Shen Tianyun slowly clenching his fist, he deliberated to make it visible to the red hair thug. At first, he wants to break their legs but thinking about it right now he couldn't afford to be ruthless, if they try to take revenge on grandma Su, ha has no way to protect her. He can only threaten them like this.

"I say! I say! it's young master Zhou who sent us here, please let me go!" The red hair thug was horrified looking at Shen Tianyun's fist.

"Oh?, how much did he pays to hire you?" Shen Tianyun standing in front of him and looking down on his face.

"It's 10,000 RMB! Here, here, you can take it!" The red hair thug hurried took out the money and sent it to Shen Tianyun, the latter was surprised a little.

"What the heck, he already paid before the job is done? Tsk, this stupid young master Zhou is surely rich. You seem to have some brain why did you become street thug? Just go find other jobs, this doesn't suit you." He immediately left after he finished his sentence and walking toward the school, left the horrified and injured 4 thugs behind.

"It so awesome! If I could cultivate into the higher realm maybe I could evade the bullets like those movies!" Shen Tianyun was so excited and looking forward to the future.