Midterm Exam

Shen Tianyun sat down on his seat and start reading Lin Xueyue's note without care malice gazed from outside the room, he already knows where is that gaze coming from.

"Trash!! They failed on this easy task! What a waste of my money!" Young master Zhou cursing, yesterday he comes up with this plan and proceed to hire street thugs to beat Shen Tianyun, now nothing happens to him. He could arrive at school on time.

Since Shen Tianyun stepped into first stage of Qi Gathering he discovered that his hearing improves significantly. He could hear what young master Zhou said earlier, he turned his head to look at Zhou Feng, their eyes happened to meet each other. Shen Tianyun smiled at him, of course in Zhou Feng's eyes this is provoking smile. Young Master Zhou is so angry, he did threaten gestures slit his throat towards Shen Tianyun. Other people might fear this but in Shen Tianyun's eyes it is really funny, he couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing at?" A beautiful yet cold voice rang into his ears, Lin Xueyue put her schoolbag on the desk. A wisp of sweet fragrance drifting into Shen Tianyun's nostrils.

"Ah, nothing I just saw something funny." He chuckles. Lin Xueyue follows his gaze and see Zhou Feng standing outside the room. Seeing Lin Xueyue looking at his direction, Zhou Feng previously sinister expression disappeared into thin air and replace with a hypocrite smile.

Lin Xueyue didn't even look at him more than 1 second, with her intelligence she can understand more or less on the situation. "Sorry, he must have threatened you because of me right?" She said with an apologetic tone at Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun was taken aback, although he quiet confident in his appearance and ability to pick up a girl but he still surprised about this. In the memories, Lin Xueyue has always been proud and aloof towards everyone, she resembles a thousand years old iceberg. There was some young master try to woo her once, she said 'get out of my sight' to that young master and scared him away.

From their interaction yesterday, Shen Tianyun also felt that it's too smooth and she even sat with him in the cafeteria, that should never happen. He waved his hand, "No no, it has nothing to do with you. He likes to bully me all the time."

Looking at the carefree and fearless smile on his face, Lin Xueyue sighed, "I know it because we talking to each other yesterday, he must get jealous and want to harm you. I really hate this guy."

Shen Tianyun smiled and change the topics, "How is your preparation?"

Lin Xueyue knows that he doesn't want to talk on this topic further, she smiled faintly, "I'm pretty much confident to get top scorer this round."

"Hehe, watch out! maybe I will snatch top scorer from you this time." He chuckled, his eyes brimming with confidence.

"You can try." A proud girl like her won't back down easily, she never doubt Shen Tianyun's words after witness everything yesterday. The two continued chatting on the exam topic, Zhou Feng who observing both of them all the time gashed his teeth angrily, without doubt he definitely comes up with a new scheme next time. At this time teacher Li walking into the room with a thick layer of papers on her hand, everyone becomes quiet.

"Today is the first day of the midterm exam, I hope that everyone will do your best." Teacher Li paused a moment and continued

"There will be two subjects today, the first one will be the English exam and the second one is Mathematics. We will start in 10 minutes later."

Normally there will be 6 subjects for exam, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English and Literature. Each subject contained 150 scores, which means every subject combine into 900 scores maximum. The top scorer for second years last time, Lin Xueyue managed to get 810 scores and it is the highest record of Huayun High School. As for Shen Tianyun he didn't feel nervous at all, if he goes with full strength he believes that he could easily get over 850.

Ten minutes had passed by. Teacher Li started to provide exam papers to everyone.

"Good luck!" Shen Tianyun smiled at Lin Xueyue.

"You too." She replied with a cold voices as usual.

Looking at the English exam paper, Shen Tianyun smirked, He immediately answered the question one by one. With just 30 minutes he already finished every question and started to re-checking again, after that he organized the papers and stand up walking toward teacher Li, he is ready to submit.

"Are you really finish?" Teacher Li asked him in low voices, she knew that Shen Tianyun is just slightly above average however, looking on his confident smile she felt uneasy a little.

"Yes teacher Li, You can check about it. Erm... Can I go now?" He put the papers in her hand and asked, he didn't forget to glimpse at her perky bosom slightly.

"…Sure." Teacher Li received the papers and begin to look at his answers. She didn't notice that Shen Tianyun already disappeared from her sight. The more she look at his answers, the more her eyes widened opening. She could already estimate that all of his answers are correct, which means that he gets a full mark!

「H…how is this possible?」 The memory of yesterday where Shen Tianyun spoke in fluent English and his perfect homework essay resurface in her mind. Li Qing started to saw him in a new light.


Shen Tianyun sitting on fire exit stairs looking at the scenery. He pondering about his plan and how to protect his grandma, he was so sure that those idiot young master definitely plotting against him more and more from now on. Actually, if it not for Fame points he doesn't really want to reveal his ability that much, it will only attract the problems.

In his previous life, he only has Shen Xiaohong accompany him all the time, he could easily protecting her from harm. However, right now his only family is grandma Su and she certainly couldn't protect herself if someone wants to harm her. Shen Tianyun couldn't stay with her all the time either thus, it is really hard to protect her.

"System, in the future can I buy the skill for people around me?" Shen Tianyun asked.

『 No, The ability from the system is exclusive for the host only. However, host can teach them how to cultivate. The system suggests that host needs to find a suitable technique for each one of them. 』The mechanic voices replied in his mind.

Shen Tianyun frowned, "You forced me to get 7 women yet I can't even transfer the ability to them. Cultivate? How long is that until they can protect themselves? Isn't it really ridiculous?."

『 That depends on the host's ability. The system can only provide some magical ability and make it convenient for the host. 』

Shen Tianyun cursed in his heart, he really hates for being control and manipulate yet he couldn't do anything about it right now.

"Can you tell me more about these 7 maidens, for example their characteristic." He asked.

『 The system can not provide certain information about them for the host. However, the 7 maidens will be blessed by Goddess of Love. Each one of them will have unparalleled appearance and talents which means that they are overall much more talented than the host. Lastly they will never fall in love with anyone except the host. 』The system explained.

"Unparalleled appearance and talents? They won't fall in love with anyone except me? Isn't that mean it is guarantee already?" Shen Tianyun was surprised and confused.

『 It's not entirely correct, Host still need to put and effort to make them fall in love with you and it will be very difficult for each one of them. 』

Shen Tianyun frowned deeply, "Never mind, I can slowly observing Lin Xueyue since she is also one of seven maidens." He muttered in low voices.

"Observing what?" Suddenly, a familiar cold voices and sweet fragrance come from behind him. Shen Tianyun's body jolted up.

"Ah? Nothing, I just thinking about observing Class monitor Lin on how she studies to make her get top scorer every time. Can you tell me a secret, Class monitor Lin?" With his exceptional art of bullshitting, Shen Tianyun could easily come up with an excuse.

Lin Xueyue's eyes narrowed, looking at him suspiciously and says, "I don't have any secret, just working hard than others. I think student Shen Tianyun should be the one to tell me his secret? You can finish the exam within 30 minutes, that's really impressive."

Shen Tianyun felt cold sweats on his back, this little girl's eyes are really sharp. He smiled stiffly and says, "It's not a secret or anything, I just happen to like English since I was young so it is normal for me to answers the question easily."

Lin Xueyue stared at him for a while, her expression turns back to her usual cold but there was faintly smiled on the corner of her lips, "Really?"

Shen Tianyun nodded like chicken pecking rice. Fuck! I am Business Emperor in a past life, how can I lose my composure in front of this little girl easily. He cursed in his heart.

"Oh that's right, I asked my father yesterday and he already help you find a part-time job. This Saturday you can go to the 'Rainbow fragrance restaurant' to apply for the job, my father already contact them." Lin Xueyue said.

"Ah? That's great then. Thank you very much Class monitor Lin. Please help me convey my gratitude to your esteemed father." Shen Tianyun smiled brightly.

Lin Xueyue shook her head, "This is just small matter, if I didn't see your piano performance I won't help you easily. Oh, that restaurant is a high class one, I think they will offer quite hefty, don't lose this opportunity."

"I won't." He said confidently.

"Right, I will go get some food in the cafeteria. I didn't eat much this morning. What about you Class monitor Lin? Do you want to go with me?" He sincerely inviting her.

Lin Xueyue couldn't help but felt uncomfortable every time she heard him called her as 'Class monitor Lin', "Alright I will go with you."

She hesitating for a moment. She bit her lips and says in low voice, "You can call me Lin Xueyue or Xueyue, I feel really uncomfortable being called a Class monitor."

Shen Tianyun was stunned for a while, what the meaning of this? He then shamelessly says, "Okay, Xueyue, shall we go now?" He made a perfect inviting gesture.

Perhaps, Lin Xueyue don't know that she herself already developing some good feeling towards this man. She felt really comfortable and amused by his gesture, "Let's go."

The two of them slowly walking side by side toward the cafeteria.


There are some people in the cafeteria, most of them probably just finish their exams. This is the second time that Shen Tianyun come to this cafeteria, yesterday he didn't pay attention to it much. He looks around at luxury decorations and various food shops, right now he has a quite amount of money, it's time to say goodbye to cream-bread.

"What do you want to eat?" Shen Tianyun asked.

"I'm not really that hungry, I will get some coffee." Lin Xueyue said and walk towards the coffee shop.

Shen Tianyun couldn't help but click his tongue looking at her beautiful back and shook his head slightly. He choose to buy Hamberg and rice set for 40 RMB.

"Little Yun?" A familiar voice drifting into Shen Tianyun's ears as he turns to look at that direction. He saw a very beautiful woman smiled at him, she standing a little behind him.

"Big Sis Yan?" From the memories, Shen Tianyun know that this beauty is Liu Feiyan, the daughter of Doctor Liu. Their relationship is quite good and she treated former Shen Tianyun as her little brother. She is in the third year.

Liu Feiyan has a tall and voluptuous figure, especially that long beautiful legs caused countless man drooling over her. She has a delicate beautiful face, jade-like nose and small red alluring lips. Her beautiful shape eyes brows really go along with her big round sparkling eyes. Her perky breast is the most outstanding even though she wearing school uniforms it couldn't hide her sexiness. She tied her long hair into pony tail-like revealed clear every part of her no-makeup face. She is one of 4 beauty in Huayun High School.

Liu Feiyan giggled when she heard him called her Big sister, she is the only daughter and has no siblings. She really likes it when Shen Tianyun called her that, "What are you eating? It looks really delicious." As she spoke, she already stood in front of him.

"Just a Hamberg set." He replied. A refresh fragrance drifted into Shen Tianyun's nostrils, it is even more alluring than this Hamberg on his hand. He staring at her perky breast and subconsciously swallowed his salivas.

As if she noticed his actions, she couldn't help but giggle, she really don't mind his rude action. "Wait here, Big Sis will buy you your favorite chocolate latte." She quickly walks to the beverage shop and comes back with a bottle of chocolate latte.

"Ah, thank you Big Sis Yan." Shen Tianyun politely accept.

She waves her hand, "It's your Big sister duty after all, right how's your head? Dad told me that you got knocked out by someone?" Her voices contained a hint of concerns.

"It's fine now, I don't hurt anywhere."

"Hmm, just tell me which bastard dared to hurt you, Big Sis will revenge for you." Liu Feiyan waving her little fist, her actions really cute. Shen Tianyun's eyes still gluing on her jiggling perky breast.

"Ah, it's just an accident. I already forget about it." He smiled.

"Is that so? Next time if someone dares to bully you, you must tell Big Sis okay?" She speaks with obviously concerned voices, it cause Shen Tianyun felt warm.

"Feiyan!! hurry! We need to go back to reading early!" A female voices calling Liu Feiyan from a distance.

"Alright alright, Little Yun, Big Sis has to go now, see you later." Liu Feiyan then reluctantly walking towards her friends. Shen Tianyun could easily saw some disgusted in their eyes when they looking at him. He could only smile coldly.