Su Qianxue

The house was in a mess, Shen Tianyun don't have time to take care of it. He just casually clean up a bit and went into his own room, he putting school uniform and some necessary things into the bags and went to Grandma Su's room to pick up the metal box that Grandma Su said.

He searching for a while and found the box in the closet. The box is quite big and the design is really good, it looks like a safe box, from his experience this box should cost more than 10,000 RMB or so. Shen Tianyun wants to see what is inside this box, unfortunately, it needs a password to unlock the box. He could only give up.

After packing up everything, Shen Tianyun went to the neighbor's house, he explained everything to Auntie Feng, after all, she is taking care of grandma Su and him for several years. She is a good woman, Shen Tianyun secretly note that if he starts his business, he will definitely find her a decent job and payment. He goes back to the hospital after that.

"Grandma I'm back!! Ah? Where is Big Sis Yan?" Shen Tianyun put down all the bags, he didn't see a shadow of Liu Feiyan.

Grandma Su smiled gently, "Grandma just told her to go back prepare the room for you."

Shen Tianyun nodded as he sat down on the side. "Grandma, what is in this box?" He places the box on his laps and asked.

Grandma Su reaching her left hand to grabbed Shen Tianyun's wrist. The latter was puzzled as he saw Grandma Su closing her eyes. A few minutes later she slowly opened her eyes and gazing meaningfully at him.

"First Stage Qi Gathering realm?" Grandma Su spoke in a calm manner.

Shen Tianyun's body shuddered, he was gasped in shock looking at Grandma Su.

"Don't be nervous, grandma know about it since you started to practice. I know you have some secret that you don't want to tell anyone." Grandma Su smiled gently, her gazed filled with pride and tenderness.

"I think it's time to tell you about my background." This time her eyes full of reminiscent as she looks into the distance. Shen Tianyun sitting calmly waiting for her.

"65 years ago where our country still has wars, there are strong 9 martial clans. One of them is Su clan." She paused for a moment and continued.

"At that time there was a newborn baby who had great talents to cultivate. Su clan spent all resources to nurture her since her young age and put all hope on her."

"When she grew up, she started to show her talents as well as her beautiful appearance. One day she had to go out on a mission, due to her carelessness and overestimated herself. She made mistakes and leading to dread situations." Grandma Su pause, her eyes slightly change, a deep love and longing appeared across her eyes before she continued.

"At the moment between life and death, suddenly a boy around the same age as hers appeared in front of her. He helping her escape from the dread situation. After that the girl learning about him, he happened to be members of another strong martial clan, Shen clan. His name is Shen Qinghan." Upon hearing to this point, Shen Tianyun could already guess that they were his grandmother and grandfather.

Grandma Su continued, "They fallen in love with each other afterward. Unfortunately, Su clan happens to be an enemy with Shen clan. Their love was doomed from the start. The girl was forced to marry into another clan, Zhao clan. She don't want to but she couldn't defy her clan arrangement. Due to the helpless situation, The boy, Shen Qinghan appeared in front of her again. They run away from their clan together and married after that."

Grandma Su expression turned cold, a deep hatred and killing intent flashed across her eyes. Shen Tianyun felt a chill running down his spine. She continued, "The girl had been pregnant afterward, although they have to hide and relocated several times but it's filled with happiness and joy. They don't regret it even the slightest. Until one day, the Zhao clan's members found them. They hunted both of them down, Shen Qinghan and the girl get caught and almost die. Fortunately, their respective clan's member came in the right time and stopped the Zhao clan's member."

"After went back to their clan, their clan learned the situations and discussed together. The result was they have to abolish cultivation and leave the clan. They were no longer be the clan's members. Of course this result was like heaven gift for them. They didn't hesitate to do it and immediately left the clan. Later the girl has given birth to a son. His name is Shen Qingshan." Grandma Su looking at Shen Tianyun smiled gently. Her previously hatred expression disappeared into thin air.

She slowly said, "The girl name is Su Qianxue. That's me, your grandmother."

Shen Tianyun listened with calm expression entire times, he nodded slightly and asked, "So there are ancient martial clan out there huh? I always thought that it was just a legend."

"Of course there are, unfortunately, as far as I know, there were only 5 clans left currently, Su clan still exists but Shen clan already disappeared from the world, only you, little Yun left." Su Qianxue replied.

"Grandma, what is the highest realm right now for humans?" He couldn't help but ask. This question also bothering him for sometimes.

Su Qianxue shook her head slightly, "Grandma doesn't know anymore, however when grandma was young. The highest realm expert that grandma know was at Domain realm."

Shen Tianyun sucked in a cold breath. Domain realm!!

As if seeing through his thought, Su Qianxue chuckled, "Don't worry, with how sparse Spiritual Qi are nowadays. I don't think that anyone could reach the Domain realm. However, the Sky realm should be possible."

Su Qianxue telling him a password of the metal box, he immediately opened it. There are photos, jade bracelet and jade necklace in the box. Shen Tianyun pick the pictures up and looking one by one. There are 3 people in the picture, one was a very handsome looking man and the girl beside him was really beautiful, it was peerless beauty. She holding the small baby in her embrace.

"Woah, grandma really beautiful. This is definitely heavenly beauty. No wonder at that time countless men try to woo grandma. If I were those men, I also try to woo grandma for sure." Shen Tianyun praised.

"Brat, your mouth is surely sweet. Use it to my granddaughter-in-law, it's no use to flattered grandma." Grandma Su scold him jokingly. Shen Tianyun scratched his head in embarrassment.

"What is this two jade ornament, grandma?" Shen Tianyun pick up the jade bracelet and jade necklace. The design is beautiful and luxury looking. The jade on the necklace is in the heart with a sword piercing through from above into the bottom, it gives off cool sensation aura. There are majestic Phoenix patterns on the jade bracelet and its radiated warm aura.

"The necklace is called 'Heart of the sword', it is your grandpa's family heirloom. The bracelet called Divine Phoenix bracelet. It is one of Su's family heirloom that grandma wearing since she was young." Grandma Su felt nostalgic when she looking at the two ornaments.

"This is our token of love, it is yours now little Yun. When you found the wife, you must give these two ornaments to her. It will protect her life in a dangerous situation." Su Qianxue smiled happily, she looking forward to seeing her granddaughter-in-law.

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Well grandma have to wait for a while, right now your grandson doesn't even have the money to eat. Let alone finding a wife."

"Hehe, this Yan'er is also a good girl. She has a country toppling beautiful appearance and her demeanor also good. Her body really plumps and her hips quite wide, very suit to bear a child." Grandma Su analysis excitedly.

"Wait, wait grandma don't say it anymore." Shen Tianyun felt helpless upon hearing his grandma narrating.

Su Qianxue laughing heartily, she already forgot about her injuries.

Shen Tianyun smiled at his grandma and says, "Don't worry grandma, I will definitely become a better man. I will find more money so grandma can live peacefully and happy. From today onward grandma doesn't have to work anymore. I will responsible for the income."

It's out of his expectation, Su Qianxue didn't object or say anything. She only smiled gently looking at him.

Shen Tianyun hesitated for a moment and says, "Actually I also have a secret to tell you."

He pauses a moment and continued, "After I got hit by the ball on that day. I fell unconscious and had a long dream."

Shen Tianyun decided to tell Su Qianxue about his past life as he mixing truth and lied together. He narrating everything, of course except his transmigrated and seven maidens system. Su Qianxue mouth widened open when she listened to his story. She also shocked about it.

"So you are saying that everything that happened in your dream feels very real to you?" Su Qianxue asked.

"Yes, grandma, that's where I got cultivation technique and my tempers, knowledge also changed. I think you also noticed it." Shen Tianyun said without a hint of any flaws.

Su Qianxue silent and pondering for a while, she nodded slightly, "I understand now, maybe this is heaven will. This is a good thing for you, you don't have to worry about it."

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Rest assured grandma, with my knowledge I will definitely become richest man once again for sure."

Su Qianxue's eyes filled with love and tenderness when she looking at him, "Hmm, grandma believe in you. Also you better keep this incident for the rest of your life. It's not good to tell anyone."

Shen Tianyun nodded in agreement. "Then grandma, how is your cultivation right now?"

Su Qianxue shook her head and let out a sighed, "From that day onward grandma and your grandpa didn't cultivate anymore, we just want to live like a commoner. If I still have cultivation can those gangsters do anything to me?"

Shen Tianyun scratched his head in embarrassment, That's right, if she still has her cultivation can those gangsters do anything to her?. Definitely not. He asks further, "What about my parents, grandma? And how did grandpa and dad died?"

Su Qianxue fell into silence for a while, her eyes filled with sorrow and hatred. She took a deep breath before saying, "I think it's time to tell you about this, since you are matured enough."

"Your father, Su Qingshan has a bright future. He has a very handsome appearance and he is very smart since he was young. It is normal that countless girl has fallen for him." Su Qianxue pauses a moment.

"At that time, your father study at Qingbei University. He has fallen in love with the most bright and beautiful girl in university. Your mother, Lan Qingcheng. Just like your father, she is smart and her appearance could be said that, she was a fairy that descend from the Immortal Realm."

"They are suitable for each other except that our family background is too shallow. Although grandma and grandpa could earn a quiet sum of money but it's still miles away from Lan clan." Su Qianxue tone was heavy.

"One day, your mother pregnant you. Of course, Lan clan couldn't accept all of this. They immediately forced your mother to abort you. Qingcheng was an unyielding girl, She would rather die than destroy her child. Lan clan was helpless at that moment. They couldn't do anything to her so they decided to act on our family."

Su Qianxue's eyes moist slightly, "It was my fault, I can't give a good future for my son. They want to kill all of us but your mother knew about this. She immediately makes an agreement with her clan. She returned to her clan after giving birth to you to exchange our life."

Shen Tianyun grabbed her hand tightly, his eyes turned cold. The thing that he hated the most is this situation where powerful family forcing their daughter to do as they want. He won't deny that this is a common matter among powerful family but they don't have the right to force anyone, let alone kill anyone as they wanted.

He took a deep breath and says, "It's not your fault grandma, It's their fault. In my long dream, I have experienced it countless times. Authorities make them think that they can do anything as they pleased. However, they forgot that we are humans and humans have the right on their own."

Su Qianxue sobbing for a moment before she continued, "When you grew up to 5 years old, your father couldn't forget about your mother. He will occasionally go to see her, he already satisfied just to take a glimpse at her from far away. One day, he heard the news about your mother getting marry with another man."

Speaking until this moment, she laughed in a self-mocking manner, "Perhaps it is our family fate, The one that your mother getting married to is Zhao clan. Zhao Yang. He is a prodigy and also talents in cultivating."

Shen Tianyun could already guess what happens next more or less at this point. Su Qianxue continued with the sorrowful tone, "Your father couldn't accept it, he felt betrayed. On the wedding days, he broke into it and try to kill Zhao Yang. Your grandpa and I was worry about him. Your grandpa immediately followed after him…. They never come back again."

His fist clenched until it turned white, he was enraged and felt helpless at the same time. Even though they're not his real family but right now he resided on this body. Their blood runs through in every part of his body.

Su Qianxue picking up the family photo and smiled sorrowful looking at it, "…Don't blame your mother, she is a pathetic girl. Her life has never been in her hand."

Shen Tianyun took a breath to calm down, "Don't worry grandma, what they did to us I will definitely pay them back hundreds of times. As for my mother, although I feel pity for her but she does not deserve to be my mother at all. Let alone all the love and obsession she gets from my father. A woman that doesn't dare to defy her fate is just utterly pathetic woman."

He said with a mocking tone, "Smart? Beautiful? Powerful background? Hehe… all of this is nothing, she didn't even try to fight for her own happiness. If it was me, even I have to die I will still fight until the end."

A cold light flashed through his eyes, Su Qianxue saw his expression, she nodded in satisfaction, "Good, our family men shouldn't yield to anyone. Grandma just hopes that you don't do anything excessive to your mother. I can understand your anger but trust me, your grandma also comes from a powerful family before. I can understand her more than anyone."

Shen Tianyun didn't say anything further he just nodded slightly.