Liu Family's House

After staying with Grandma Su for some time, Shen Tianyun left quietly after she fell into sleep. He took a taxi and went to Liu family's house. The Liu family's house is located in the inner-city area, it is a wealthy zone. Doctor Liu's salary is around 140,000 RMB and Liu Feiyan's mother, Fang Yulan is the mayor of Pearl City. It could be said that the Liu family is wealthy and has power in this city. That is the reason why Zhou Xiaolong didn't dare to do anything excessive on Liu Feiyan and many girls try to get into her good side.

Of course, Shen Tianyun didn't care about it, at least not now. All his life, he never flatters or rely on anyone. He would prefer to rely on his power more. Arrived at the luxury western-style house, from the memories, Shen Tianyun come here for a few times in the past. Liu Wei and Fang Yulan treated him very well and never show a disgust toward a poor guy like him. It was coming from the previous master of this body, Shen Tianyun himself didn't believe that they didn't feel disgust toward him and grandma Su, He need to see by himself.

Stepped out the taxi, Shen Tianyun stood at the front gate. He looking around the house observing the detail. He found out that many bodyguards are hiding in various places around the house. The security is very tight since it is the City Mayor house. The house is 2 stories high and painted with all white. Although it is a luxury house and different as heaven and earth compared to his house in a slum, Shen Tianyun didn't feel excited or anything. He had lived and seen countless luxury buildings before.

"Hello, are you Mr.Shen?" Shen Tianyun still observing around, one of the bodyguards approaching him and asked in a good manner even though right now Shen Tianyun dressed like a beggar because his shirt covered with blood-stained.

"Yes, it's me." He replied politely.

"The mayor has ordered us to invite Mr.Shen into the house if he arrives. Please follow me." The bodyguard makes an inviting gesture.

Shen Tianyun nodded slightly and dragged the bags along into the house. The interior decorations are all western style, there are many famous painting hung on the wall.

"Little Yun, you came." When Shen Tianyun reaching the living room. He saw the beautiful mature woman sat on the sofa and leisurely sipping the tea. She radiated charming of the matured woman at the same time there are imposing aura brimming from her body which indicated that she used to wielding the authorities.

She has a voluptuous body, her full perky chest release soul-shaking charm. Her glistered black hair sprayed all over her shoulder, her facial features are perfect, whether it is her jade nose or that sharp eyes along with the crescent moon-like eyebrows and that seductive lips touching the edge of teacup could easily make men losing their soul. Her crossing legs revealed alluring white creamy skins even Shen Tianyun wanted to immediately jump into it. He always preferred this type of mature woman. Shen Tianyun didn't surprise at all on where did Liu Feiyan's beauty come from.

"Hello, Auntie Fang. I will have to trouble you on this period." Shen Tianyun put down the bags and greeting Fang Yulan politely.

"What trouble? We are family, after all, I have seen you since you were just an infant. There is no need to be polite. Just treat this house as your own. I've tried to convince Auntie Su several times but she never agrees with it. It's good that this time I can take care of her." Fang Yulan put down her teacup and smiled at him. Her movement is filled with elegance and nobleness.

"It just that grandma and I don't want to owe anyone. So we don't want to create trouble for Auntie family." He explained.

"Sigh… your family sure stubborn. It doesn't matter now, we will live together from now on." Fang Yulan sighed slightly.

"As for the culprits, Auntie has some clues already. They should be the Black Dragon gang. Their background is quite deep. A lot of powerful families in this city involved in this. Auntie will tell you the truth that the possibility to drag the mastermind behind the scene down is really low. We could only capture those men that hurting your grandma." Fang Yulan telling the truth without hiding anything.

Shen Tianyun smiled, he really like her style. There is no pretentious at all. He says, "I already guess about it more or less, I really thanks to Auntie on my grandma behalf. Just capture those men is already enough. As for the mastermind behind the scene… Hehe." Shen Tianyun smiled coldly, A strange light flashed across his eyes.

Fang Yulan felt her hair standing up slightly when she saw his expression, she hurried says, "Little Yun, don't act rashly. They are really scary. Just let Auntie take care of it. You just need to focus on study."

Shen Tianyun smiled reassured, "Don't worry Auntie, I'm not the rashly type that act without thinking."

"Tianyun!! You've come?" A sweet voice rang out from distance, a beautiful silhouettes slowly appeared into Shen Tianyun's sight. Liu Feiyan wearing a pink pajamas revealed her seductive figure. Shen Tianyun wants to swallow his saliva but he has to endure it because Fang Yulan was also here.

Fang Yulan saw her daughter excited expression, she shook her head helplessly, "Alright, Yan'er bring little Yun to his room. Mom will go make some dishes for him. You probably hungry right little Yun? Go take a bath before come to eat." She immediately walking off to the kitchen.

"Okay mom, come Tianyun, I will bring you to the room." She grabbed his arm and dragging him along, Shen Tianyun hurried to pick his bags and following.

The room that Liu Feiyan has arrange for him is next to her room. Shen Tianyun was speechless, he could figure out her motive already. Shen Tianyun stepped into the room looking around, The room was really spacious compared to his old house it was as if different worlds apart. There are simple furniture, study table, television and king size bed.

"Eh? Why the bed is this big? I sleep alone after all." He asked curiously looking at Liu Feiyan.

Liu Feiyan's face redden slightly, "O…Of course you already grew up, I… I just fear that you will fall down from the bed if it is small size. What are you thinking?"

"Ah? I thought that Big Sis Yan will sleep with me just like when we were young. Sigh... How regretful." Shen Tianyun said in a 'regret' tone. Liu Feiyan's face already turned red as a tomato.

"Hmph! Dream on, if you want to sleep with this Big Sis here you have to work hard." She snorted and shyly said in low voices on the latter part.

"Oh? I have to work hard from now on then." Shen Tianyun move his face closer to her and said teasingly. Their face almost touch each other, he could smell her sweet fragrance.

"Y…You! I don't care about you anymore!" Liu Feiyan was panicked and she immediately running away.

Looking at the running away beautiful back, he shook his head and said to himself, "Tsk, this usually seductive demoness chicken out just from this small teasing." He then began to adjust his items and went to take a bath afterward.


Shen Tianyun walking into the dining room, Liu Feiyan and Fang Yulan already sat on their respective chair.

"Hm, you are really handsome in this pajamas." Fang Yulan commented upon seeing Shen Tianyun wearing pajamas that Liu Feiyan prepared for him.

Liu Feiyan covered her small mouth laughing. Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Why are these pajamas has to be pink color?"

Fang Yulan also giggling, "What's wrong? This color really suits you well. Alright sit down, let's eat."

Shen Tianyun could only resign and sat down. They began to eat. There are around 6 vegetable and meat dishes. This is probably the most sumptuous meal he had in a while.

"Oh right, I heard that you have been close to the Secretary Lin's daughter, Lin Xueyue, recently?" Fang Yulan said while she looking at her daughter with a corner of her eyes.

How could Shen Tianyun not know on why did she asking this question? He slightly shocked in his heart. Don't tell me, Mayor Fang, also cheering on her daughter? Shen Tianyun immediately deny this thought.

"Yes, We've been desk-mate for almost two years now." He replied nonchalantly.

"Do you like her?" Shen Tianyun almost choke when he heard her question.

He waved his hand, "No no, we are just normal friends and she just helping me to find a part-time job."

"Ah? There is such a thing? However, is she really helping you to find a part-time job? That's really interesting. I've seen her since she was young, this princess Lin never show her interest toward any man before, let alone helping a man on something." Fang Yulan narrowed her eyes looking at Shen Tianyun with an interesting expression as if she wants to see through something.

Shen Tianyun's forehead covered in cold sweats, He pretends to eat as if he didn't hear anything.

"Hmph! If you want to find a part-time job, why don't you come to this Big Sis? I can also help you find a part-time job." Liu Feiyan pouted in dissatisfaction manner. Shen Tianyun was speechless.

Seeing the awkward situation, Fang Yulan asking, "What job did she found for you?"

"It's playing piano at Rainbow Fragrance restaurant. I don't know about the payment. I have to go there to discuss on this Saturday." Shen Tianyun finished his meal and drinking the water.

Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan were surprised, They also know Rainbow Fragrance restaurant. It is the most famous and first-class restaurant in Pearl City.

"You can play the piano? How come I didn't know about it?" Fang Yulan asked curiously. She saw Shen Tianyun grew up, she never see him having talents in music before.

"Yes, to tell the truth. I always secretly practice it when I was in school." Shen Tianyun replied calmly.

Fang Yulan nodded, "That's great then, we also have a piano here. Why don't you show us a bit?"

Shen Tianyun agreed and they moving into the living room where the piano is located. Shen Tianyun sat down and started to play from the simple song to the difficult song that even level 8 master couldn't play it smoothly and beautifully as he did. Both mother and daughter gasped in shock, the more they listened the more they shocked. They are growing up in welled culture and good education, of course, they know about music more or less. The level that Shen Tianyun shown to them was surpassed the international level already.

"Wow, I don't even know that our Tianyun is so talented!" Liu Feiyan clapped her hand in excitement.

Fang Yulan nodded in agreement, "That's right! Your talent is too shocking. You could easily become the most famous pianist in China. Even the Rainbow Fragrance couldn't possibly find the pianist on this level to work for them. They are hitting jackpot this time."

『 You have earned 2 Fame Points. 』 The system rang out in his mind.

Shen Tianyun didn't mind about notification, he shook his head slightly, "This is nothing, I don't want to be a musician. This is just my hobby."

Fang Yulan rolled her eyes in annoyance at him, "Next weeks there is province competition, did you plan to participate in this event?"

He nodded, "Yes, Teacher Lou invite me to represent the school on this competition."

"That's great! Big Sis will go cheer for you." Liu Feiyan still immersed in excitement.

"That's good then, Auntie also got invited to this event. If I am not mistaken, there will be a lot of high authorities person joining this event. This is your opportunity to shine, don't miss it." Fang Yulan encourage him.

"I will try my best." He humbly said.


Shen Tianyun came back to his new bedroom. He immediately sat crossed legs on the bed. He pondering about tomorrow plan a little and then started to cultivating [Supreme Celestial Scripture]. He doesn't know why but he has the feeling that he is about to breakthrough into stage 2 soon. He began to absorb the Spiritual Qi madly. Time passing by, he woke up, his eyes shone brightly. He finally stepped into Stage 2 on the Qi Gathering Realm. He felt really comfortable and energize all over his body.

He looking at the time, it is 5.30 A.M. He immediately stands up and changes into a tracksuit. He went out of the house to jogging. On the way out he politely greeting several bodyguards, they looking at him with a respect even Shen Tianyun himself was surprised about this. The surrounding area is very quiet unlike the market zone he used to live. There aren't many people around at this time. Shen Tianyun felt very refreshing after he finished his jogging.

『 You have earned 4 Constitution attributes. 』 The system notified in his mind. Shen Tianyun was surprised. Yesterday he only earned 2 points from jogging. Why did he earned 4 points today?

"System, why did I earned 4 points today?" He asked.

『 Host has stepped into stage 2 of Qi Gathering Realm. Host's body become stronger and grew faster than before. To keep up with the host growth rate, The system needs to give more points to the host. It will gradually decline after the host's body reaching a certain level. 』 The system explained.

Shen Tianyun fell into deep thought and he felt that it makes sense. When he reached a certain point he probably didn't even earn 1 point from jogging because his body already used to it. He looking at the status windows.

『 Host : Shen Tianyun

Age : 17

Cultivation base : Stage 2 of Qi Gathering Realm.

Constitution : 57 (E)

Intelligence : 169 (S)

Perception : 157 (S)

Reflexes : 67 (E)

Fame Points : 17

Impression Function (Locked)

Shop Function (Locked)

Inventory (Locked) - need 500,000 Fame Points to unlock.

Ability : [Cooking (A)], [Piano Proficiency (S)], [Language Proficiency (A)], [Boxing (A)], [Firearm Proficiency (S)], [Driving (S)], [Basketball (A)], [Swimming (S)], [Photographic Memory (S)] 』

Looking at the small amount of Constitution and Reflexes he couldn't help but shaking his head. From the system he knew that Intelligence and Perception attributes are coming from his previous life but the Constitution and Reflexes attributes are coming from this really weak body. He could only keep training everyday bit by bit. Of course, all he wants is to recover his little brother to the previous size as soon as possible.