Small Confrontation

Today is the second day of the midterm exam. After finished the breakfast, to avoid the gossip, Shen Tianyun wanted to go to school by himself but it futile as Liu Feiyan dragging him into the car. He could only resign to fate, he knew that if his enemy seeing both of them coming to school together, they probably went mad at him again.

「Since they already hated me anyway so just be it.」 Shen Tianyun thought.

Stepping out the car, several people gazed at them. Shen Tianyun could only smile wryly on the other hand Liu Feiyan seems to enjoy it. Suddenly, Shen Tianyun saw a familiar figure from the corner of his eyes. Lin Xueyue just stepped out of her Mercedes-Benz car, she carried her usual cold demeanor along as she walking towards the school gate.

"Morning, Xueyue." Shen Tianyun greeting her.

Lin Xueyue just nodded slightly, her eyes stopped at Liu Feiyan for a while then continued walking towards the building. Shen Tianyun was stunned for a bit, he didn't expect that today she would be indifferent towards him.

Liu Feiyan giggling on the side, "Seems like someone getting jealous."

Her voice doesn't loud but Lin Xueyue manages to hear it. Her corner mouth twitched slightly but she still calmly continued walking.

Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly. "Let's go Big Sis Yan."

"Alright!" Both of them immediately followed Lin Xueyue to the building.

"Good luck Big Sis Yan!" Upon reached his classroom, Shen Tianyun bit farewell to Liu Feiyan. The latter reluctant leaving him and continues towards her classroom.

However, before he walking into the room, he got surround by 3 people. Shen Tianyun notices that they are all third-year students.

"Ah? Isn't this poor student Shen Tianyun?" A sly voice came from behind Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun squinted his eyes, he turned around and look at the man.

"What can I help you?, Senior Zhou Xiaolong." He smiles slightly upon seeing Zhou Xiaolong.

Zhou Xiaolong smiled widely and says, "No no no, I don't need any help from you. However, do you need my help? I heard that your grandmother got smashed by someone."

Shen Tianyun's expression didn't change the slightest, he calmly replies, "Thank you for your concerns, I can take care of her by myself."

Zhou Xiaolong was very disappointed upon seeing his provocation didn't affect Shen Tianyun. The commotion makes people gather around them as they want to see a good show. Lin Xueyue also watching the scene from distance.

"Really? Isn't you just rely on Doctor Liu? Tsk, tsk, tsk. I forgot that you are very poor so of course rely on others is your only option. After all you don't have any dignity and love to hide behind Feiyan's back." He said to Shen Tianyun with a mocking tone. His expression was full of provocation. He wants to trample on Shen Tianyun's dignity by saying that he only relies on a woman.

However, Zhou Xiaolong was doomed to be disappointed again. Not only that Shen Tianyun didn't get angry, he even laughing out loud.

"Yeah, I think to rely on others is not a bad idea at all." Shen Tianyun said with a hint of laughter.

"Shameless!!" Several people started to jeer at him.

Shen Tianyun didn't mind about it, he continues, "However, I think my ability to rely on others couldn't be compared to Senior Zhou at all. Not only you always rely on your parent's influence, but you also rely on those gangsters to hit a harmless old woman… It looks like I have to learn more from you, Senior Zhou."

"What? Did Senior Zhou ordered those gangsters to hit an old woman?" Someone exclaimed.

"Isn't he just says that Shen Tianyun's grandmother got hit by someone?"

"Don't tell me, it's Senior Zhou who did it?"

More and more people started to discuss it among themselves. Lin Xueyue was surprised slightly, she picks up her phone and quickly typing something. Zhou Xiaolong's expression become darkened, he looking at his lackeys as if he hinting them something.

"Shen Tianyun! Don't slander people without evidence!" One of Zhou Xiaolong's lackeys said.

"That's right! Do you have any evidence? This is a plain slander!" Another lackeys shouted.

Shen Tianyun laughing, "Evidence? Why do I need evidence? I just want to slander him. What can you do to me? He even knows about my grandmother situation. He is surely paying a lot of attention to me. I felt flattered."

Suddenly, His expression turned into fearful. Shen Tianyun lifting both of his arms to protect his chest and says in shaking voice, "AH!! Don't tell me Senior Zhou... like me!? But…but I like a woman!"

His actions caused surrounding people to try to suppress their laughter, those who unable to hold it anymore they started laughing out loud. Zhou Xiaolong's face turned green, he was so angry to the point that his body is trembling.

"Shen Tianyun!! It seems like you didn't learn from the previous lesson ah!? Do you want another one!? I will make sure that your grandmother won't be able to walk again this time!!" Zhou Xiaolong was so angry, he already losing his composure and blurted out everything.

Surrounding people immediately fell into silence. They started to look at Zhou Xiaolong with a disdained and disgusted. He is one of the most handsome men in Huayun High School and he is the captain of the basketball team that everyone respected and admired. Not to mention his powerful background, countless people wished to be friends with him. However, they can't believe that behind his bright and handsome appearance are full of malice, he even ordered someone to hit an old woman that couldn't protect herself.

Even Shen Tianyun was surprised, he didn't think that Zhou Xiaolong could easily lose his composure like this. He didn't even incite him that much. 「Seems like I've overestimated him. Well, it's understandable, after all, he is just high schooler.」 He thought.

"Ah? Isn't that mean you are the one behind yesterday incident? You are the one that hiring those gangsters to harmed my grandmother? " Shen Tianyun didn't miss this opportunity to pressing him further.

"I…I…" As if he realizing his mistakes, Zhou Xiaolong becomes stuttered.

At this time, Lin Xueyue walking out from the crowd. She glances at Shen Tianyun and then Zhou Xiaolong, She says, "Zhou Xiaolong, you should go back to your classroom. It's about time to start the exam."

She paused a moment before continues, "As for what you did out there, it's better to stop from now on. If you want to continue further I don't mind to involve myself into this."

After she told her subordinates to investigate in this matter, she found out that there were gangsters broke into Shen Tianyun's house and harming his grandmother. From investigation she already knows that it must be Zhou family who involved in this, more precisely it was Zhou Xiaolong.

Zhou Xiaolong gritting his teeth, he looking at Shen Tianyun with a deep hatred before leaving with a full stomach of anger. He didn't dare to retort Lin Xueyue, after all, her father is secretary of the prefecture. His Zhou family couldn't afford to provoke her.

Shen Tianyun didn't say anything, he calmly watching Zhou Xiaolong left. He then walked into the room and sitting on his seat. Lin Xueyue also following behind as she sat on her seat.

She hesitated for a moment before asks, "Are you angry with me?"

Shen Tianyun turns to look at her, he smiled slightly, "Why do I have to angry with you? You just helping me. I should thank you instead."

"But…I just interfere with your matter." She said in a low voice.

He shook his head, "it doesn't matter, I know you have good intention. If you didn't step in, from today onward Zhou Xiaolong definitely tries to harm my grandmother more than he did last time."

Lin Xueyue heave a sighed of relief and didn't say anything further. The exam started afterward.


After finish, today first exam. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue went to the cafeteria together. On the way they keep talking about the exam, many people are looking at them with a jealous and envious. They heard about this morning commotion and how Lin Xueyue stepping in to help Shen Tianyun. Countless men cursing at Shen Tianyun that he manage to obtained Lin Xueyue's favors.

"Why did you come with Senior Liu today?" Lin Xueyue hesitated for a long time before she asking this question. She was so embarrassed because it looks like she was his girlfriend and try to interrogate him, in the end, she couldn't resist her curiosity on this matter.

Shen Tianyun who currently wolfing down his food was stunned for a moment before he let out a soft chuckled, "Her father and my father are best friends, they were like real siblings. After my father passed away, Uncle Liu always helping us several times. He was the one who took me into this school. I and Big Sis Yan grew up together since we were young. Yesterday, someone broke into my house and harming my grandmother. We couldn't live in that house any longer so Uncle Liu invited us to live in his house. That's why today I came to school together with her." He explained.

Lin Xueyue nodded and asks further, "How is your grandmother's injuries?"

"She got broken libs and broken right hand." When talking about his grandmother he felt pained in his heart.

"How about today we go to visit your grandmother together? We can study there." Lin Xueyue suggested.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly and accepted immediately. After all, he could finish the quest at anywhere.

"What are you two talking about. Let me join in as well." Liu Feiyan appeared out of nowhere, she shamelessly sat down beside Lin Xueyue.

"It's nothing Senior Liu, I was planning to visit his grandmother this evening." Lin Xueyue replied with her usual cold voice. After she knew about the relationship between Liu Feiyan and Shen Tianyun, she began to look at her in a new light.

Liu Feiyan covered her mouth in surprise, she then immediately giggle, "What Senior, you can call me Big Sis Feiyan. Little sister Xueyue." No one noticed that she looking at Lin Xueyue with a crafty in her eyes.

Lin Xueyue hesitated for a moment. she doesn't have many friends, to begin with. Let alone calling someone Big Sister. She bit her lips before saying in low voice, "Big Sis Feiyan."

"Great! We are sisters from now on!" Liu Feiyan holding Lin Xueyue's hand and said out loud, her voice attracted people around the cafeteria. Of course, those men gashing their teeth looking at Shen Tianyun with malice and jealousy. They want to be in his stead so that they could enjoy talking with two great beauty.

Shen Tianyun was speechless looking at the scene. In his heart he already guessed Liu Feiyan's intention more or less. However, he didn't mind about it. Only a fool would reject beauties, especially heavenly beauties like these two in front of him. It just the problem is that his little brother is not ready to use it for some time.

Shaking his head waking up from his evils thought, Shen Tianyun asks, "Big Sis Yan, how long did Uncle Wang become your bodyguard?" In the morning, Shen Tianyun come to school with Liu Feiyan, Uncle Wang is the chauffeur and personal bodyguard of Liu Feiyan. He is curious about this Uncle Wang because he felt that he is not simple at all. From his experience in a previous life, this Uncle Wang should be a veteran soldier before.

Liu Feiyan thought for a bit, "It should be around 6 years already."

Shen Tianyun nodded before says further, "I think Big Sis Yan should add one more bodyguard on this period."

Liu Feiyan was puzzled upon hearing while Lin Xueyue immediately understood what he meant. Lin Xueyue began to narrating this morning incident between Shen Tianyun and Zhou Xiaolong to Liu Feiyan.

"That bastard Zhou Xiaolong!! It was really him who harmed grandma Su!" Liu Feiyan becomes furious when she finished listened to Lin Xueyue's narration. She has the urged to tearing Zhou Xiaolong into pieces.

"Calm down Big Sis, right now we couldn't do anything against him. Although Xueyue just warned him but it's better to be cautioned." Shen Tianyun tries to calm her down. The real reason for him to tell her to add more bodyguard because he fears that Liu Feiyan will go to find Zhou Xiaolong after knowing that he was the mastermind behind this incident. With her personality, she could easily fall into Zhou Xiaolong's trap at any time.

"I think he is right, Big Sis Feiyan. Don't let your anger blind you." Lin Xueyue said in agreement tone.

"Hmm, I understand. I will tell mom about this later." Liu Feiyan gradually calm down.

Shen Tianyun looking at the time, "Okay, we can talk about this later. We should hurry to go back to preparing this afternoon exam."

The girls nodded and everyone goes back to their respective classroom. The afternoon exam is Physics, although Shen Tianyun didn't use Physics knowledge much in his previous life but he has been forced to study it by Shen Xiaohong. Thus, he could easily answer all the questions without any struggle.

After school finished, Liu Feiyan went to find her mother, she needs to tell her mother about Zhou Xiaolong evils deeds as well as consulting her about this matter to prevent future trouble. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue go to the hospital together. Lin Xueyue didn't forget to buy some fruits before going there.

On the way to the hospital, Lin Xueyue's bodyguard keeps glancing at Shen Tianyun times to times. This makes him very uncomfortable, thinking about his mission. He felt a strong headache coming, he don't know that what are her parents going to deal with him. At the same time it makes Shen Tianyun feel urgency to earn money including increasing his cultivation.