Impression Points Function

"Grandma!" Shen Tianyun walked into the room.

"Little Yun?" Grandma Su smiled warmly upon seeing her beloved grandson. Today, her complexion is more better than yesterday.

"Hm! Grandma, This is my classmate. Class monitor Lin Xueyue." Shen Tianyun introduces Lin Xueyue to Grandma Su, in fact Grandma Su's eyes always gluing at her since the first time she stepped in.

"Hello Grandma, I've brought fruits for you." Lin Xueyue politely greeting, she then putting the fruit basket on the table.

"Ah? Next time, you don't have to buy anything for grandma." Grandma Su looking at her intensively before smiling gently.

"Thank you for taking care of little Yun for these past years, I heard that you and him are desk-mate for 2 years. Is that true?"

Lin Xueyue shook her head slightly, "No no, Grandma, I didn't dare to receive this gratitude from you. I didn't do anything at all."

Shen Tianyun observing Grandma Su's injuries, he asks concernedly, "How are you today, Grandma. Is it still hurt?"

"No, it didn't hurt anymore." She replied.


At this moment, the door opened. Doctor Liu walking into the room. His gaze paused on Lin Xueyue for a moment.

"Isn't this little Lin?" He asked in surprise.

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly, "Hello Doctor Liu. Long time no see."

"Yeah, long time no see. How's your father?" He replied.

"Father still busy as usual."

Doctor Liu sighed and try to advise, "Tell your father, he should rest more. Oh, it's almost his annual medical examination. Tell him, don't forget about it."

Lin Xueyue replied with a nod. Doctor Liu walking to Grandma Su's side, he looks at the chart in his hand and says, "Auntie Su, tomorrow you can discharge. Yulan will come here to fetch you. Let us take care of you from now on."

"I have to trouble you from now on then." Grandma Su didn't reject, she replied with a gentle smile.

Doctor Liu hurried waving his hand, "No, it's not a trouble at all. I always treated Auntie as my mother. You know I've always envy Qingshan, he has an excellent mother like you."

Grandma Su keeps smiling and didn't say anything. Shen Tianyun knew that the pain for losing her son still fresh in her heart as if it just happened yesterday.

"I'll go washing apples for you." Shen Tianyun pick up the apples and immediately went to wash it. Grandma Su and Lin Xueyue keep talking for a while. With his improved hearing ability, Shen Tianyun was speechless when he heard Grandma Su asking Lin Xueyue 'Do you like little Yun?' or 'Why don't you two go on a date this weekend?". Lin Xueyue just politely avoiding replied.

Coming back to the room, Doctor Liu already went out. Shen Tianyun began peeling apples. Lin Xueyue always wanted to escape from Grandma Su bombarding, she hurried to use excuses to help him peeling the apples.

Shen Tianyun showing off his skills, he cut the apples into rabbits shape. Which it is surprised Lin Xueyue greatly.

"I didn't know that you are good at this." She said softly. Compared to him, she was a bit clumsy, after all, she is a princess of the Lin family. This kind of work usually done by her maids.

Shen Tianyun chuckled and he starts to teach her. Grandma Su looking at both of them and smiled widely but there was also a concern in her eyes. She fears that history will repeat again. She has lived in this city for several years, how could she not know about how powerful the Lin family is. If both of them fall in love with each other, she also not sure whether Lin family could accept him.

"Grandma eat some apple." Lin Xueyue brings the plate of apples to Grandma Su.

"Thank you." Grandma Su picks up a piece of apple into her mouth and chewing.

"Okay, Xueyue, let's study." Thinking about the quest, Shen Tianyun becomes impatient. He wanted to know what's the use of the Impression Points function.

"Alright." Lin Xueyue nodded. They sitting side by side on the sofa with a small table in front of them and started to read the books. Shen Tianyun occasionally asking her some questions, since he also doesn't know about the history of this world much.

Even though it was paralleled world as he tried to figure out the world situations yesterday, he knew that some of history has changed for example one of the tragedies in the history of China never happen thus, there was no deep hatred towards Japan as his previous world. Shen Tianyun didn't feel anything about it much because he always thinks that what happened in the past is all the past and he was too busy trying to earn the living in his previous life, he didn't have time to care about it. It's not that he didn't love the country but his love is not blind by extreme patriotism.

Time slowly passing by, Shen Tianyun immersed himself into the literature and history of this world. He already forgot about the quest.

『 Host has completed the Maiden Quest. 』 A mechanic voice rang out in his mind.

『 You have earned 10 Intelligence attributes. 』 A wisp of light exploded in his mind, Shen Tianyun gradually felt that his mind become clearer all of sudden.

『 Lin Xueyue's impression on the host has increased by 10. 』

『 The Impression Points function has been unlock. 』 A series of notification continued rang out in his mind. Shen Tianyun was excited a little, he immediately calls out the Impression Points function interface.

『The Impression Points function has been initialized. This function will help the host to see how much the target's impression towards the host. The detail of the evaluation range has been providing to the host, host can see the information below. 』 Shen Tianyun looking down at the Evaluation table below.

『 Impression Points Evaluation

Below -101 「Irreconcilable」

-51 ~ -100 「Hate」

-31 ~ -50 「Hostile」

-1 ~ -30 「Dissatisfy」

0 ~ 10 「Natural」

11 ~ 40 「Friendly」

41 ~ 60 「Approval」

61 ~ 80 「Impressive」

81 ~ 100 「Trust」

Above 101 「Love」 』

『 For the initial stage of function, Host can spend 5 Fame points to see the target's Impression Points. Please remember that this cost will provide for the host only for today, from tomorrow onward host will need 500 Fame points for each time. 』

Shen Tianyun was stunned when he saw the table, he thinking about Date Simulator games in his previous life where there are impressions indicated number on the character that player was interested in.

He raises his head and looking at Lin Xueyue. "I want to see her Impression Points." His Fame points immediately dropped to 12 and there were transparent windows appearing on Lin Xueyue's head.

『 Lin Xueyue : 54 「Approval」. 』 He raised his eyebrows in surprise upon seeing the value. He then looking at Grandma Su and calling the function again.

『 Su Qianxue : 200 (MAX) 「Familial Love」. 』 Shen Tianyun started to understand the function more or less, right now he doesn't have Fame Points that much, not to mention that he will need 500 Fame points for each time he uses this function. He regretted slightly, he has to wait until he get a part-time job and exam result next week to gaining more Fame Points.

"Shen Tianyun, I think it's time for me to go back now. See you tomorrow." Lin Xueyue voice waking him up from his thought.

"Oh? Okay, thank you for visiting my Grandma and helping me with the study." Shen Tianyun smiled. Lin Xueyue bid farewell to Grandma Su and left afterward.

"Grandma why didn't you refuse Uncle Liu?" Shen Tianyun was confused about this matter a little, he knew that his Grandma doesn't want to rely on anyone but she suddenly accepted to live with Liu's family, he felt rather odd about this.

Grandma Su smiled gently, "I think it's time for me to live peacefully, next year you will have to enter the university. Grandma doesn't want you to worry about me. Also little Liu and Yulan are good people, I don't want to refuse their goodwill anymore."

Shen Tianyun nods his head in understanding. In fact he also worries about Grandma Su if she has to live alone when he goes to university. In his previous life, Shen Tianyun didn't have the chance to study at university. Thus, he also wanted to experience university life once.

"About that little girl Xueyue, do you like her?" Grandma Su suddenly asked.

Shen Tianyun was taken aback, he rubbing his nose slightly, "Hmm, I do like her but not on that love level yet, Hmm…what should I say… I will definitely make her my wife." He replied honestly because he has to make her his woman anyway.

Grandma Su immediately laughed when she heard his answers, "Good! Go for her, Grandma can see that she is an excellent girl and very suitable to be your first wife." She paused for a moment and continue.

"Don't be like your father. There were many good girls who want to be with him, but your father was too stubborn. He only has his sight on your mother." She let out a long sigh.

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Hm, about that Grandma, is married multiples wives really acceptable?" He wants to ask about this matter for a while, he has read on the Internet once but he rather needs confirmation from Grandma Su.

Grandma Su seems to understand him. Since Shen Tianyun has a long dream and lives in the world that monogamy is the majority there. "Yes, as long as you can take good care of them. You can have many girls as you want. It is legal here to marry multiple wives."

Shen Tianyun heaves a sigh of relief, after all he was forced to pursue 7 women. He has a headache at first on how to manage the harem. One has to know that he never been in a serious relationship with any woman before.

Grandma Su smiled mischievously, "Actually that girl, Yulan also like your father very much but your father rejected her. She was disappointed on this matter and end up with little Liu later. I think you should try to make Yan'er become your wife, she is a good girl. Grandma likes her very much."

Shen Tianyun was speechless, he scratching his head don't know how to answer her. Grandma Su saw his expression, she pretends to be angry.

"What!? You don't want to!?" She said angrily.

"This… Grandma it's not that I don't want to but I don't think Big Sis Yan will fancy someone like me." In truth, He was aware that Liu Feiyan definitely already in love with him. However he feels uncomfortable a little because the one she loves should be the former master of this body.

"She definitely likes you, trust me. My eyes doesn't blind. Are you willing or not?" Grandma Su still wore a pretense angrily expression.

"I.. I'm willing Grandma! I will try my best. Please stop on this topic." He could only obediently accept his fate.


Suddenly, the door opened. Shen Tianyun's mind jolted upon seeing Liu Feiyan walking into the room. He was uncertain that if she hearing the conversation between him and Grandma Su or not.

"Grandma!! I had bought a porridge for you!" Ignored Shen Tianyun, Liu Feiyan went straight to Grandma Su's side. She pulled the table along and put the porridge down ready to serve Grandma Su.

"Ai, why did you have to trouble yourself. Grandma can eat by myself." Grandma Su refuses to be feed by Liu Feiyan but the latter keeps insisting, she could only accept it.

The atmosphere quite harmonious, however, Shen Tianyun don't have anything to do right at this moment. He looking at the system interface and saw that he has 7 Fame points left so he finds the excuse to go outside the room. He thought that he need to do an experiment on the new function more.

He strolling around the hospital and found the man who is reading the newspaper. Shen Tianyun looking at him and secretly calls the function.

『 The Impression Points function can only work on the female. The host can't use this function to see the male's Impression Points 』 The system notified him.

「So that how it is. Phew… I thought that I could use this function to cheat someone. It turned out that this function was useless on a man.」 He thought. If he could use this function on everyone, he could try to cheat people when negotiating business with them.

Shen Tianyun continue to strolling aimlessly, he didn't notice that there was someone observing him all this time.


In the room, Grandma Su finished the porridge. She smiled gently at Liu Feiyan and says, "Yan'er, did you heard everything?"

Liu Feiyan become panic when she heard Grandma Su's question, "I…I didn't hear anything Grandma." She hurried refused but her expression was clear as a day.

Grandma Su laughing heartily, her gaze becomes gentle and filled with tenderness, "Grandma hopes that you can take care of him for the rest of his life. I know you love him since both of you were young."

She paused a moment before continues, "He was destined to have many wives, I hope that you won't get jealous over this. You are a really good girl, Grandma like you very much. Let me be selfish for this once, it's a pity if you are together with others man." She said earnestly.

Liu Feiyan's face already redden as tomato, "Yes, Grandma." She replied meekly at the same time she felt sweetness and happiness in her heart. When she was about to enter the room, she heard all the conversations between Grandma Su and Shen Tianyun, especially when she heard that Shen Tianyun will pursue her, her heart pounding rapidly. That's why she couldn't look at his face when she entered the room.

"Good! Grandma can be at ease now." Su Qianxue nodded in satisfaction.

"That little girl Xueyue also not bad, I don't know whether our little Yun could manage to obtain her heart or not. From what I see, she definitely has some feeling for little Yun." Su Qianxue frowned slightly.

On the other hand, Liu Feiyan smiled mischievously and says, "Grandma doesn't know, This princess Lin never shows her interest to anyone before. She is so famous on her ice-cold personality, every man tried to pursue her all got rejected harshly."

She paused for a little and continues, "However, the way she treated Tianyun is different. She even took the initiative to talk with him. I've even seen them eating their meal together."

Su Qianxue laughing lightly, "It seems like our little Yun's charms are really good."

"Of course, he is the most handsome man I've ever seen. Yesterday, I've witnessed his piano skills. He is so good at it." Liu Feiyan said with a proud expression. Su Qianxue only smiled gently, she know where did Shen Tianyun's ability come from.