Rainbow Fragrance Restaurant

The last day of the exam was passed by and nothing bad happens. Shen Tianyun is very confident on getting the top scorer. Today is Saturday, he just finished his morning exercised. Shen Tianyun started to add more other exercises such as push up, rope jumping in his morning routine. He wanted to increase his Constitution Attributes at the fastest speed as much as possible, besides recovery his little brother, he also wanted his body to be in perfect shape.

Yesterday, Grandma Su was discharged from the hospital and now she recuperating at Liu family's house. Shen Tianyun is also happy about this because there will be someone who takes care of her while he went away. He looking at his status windows. He just founded the way to improve his Reflexes attributes by doing rope jumping, although it can't increase in large amounts but it still better than nothing.

『 Host : Shen Tianyun

Age : 17

Cultivation base : Stage 2 of Qi Gathering Realm.

Constitution : 66 (E)

Intelligence : 179 (S)

Perception : 157 (S)

Reflexes : 68 (E)

Fame Points : 7

Impression Function

Shop Function (Locked)

Inventory (Locked) - need 500,000 Fame Points to unlock.

Ability : [Cooking (A)], [Piano Proficiency (S)], [Language Proficiency (A)], [Boxing (A)], [Firearm Proficiency (S)], [Driving (S)], [Basketball (A)], [Swimming (S)], [Photographic Memory (S)] 』

"Tianyun, breakfast is ready." A sweet voice coming from the front door. Shen Tianyun noticed that from that day at the hospital, Liu Feiyan never calls him 'little Yun' again. She always calling him as 'Tianyun'.

"Coming!" He quickly following Liu Feiyan to the dining room. Fang Yulan and Grandma Su already waiting for him. Thanks to Spiritual Qi from Shen Tianyun, Grandma Su broken libs are recovering quickly, she could sit without any pain. This is also Shen Tianyun's first time learning how to use Spiritual Qi to heal people. Grandma Su teaches him several things he needs to know about cultivation.

During the meal, Fang Yulan telling him about the 'Rainbow Fragrance restaurant'. Today he needs to go there to discuss his part-time job. From Fang Yulan he learned that the owner is Cai Ning, she is a strong businesswoman from Cai family. Cai family is also one of the top family in Pearl City, their power could be ranked second in the city. Unlike Lin or Fang families that mainly operated in Beijing, All business of Cai family are mainly in Pearl City.

Shen Tianyun is very interesting in this Cai family because they are business overlord in Pearl City even the first rank, Zhou family couldn't compare to them in the business aspect. After accompanying Grandma Su and Liu Feiyan for a while, he quickly set off to the restaurant. Fang Yulan wanted her bodyguard to take him there but he refused it, he wants to go by himself.

The Rainbow Fragrance restaurant is located at innermost of the city, the restaurant is situated on the first floor of a 3 stories building. The outside decoration was simple yet luxurious as it is a western restaurant. The beef steaks are the signature dishes of this restaurant, Shen Tianyun saw countless people mentioned about it on Pearl City community forum. He himself always been a fan of beef steak, he probably needs to try it one day.

Arrived at the outside restaurant, he looks at the time on his phone, it's still 9.30 A.M. the restaurant not open yet. The restaurant usually opens two periods, from 11.00 A.M. to 2.00 P.M. and again at 6.00 P.M. to 8.00 P.M. the customer needs to book in advance before coming. It is expected as the number one western cuisine in Pearl City. Shen Tianyun looking into the restaurant and saw a petite girl wearing a black and white waitress uniform wiping the tables. He knocking the grass door lightly, the waitress noticed him and walking towards him with a professional smile.

"Dear customer, our restaurant still closed at this time. The customer could come back again 1 hour later." She opened the door and said with a polite tone. Her face couldn't describe as pretty but it's still decent, her figure was quite petite as she is not that tall. Looking at her professional smile and her gentle voice, one could see that she probably working here for a long time.

"Excuse me Miss, I'm not a customer. I've been told to come here to discuss about the part-time job as a pianist." Shen Tianyun politely replied.

"Ah? So you're the one that got recommend by Madam Lin. Please come in, our boss has told us to bring you to her office after you arrive." The petite girl was surprised because Shen Tianyun doesn't look like a top pianist at all. She immediately invited him to the restaurant.

Shen Tianyun followed her as he also observing the interior of the restaurant. The inside is very spacious, the restaurant probably wanted to give customers more private space thus, they arranged the tables quite distant from each other. He estimated that it could contain 60 - 70 customers at once. He also saw the grand piano located at the center of the hall.

"Boss, the pianist has arrived." The petite girl knocking the door lightly before announce.

"Come in." A cold voice replied from the inside. The petite girl immediately opened the door and make an inviting gesture to Shen Tianyun before leaving.

Shen Tianyun walked into the room, he saw the middle-aged woman sat on her chair reading the papers in her hand intensively. Shen Tianyun looking at her and begin to observe her. She could be described as pretty and her age probably around Fang Yulan's age. She has short hair that almost reached her shoulders, it makes her look younger and giving out the strong confident aura. Shen Tianyun always believes that the woman who loves to have a short hairstyle is very confident in herself and it seems he didn't judge her wrongly.

Despite the sitting position, he could still saw her body curves. Her breasts are not large nor small either, it could be described as a handful size. She has a creamy-white skin and has no sign of wrinkles at all, that could tell him how well she maintains her body and skins. She wearing the blue color professional suits as if noticed Shen Tianyun's gaze she raising her head looking at him. There is no smile on her face only serious expression could be seen.

"You are Student Shen Tianyun?" She asked with a cold tone.

"Yes, it's me. Nice to meet you Miss Cai." Shen Tianyun smiled politely, there is no slightest of nervous on his face.

Cai Ning nodded in replied, "Please sit." She guides her hand at the chair in front of her desk. Shen Tianyun slowly sitting down.

"I don't know how you manage to get a recommendation from Madam Lin. Although I have to give her some face but I still doubt your ability." She paused a moment before continues.

"I've already read your profile, you have lived with grandmother in the slum for entire life. Although your grade in school is not bad but I didn't see you participating in any musical activity. How can you reached the grandmaster level as Madam Lin claimed?" She looking into his eyes as if her gaze could pierce through all the lied in this world. If it was others they probably get scared off by this already.

Shen Tianyun still has a calm expression, her gaze didn't affect him at all. "I don't think I need to tell you about how I practice it. All you need to know is whether I am capable for this job or not. I can prove it anytime you want." He replied slowly, there was even faintly smile on his lips.

Cai Ning was surprised in her heart, she never thought that this boy in front of her could be this calm despite she trying to put the pressure on him. "Very well, let's go to the first floor." She stood up and left the room with Shen Tianyun following behind.

They have reached the piano located at the center of the hall. Cai Ning turned to look at him and says, "You can begin now, play whatever song you have confidence in. You should know that this is a restaurant, we don't need a very difficult song." She didn't explain further.

Shen Tianyun slowly sitting on the chair in front of the grand black color piano. He smiles at Cai Ning and several waitresses that coming to watch him play. "I will play my song that I've composed, this song is called 'Missing You' please enjoy."

After finished his sentence, he slowly touch the first notes and began playing. The slow and clear melody continues to ring out as his every movement is so smooth. Everyone slowly immersed in the sad melody, they could already see their loved one appearing in front of them. Yearning, longing, missing that is the emotions that surging up in their heart. In his previous life, Shen Tianyun has composed this song for Shen Xiaohong. At that time she had to go to America for her further study since they've grown up together, they never separate before. He was really missing her and his emotions at that time become this song.

When the melody stopped, everyone fell into silence including Cai Ning. There are even tears in the corner of her eyes while the waitresses have already cried. Shen Tianyun didn't say any word, he too, also immersed in the emotion. He really missing his sister, Shen Xiaohong. He doesn't know if he could see her again or not. After a while, Cai Ning opened her mouth to break the silence and sad atmosphere.

"That's really great. You are really merged into the song. Can you play some cheerful songs? You see these girls already crying." Cai Ning wiping her tears as she smiled faintly. Shen Tianyun didn't reply to anything, he immediately plays the cheerful song to lift up everyone moods.

"Alright, let's go back to my office." After he finished the song everyone moods went back to normal, Cai Ning brought him back to her office.

Cai Ning smiled, "I want you to start on this lunch. What do you think?"

"No problems. The faster I start the faster I can get the money." He replied calmly.

Cai Ning nodded in satisfaction, "Good, I will give you 800 RMB per hour. You have to work at the weekend, 1 hour at lunchtime and 2 hours in the evening. Are you okay with it?"

Shen Tianyun was surprised about her offers, he never thought that she would give him this much. 800 per hour is very good paid. The average earning of majority laborers is around 25 RMB per hour, for him to earn this amount it's even better than regular white-collar workers. Shen Tianyun accepted the offers without hesitation.

"What about a regular day?" He asked.

"Of course, we welcome you if you want to. I thought that you'll busy after school so I didn't mention it." Cai Ning replied if it was possible she wants him to work every day.

Shen Tianyun pondered for a moment before reply, "How about Tuesday and Thursday, 2 hours, 7 P.M. to 9 P.M.?" In fact, he wanted Fame points more than money so he decided to work on a regular day.

Cai Ning's eyes lit up, she immediately took out the contract from the drawer and give it to Shen Tianyun. After reading all the details and nothing out of place, he signed on it.

Shen Tianyun sent the signed contract back to her, he smiled brightly, "Should I start to calls you boss now?"

Cai Ning pursed her lips slightly, "Yeah, you should call me that. Alright, I will let little Yi bring you to get familiar with this place." She picks up the phone and calling Ye Qingyi. After a short period, the petite girl walked into the room. She is the same person that Shen Tianyun met earlier.

Shen Tianyun stood up and offers his hand towards her, "Hello Big Sis Qingyi, my name is Shen Tianyun, please take care of me from now on."

Ye Qingyi smile and shook hands with him, "Nice to meet you Tianyun, Can I calls you that? Hehe, come Big Sis will bring you to meet our sisters."

Both of them walking out of the room, Cai Ning looking at their back and shook her head slightly. She knows that these girls couldn't stand Shen Tianyun's handsome appearance and want to know him. She picks up the phone and calling to a certain number. The other side picked up.

"Hello Madam, There is no problem with him." Cai Ning said.

"Yes, although I still doubt about the origin of his ability but it seems that he doesn't want to reveal it. His calmness and demeanors are surpassed his age by large margins. I've tested him once and his expression didn't even change slightest. I've been in the business world for many years. I never see someone who can resist me calmly to this extent before." She says further.

"Yes, he will start to work today… What? Madam, you will come here? Okay, I'll arrange the table for you." Cai Ning was surprised upon hearing the other side replied. After finishing the call, she immediately told her staff to arrange the VIP table.


Shen Tianyun and Ye Qingyi walking down to the first floors, they were immediately surrounded by all the waitress. Shen Tianyun also noticed that there is no male staff in this restaurant, it looks like Cai Ning has some issue against men. Of course, he won't be bothered about it right now he is busy chatting with several little beauties.

"Little Brother Tianyun, do you have a girlfriend?" The tall good figure girl name Li Xiaobai asked.

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Erm… I don't have a girlfriend."

"That's great! How about going on a date with this Big Sis after work?" Li Xiaobai said with a cheerful smile.

"About this…" Shen Tianyun rubbing his nose awkwardly. Actually he doesn't mind about having a date with her or even having one night stand with her but right now he is not the Shen Tianyun in his previous life anymore. It's not the time for him to seek the pleasure casually, not to mention his little brother still not ready. He always felt a headache on this matter.

Ye Qingyi saw his awkward expression, she interrupted Li Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, Don't tease him anymore. Let's go we will bring him to the kitchen. He probably hungry already." Her words make several girls disappointed. Ye Qingyi quickly dragging Shen Tianyun toward the kitchen. On the way, she explained everything about this restaurant in detail. Shen Tianyun found out that the payment for them is really good and the welfare also better than any other place, that's why they usually work at this place for a long time.

「Seems like this Cai Ning is really capable. She didn't hesitate to buy the heart of all staff members with this good payment and welfare in exchange for the loyal workers. It could be considered a good move and she also has a good vision.」 Shen Tianyun thought in his mind. He wanted to know more about this number one businesswoman in Pearl City.