Rising In Fame

Auntie Feng's house was the same as his old house, there wasn't much furniture around here. Auntie Feng's full name is Feng Yunxi, she was an early thirties woman that has a pair of very beautiful eyes. Shen Tianyun had guessed that she was a very beautiful woman when she was young, without skin nourishment for several years she still could maintain her smooth white skin, which means her foundation was quite good from the beginning. Her complexion was unbelievable fair and one would have an urge to kiss every part of her face. Despite stepping into the early thirties and already having a daughter, her figure was still in shape whether it was her perky breast and that round butt even Shen Tianyun himself couldn't believe that they weren't out of shape at all.

Her husband died when Feng Sisi was just one-year-old, after that Feng Yunxi changed Sisi's surname into her surname 'Feng' for a convenient reason. She made a living by opening a noodle stall in the market. Although she couldn't earn that much, it still could sustain her and Sisi's life for more than 10 years now. Because of her beauty, several men around this area keep harassing her from time to time. Shen Tianyun also wonders how she could survive until this day. He held Feng Sisi's hand and knocked on the door lightly.

"Auntie Feng, it's me Tianyun." He said with a loud voice in case the people inside didn't hear him.

"Eh? Little Yun!?" A short moment later, the door opening revealed the tall figure, Feng Yunxi. Her height was around Shen Tianyun's chin and is quite tall compared to the average height of women. Her long hair is still wet, she just finished bathing. He could smell a faint of orchid fragrance emitted from her body.

"Mom! Look! Big Brother Tianyun just bought a new sandal for me! Look! Look!" The little girl Sisi shouted excitedly and pointed her finger on her feet, she couldn't wait to show her mother a new sandal. Feng Yunxi was surprised, she looked at Shen Tianyun questioningly. From the appearance of the sandal, it should be quite expensive.

"It's not that expensive Auntie Feng, recently I found a part-time job that gives me quite a payment. I just wanted to buy something for Sisi." Shen Tianyun roughly explained. Of course, he had to lie again but it doesn't matter as long as the opposite party was happy.

Feng Yunxi heaves a sigh of relief, she then caresses her daughter gently, "Sisi, did you say thank you to your Big Brother Tianyun yet?"

"Thank you Big Brother!!" Little girl Sisi said happily. She never received any gift from other people since she was young. This is the first time in her life and she was overwhelmed with happiness.

Shen Tianyun smiles warmly at Feng Sisi and says to Feng Yunxi, "Auntie Feng, today I come here to discuss something with you."

Feng Yunxi was puzzled a bit before she led Shen Tianyun into her house. They sit around the small dining table.

Feng Yunxi served a glass of water for him before asking, "How is your Grandmother now?"

"Grandma is fine now, she is recovering at Mayor Fang's house. I also live there." Shen Tianyun replied after drinking a mouthful of water.

"That's great!" Feng Yunxi patting her chest in relief since that incident happened she kept worried about Grandma Su all this time, and no one has contacted her to explain about the Grandma Su situation at all.

Looking at her relief expression, Shen Tianyun knew that she wasn't pretending, she was truly worried about Grandma Su. He immediately gets into the business.

"Right, Auntie Feng. This may be a bit of a rush and hard to believe. If you believe me I want you and Sisi to move out of this place today. Don't worry about the expense, I will prepare everything for both of you." He said with a serious expression.

"Wait wait, what are you saying? Auntie doesn't quite understand." Feng Yunxi couldn't catch up with the situation, she was very confused.

"It's like this, I want to open the stall to sell a steamed bun. I want Auntie Feng to work for me. I will give you 10,000 RMB per month and will provide everything including accommodation for you." Shen Tianyun calmly explained. Right now he has roughly around 35,000 RMB which comes from his part-time job and Fang Yulan had forcefully given him 10,000 for his monthly expenses.

Feng Yunxi's mind was in a mess, from selling noodles she could earn around 1,000 - 1,500 per month and now Shen Tianyun giving her 10,000 which is a massive amount of money for her. Although she still has some doubts about it, she knows that Shen Tianyun was serious about it.

She considered for a while before nodding her head, "Although I don't know what you are planning but I'm willing to believe you." She paused for a moment and looked at Feng Sisi.

"I want to give Sisi a better life, I'm willing to do anything for you." Her eyes filled with determination, she had decided to gamble on this chance. No one knows how hard her life was, not only she got harassed by those lustful men, someone also pressured her to work at the brothel. If not for her quick wits and cautions, she probably has been forced to be a prostitute already.

Shen Tianyun nodded in satisfaction, "Good! Reassured Auntie Feng, in the future you definitely won't regret your decision today. Let's pack up Auntie. I will go out and preparing your new house for you." He immediately set off towards the newly built apartment that he saw along the way here.

He rents the room on the fifth floor which is the best room available. The rental cost around 3,500 monthly which is quite expensive for a 1 bedroom and this size, he already paid 3 months in advance. He paid for 20,000 which is divided into 3 months rental cost and insurance cost. When he has more money in the future, he will buy a single house for her. When he arrived back at Feng Yunxi's house, everything that was necessary had been packed up.

"Let's go, Auntie Feng, Sisi, I already called the Taxi." Shen Tianyun said and picked up a huge bag along with him. They immediately head to the new house. On the way, Shen Tianyun told her everything about his plans and the new house. When Feng Yunxi heard about her new house, she was gasped in shock because that apartment is one of the best around here and it was too expensive for her.

15 minutes later, they arrived at the white modern style building. This building was newly built this month and it was a dream of countless working-class people to live here. The surrounding area is also quite clean, there is a small park behind the building, it could be said that this is the best residence in the outer city area.

"Wow!! Mom! Are we gonna live here for real?" Upon walking into the new house, Feng Sisi looked around and shouted excitedly. She quickly checked every room.

"Thank you, Little Yun!. Auntie will work hard for you! Auntie will not let you down!" Looking at her daughter happily run around, her eyes become moist. A droplet of tears flowed out of her eyes. She felt gratitude towards Shen Tianyun and bowed to him. She doesn't know what future holds for her and her daughter, however, she could feel that she just made the best decision in her life.

Shen Tianyun hurried to help her up, "Don't Auntie! This is nothing compared to what you did for me and Grandma in the past, I hope that you don't mind about this house. I promise you that when the time is right, I will buy a single house in the inner city for you and Sisi."

"This is already good enough for us, I don't dare to dream about this. If you want Auntie to do anything for you, just tell Auntie okay?" She wiped her tears and said.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "Alright, right now I want to go out and buy new clothes for both of you. Let's go!" Shen Tianyun took a grab on Feng Sisi's hand and they walked out of the house together. Feng Yunxi also didn't reject his goodwill, she would be a hypocrite if she refuses him. Shen Tianyun also likes her swift and decisive personalities, this was a very good trait for a manager. He planned to nurture her to become a top manager.

Everything happened so fast that even Shen Tianyun never thought that Feng Yunxi would accept his invitation this quickly. After settling everything for Feng Yunxi and Feng Sisi, he also gave her 10,000 RMB for the first-month payment. The latter kept refusing at first but Shen Tianyun convinced her to accept it. Now, he has around 1,000 RMB left in his pocket. However, he didn't worry at all, he could easily earn back later.


Shen Tianyun arrived at Liu family's house around 9 P.M. Besides Doctor Liu who rarely comes back to the house, everyone already went back to their respective room. After he finished bathing, he sat on the chair and pondered about his plan while calling the system. He looked at the system windows, he was dumbstruck.

『 Host : Shen Tianyun

Age : 17

Cultivation base : Stage 2 of Qi Gathering Realm.

Constitution : 70 (E)

Intelligence : 179 (S)

Perception : 157 (S)

Reflexes : 69 (E)

Fame Points : 1,427

Impression Function

Shop Function (Locked)

Inventory (Locked) - need 500,000 Fame Points to unlock.

Ability : [Cooking (A)], [Piano Proficiency (S)], [Language Proficiency (A)], [Boxing (A)], [Firearm Proficiency (S)], [Driving (S)], [Basketball (A)], [Swimming (S)], [Photographic Memory (S)] 』

"H…how? My Fame points are already over 1,000!" He was puzzled, even his exam result couldn't possibly gain Fame points this much, and the system also didn't notify him about this. While he fell into deep thought, the number of Fame points increased a little, and now it became 1,431 points.

"What happened? Where do these points come from?" He asked.

『 The system advises the host to check his recent activities. 』 The system replied in his mind.

Shen Tianyun was still confused, he racked up his brain for a while and still couldn't figure out. He thought that it should be coming from his piano performance, and suddenly his eyes lit up and hurried picking up his phone. He searches for his video clip, if he thinks correctly, someone probably recording his performance at Rainbow Fragrance restaurant and upload it on the internet.

10 minutes later, Shen Tianyun found the video named 'Handsome brother and his godly piano performance', he was laughing at this title of the video, he felt that it was really funny. The video was recording his performance yesterday when he was playing his own song, 'Missing You' and there were around 2,300 views. Several comments below the video made him speechless for a while, some were talking about his appearance. There was even someone who wanted to be his girlfriend. Of course, there were also some harsh criticism and cursing at him.

The system has detected the host's Fame Points were over 1,000. The lottery function will be upgraded. 』 The system notification interrupted his thought.

『 The lottery will now use 500 Fame Points per draw. The Pills category had been added to the lottery function. 』

Shen Tianyun became excited upon seeing the new lottery wheel, The items category still covered the largest area on the wheel following with Blank, pills, attributes and ability respectively. He imagined those miraculous pills in Xianxia novels. For example, The Beauty pills that could make retain youthful appearance or Bone refining pills that could strengthen the bones. He had decided that tomorrow he will asking Grandma Su more about the pills in cultivation world

Putting down the phone, he sat crossed legs on the beds and began to cultivate. These past few days his progress on cultivation was stopped at Stage 2 of Qi Gathering Realm and it has no hint of a breakthrough. He was really upset about this matter, from Grandma Su he knows that he needs at least Stage 6 of Qi Gathering Realm to fight with the guns or else he would seek death fighting with gun users. Whether it was his Constitution, Reflexes attributes or Cultivation couldn't keep up the urgency in his heart. He could only pray that something won't happen to the people around him soon.

Shen Tianyun madly absorbed the Spiritual Qi around this area, guiding it according to [Supreme Celestial Scripture]. He started to feel his meridians expanding bit by bit and approaching its limit. Time passing by, He feels incomparably pain in his meridians as if it's about to explode. He knew that the time for a breakthrough had come. He calms his heart down and concentrates on guiding Spiritual Qi to attack the blockage in his meridians.

The more he tries the more pain he feels, gritting his teeth, he keeps attacking the barrier. Suddenly, he heard the shattering sound in his mind. The massive amount of Spiritual Qi flowed through his veins all over the body, it was similar to the massive amount of water that gushing out the broken dam.

The pain slowly fading away, he felt incomparably comfortable throughout the entire body. He knew that he just breakthrough Stage 2 and stepped into Stage 3 of Qi Gathering Realm. He inhaled a deep breath before slowly opening his eyes. The sunlight already shone into his room, it was already daybreak. Shen Tianyun was stunned for a moment, he thought that it was just around 1 hour had passed by. No wonder, in the Xianxia novels he had read before, the cultivator could cultivate for several years as if it was the blink of an eye.

Shen Tianyun was very satisfied with the harvest he got yesterday. He has Feng Yunxi under his wings, gaining a lot of Fame Points, The new lottery function and now he stepped into Stage 3 of Qi Gathering Realm. This was a genuine first step in this new world for him. The feeling of stepping closer to his goal was so refreshing, he quickly got up and went out to do his morning routine before going to the school.

"Look Tianyun! You're famous now!" On the way to the school, Liu Feiyan showed him the video on the internet. That was the same as he saw last night. She smiled brightly, her gaze filled with pride and happiness when she looked at Shen Tianyun.

"I feel that the title is quite embarrassing." Shen Tianyun rubbed his nose in embarrassment. Last night he was still laughing at it because he felt that it was a really funny title but now when people close to him show him this video, he feels quite embarrassed.

Liu Feiyan giggles, "Hehe, don't be so shy. If you manage to win the competition this Friday, you will definitely gain more fans. Perhaps, you will become a celebrity soon!."

Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly. In fact, he didn't hate about being a celebrity, after all, he needed a lot of Fame Points. However, if he could choose, he would prefer being known as a businessman more. Thinking about the competition he feels excited and has some bad premonition at the same time. He knew that his enemy won't let this chance to ruin him go easily. He keeps reminding himself to be more cautious.