Opening A Stall

Today is Wednesday, 2 September 2015. Shen Tianyun went straight back home after finishing school. He was very excited because the ingredients that he had ordered already arrived. Finally, he could try the Heavenly Jade Bun recipe out.

"Grandma! I'm back!" Upon reaching the house, he quickly greets Grandma Su who leisurely enjoys her tea in the living room. She had already recovered from her injuries, only her broken right hand still had not fully recovered. Shen Tianyun kept injecting his Spiritual Qi on her body daily, and it was very effective. Doctor Liu was dumbstruck when he saw Grandma Su's recovery progress. It's turning his medical knowledge upside down.

"Welcome back, Little Yun." Grandma Su smiles lovingly to her grandson. Her complexion was better day by day, she didn't have to work so hard like she was in the past anymore. Every day she could enjoy reading books and watching the shows occasionally.

"Grandma wait here I will make a steamed bun for you to taste it." Shen Tianyun quickly picked up the ingredients and walked into the kitchen. Most of the ingredients are basic for a general steamed bun except the mountain gingers that he bought from another city.

He recites the recipe in his head once more before starting making the dough. The recipe contains several types of steamed bun, Shen Tianyun just picking up 3 types from it. He wanted to sell the sweet pork, beef, and cream type. He thought that these 3 type could give more calories to the people, especially for physical laborers. After resting the dough, he began to make a sweet pork, beef, and cream for the stuffing. The mountain gingers used in this process, usually people love to eat steamed buns in the winter, with these gingers it could warm people's bodies up.

The recipe recorded everything in very detail, whether it was how to make a thin layer of the bun or how long it needed to stew. Even the people who don't know how to cook could easily cook it flawlessly by following the recipe. This is the first challenge that Shen Tianyun has to face.

The secret of the recipe would be really hard to protect and keep its secret from the employers. The various famous franchises had their own method to deal with this problem. For example the famous fried chicken brand, KFC. They would've blended the seasoning into the package from one central commissary before delivery to the KFC stores by specialty foodservice and inventory control companies. Coca Cola would ship the concentrated syrup to the bottlers and the bottlers would mix the filtered water with the syrup then package it into a bottle or can.

However, it was different for the Shen Tianyun situation. He couldn't apply that method for his small steamed bun stall, and if he wants to keep the secret for himself he would have to make the buns by himself every day. He had decided to give the recipe to Feng Yunxi and he would portray himself as an owner just in case someone wanted to steal the recipe by forcing on her. She could just say that it was coming from him. His long-term plan was simple, he only needs his steamed bun to win the majority of people, and he will sell the recipe to some giant company. In this case he could call for a hefty price, and the money will become his foundation to step into the business world.

An hour later, the steamed buns were ready to eat. Shen Tianyun immediately took it to the dining room. The outer of the steamed bun was very thin to the point that almost transparent, people could see the stuffing inside. He made it into the rabbit shape. It was very smooth when he touched it, it seems that the name 'Heavenly Jade' was no joke at all. He went to call Grandma Su afterward.

"Grandma try this!" Shen Tianyun picked up the sweet pork steamed bun for Grandma Su. The aroma of fresh cooked steamed buns make Grandma Su begin to salivate. She took a bite on it and her eyes widened open and turned to look at Shen Tianyun.

"This…This is too delicious! Little Yun! where did you get the recipe!?" Grandma Su said in disbelief. She has never eaten a steamed bun this delicious before.

"I got it from that dream." Shen Tianyun could only toss it to the 'dream' incident. He also ate one of the steamed buns and he was so shocked in his heart but he didn't show it outside. He estimated that he could easily call for over 10 million price for this recipe. He was sure that no steamed buns in this world are better than this one.

At this moment, Grandma Su is already eating a second one. She never has this good appetite for more than 10 years after her husband and son died. This is the first time that she wanted to eat all of these steamed buns for herself. Shen Tianyun feels very happy when looking at her.

"Grandma, I just hired Auntie Feng to work for me. I planned to open a stall around the outer city area and she will take care of this. Now, she and Sisi lived in the new house I just rented for her recently." He explained to Grandma Su. After that day he never tells anyone about this matter.

Grandma Su drinks a mouthful of water before reply, "That's good! Actually Grandma wanted her to live with us but this isn't our house so I didn't want to cause trouble to little Liu and Yulan."


She paused for a moment before continuing, "That girl, Yunxi. She was an unlucky girl, her husband left her alone when she was just having a child. Grandma always treated her as my daughter. It's good If you can help her." She sighed in regret.

"Don't worry Grandma, She has a good trait and has potential to be a top manager. I will nurture her into a very top manager, and I will buy her a house in this inner-city area later. Sisi also needs a better education." Shen Tianyun replied. Now, he was very confident about this steamed bun. He saw countless opportunities to grow in business, and he has an urge to draw more recipes from the system.

Grandma Su nodded her head in satisfaction. After bidding farewell to Grandma Su, Shen Tianyun packed up some steamed buns and ingredients then quickly went to Feng Yunxi's house. He didn't forget to leave the steamed buns for Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan to taste. He could only pray that Grandma Su won't eat all of them before Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan come back.


It was already 6.45 P.M. when Shen Tianyun reached Feng Yunxi's house. He took the taxi to reach here, he was in a hurry to show the steamed buns to Feng Yunxi. He knocked the door lightly and Feng Sisi was the one who opened it for him.

"Big Brother Tianyun!!" The little girl Sisi immediately jumped up into his embrace and shouted excitedly upon seeing him. She is now wearing new clothes that they bought together last Monday. Her complexion was clean, no more dirt on her face, and hair, revealing her undeveloped beautiful features. Although she only looks decent right now, Shen Tianyun believes that when she grows up, she will become a quality beauty for sure, after all, She inherited Feng Yunxi's beauty.

"Hehe, do you miss me?" Shen Tianyun caught her up and smiled warmly at her. He is always fond of children due he was an orphan before, and he did various charities for orphanages and children.

"Hm! Sisi misses you very much!" Feng Sisi nodding her head furiously. Her expression was extremely cute.

Shen Tianyun carried her along into the house. Feng Yunxi was busy herself in the kitchen. He went to greet her before sitting on the sofa with Sisi and watching the cartoons on the television. Feng Sisi was very obsessed with television since she didn't have one in her previous house. She keeps watching it these past few days.

"Big Brother Tianyun, did you bring some food for Sisi? I smelled something delicious!." The little girl Sisi sniffing the aroma of steamed buns, she subconsciously licking her lips and looking for the origin of that aroma. Her actions were too cute, Shen Tianyun was amused. He then unpacks the steamed buns and picks up one creamed-bun for her. The little girl quickly took a bite on it as if she fears that he will take it back.

"Wow! It's so delicious!" She was eating too fast, a cream had stained all over her lips and cheeks. She even licked her fingers when she finished it. Shen Tianyun finds a napkin to clean her up.

"What are you eating Sisi?" At this moment, Feng Yunxi was wearing an apron walking in the living room with a vegetable dish on her hand. Shen Tianyun looked at her outfits and secretly admired in his heart, and he was pity on her late husband who was unlucky to pass away too early.

Feng Sisi held another steamed bun and ran to her mother, "Mom! Big Brother Tianyun just gave me this steamed bun, it's so delicious!!" Feng Yunxi, looking at the steamed bun in Feng Sisi's hand, comes into a realization that this is probably the steamed bun that she has to sell.

"Try it, This is what I wanted to sell." Shen Tianyun gives her a sweet pork steamed bun. Feng Yunxi took a small bite on it, her expression changed dramatically. Looking at Shen Tianyun in understanding, she immediately understood where his confidence came from.

"This is the best-steamed bun I've ever had so far. Even if you sell it for 100 RMB, people would be willing to buy it." Feng Yunxi exclaimed.

Shen Tianyun nodded and smiled at her, "This is our starting point, Auntie Feng, I will give you the recipe and ingredients. You can open a stall tomorrow. The price will be 3 RMB per piece." He explained, he had already calculated everything beforehand. With this price he would only get 1 RMB in profits for one piece of steamed bun.

Feng Yunxi had a disbelief expression, she hurried to say, "This…Little Yun, isn't it too cheap? This is more cheaper than normal steamed buns out there. Auntie thinks that we should sell at 10 per piece."

Shen Tianyun shook his head, he then explained, "What I want to get is not the profits but rather its reputation. Don't tell me Auntie Feng wanted to sell this steamed bun for the rest of your life?"

Feng Yunxi pondered for a while before shaking her head in reply, of course, she won't want to sell this for the rest of her life.

Shen Tianyun smiled at her and said, "I want to make this steamed bun famous all over this city, and then we will sell this recipe to a giant company." He paused and looked at her, waiting for her to give her opinion.

Feng Yunxi nodded her head slightly before asking, "So what are we doing after selling the recipe?" She still couldn't figure out. This recipe could become a golden hen for them, why did Shen Tianyun want to sell it?.

"I'm asking Auntie, what do you think how much we could get from selling this recipe?" He asked.

"Maybe… 1 million? Or 2 million?" Feng Yunxi uncertainly replied.

Shen Tianyun smiled, with this conversation his understanding of her became clearer. Now he knows how to teach her in the bigger business matters. "My estimate is no less than 15 million." He replied nonchalantly.

Feng Yunxi gasped in shock, she grew up with little education. She didn't have a knowledge in the business, that's why she was so shocked upon hearing Shen Tianyun's words.

Shen Tianyun chuckled and explained further, "Thinking about it, except those super-rich people, almost everyone eats a steamed bun daily. With this steamed bun, it could easily replace all of the steamed bun out there. Imagine if we sold this recipe to a famous franchise convenience store, how much profit could they get from this?."

Feng Yunxi's eyes widened open, she now understood what he said. Just thinking about selling this steamed bun all over China, she couldn't imagine how much profits she could get from it. Her heart was beating rapidly due to excitement. She looked at Shen Tianyun in amazement. Feng Yunxi never thought that this young boy was such a far sight and wealthy in knowledge. She subconsciously thinks about who would be that lucky girl to be his wife. Coming back to her senses, she blushed slightly.

Shen Tianyun was puzzled as to why she was blushing. He then finds a paper and pen to write down the recipe for her. Throughout the conversation, Little girl Sisi keeps eating steamed buns without caring for anything. Shen Tianyun doesn't know whether to laugh or cry upon seeing all his steamed buns were gone.

"Little glutton girl!" Shen Tianyun chuckled and pinched her cheeks lightly. He sent the recipe to Feng Yunxi and reminded her to remember it then destroy the papers.

"Big Brother, Sisi wants to eat more!" The little girl Sisi licks her fingers and asks him for more.

"You can ask your mom to make it for you later." He rubbed her head lovingly.

"Wow! Really!? That's great!" Feng Sisi clapping her hands foolishly, she cutely blinking her eyes looking at her mother. Feng Yunxi shook her head helplessly, she then brought all the ingredients to the kitchen and started making steamed buns according to the recipe.

Shen Tianyun has nothing to do, he is chatting with Feng Sisi and teaching her some basic knowledge. Listening to Feng Yunxi, he knew that Feng Sisi was studying in the third-rate elementary school located in the outer-city area. Because she doesn't have much money she could only send Feng Sisi to this really cheap school. She is now in the last year of elementary grade, Shen Tianyun planned to send her into Huayun High School next year so he has to build a foundation for her first. From what he saw, Feng Sisi is a smart girl, quick wits, and loves to learn new things. She definitely did a good job on study.

Feng Yunxi appeared again in the living room and brought freshly steamed buns along with her. Little glutton Sisi's eyes lit up, she subconscious licking her lips again. She is going to be a little fatty soon if she continues eating like this. Looking at several dishes that Feng Yunxi had made, Shen Tianyun didn't want to let it go to waste, and he was also quite hungry. He had dinner with the Feng family. Before leaving, Shen Tianyun had strictly instructed Feng Yunxi about opening a stall tomorrow morning. The location that Shen Tianyun had selected was located between the market and bus station.