You're Still You

The next morning, Shen Tianyun went to help Feng Yunxi in opening a stall before daybreak. A stall came from Feng Yunxi's noodles stall and got it modified. The name of the stall is 'Tianyun Buns', it was simple and easy to remember. In his previous life, he always used his real name to be a brand's name. At first, it was unintentional because he couldn't come up with a good name so he just used 'Tianyun' in his first business name, 'Tianyun Books', later it was Shen Xiaohong's idea of using 'Tianyun' in every business that he owned. She gave him a reason that people could easily remember him as they know the brand's name.

After he finished setting up a stall, Shen Tianyun didn't stay for too long, He went to the school afterward. Today he needs to discuss with teacher Lou for an upcoming music competition tomorrow. He doesn't know much in detail, Fang Yulan only gave him roughly information about this event.

This music competition is known as the 'High School Music Talents Competition', and it was the provincial level of competition which means that the competitors will be coming from various High schools from all over the province. The reputation of the school is very important, especially a competition at this level. That's why teacher Lou didn't hesitate to put Shen Tianyun into the competition when he first saw his talents. Shen Tianyun doesn't know how he manages to convince the higher up to let him in, he has foreseen that there will definitely be trouble waiting for him.

"Morning, Xueyue." Shen Tianyun greeted Lin Xueyue who sat on her seat and looked lost in her thoughts. He didn't interact with her much in recent days, he was too busy thinking about his business. Lin Xueyue would occasionally look into the distance and fell into deep thought.

Lin Xueyue tilted her head to look at him before nodding her head in reply without saying a word. Shen Tianyun begins to worry about her, he knew that it should be related to her dreaming about past life experience. He couldn't do anything to help her, she needs to rely on herself in this matter. He often has an urge to tell her everything but he isn't sure what the outcome will be afterward.

The exam result didn't make a huge impact on his fame as he thought, people would think that it was a fluke, not to mention some people even thought that he was cheating. Therefore, he needs to do it once more on the next exam. In contrast to his piano performance, right now he already had more than 3,000 Fame Points. More people come to watch his video on the internet every day. This is also a reason why Shen Tianyun is looking forward to the competition.

After lunch, Shen Tianyun went to find teacher Lou in the music room. When he walked into the room he saw Lou Hao pacing back and forth around the room, his face filled with worry and fury at the same time. Shen Tianyun saw that he wasn't surprised at all, he knew that something would happen sooner or later.

"Teacher Lou." He called Lou Hao, the latter stopped pacing and turned to look at him.

"Student Shen, you've come." His corner mouth twitched slightly when he saw Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun smiles, "Did something happen?"

Lou Hao let out a long sigh and silent for a moment before opening his mouth, "The higher up wasn't convinced about your ability, they wanted to send Hu Kuang instead of you. I know that someone must bribe them to do so. They deliberately block your path."

Shen Tianyun still has a calm expression, he asks, "Then what did teacher Lou want to do? If it is too troublesome, you can let Hu Kuang go instead of me. I don't mind." Although he wanted to participate in this competition but it doesn't mean that he can't find another way to earn Fame Points.

Lou Hao sighed helplessly, "This is the problem, they wanted you to compete with Hu Kuang. However, they know that you are proficient in piano. They wanted you to compete in composing."

He sighed again and continued, "They just wanted to humiliate you, after all, that Hu Kuang was really good at composing a song. His talents were well known to everyone in Pearl City."

"Ai, forget it. I was the one inviting you to this, I don't want anyone to humiliate you. I will go cancel this pointless competition." Lou Hao shook his head helplessly.

When Shen Tianyun heard that he has to compete in composing, his eyes immediately lit up. He is confident that he definitely didn't lose to anyone when it comes to composing a song. He hurried to stop Lou Hao from walking out of the room, "Wait a minute teacher Lou, I wanted to do it. They wanted to compete with me? Hehe, let's see who will humiliate who." He smiled coldly. In his heart he knows that even if he manages to win this, there will be more trouble waiting for him. However, he wasn't fear at all.

Lou Hao's eyes widened open, he hurried to say, "Are you sure? Hu Kuang had been praised by several experts and he won a composing competition last year. His talents were a real deal. I also admired him."

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "I'm very confident. Don't worry about it."

Lou Hao looked at his carefree expression, he then reluctantly nodded his head. Lou Hao immediately calls all related people to come to the music room. After a while, a group of people walked into the room. The first one is a literature teacher, Wang Lei, he was a middle-aged man wearing thick glasses and a generic white shirt. He was one of the top teachers in Huayun High school. The second one is a tall man who was around 26 - 27 years old, he has a hint of arrogance on his face. Upon seeing this man, Shen Tianyun laughed coldly in his heart because this man is Zhou Liming, Zhou Xiaolong and Zhou Feng's cousin.

It wouldn't be hard to guess who is the one behind this. Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng also come to this room. What surprised Shen Tianyun is that Lin Xueyue also came, he looked at Lou Hao questioningly and the latter explained that he invited her here to help Shen Tianyun in case those people bully him. At least, with the presence of Lin Xueyue these people won't go too excessive on him, that's what Lou Hao believes. The last one is a good looking young man, he has a fair complexion. His figure is not tall, it was an average high of men. His face filled with pride and arrogance. He must be very confident in this competition. He is Shen Tianyun's opponent for today, Hu Kuang.

"Oh? This is student Shen that teacher Lou thinking highly of?" Zhou Liming said as he looked at Shen Tianyun. There was a hint of mocking in his voice.

Lou Hao clenches his fist in anger. He doesn't know why this Zhou Liming has come because he is an English teacher and has nothing related to the music at all. However, he won't dare to retort back, after all, Zhou Liming has come from a branch of the Zhou family. He could only nod his head in reply.

"Why have student Huang and student Zhou also come?" Lou Hao asked, even though he knew too well that they probably wanted to see Shen Tianyun losing his face.

Huang Zheng shrugged, "I heard that my classmate Shen Tianyun wanted to represent the school in tomorrow's competition. I just came here to see his ability with my own eyes." He said in a ridiculing manner, especially when he said 'his ability' words. Zhou Feng chuckled on the side.

"How do we compete?" Shen Tianyun doesn't want to waste his time with these idiots, he quickly asked.

At this moment, Hu Kuang smiled gracefully, he looked at Lin Xueyue and said, "How about this, we will compose one song for princess Lin, and let her decide who is better."

"Oh? Are you sure? You know that the relationship between student Shen and student Lin is quite close. Isn't that a disadvantage for you?" Teacher Wang was the one who said. In fact, he doesn't want to come here at all, he doesn't want to be a part of this scheme but he had been forced by the dean.

"I'm sure that Princess Lin won't do anything disgraceful like that, is that right Princess Lin?" Hu Kuang smiled gently at Lin Xueyue. He has admired Lin Xueyue for a long time. When he saw her come to this room, he felt excited and couldn't show his ability to impress her.

Lin Xueyue wore a cold expression as usual, she looked at Shen Tianyun as if she wanted to ask his opinion. Shen Tianyun smiled slightly and nodded his head in reply.

She turned her head and gazed at everyone, "I have a condition that we will decide the winner in one round. The loser will be disqualified for tomorrow's competition and never pursue this matter again." She calmly said. Shen Tianyun secretly praised her in his heart. With this condition, Hu Kuang, Huang Zheng, and Zhou Feng have to stop finding trouble on Shen Tianyun, at least until tomorrow.

Zhou Feng and Huang Zheng looked at each other, they were dissatisfied with this because Hu Kuang wanted to use this opportunity to court Lin Xueyue. They were about to say something but got interrupted by Hu Kuang.

"I agree!, can I have another condition? If I win I want princess Lin to stop interacting with him."

Lin Xueyue was about to refuse, Hu Kuang immediately said, "Hey! Shen Tianyun, are you a man or not? Do you dare to accept this condition? If I win I want you to stop pestering princess Lin." He tries to provoke Shen Tianyun to accept this condition. Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng were dissatisfied at first but now they become delighted upon hearing the condition.

Shen Tianyun tried his hardest to suppress his laughter, he thought that Hu Kuang is more mature than those two idiots' young masters, after all, he has talents in music and literature. These types of people usually have a better mindset. It looks like Shen Tianyun was overestimating his opponent again. However, he is not the arrogance type and underestimated his enemy.

"Sure, but it seems the wagers aren't fair, right? How about if I win, you have to announce to the entire school that you lose to me in composing talents. What do you think?" He asked.

"Alright! I agree!" Hu Kuang smiled widely and accepted immediately. Meanwhile the two teacher Wang Lei and Zhou Liming didn't say anything. Shen Tianyun thought it was really weird, what is Zhou Liming doing here? He didn't seem to interfere with this.

Thinking carefully, he quickly asks. " What do you think, teacher Wang, teacher Zhou? I hope that you won't interfere with this after the competition ends."

"I agree, don't worry. I won't interfere on this matter, I just come here to be a witness." Teacher Wang nodded in satisfaction, he feels relieved from a huge burden.

Zhou Liming looked at Zhou Feng, the latter nodded in agreement. "Alright, I agree." He replied.

Shen Tianyun nodded and looked at Hu Kuang, "who goes first?"

Hu Kuang puffs his chest and proudly says, "Of course, I will go first. I wanted to give you more time so people won't think that I bully you." He then sat down before the piano.

"This song is called 'You are my angel', princess Lin please listen carefully." His gesture was graceful and brimming with pride. He looked at Lin Xueyue with passionate eyes. Lin Xueyue didn't reply anything to him. Hu Kuang becomes awkward for a moment before taking a deep breath and beginning to play.

The beautiful melody ringing into everyone's ears, he truly deserved to be number one in composing talent. The notes were arranged very well, it was smooth but still, have a little flaws in it. Shen Tianyun nodded his head to himself, if Hu Kuang is not his enemy, he probably applauded him already.

Hu Kuang started to sing, the song was describing how beautiful a woman is, and how she meant to him. He described a woman in the song like an angel that descended from heaven. Shen Tianyun thought that this song could easily capture a young maiden's heart, it is the nature of women, they love to be praised. Hu Kuang's voice was quite clear, he could sing along with the notes well without any panic, indicating that he was truly proficient in this aspect.

When Hu Kuang finished his song, everyone in the room immediately applauded. Lin Xueyue nodded her head to acknowledge his song. However, no one sees a strange light flashed across her eyes. She herself also doesn't know why she was very confident in Shen Tianyun and believed that he will never lose in this competition. She didn't feel panic at all.

Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng saw Lin Xueyue's expression, glaring at Hu Kuang who wanted to eat him alive.

Hu Kuang slowly stood up and smiled confidently at Lin Xueyue and said, "I hope you like this song of mine because, in my heart, you are the angel." Lin Xueyue didn't even look at him and she didn't say anything as if she didn't hear what he said. Hu Kuang became awkward again.

He coughs to ease the awkwardness and says to Shen Tianyun, "It's your turn now, don't pressure yourself too hard. I know you are a newbie after all. Do your best." If there was no hint of mocking in his voice, people would think that he has sincerely cared for Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun suppressed an urge to laugh, he quickly sitting down in front of the piano, looked at Lin Xueyue with a gentleness and tenderness filled in his eyes. "Xueyue, I know what you are upset about in these past few days. Please, listen to this song." He didn't say too many honey words and started to play the song.

When the first notes rang out, it magically captured Lin Xueyue's heart, and her heart began to beat rapidly. The intro melody was very beautifully arranged, she immersed herself into it. Hu Kuang's expression changed, his face became ashen. He never thought that Shen Tianyun could arrange these notes beautifully and smoothly to this point. He started to think that he had underestimated Shen Tianyun greatly.

Shen Tianyun opened his mouth and began to sing,

" In the hazy sky, there will always be light.

Shining to your eyes, a dream won't be a lie.

Baby, you do no wrong, you are still you.

I am here for you, we will walk through.

The times changed everything, the truth stayed the same.

Nothing can change you, and I think so too.

Because you are still you. Oh baby.~

It's alright, you are still you.~ "

His voice wasn't that great to the professional level, it was slightly above average but his voice was so clear and pleasant to hear. He didn't sing off the notes even slightest. His songs become huge magnets that magnetize Lin Xueyue into a new world. She had been upset about her dream, but recently she keeps dreaming about Dongfang Xueyue and Shen Tianyun. She felt that that wasn't her or perhaps, she didn't dare to believe it. When she hears the words 'You are still you' from Shen Tianyun, her heart pounding rapidly in contrast to her mind which is gradually calming down.

She gazes at Shen Tianyun and sees the shadow of Shen Tianyun in her dream overlapping him. Thinking about how Dongfang Xueyue was madly in love with this man, her face became red and her lips formed into a very beautiful smile. Her expression didn't escape Hu Kuang, Huang Zheng, and Zhou Feng's eyes. They gritted their teeth glaring at Shen Tianyun, couldn't wait to tear him apart.