Scheme That Destined To Fail

When Shen Tianyun finished his song, the room fell into silence. They were still immersed in the song, the meaning and arrangement were on point. Teacher Lou even thinks that Shen Tianyun could sell this song for hefty money and there definitely is someone who is willing to buy it.

"What is the name of this song?" Teacher Wang asked interestingly, he likes this song already. Although he didn't have much knowledge in music, however, he was confident in poetry and this song arranges words very well. Even though it wasn't top-notch, he still appreciated it.

Shen Tianyun already stood up from the chair, he smiled warmly at Lin Xueyue and said, "This song is called 'You are still you'. I wanted to say that no matter what happens in the future, you are still you, nothing can change that." His words didn't conceal any meaning to others but for Lin Xueyue, it was like a thunder clapping sound and kept ringing in her ears.

"How much time did you took to compose this song?" Hu Kuang couldn't help but ask.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "I just composed 10 minutes ago while you were still playing your song."

"Im…impossible! You are lying, right? How could you compose such a well-arranged melody and good lyrics in a short amount of time?." Hu Kuang's mouth was agape, he wouldn't believe that Shen Tianyun could compose this song in 10 minutes.

Huang Zheng couldn't hold it anymore, he immediately flare-up, "This is cheating! You had composed this song beforehand, this does not count!" His words caused Zhou Feng to slap his head. Zhou Feng knew that Hu Kuang's song was composed several months ago.

Sure enough, Shen Tianyun chuckled and quickly asked back, "Then what about Hu Kuang's song? I bet that he composed this song ages ago right?."

Hu Kuang felt shame, Shen Tianyun's words are not wrong. He finished composing this song several months ago in the hope that he could sing for Lin Xueyue and the chance had come, he doesn't want to miss it. That's why he chose this song to play. He nodded his head and replied, he knew that he already lost in this match.

Shen Tianyun spread his arms widely and shrugged. His actions were extremely provocative in Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng's eyes. They are about to retort but get interrupted by Lin Xueyue.

"I've decided that Shen Tianyun has won this competition, is there any objection?" She doesn't give anyone a face at all and bluntly said. Hu Kuang gritted his teeth but didn't say anything. He now regretted this competition, not only would he be disqualified from the competition tomorrow, he has to announce this result to the entire school. No doubt about it, his reputation would crumble to the bottom.

The teachers looked at each other, they don't know what to say in this situation. Teacher Zhou opened his mouth and closed several times but no word came out from him, he also didn't know what to say because it was Lin Xueyue who decided it.

"If there's no objection we will conclude that Shen Tianyun will represent our school in tomorrow's competition. Teacher Lou, please get it done." Lin Xueyue immediately concluded everything, she doesn't want to let them come up with any excuse to find trouble with Shen Tianyun again.

Lou Hao smiled widely, he thought that bringing Lin Xueyue here was the best decision he had made. "Rest assured, I will get it done now." He was about to walk out of the room to apply for Shen Tianyun but he got stopped by Zhou Liming.

"How can I let teacher Lou do this kind of job, let me send the application for you instead." Zhou Liming smiled at Lou Hao, he used his arm to block Lou Hao's path.

"This…" Lou Hao doesn't know what to do, he looks at Lin Xueyue with pleading eyes.

"It's fine since teacher Zhou wanted to help, let teacher Zhou do it." It was Shen Tianyun who cut in. He knew that Zhou Liming definitely came up with a scheme again, he wanted to know it as well. Lin Xueyue was confused but she didn't say anything. Seeing Lin Xueyue didn't say anything, Lou Hao was speechless, he reluctantly agreed with it. Although Zhou Liming was surprised he didn't feel anything wrong about it, he then walks out of the room with Zhou Feng and Huang Zheng.

"Are we gonna let him go just like that?" Huang Zheng was puzzled, he doesn't know why Zhou Liming and Zhou Feng gave up on this matter easily.

Zhou Liming smiles oddly, he chuckles, "Who says we will let him go?" His words make Zhou Feng and Huang Zheng puzzled.

"What do you mean?" Zhou Feng asked.

"Since I am the one who sends the application for him, I will do something on it. Hehe." Zhou Liming laughing mysteriously. Huang Zheng and Zhou Feng's eyes lit up, their moods became better when thinking that something bad was about to happen on Shen Tianyun.

Zhou Liming explains further, "As we know that in the competition it will be divided into 2 categories, one is an instrument competition and another one is singing competition. Since we know that Shen Tianyun is good at piano and composing, however, his singing ability was still far away from being good talents. We can just send his application to the singing competition. Hehe, we then wait and see he is making a fool of himself."

Zhou Feng and Huang Zheng looked at each other, they saw a delight in each other's eyes. They couldn't help but laugh sinisterly together.

"Good! Hahaha, I can imagine his face when he knows that he needs to compete in singing already." Huang Zheng was overjoyed, he hated Shen Tianyun for getting Lin Xueyue's attention, and Lin Xueyue even scolded him in front of everyone for Shen Tianyun. He never forgets this humiliation. Zhou Feng only smiled coldly a glint of sinister light flashed across his eyes.


In the music room, Shen Tianyun talked with teacher Wang in various poetry topics. Wang Lei was impressed by Shen Tianyun's talent, the more he talked with him the more he found him interesting. Wang Lei remembered that Shen Tianyun made some mistakes in his literature exam but it was not a significant mistake. He didn't find coming here was an agony anymore, he got a chance to witness a talented student.

"I don't know that you're having this good knowledge of literature. What a pity, if I know this I could send you to participate in the literature competition this year." Wang Lei sighed with regret, even though Hu Kuang has high talent but he is still far away from getting first place.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "Teacher Wang thinking too highly of me, I'm not good at poetry at all." He said honestly, in his eyes, the song composing and poetry composing are not the same. Shen Tianyun was confident in writing a song but when it comes to poems, he doesn't have confidence at all.

At this moment, Lou Hao who was anxiously standing beside them couldn't hold it anymore, he asks, "Student Shen, don't you worry that Zhou Liming will do something to your application?" He was so anxious, Shen Tianyun already won and qualified for the competition. Lou Hao doesn't want him to lose this chance.

"That's right student Shen, at first I don't want to come here because I know that they wanted to cause trouble for you. I don't want to be a part of this but I was forced by the dean, he wanted me to help you. Ai, I don't have the ability to do so, they are Zhou family after all. You should understand that I still have a family." Wang Lei shook his head helplessly, now he already knows that Shen Tianyun was a true talent, even though he wanted to help him but he still didn't dare to take a risk.

Shen Tianyun showing a smiling face at both of them, "Thank you teacher Wang, you don't have to take a risk for me. I understand. Rest assured, teacher Wang, teacher Lou. Nothing will happen."

Wang Lei and Lou Hao sighed deeply. They feel helpless and angry at themselves, both of them are teachers but they couldn't help their students at all.

"Do you need my help?" Lin Xueyue drew close to Shen Tianyun and asked in a serious tone.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, saying, "Thank you, I got this." He replied with a confident smile. He could already guess more or less what Zhou Liming was planning to do.

He turns to look at Lou Hao, "Teacher Lou, can you explain about the application process to me?" If he wants to counter this scheme he needs to know all of the processes first.

Lou Hao rubbing his chin thinking a bit before reply, "Normally we need the dean to approve it first, and then we need to send the application papers to the competition site. If I remember correctly, there will be someone from the competition organization coming to our school to get the application this evening."

Shen Tianyun frowns, this is a bit tricky. He guessed that there will be 3 possibilities. First, Zhou Liming pretends to forget to send the application, and Shen Tianyun would automatically disqualify him from participating in the event. Second, Zhou Liming will apply him to the singing competition, and Shen Tianyun will lose his chance to win the competition because he is not good at singing. The last one but unlikely, Zhou Liming will deliberately put Hu Kuang's name in it and pretend to forget that it should be Shen Tianyun who participates in the event. Shen Tianyun didn't think that with Lin Xueyue as a witness, Zhou Liming would dare to do the first and the third possibility which means that Zhou Liming will most likely apply him into the singing competition.

"Teacher Lou, do you know the exact time when that person arrives at our school? I need to know this." He asked.

"This… I'm not sure… how about this, I will call you when they arrive." Lou Hao then took out his phone and exchanged numbers with Shen Tianyun. He doesn't know what Shen Tianyun is planning to do, this is the only thing he could help Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "We will talk again later teacher Wang, teacher Lou… Xueyue let's go back to our classroom." Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue walking out of the music room together and heading back to their classroom.

When they came back to the classroom, Shen Tianyun could feel a malice gazing at him. It was coming from Huang Zheng. Shen Tianyun laughs coldly in his heart, sometimes he finds it very funny when he thinks about himself being a 35 years old soul and has to fight with these idiot kids who only know to rely on their family background. He paid no attention to Huang Zheng further and went back to his seat along with Lin Xueyue.


At 4.15 P.M. Teacher Lou called Shen Tianyun to notify him that the competition representative had arrived at the school. Shen Tianyun quickly headed towards the student affairs department room, Lou Hao had informed him about the representative appearance. His name was Xiao Feng, he should be around his early thirties and wearing a professional black suit. Xiao Feng was a general staff at the Musical Association of Pearl City, he was assigned to come here and collect the application form Huayun High School.

When Shen Tianyun almost reaches the student affairs department room, he hides around the corner of the corridor, waiting for Xiao Feng to come out. His plan was simple, he would use the [Invisible Talisman (C)] to sneakily steal the application papers from Xiao Feng and check on it. This plan seems to be risky and uncertainty was quite high, Shen Tianyun didn't think too much about it, all he needed to do was confirm Zhou Liming's scheme.

A moment later, Xiao Feng stepped out of the room with a business bag in his hand. He walked towards the stairs, Shen Tianyun pulled the Invisible Talisman out of his pocket and injected Spiritual Qi into it. When he was in the class, he had checked how to use the talisman paper and found out that he needed to inject his Spiritual Qi into it. This means that he couldn't give the talisman to the people who couldn't use Spiritual Qi, he was disappointed a little. At first, he wanted to give it to Liu Feiyan for protecting herself, and now he could only give up.

The Invisible Talisman paper glowing, Shen Tianyun quickly sticks it into his chest. He can feel the mysterious aura slowly formed around his body, which means that he now becomes invisible. He had only 1 minute to do his job. When Xiao Feng almost reaches the last step of the stairs, Shen Tianyun kicks at his ankle lightly, and Xiao Feng loses his balance falling into the ground. Shen Tianyun took this opportunity to strike at Xiao Feng's wrist, and took the business bag from his hand.

He then reaches out for the business bag and swiftly opens it. He saw many papers in it and then grabbing all the papers, throwing it into the air. The process was very swift and Xiao Feng who still lay on the ground in agony didn't notice this weird scene at all. Shen Tianyun swept his eyes on every paper and found his application paper. He picked it up and rushed out of the scene.

When Shen Tianyun saw the details in the paper, he couldn't help but shake his head. As he already expected, Zhou Liming had applied him into the singing competition, he wanted to make Shen Tianyun humiliate himself in the competition. Shen Tianyun edited the detail and changed it into the instrument competition. At this moment, the Invisible Talisman effect has worn out already. 1 minute was too short to do anything more than this.

He was holding the application paper in his hand and walking towards Xiao Feng who already stood up and started picking the papers into his business bag.

"Hello sir, is this yours?" Shen Tianyun hands the paper to Xiao Feng, he makes it look like he just picked it up from somewhere.

Xiao Feng looked at Shen Tianyun and then the paper, he let out a sigh of relief, "Thank you, student, this file is very important to me. If I lose it I will probably get fired." He received the paper from Shen Tianyun and stuffed it into his bag.

Shen Tianyun breathed a breath in relief, his acting skill was very impressive, "Whew…that's great then, I'm happy that I can help you, sir." He politely replied. From the outsider's view, his actions were very sincere.

Xiao Feng was impressed by Shen Tianyun's gesture and well manners, he thought that it was expectable from Huayun High school's students. "Anyway, Thank you again. I have to go now or else it would be late. Hope we meet again." Xiao Feng set off afterward. Leaving Shen Tianyun who was laughing lightly behind.