A Girl From The Past

The next morning, Shen Tianyun finished his morning routine like he did every day. His cultivation didn't progress much these few days, and it doesn't have any sign of breaking through to the next realm. Shen Tianyun was depressed, he consulted with Grandma Su on this matter, she told him to be more patient, cultivation couldn't be rushed or else he will suffer from 'Qi deviation'. He could only swallow his impatience into his stomach, and continue cultivating every day.

The only progress for him was Constitution attributes which already reached 75 and stepped into rank D. He noticed the changes in his body, as well as his little brother becoming slightly above average, this makes him gain more confidence. He never believes in that quote where people saying 'Size doesn't matter', perhaps it's true, but for him, everything would be easier with a good length of ultimate manhood weapon.

Whenever the attribute level up to the next rank, there will be a huge change in his body. Like this, his appearance becomes more sturdy, and muscle lines much clearer than before. He was no longer a skinny man who looks like he never got enough nutrition before. The most obvious changes were probably his height, previously he was still around 1.76m but now he is 1.83m which is higher than the average man. It was much closer to his previous life's height. The problem was he needed to do more exercises to improve his constitution further. Currently, he could gain only 2 points from his morning routine, he was considered to add more challenge exercises in the near future.

The Musical Talent Competition will start today. Fang Yulan, Liu Feiyan, and even Grandma Su also come along with him to the competition site. Her injuries almost heal up only her broken right hand still needs more little time, she doesn't want to miss this opportunity to witness her beloved grandson become a rising star thus, she decided to come along with the rest.

The Pearl building had been used to organize this competition, it was located at the center of Pearl City. The building was in a giant dome shape, usually, this place will be used in a major event such as a governor appointment ceremony, art exhibition, or grand musical related event. Since this High School Musical Talent competition was organized here, Shen Tianyun could see how grand and important of this event was.

Shen Tianyun and co had arrived at the Pearl building, many people were already here. He could see the various types of school uniforms among the crowd. Shen Tianyun is wearing Huayun High school uniform now, it was a new cloth that Liu Feiyan personally bought for him.

"I'll go register now, Thank you, Auntie Fang. I'll leave my grandma to you." Shen Tianyun said to Fang Yulan when the group had reached the auditorium room. He needs to register first, he wants to know whether his application goes through correctly or not.

Fang Yulan nodded her head and smiled warmly at him, "Don't worry, do your best! We will cheer for you!"

Liu Feiyan drew closer to him and adjusted his collars, her action was like a housewife taking care of her husband. She smiled mischievously, and whispered into his ears, "Do your best! If you win this competition, I will give you a reward." Her voice was incomparably charming and seductive. She even licks her lips lightly when looking at him. She is now wearing a shoulder revealing light blue long dress combined with light makeup on her face. Liu Feiyan is releasing a soul-shaking charm right now. On the way to the auditorium, countless men turned their heads to look at her even those who came with their partner were no exception.

Shen Tianyun swore in his heart that he definitely spank this girl one day, he couldn't bear her seducing anymore. Fang Yulan was speechless, she shook her head helplessly watching her daughter flirting with Shen Tianyun in front of her and Grandma Su.

On the other hand, Grandma Su smiled widely, she was satisfied with this scene, saying, "Do your best little Yun! Don't worry about Grandma."

Shen Tianyun was walking towards the register room, when he stepped into the room he saw a familiar figure sitting at the register counter. It was Xiao Feng who he met yesterday. He was busy registering the competitors. Shen Tianyun stands in the line waiting for his turn. He uses this time to observe other competitors. He could see various famous high schools from other cities, there are many competitors here. Shen Tianyun estimated that there are around 40 people in this room.

"Hello, welcome to the competition. What is your name? Eh…? It's you!?" When it was Shen Tianyun's turn. Xiao Feng enquired his name as usual in the registration process, he was surprised upon seeing Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun smiled at him, saying, "Hello sir, we meet again. My name is Shen Tianyun from Huayun High school. I'm here to compete in instrument competition."

Xiao Feng waving his hand, "Don't call me 'sir' anymore, my name is Xiao Feng." He still remembered how good a man Shen Tianyun was yesterday. He quite liked this polite student very much.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "Alright, Mister Xiao."

"Ah… let me see…Shen Tianyun…found it!" Xiao Feng flips through the register book to find Shen Tianyun's name. He immediately registered for Shen Tianyun when he found his name.

"Done! This is your ID card. You can go to the competitor room on the right of this room. The instrument competition will start at noon, you can rest there. The organizer already provided all the necessary items for everyone there. Good luck!" Xiao Feng smiled warmly at Shen Tianyun.

"Thank you." Shen Tianyun politely replied and walked out of the room heading to the competitor room. It had been confirmed that his application did go through correctly as he expected. Now he wanted to see Zhou Liming and his group's reaction when they found out that their scheme had failed.


In the auditorium, Fang Yulan, Liu Feiyan, and Grandma Su were on the way to the reserved private box on the second floor. Along the way, Fang Yulan encounters several important figures of Pearl City such as Minister of Education Xu Hai, President of the Musical Association Wen Xiufeng. It was normal for Fang Yulan to exchange courtesy with all of them. Suddenly, a familiar figure comes into Fang Yulan's sight, her lips forming into a mocking smile upon seeing that figure.

"Oh? Isn't that Madam Lin?" Fang Yulan said in a sarcastic tone to the woman who was wearing a long black dress that revealed her white-snow neck and shoulders. A long sleeve covered all her arms, she didn't wear any jewelry and there isn't even makeup on her face, but it doesn't make her beauty pale even slightest. She is Dongfang Mengrou.

When she hears 'Madam Lin' words, her ears perking up, she turns to look at Fang Yulan. A faint smile hung around the corner of her alluring mouth. "Ah? It's nice to meet you here Mayor Fang." She didn't seem to be angry at all.

Fang Yulan chuckled before reply, "Yes, it's nice to meet you here. Where is your beloved husband, why don't I see him here?" Her words filled with an obvious mocking tone. Liu Feiyan doesn't know why her mother became so rude all of sudden, she looked at Dongfang Mengrou strangely. Although she knows that this woman is Lin Xueyue's mother, she doesn't know the history between her mother and Dongfang Mengrou. A glint of strange light flashed across Grandma Su's eyes, no one knew what she was thinking.

Dongfang Mengrou's mouth twitched slightly, she tries to calm herself down. "I don't live with him so I don't know where he is. Why don't you ask your husband about this? He seems to have a close relationship with Lin Ming, isn't it? ...Well, It has nothing to do with me anyway." She shrugged her shoulders a little.

Fang Yulan clenching her fist suppressing her anger, in fact, she was very dissatisfied with her husband, Liu Wei, who happened to be associated with Lin Ming. Perhaps, Liu Wei forgot that Lin Ming was the one who caused his best friend, Shen Qingshan, to die. This is the reason why she keeps a cold shoulder to Liu Wei and the latter rarely comes back home.

"Are you that little girl from Dongfang family, Dongfang Mengrou?" Grandma Su cutting in their war of words, she calmly said with a gentle smile on her lips.

Dongfang Mengrou's body shivered a little when she heard Grandma Su calling her name. A legendary character that once shaken China's business world becomes nervous all of sudden. When she found out that Shen Tianyun and Su Qianxue had lived in Pearl City she becomes so excited. However, her excitement quickly died down shortly after that. She has forgotten that she was married to a man that had participated in Shen Qingshan's death, she didn't know how to face or explain to Su Qianxue if they meet each other. Now, the situation that she wanted to avoid the most has happened in front of her.

"Yes, it's me. How are you, Auntie Su?" Facing Grandma Su, her voice was a bit stiff, she couldn't calm herself down anymore. Her brain began to work intensively, the countless possibilities appearing in her mind. She is preparing for the worst.

Grandma Su chuckled slightly, saying, "Why are you so nervous? That daring little girl in the past is gone already?" Her words may sound simple but in Fang Yulan and Dongfang Mengrou's ears, it contained a meaningful question.

Dongfang Mengrou's heart shook violently before it calming down, she took a deep breath before reply, "That little girl still be the same until now."

Fang Yulan furrowed her eyebrows when she heard Dongfang Mengrou's answered. Grandma Su didn't give a chance to say anything, she quickly said. "I'm here to watch my grandson, Shen Tianyun. What about you?"

Dongfang Mengrou smiled stiffly, "I'm here to watch him as well, Auntie Su. My daughter and Shen Tianyun are good friends to each other. She dragged me here to cheer for him."

Grandma Su was surprised, and asked, "Oh? Where is your daughter then?" She didn't know that Dongfang Mengrou already had a daughter, she felt regret in her heart.

"She will be here soon, I don't know where she is going." Dongfang Mengrou replied honestly but her mind was in a mess, she prayed that her daughter never shows up at this time. Unfortunately, her wish didn't come true.

"Mom, why are you still here?" A cold voice rang out from the beautiful figure walking towards the group. She is wearing a long black skirt and professional long sleeves white shirt. Despite wearing such a dull outfit it couldn't hide her charms at all. Lin Xueyue still looks beautiful as usual, she was puzzled when she saw her mother talking with a group of people. Dongfang Mengrou never talked with anyone for too long, she didn't give anyone a face at all that was Lin Xueyue's understanding towards her mother.

Grandma Su's eyebrows shot up when she saw Lin Xueyue. Her lips parted a little, she asks, "Ah? This little girl Xueyue is your daughter?"

Fang Yulan got her chance to talk, she hurried to say, "Yes Auntie Su, Her surname is Lin, do you find anything strange?" Grandma Su was confused, she looked at Fang Yulan questioningly.

Fang Yulan smiled sarcastically, "Lin Xueyue's father and also Dongfang Mengrou husband's name is Lin Ming. Beijing's Lin family, Lin Ming. Do you remember now Auntie Su?" Actually, she never held a grudge towards Lin Xueyue, when she heard that Lin Xueyue helping Shen Tianyun finding a part-time job, or even, in the end, they have become a real couple, she will never hate her because Lin Xueyue is not wrong in the first place. Lin Ming was the man she had a deep hatred with yet she still could tolerate it until now.

However, towards Dongfang Mengrou, she even hates her more than Lin Ming. In the past, both of them were best friends. Dongfang Mengrou was like a little sister to her, and their relationship was very good until the day she heard that Dongfang Mengrou decided to marry Lin Ming. They never talk to each other again from that day. A woman is like this, sometimes they will use emotions over the reason. Fang Yulan never asked Dongfang Mengrou on why she decided to do that, and Dongfang Mengrou also didn't explain anything to her.

Grandma Su's body trembled, her eyes widened open. Come to understand, she couldn't help but look at Dongfang Mengrou and Lin Xueyue with a strange expression. Last week, She still tries to force Shen Tianyun to pursue Lin Xueyue, and now it turns out that Lin Xueyue was the daughter of the man who participated in killing her son! She even goes further thinking about how to make Lin Xueyue's parents accept Shen Tianyun. Now, she felt that her actions were truly laughable.

"Hehe… so that's how it is." Grandma Su laughing painfully, her voice becomes hoarse.

Dongfang Mengrou started panicking, she was about to say something but Grandma Su raised her left hand and interrupted her, "Don't say anything, I don't want to hear anything right now… It seems that little girl in the past has gone now."

Grandma Su paused a moment, shifting her gaze to Lin Xueyue and saying, "It would be best if you stay away from Shen Tianyun after today onward. Trust me, I don't want to interfere with the matters between you two, but at the same time, I don't want to see my grandson suffer from your father. I don't want to see him die just like his father." Lin Xueyue's face became white as paper, she immediately understood everything. Her body shook violently, breathing became a struggle.

Grandma Su took a deep breath, "Yan'er let's go, bring grandma to the private box. I want to rest for a while." She said to Liu Feiyan who stood dumbfounded on the side. Liu Feiyan couldn't comprehend the situation at all, she subconsciously nodded and helped a weak-looking Grandma Su walking towards the private box.

Fang Yulan looked at Dongfang Mengrou deeply for a while before turning her head to look at pale face Lin Xueyue, "You are not wrong in this matter, you can't choose people to be your parents by yourself. I didn't hate you even Lin Ming's blood running in your body. If one day you could be together with Tianyun, I will be the first one who gives you a blessing. However, Lin Ming will definitely try to kill Tianyun just like he did to Qingshan in the past. He destroyed Auntie Su's family once, I don't want to see him destroy her only family member again. If you want to blame someone…then blame your mother. She chooses this miserable fate for you." Fang Yulan calmly said and followed Grandma Su after she finished her sentence.

Leaving behind the mother and daughter who both of their faces didn't have any sign of blood at all. Dongfang Mengrou looked at her daughter, her heartache. She drew herself closer to Lin Xueyue and hugged her then said in a sorrowful voice, "I'm sorry, I have ruined your relationship with Shen Tianyun. It was all my fault."

Lin Xueyue was still silent in her mother's embrace. Today is supposed to be her happy day, but now sorrow, confusion, and helplessness, all sorts of feelings welled up in her mind. She closed her eyes, the scene from her dream kept replaying like a movie. Suddenly, her body shook slightly. Dongfang Mengrou noticed the changes in her daughter, she released her from an embrace and looked at her face. Lin Xueyue slowly opens her eyes, her gaze becomes resolute. A glint of cold light appeared in her eyes, her expression was incomparably calm; it was as if she became a different person. No one knows what she is thinking.