Musical Talent Competition

The competitor room was very spacious, everyone sitting on their assigned seat. Shen Tianyun has nothing to do, he calmly observes all the competitors around the room. Some were very nervous, some were very confident, various kinds of expressions could be seen. He himself didn't feel nervous at all, it was because he is always confident in himself for performing in front of the crowds.

"H… hello. Are you Mr.Shen who used to play the piano at the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant?" When Shen Tianyun was still looking around the room, a timid voice drifted into his ears. He turned to look at the sound direction. He saw a petite girl standing nervous behind him. She has an average appearance, the first thing that he noticed was her cute red ribbons on her hair. Shen Tianyun glanced at her uniforms and saw the symbol of JiangChe High school, she should come from Clear River City.

Shen Tianyun smiled at her, "Yes, that's me. And you are?"

The girl's eyes lit up, she became excited and hurriedly answered, "My name is Nalan Yu, I come from Clear River city, JiangChe High school. I… I'm your fan!"

Shen Tianyun was stunned for a moment, he never thought he would have some fans out there. Despite knowing how popular that video was, he never thought he would become some famous character and have a group of fans. After all, there are many new internet idols appearing every day.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Nalan." He politely replied. He doesn't know how to deal with this girl, he never has this experience of being a celebrity meeting with fans.

Nalan Yu looked at his expression before shyly asked, "C… Can I take a picture with you?"

"Oh? Sure." Shen Tianyun nodded, he didn't mind about it. He started to understand those superstars now, their life probably won't have any peace wherever they go. In his previous life, although he was a famous figure in the world, he never met these kinds of fans, let alone taking a picture with them. Perhaps, because of his low profile habits when he was on the outside.

Nalan Yu drew closer to Shen Tianyun, she took her phone out. After adjusting the angle a little, she took many pictures in one go. "Thank you! My friends definitely get excited after seeing this!" She excitedly shouted, her voice was a little loud causing many people to look at them.

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Erm… Am I really that famous?"

Nalan Yu nodded her head furiously, "Yes! All of my friends become your fans just watching the video once. They were so excited when they know I've come to Pearl City, they wanted me to visit the restaurant and record your performance. I never thought you will also take part in this competition!" She explained cheerfully.

Being a 35-year-old soul, he didn't understand much about becoming a fan of celebrity. He remembered that Shen Xiaohong was once crazy about the lead actor of the Captain America movie; she kept talking about him until his ears became deaf. Thinking about Shen Xiaohong, his moods were down slightly. He really didn't know how to find her in this world.

Shaking his head from the depressing thought, he looked at Nalan Yu who was still checking the pictures on her phone, "What competition are you in?"

Nalan Yu raised her head, "I compete in the singing contest. I know I'm not good at it but I really love to sing." There was a hint of disappointment in her voice, she somewhat doesn't have confidence in herself much.

"No, my sense tells me you are good at it. Keep it up. You are still young yet you already found what you love to do. This is rare, maybe you don't know that there are countless people in the world who don't know what they want to do, or what their favorite things to do. Be confident in yourself. Perhaps, one day I will be the one who asks you to take a picture instead." Shen Tianyun smiled to encourage her. What he said is not wrong, he never knows what he wants to do or love to do, all he knows is to earn more money and use it to help other people.

Nalan Yu burst into laughter, "Hahaha, I don't know that you could talk like an old man teaching younger generations. Should I call you Uncle Shen now?" She covered her mouth, her shoulders trembling non-stop. Shen Tianyun rubbing his nose in embarrassment, he gets carried away by the mood and talks too much.

Nalan Yu calmed herself down, and smiled at Shen Tianyun, "Anyway, Thank you for your encouragement. I'm more confident now. One day I will definitely become someone like Su Meiyin!!" She said with a strong determination.

Shen Tianyun was puzzled, he asked, "Su Meiyin? Who is that?" He had never heard a superstar named Su Meiyin before. From his two lifetimes, he was sure that there was no superstar name Su Meiyin.

Nalan Yu looked at him as if she saw some weirdo, "You don't know Su Meiyin?"

Shen Tianyun shook his head in reply. Nalan Yu was speechless, she quickly typed something on her phone and showed it to him. It was the video of an exquisite singer on the stage. She had an exquisite curved body her clothes couldn't hide that. Her brows were thin and long. Both of her eyes were beautiful enough to make men lose their souls just by looking at them. Even though her eyes might be seductive, they also contained a kind of elegance. Her nose was sharp and solid, giving people the feeling that she was a woman of temperament. Her lips and eyes were equally sexy, curved naturally. She owned a look bewitching to the core. Shen Tianyun couldn't estimate her height from looking at the video, but he was sure that she was tall, perhaps, tall as Liu Feiyan.

The feature that captivated him the most is her voice, she has a charming voice(Meiyin) just like her name. Shen Tianyun listening to her, he was immersed in the beautiful lyrics and melody. He couldn't help but admire her, he rarely admired any singers. This woman could easily be included in his admired singers list.

Nalan Yu looked at him and grinned, "How is it? Is she beautiful?"

Shen Tianyun nodded in agreement, "Yes, beautiful but I like her voice more. How could I don't know her? Is she just debuting recently?" He asked further.

Nalan Yu giggles, "Hehe, that's right she just debuted this year. She became famous and soared into the nine heavens in one go from the first day. Not only her appearance and her voice but she is also very good at piano. Maybe she is even better than you!"

Her words make Shen Tianyun surprised, his piano proficiency already reached S rank. It was the peak in this world; he didn't believe that there was someone who could surpass him easily.

At this moment, a door suddenly opened. A tall study man walked into the room and shouted, "The singing competitors please prepare yourself. The competition will start in 10 minutes. Your ID number will arrange the order, please check the information on your ID card."

Nalan Yu became nervous suddenly, her face showing uncertain expression. Shen Tianyun chuckled, and said, "Earlier, I heard someone want to be like Su Meiyin. Look at you now, why did you become nervous again."

Hearing Shen Tianyun teasing, Nalan Yu couldn't help but glare at Shen Tianyun fiercely, "Humph! Who said I was nervous! I… I just want to go to the restroom!" With that, She quickly walked towards the restroom. Shen Tianyun shook his head while looking at the escaping figure. He has nothing to do again, he went out and find Grandma Su.


The VIP private box on the second floor wasn't spacious, it was for a convenient purpose. People who use private boxes may access a better view, and they don't have to squeeze themselves with the crowd. Especially elderly like Grandma Su, she would have more space to breathe and be more comfortable.

Grandma Su's mood had been affected greatly by the earlier incident since she had arrived at the private box, she was sitting on the sofa and stayed silent. Fang Yulan said nothing, she only slowly sipped her tea and fell into deep thought contrary to Liu Feiyan who suppressed herself from asking. She was very curious about the matters between her mother, Grandma Su, and Dongfang Mengrou. With her intelligence, she could understand a bit but it was still only her guess, she wanted the truth.

Liu Feiyan woke up from her thought by the knocking sound on the door, so she stood up and opened it. It was Shen Tianyun who stood behind the door, Liu Feiyan's mood became better upon seeing him.

"Tianyun! How is it? Are you ready?" Liu Feiyan immediately dragged him into the room.

"It should be fine now. I'm confident to get first place." Shen Tianyun replied he noticed the gloomy atmosphere in the room. He didn't know what happened.

"Grandma, my competition will start at noon. I will watch a singing contest with you here." When Shen Tianyun approached Grandma Su, he came up with a topic to lift the atmosphere.

"Hm! That's good. Do you know anyone in this contest?" Grandma Su casually asked if she was not in the mood to watch the competition.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "I just knew a girl named Nalan Yu, she participated in the singing contest. I think she has a great chance ." Of course, Shen Tianyun just spouted nonsense. He wasn't sure about it, all he wanted right now is to find some topic to carry on.

Before Grandma Su answered, Shen Tianyun felt a sharp pain on his waist, he cried out loud and saw Liu Feiyan's hand was pinching his waist fiercely.

"Humph! I haven't seen you for a while, you already hooked up with a new girl?" Liu Feiyan glared at him in dissatisfaction, she didn't like Shen Tianyun flirting with other women.

Shen Tianyun rubbed his waist painfully, saying, "What hook up? Big Sis Yan, I did nothing. She said that she was my fan, she saw the video on the internet and wanted to take a picture with me. That's why we came to know each other."

"Is she beautiful? Is she has a nice figure?" Liu Feiyan bombarded him with many questions as if she was a wife trying to interrogate her husband. Grandma Su burst into laughter when seeing this scene, the gloomy atmosphere quickly vanished to the thin air.

Fang Yulan covered her mouth, giggling, "Yan'er, when did you become his wife? Why didn't mom know anything at all?" She teased her daughter.

Came back to her senses, Liu Feiyan's face became reddened in embarrassment. It was her instinct to nag Shen Tianyun like a big wife who just caught her husband in a crime.

"Mom! I just don't want Tianyun to be deceived by a girl. Who knows if they want to do something to him!" She tried her hardest to refused, of course, no one would believe it.

Fang Yulan nodded and had an 'understanding' expression on her face, "Yes, Yes, Mom believe you." She suppressed her laughter while saying.

At this moment, a decent-looking woman walked up on the stage, she flashed a faint professional smile before saying, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the High School Musical Talent competition, My name is Hua Xiaoli, I will be the host for today."

She paused and gazing on the audiences, all the seats in the auditorium had been occupied. Most of the people here are either a competitor's family or friends, there are also a few people who work in the music industry. It happened several times in the past where the winner of the competition had been recruited and introduced into the music industry. This is the reason everyone is so excited and determined to win this competition.

Hua Xiaoli smiled in satisfaction, she continues, "The first competition for today is the singing contest. We will introduce the judge first. Everyone, please give applause for our first judge. A famous producer who shaken the music industry recently, Miss Mo Yuyan!" A decent looking middle-aged woman with a black long dress standing up and waving her hand to the crowd along with the thunderous applause.

"Wow, Miss Mo also came here!" Liu Feiyan was excited when she saw the first judge.

"Oh? Is she really famous?" Shen Tianyun asked.

Liu Feiyan looked at him strangely, "You don't know her? She is a famous producer who was behind the recent rising star, Su Meiyin's successful. Her eyes were sharp for looking for new talent. I didn't expect that she would come to this event."

"Oh?" Shen Tianyun was surprised again. So this Mo Yuyan was the one who made Su Meiyin become famous, it seems like the competition today will be very intense.

Hua Xiaoli continued to introduce the rest, there were 4 judges and all of them were working in the music industry, without a doubt they are very reliable. The competition started afterward. What surprised Shen Tianyun even more is Nalan Yu. She is the first one to perform.

"She is Nalan Yu, the girl that I mentioned earlier." Shen Tianyun exclaimed. Meanwhile, Liu Feiyan narrowed her eyes, staring at the petite figure on the stage intensively as if her eyes could shoot fire out of it.

He could see Nalan Yu holding the microphone with a bit of nervousness could be seen she took a deep breath trying to calm herself down before introducing herself, "Hello everyone, my name is Nalan Yu from JiangChe High school. Today I will sing a song named 'You Exist In My Song' by Miss Qu Wanting. I hope everyone will enjoy it." She nodded her head to the side of the stage, giving a signal showing that she is ready to perform now.

A slow beautiful piano melody rang out, and Nalan Yu sang. Out of expectation, Shen Tianyun was surprised again, he never thought Nalan Yu's voice could be so clear like this. Although her technique isn't up to the professional level yet, she has a promising future if she could continue on this path. If it was in the past, Shen Tianyun definitely ropes her into his entertainment company, she is a gem that is worth being polished.

'You Exist In My Song' was a famous song from a star and songwriter, Qu Wanting. This song was all about a people who suddenly appeared in someone's life and fell in love with each other, fate brought them together at the same time it also separated them. Everything became a memory, 'You exist in my song', the 'song' in this sentence could be referred to life and memory of that person who just lost someone important.