A Stunning Performance

Shen Tianyun comes to realization when he reading the information from Xiao Feng. The instrument competition was divided into piano and violin which is surprised Shen Tianyun greatly, at first he was very curious about how to compete because there are several instruments out there since he never participates in these kinds of competitions before. That's why Huayun High school only sending 2 people to this competition, Shen Tianyun and a girl name Wang Qing who will compete in the violin.

The singing competition was over and the winner will be announced at the end of the competition along with the winner of the instrument contest.

Private boxes have a food service, Shen Tianyun's group having their lunch using this service. They don't have to go out to find a restaurant for themselves, it was very convenient. With this number of people, it would be hard to find a good place to eat right now.

"Do you want anything else?" Fang Yulan asked.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "Thank you, Auntie Fang. I'm already full."

He turned to look at Grandma Su, "Grandma, I will go back now."

Grandma Su smiles warmly at him, "Hm! Do your best!" Shen Tianyun nodded in reply, he bid farewell to Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan and went out of the room.

"Wait! I will send you there." Liu Feiyan quickly got up and followed Shen Tianyun. Fang Yulan and Grandma Su looking at each other with concern in their eyes.

"Auntie Su, what if she tells him?" Fang Yulan was agitated, she didn't know what will happen if Shen Tianyun knows about Lin Ming.

Grandma Su silent for a moment before letting out a long sigh, "I don't know, I was confident in him. I think he knows what to do and we shouldn't interfere with him."

Grandma Su's expression became frosty, "Let's wait and see first if Lin Ming dare to touch him… hehe… even if I have to die I will definitely bring him down with me! Last time I still have to take care of Tianyun so I can't do anything rashly but he already grown up became a fine man now, I don't have to worry anymore." She said in a deep cold voice, killing intent flashed across her eyes. it was as if a dignified cultivator in the past has returned.

Fang Yulan's body shivered, she hesitating a bit before asked concernedly, "Auntie please rethink about it, you are his only family left. If anything happens to you I think that he will…" She didn't finish the sentence and got interrupted by Grandma Su.

"One day he will have his own family, you can see that Yan'er very fond of him. I think she suits him well… As for me? I will die sooner or later anyway. Why don't use this chance to take some small interest before I die? My husband and son were already gone for so long… I'm very tired." Grandma Su didn't say anything further, she slowly closing her eyes. The room fell into silence.


Along the way, Shen Tianyun saw Liu Feiyan hesitating many times as if she wanted to say something but she couldn't.

"What is it? Big Sis Yan, if you want to say something you can say it." He asked curiously.

Liu Feiyan bit her lips before saying, "After you left this morning, we met Lin Xueyue and her mother. There was a conflict between my mother and Lin Xueyue's mother. I don't know what happens, but I think it's related to secretary Lin." Lei Feiyan began to narrate everything in detail about this morning incident. She didn't miss even one word.

Shen Tianyun frowned deeply after hearing everything from Liu Feiyan. From this information, he could vaguely guessing about it.

"Big Sis Yan, do you know about my father and grandfather incident?" He asked.

Liu Feiyan nodded, "My mother told me that your father and grandfather died in a car accident."

Shen Tianyun let out a sigh, thinking carefully, he thought that Liu Feiyan deserved to know the truth. Since she will be his woman in the future, it would be bad for her if she still has no clue about it.

He looked into her eyes, "Big Sis Yan, that's not the truth. I will tell you a story." He started to narrate everything he knows about the incident in the past. Liu Feiyan's eyes widened open, she gasped in shock. She never thought that his father would die in a tragic way and his grandfather also followed along with his father.

They were fell into silence for a while, Shen Tianyun broke the silence, saying, "Now you understand?"

Liu Feiyan who was still in shock nodding her head, "I understand now…then do you think that secretary Lin was the one who did it to your father and grandfather?"

Shen Tianyun nodding his head in agreement, "Yes, he should be one of many people who participated in this incident. However, one thing that I don't understand, why did Grandma and Auntie Fang were dissatisfied at Auntie Dongfang? Although she is secretary Lin's wife, from Grandma and Auntie Fang's personalities they shouldn't place the hatred on her. it doesn't make sense at all, especially Auntie Fang. I heard from Grandma that she once was my father's admirer. She should hate secretary Lin instead of Auntie Dongfang, and she doesn't seem to hate Lin Xueyue at all. This is really confusing.... unless…"

"Unless Dongfang Mengrou and my mother were a friend before. My mother should feel that Dongfang Mengrou had betrayed her by married with Lin Ming. That's why she was very hostile to her." Liu Feiyan chimed in, she didn't notice that she had changed the way she called Lin Ming from 'secretary Lin' to 'Lin Ming'.

"That's right. Another speculation is Auntie Dongfang has a hand on my father's incident, but it's unlikely because she let Lin Xueyue to interacting with me, and she was the one who helps me get the part-time job. If she really hated me, she should try everything to suppress me or even try to kill me, not helping me like this. I have interacted with her once, she doesn't seem to have malice thought on me." Shen Tianyun analyzed further. Suddenly, his eyes widened open as if he realized something.

He hurried to ask, "Did Grandma Su said something that Auntie Dongfang was a daring girl in the past right?"

Liu Feiyan nodded her head, "Hm! I think Grandma Su said 'That daring little girl in the past is gone already?', this sentence. What is it?"

Everything became make sense in Shen Tianyun's head, he clapped his hand in understanding, "That's how it is! Grandma Su should know Auntie Dongfang in the past, if I guess correctly she should also be my father's admirer. Everything makes sense now, if she was my father's admirer and then married to a man who killed my father. It's normal for Grandma Su and Auntie Fang to have a strong reaction toward her."

Liu Feiyan also thought that it makes sense. However she still didn't believe it completely, "But we still don't know if it true or not. Why would she married Lin Ming then? If she loves your father."

Shen Tianyun sighed before he replied, "If it's true, I think I know why she'd married secretary Lin."

Liu Feiyan tilted her head in confusion, Shen Tianyun's expression became solemn, "She wanted revenge!" Liu Feiyan covered her mouth in disbelief, if this is true, Dongfang Mengrou should be praised instead. She had to endure married a man who she hated the most, and silently wait for revenge. This is too scary!

"No wonder…that Lin Xueyue was born by using a medical technique." She muttered in low voice. It didn't escape from Shen Tianyun's hearing ability.

"What? So Lin Xueyue was born by using a medical technique? …Then our speculation was more or less close to the truth." His expression was dead serious, that's mean Dongfang Xueyue in this world has a very complicated family. He couldn't help but worry about her, it would be easier if she regains her other half memory. After all, Dongfang Xueyue in the past life was a resolute woman, she shouldn't have an attachment to this world's family much. He felt a strong headache coming, this drama quite troublesome for him. Even though he didn't have feelings towards Shen Qingshan much, but he still has Grandma Su. He already vowed to take revenge, and he must do it.

Both of them fell into deep thought, they didn't notice that Nalan Yu had already approached them.

Nalan Yu looking at both of them weirdly and asked, "Hey Shen Tianyun, how come you're still here? Isn't you should go to prepare now? And this is…?" Her voice waking Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan up from their thought.

Before Shen Tianyun could say anything, Liu Feiyan already said, "Hello little sister, my name is Liu Feiyan. I am his girlfriend." She smiled beautifully at Nalan Yu. Seeing this Shen Tianyun was speechless.

"Ah!? Hello! Elder Sister Liu. My name is Nalan Yu, you won't mind, right? I am just his fans." Nalan Yu was shocked by Liu Feiyan's beauty and that seductive body was so tempting even to a girl like her. She subconsciously compared her own size to hers and got hit by a wave of disappointment.

Shen Tianyun sighed helplessly, he said, "I saw your performance in this morning, you did a really good job. I think you have a chance to get into the top three. I hope you don't stop singing, I really like your voice." He said honestly, he knew that Nalan Yu's performance still far away from getting the first place but it could get into the top three for sure.

Nalan Yu smiled warmly, "Thank you, I'm also very confident to get into the top three. Hehe, I won't be a light bulb anymore. I will wait to see your performance. Good luck!" She bid farewell to Liu Feiyan and quickly jogging off.

Liu Feiyan smiled like a winner, she snorted while looking at Nalan Yu's back. Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly when he saw her expression. This girl is too jealous without a reason.

Liu Feiyan narrowing her eyes looked at him, "Let see if you still try to hook up with another girl. Hmph!" She threatens him like a big wife exerting her dominance over her husband. Shen Tianyun doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Hehe, Who would want another girl when I already have this beautiful girlfriend." Shen Tianyun drew himself close to her, Liu Feiyan was in a panicked, she subconscious step back but her back already hit the wall. She can't escape any further. Shen Tianyun got his chance, he immediately put both hands on the wall making a blockage blocking Liu Feiyan's path to escape.

"What? Wifey? Why are you so nervous?" He grinned evilly and moving his face closer to her. He was taller than her, and she was only around Shen Tianyun's chin. He has to look downwards slightly to see her face. A sweet fragrance emitting from her drifted into his nostrils, a smell of young girl making his blood boiling. Liu Feiyan's face reddened, she could feel Shen Tianyun's breath, her heart beating rapidly. She was so panicked, her mind becomes a mess.

"I…I was joking!" Liu Feiyan cried out in panicked, she didn't even know what she just said.

"Oh? Really I thought you were serious. Sigh… what a pity, if I have a beautiful girlfriend like Big Sis Yan. I would have slept with a good dream every day." Shen Tianyun sighed in 'regretted'. Liu Feiyan who was her mind still in a mess, she thought that Shen Tianyun was genuinely disappointed, she felt uncomfortable in her heart. She doesn't know what to do in this situation, she mustered her courage and pecking on his cheek before getting out of Shen Tianyun's blockage. She quickly fleeing away.

A moment later, she paused and turned to look at Shen Tianyun, "This is just a small reward if you wanted a big reward. Win this competition first!" She then continues to run off, leaving a dazed Shen Tianyun behind. He touched his cheek where Liu Feiyan just kissed and smiled warmly.

"Don't worry Big Sis Yan! I will win this competition for sure! You better prepare a reward for me!" He shouted after the escaping figure, Liu Feiyan who was already a little far away was almost strumbled when she heard his words. She covered her reddened face and keep running away. Shen Tianyun chuckled and walking towards the competitor room.


The instrument competition will start with the violin first, Shen Tianyun was the third in a queue of the piano contest. He had to wait for a while, without anything to do he using his phone searching for various pieces of a song. With the ability to memorize everything just a single glance, he decided to memorize as much as possible. Shen Tianyun didn't choose a song yet, he wanted to wait and see others first.

A time passed by, The violin contest had finished, and it's time for Shen Tianyun to perform. He saw the first two competitors had used the quite difficult song and they can't perform as they expected due their ability couldn't catch up with the difficulty. Shen Tianyun smiled confidently after witnessing their performance, he expected to get the first place.

Everyone has 10 minutes to perform, Shen Tianyun decided to play one of the most difficult pieces of a song in the world, 'Mephisto Waltz No.1'. Not only he wanted to win, but he also needed Fame Points more. With this piece, he could easily gain more fame within a night. He walked up to the stage, and simply introducing himself before sitting in front of the piano.

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath before placing his fingers on the key. This song started with a low key and the tempo was quite high. Just when he began to play, the audience immediately fell into silence. Many audiences don't have knowledge in the music much, they never heard this song before. On the other hand, Mo Yuyan who was an experienced producer she knows how difficult this song was. Her eyes lit up and staring intensively at Shen Tianyun every movement. The more he played with a high tempo, the more audience was stunned with his brilliant and fast speed performance.

Normally, the professional pianist could go with around 12 notes in a second. However, Shen Tianyun right now already reached 15 notes in a second. His performance has blown many expert's minds. Mo Yuyan stared at Shen Tianyun as if she just found a priceless treasure. At first, she didn't want to come here but her relationship with the president of the Musical Association was very good, she couldn't refuse this invitation. The performance of various students from the morning up until now, no one has entered her eyes. Shen Tianyun was the first, she started to feels that this trip was worth it.

Shen Tianyun's performance was already reaching the end, a fast tempo made the audience became excited along with it. When the final notes died down, the audience went uproars with thunderous applause. Mo Yuyan is no exception, she standing up and applauding with a satisfied smile on her face.