
The competition goes on, but people don't care about the rest performance anymore. All the performances were paled in comparison with Shen Tianyun's performance. People are like this when they had tasted better food they would find it hard to go back for normal food. Shen Tianyun's performance was a heavenly delicacy to their ears, and it's hard to forget about it.

"You are so bad Tianyun! You just destroyed everyone's confidence. I bet, they didn't have any hope of winning anymore." In the competition room, Nalan Yu said to Shen Tianyun who casually sipping his tea as if his performance is not significant at all.

Shen Tianyun put down his teacup, he shrugged, "Well, I wanted to win as well. That's why I choose one of the most difficult songs for this." Looking at Shen Tianyun's carefree manner, Nalan Yu shook her head helplessly.

"I suddenly felt that I was very lucky that I don't have to compete with you. I don't know if I could come back or walk on this path further after witness your performance." Nalan Yu sighed, this is the difference between talented and untalented people.

Shen Tianyun only chuckled in reply, he wasn't trying to be humble, or else he would be a hypocrite. He says, "I know what you are thinking, did you ever heard this sentence, 'Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard'?. We all know that people were born different, some were born with a golden spoon in their mouth. Some were born with high talents, but trust me if you're willing to work hard. Everything is possible." He just wanted to encourage Nalan Yu. He always believed that he was a hard-working person. From the lowest point to the highest point of people could possibly reach, Shen Tianyun never blames heaven or anyone for his poor birth, he even wanted to thank heaven instead.

Nalan Yu smiled warmly, "Alright, Uncle Shen. Thank you. I know what to do."

Shen Tianyun shook his head laughing, "Right, what are you planning to do after the competition ends?" He asked.

Nalan Yu tilted her head thinking for a bit before reply, "I'm not sure, at first I wanted to go to Rainbow Fragrance restaurant to see you, but now I might go back to Clear River city in this evening. What is it? You couldn't possibly want to have a date with me right?" She teased. Shen Tianyun was speechless, he remembered that this girl was timid and nervous before, and now she became daring without a hint of shyness.

"Nah, I'm just asking. Should we exchange our contact? We might meet again in the future." Shen Tianyun secretly noted in his head, if he were to open an entertainment company he would seeking out for her. Of course, on condition that she still wants to be a singer.

Nalan Yu nodded happily, they quickly exchanged contact. After chatting for a while, the staff has called out everyone. The winner announcement will be started in 10 minutes. Every competitor will stay at the backstage waiting for their name to be announced.

At this moment, Hua Xiaoli standing on the stage with a professional smile on her face. "Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming here today. I guessed that everyone couldn't wait to know who are the winners right? I will skip unnecessary speech now. I will announce the winner of the singing contest first. Please welcome the president of Music Association, Mr.Wen Xiufeng on the stage."

A middle-aged man with a black professional suit walking up onto the stage, he combed his hair neatly. He then picked up the microphone, saying, "Everyone, Thank you for your attention and support today. Without everyone support, there won't be the competition today. I will first announce the rewards for the winner. The first place will be rewarded 100,000 RMB and a recommendation to sign a contract with a good entertainment company. The second place will be rewarded 50,000 RMB and the third place will be rewarded 20,000 RMB."

The competitor becomes excited after hearing the rewards. However, all of the piano contester were dejected, they all know that they didn't have a chance to get the first place at all. They all looking at Shen Tianyun with jealousy and envy.

President Wen continuing, "In order not to waste any time, I will first announce the third place of the singing contest. Congratulations!, Jiangche High school, Student Nalan Yu!!" He raised his voice to make it more excited, Nalan Yu covered her mouth in disbelief. Shen Tianyun smiled warmly at her and gently pushed her to go out on the stage. She went to receive an award-winning badge from President Wen. The announcement goes on, the first place was a man named Ye Liangchen. Shen Tianyun didn't pay attention much.

What surprised him was a fellow student from Huayun High school, Wang Qing had won the violin contest. He didn't pay attention to her much, right now he saw her appearance for the first time. She has a slightly short hair hung around her shoulders. Her face features could be described as pretty, her figure was not that good because her chest quite small makes her look like an immature little girl. She also doesn't tall either, her height should be around 1.65m. From his memory, he suddenly remembered that this girl is one of the four beauty in Huayun High school.

President Wen announces further, "And the winner of the piano contest. Congratulation! Huayun High school, Student Shen Tianyun! I think everyone also agrees with me right?. This student has brilliant performance, even I myself was amazed. He has a bright future ahead of him!" The audience applauding loudly in agreement. They were amazed at Shen Tianyun's performance, it was surpassed the high school level for a large margin, and they believed that he deserved the first place without a doubt.


Zhou Liming was in among the crowd, his expression turned ugly. He didn't know how did the situation turned out like this, he was checking several times before sending Shen Tianyun's application paper. Of course, Zhou Feng and Huang Zheng were no exception, their expression was ashen. They glaring at Zhou Liming as if they want to eat him alive. If Shen Tianyun were to see this he probably laughing out loud, this is really a classic performance from them.

"Trash!!" Zhou Feng spatted a word at Zhou Liming, the latter was covered in cold sweats.

"Someone must be helping him for sure! I bet that it was Lin Xueyue. Fuck this bitch!" Huang Zheng was so angry, his face was contorted, he never forgets the humiliation he got from Lin Xueyue on that day.

"Fuck! Why do all these girls be so close to that bastard! My Big Brother said that Liu Feiyan also close to him! What's good in him, he just a poor bastard!" Zhou Feng was no different from Huang Zheng, he was so jealous and envy Shen Tianyun for receiving favors from Lin Xueyue.

Zhou Liming who lowered his head on the side think differently, before he plotted against Shen Tianyun, he investigated him for a while. He found that this Shen Tianyun is not normal as it seems to be. He asked the thugs that once attacked Shen Tianyun, they were so scared when he mentioned Shen Tianyun's name. Not to mention the latest exam result and this piano performance, Zhou Liming knows that these two young masters couldn't be compared to Shen Tianyun at all. Despite knowing all of this, he still couldn't refuse Zhou Feng's command or else his life would be misery.


Shen Tianyun went up to the stage, he shook hands with president Wen and receive the award-winning badge. Countless media flashing their camera at both of them. Everything goes well, Grandma Su, Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan were overjoyed when they seeing this scene. They were proud of him, especially Liu Feiyan, She was so happy and couldn't stop smiling, as if realizing something she blushed and her face got as red as beetroot.

Shen Tianyun went back to the backstage, Nalan Yu came up to congratulate him. They chat for a while and about to say goodbye to each other, Mo Yuyan suddenly appeared at the backstage causing a huge commotion among competitors. They were eager to see who she wanted to talk to. She slowly walking towards Shen Tianyun and Nalan Yu. Countless eyes staring at them.

Mo Yuyan smiled gracefully and offered her hand, saying, "Hello, student Shen Tianyun. My name is Mo Yuyan. I am a producer at Bright Star Entertainment, I wanted to have a private chat with you. I wonder if you're free right now?" Her tone was polite, Shen Tianyun has a good impression on her. He reaches out his hand to shake with her.

"Yes, I'm free right now. Shall we find a place to chat?" He maintained a polite attitude towards her. Shen Tianyun bid farewell to Nalan Yu and walking out of the backstage with Mo Yuyan. A short moment later, they have reached the private room which reserved for Mo Yuyan, after exchange courtesy they began to discuss the business.

"I will get to the main point, I want you to work with me at Bright Star Entertainment. What do you think?" Mo Yuyan calmly said she was confident to get Shen Tianyun to work with her. However, she doesn't know that this is just a hobby for him, if not for Fame Points he probably won't bother about this kind of competition.

Shen Tianyun putting down his teacup and smiled at her, "Thank you for your invitation, but I don't want to become a musician. This is just my hobby, I hope you understand." He politely said.

Mo Yuyan frowned slightly, she tries to persuade further, "You are so talented, working with me you could easily be a top superstar. Do you really want to waste your talent just like that? or perhaps, you have some problems? You can tell me, I can help you with that."

Shen Tianyun still wore a calm smile, "May I ask you one question?"

Mo Yuyan nodded in reply, Shen Tianyun said further, "What do you think about Miss Nalan Yu who got third place in the singing contest?"

Mo Yuyan was surprised slightly, she calmly thinking about Nalan Yu which she didn't pay attention to her much. "Honestly, I don't pay attention to her much. I only remember that she has a very clear voice and nothing else." She replied honestly.

Shen Tianyun secretly nodded in his heart, it seems like she isn't pretentious type. "Yes, you are half correct. Although her appearance is only average, her voice was a top-notch one. She could be a top singer that everyone would addict to her voice. This is only my opinion, if you want to find new talent, I think you should go for her. As for me, my apologies, I don't want to be a musician."

Mo Yuyan felt something was amiss, a man in front of her should be a high schooler, right? Why did she feel as if she talking with an adult? "Thank you for your advice, are you sure that you don't want to work with me? Perhaps you will change your mind after seeing my plans for you? I could arrange for you to perform with Su Meiyin if you want to." She uses the trump card, Su Meiyin, to convince him further. She thought that a young boy like him wouldn't reject her after he got a chance to work with Su Meiyin. However, she was underestimated Shen Tianyun greatly.

Shen Tianyun was slightly disappointed when he sees her ignored his opinion on Nalan Yu, he shook his head, saying, "Thank you for your great offers but I still have to reject it. As I said before, I don't want to continue on this path, it just my hobby."

Mo Yuyan silent for a while before sighed, "I understand, this is my business card, if you change your mind you can contact me." She still smiled professionally and sent the business card to Shen Tianyun. He politely accepted, they bid farewell to each other and walking out of the room.

Shen Tianyun heading to find Grandma Su on the second floor. Along the way Shen Tianyun met many media asking for the interview, he happily accepted it all. It took him around 30 minutes to finished all the interviews, he then quickly went to the second floor. Upon reaching the room, Liu Feiyan already waiting for him on the outside. She smiled beautifully at him, her expression filled with pride and happiness.

"Congratulation! Tianyun." She happily said.

Shen Tianyun smiled and drew himself closer to her, he whispering in low voice, "Don't forget a reward, Big Sis Yan." His words caused Liu Feiyan to blush.

"Hmph! You dare to bully me now? Let see I will hit you or not!" Out of panicked, she waving her little fist to covered her shyness. Shen Tianyun laughing heartily. At this moment, Grandma Su and Fang Yulan walked out of the room. Their face was full of smile.

"Congratulation, Tianyun! I know that you would win this." Fang Yulan said.

"Good job little Yun! Grandma happy for you." Grandma Su faces brimming with pride and happiness.

"Thank you, Grandma, Auntie Fang for accompanying me." Seeing his grandma's happy expression. Shen Tianyun also felt happy in his heart.

"I heard people talking that Miss Mo invited you for a chat, is that true?" Liu Feiyan asked she heard many competitors talking about this when she went to the restroom.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yes, she wanted me to work with her, but I already refused it. After all, I don't want to be a musician." Liu Feiyan and Fang Yulan were surprised, they never thought that he would reject this good opportunity. On the other hand, Grandma Su didn't seem to worry at all, she knows fully well that Shen Tianyun wanted to be a businessman.

"But…that's a good opportunity why did you refuse just like that?" Liu Feiyan couldn't help but asked, she know that this is a very good opportunity for him to fly into the sky.

Shen Tianyun smiled reassured at her, "Don't worry, Big Sis Yan, I really don't want to be a musician. I have my own goals." He didn't explain further. Liu Feiyan didn't say anything further but she still has an upset expression on her face.

"Alright, let's go back… Oh, do you want Auntie to deposit a paycheck for you?" Fang Yulan asked it was not a small sum of money. She was concerned about it.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "Thank you, Auntie Fang, I will do it myself. I still need to open my bank account."

"That's good then, okay, let's go." Fang Yulan didn't nag him further, everyone immediately set off toward the car and went back to their home.