Popularity of Steamed Buns

The next morning, it was Saturday. Shen Tianyun has to go to work his part-time job. After finished his morning routine, he quickly set off to the mall. He needs to open his bank account and deposit the check that he got from yesterday. He took the bus to the mall. There is only one big mall in Pearl City, it was SC Mall. It located in the center of the city. Arrived at the SC mall, he looking around various high rise buildings, he has around 1 year in this city before going to Beijing. He wanted to build his foundation here and let Feng Yunxi manage it in the future.

Walking into the mall, Shen Tianyun went straight to the bank. It was the biggest bank in China, the Industrial & Commercial Bank of China, or ICBC. He was pretty familiar with this bank as he always uses this bank in his previous life. He went to pick up the queue card and sitting down waiting for his turn. He didn't have to wait for too long before his queue is up. He went to the counter.

"Hello, welcome to ICBC bank. How can I help you, sir?" A decent looking bank employee girl said with a smile.

"Hello, I would like to open the bank account and deposit this check." Shen Tianyun smiled, he took out his ID card and the check sending it to the girl.

"Please wait for a moment." The girl received his two items and busy working on it. The process is not that complicated, it took him 15 minutes for opening his account and deposit a check. He has to pay a 5% tax for the reward and that would be 95,000 left for him.

The girl sending a bank card to him and smiled, "Thank you for choosing our service, this is your bank card and the deposit check will be done in 2 or 3 days. Have a nice day, sir." Shen Tianyun was satisfied with the girl attitude, he immediately gave her 5-star service evaluation before walking out of the bank. He then proceeds to buy two smartphones prepared for Feng Yunxi and Feng Sisi. Looking at the time it was almost 10 AM. He has nothing to do so he decided to go to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant early.

Upon walking into the restaurant, Shen Tianyun saw many waitresses engaging in heat discussion. They seemed to be excited and happy about something.

Ye Qingyi saw him, she smiled gently and walked up to greet him. "Tianyun, you've come."

Shen Tianyun smiled back at her, "Yes, Big Sis Qingyi. What are they talking about? Why did they seem to be so excited?"

Ye Qingyi covered her mouth laughing, "They talk about the steamed bun that selling at the outer city. It's so delicious. Eh…? Come to think of it, the stall name is 'Tianyun Buns' don't tell me you are the owner? Hehe." She said jokingly.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "That's right. It's my shop." He admitted honestly.

Ye Qingyi was surprised, she still didn't believe it and thought that he was joking, "You're joking right?"

Shen Tianyun's expression was serious, "No, I'm not joking. It's really my shop. I just opened it while ago. That buns called heavenly jade steamed buns and opened near the bus station." His voice was not too loud but many waitresses could hear it. They all looking at him in amazement and immediately surrounding him.

Li Xiaobai grabbed his arm and said excitedly, her eyes sparkling like a star in the sky, "Wow! It's really yours? Little brother Tianyun, you need to reserve 10 pieces for me tomorrow okay?" Her words caused everyone's eyes lit up, they began to request for the steamed buns.

"Everyone calms down, how about this? today evening I will bring 100 steamed buns for you. What do you think?" Shen Tianyun wanted to use this opportunity to spread his steamed buns further. With Feng Yunxi alone, she could only make 100 pieces per day. He thought that it was too slow to make it spreading into the inner city. He was thinking about hiring more people, he needs to ask Feng Yunxi first, maybe she would have someone she was familiar with.

"That's great!! I want creamed buns, it's the best!" All the girls went uproar, a huge commotion was noticed by Cai Ning who happened to walk down to the first floor at this moment.

Cai Ning looked at the scene in puzzled, "What's going on?" She questioned Ye Qingyi who happened to stand near her the most.

Ye Qingyi explained, "It's like this, everyone was talking about the heavenly jade steamed buns that selling at the outer city area. It turned out that Shen Tianyun is the owner of that stall."

Cai Ning's eyes flickered slightly, "You mean that steamed buns you gave me this morning?" She asked.

"Yes, that one." Ye Qingyi replied. Cai Ning's expression didn't change, she calmly walking towards Shen Tianyun. When everyone saw her coming, they immediately became silent.

Cai Ning looked at Shen Tianyun and says, "Come with me. I have something to talk with you." Her words caused Shen Tianyun surprised a little, he didn't know what she wants to talk with him. He calmly following her to the second floor. All the girls discussing in a low voice, they try to guess what Cai Ning wanted to talk with Shen Tianyun.


In Cai Ning's study, Shen Tianyun calmly sat opposite her. He still couldn't figure out what Cai Ning wants to talk with him, he won't be delusional thinking that Cai Ning wants to buy his recipe. After all, he still doesn't know if she has already tasted it or not.

"Are you really the owner of Tianyun Buns?" Cai Ning opened her mouth.

Shen Tianyun was startled for a second, he didn't expect that she would really talk about his steamed buns stall, he nodded, "Yes, I am the owner of Tianyun Buns."

Cai Ning's expression didn't change, she asked further, "Do you want to sell your steamed buns on my restaurant?"

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, after thinking for a bit, he replies, "I would love to but right now I don't have enough manpower. As you can see I only have one employee and she is the one that selling steamed buns right now." He openly giving Cai Ning to open her terms, he wanted to see how Cai Ning handle this deal first before making any move further.

Cai Ning gives out a rare smile, "How about this, I will provide enough manpower for you. You can just prepare all the ingredients, and my people will be the ones who shape it, with this method your recipe won't leak right? As for profits, I will give you 50." She explained her terms which make Shen Tianyun satisfied with how she handles it. Assume that she probably didn't think that Shen Tianyun has any knowledge in doing business, she still gives him honest profits without deceiving him at all. With 50 percent of profits only to providing the ingredients, it could be said that this is the best deal for him.

Shen Tianyun smiled in satisfaction, "It's deal." He accepted without hesitation.

Cai Ning's eyes lit up, she hurried to says, "Okay, I will handle all the logistics cost you don't have to worry about this. Let's start with 500 per day first. You can contact me if your ingredients are ready. You can come back after finish your today job, I will draft a contract waiting for you."


Shen Tianyun finished his part-time job today and went to Cai Ning's study room again. He proceeds to sign a contract with her for 1 year period. Cai Ning aimed to sell the steamed buns at a luxury price, 60 RMB per piece, this price is very high. Despite minus the initial cost from manpower, ingredients, and logistics, she could get profits more than 35 per piece and Shen Tianyun will get half of it. It could be said that if everything goes well as a plan, Shen Tianyun doesn't have to worry about income for a while.

After finishing all the necessary tasks, he heading towards Feng Yunxi's house. He was too busy for these past few days and didn't have much time to check on her. A short moment later, he arrived at Feng Yunxi's house. Little girl Sisi came up to welcome him. In these past few days, her complexion became healthier and happier than before. She lived a happy life every day.

Feng Yunxi served him a tea, she then sitting down opposite him. "Little Yun! The steamed bun was really famous now. An only half-hour, all the steamed buns already sold out! I want to discuss this with you, I think we need to hire more people, and maybe we could open another stall at different places." She said excitedly.

Shen Tianyun sipping his tea and nodded in agreement, "Yes, I also wanted to hire more people. We will talk about this later. Let me tell you a piece of good news first. From tomorrow onward, we need to prepare more ingredients for 500 pieces every day. I just made a deal with Miss Cai Ning. She will send people to fetch the ingredients, all we have to do is making doughs and the stuffed." He explained.

Feng Yunxi was overjoyed, even though she is just an employee, she treated and took cared of this business as her own. The more successful of this business become, the more she feels proud and happy. They discussed this topic further, they need to buy a large dough kneading machine including necessary items for packaging all the ingredients.

"Right, Little Yun. I want to tell you that yesterday, someone from the Black Dragon gang had come to the stall and they want to collect a protection fee. They want 500 RMB every day. I don't know what to do so I decided to pay them first and waiting to discuss with you." Feng Yunxi was very worried, she knew too well how scary Black Dragon gang was. In the past when she still opening the noodle stall, she had to pay a protection fee every day as well.

Shen Tianyun frowned, this Black Dragon gang again, he thought that this time he needs to do something about this but he needs to collect the information first. From Fang Yulan, he knew that there are many powerful families behind this Black Dragon gang. He has to be more cautious, thinking about it for a while, he says, "That's a good decision, Auntie Feng. We can find money at any time and your life is more important. From tomorrow onward you don't have to sell the steamed buns anymore, you can wholeheartedly focusing on preparing the ingredients. I think we need to change the plan a bit. I will explain it to you later. You have to make sure that they won't know your address when you are going out you need to be more cautious. Wait for a little more, I will bring you and Sisi to live in the inner city."

Shen Tianyun has expected this situation since the first day he opened a stall. He could see that they probably want the recipe next time when they come. He felt powerless on this matter but he didn't fear them at all. There was a subtle change in Shen Tianyun's mind after he coming to this world. He now fully understand that it was really hard to do anything when you have so many things to care about. If it was his previous life, he would go out and destroy this Black Dragon gang already. After all, he only has Shen Xiaohong to protect, it's much easier than the current situation.

"Hm! Don't worry they don't know my address for sure. I was very careful when going out and come back." Fang Yulan said, her expression loosen a bit after hearing his words. She doesn't have to take any risk further.

Shen Tianyun took out two smartphones he bought in this morning, "These 2 phones are for you and Sisi, so you could contact me anytime you want. I already put my contact in there." Feng Yunxi received it from Shen Tianyun's hand. However, she seems to hesitate for a moment as if she wants to say something.

"What is it, Auntie Feng?" Seeing her abnormal expression, he asked.

"This…uh…Auntie doesn't know how to use it." Feng Yunxi's face reddened in embarrassment, she never owns a smartphone before. No woman wants to look stupid in front of a man, even though they are not their lover, they will still find it hard to accept it. That's why she thought that this is very embarrassing.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, he didn't mind about it. "Sisi, come here. Big brother will teach you how to use this phone." He calls Feng Sisi who busy reading the book on the sofa. He didn't know what happened to her, Sisi seems to be more fond of study, which is a very good thing for her. The little girl quickly jumped up from the sofa and ran happily to them. Shen Tianyun began to teach both mother and daughter how to use the smartphone.


It was already 9.45 P.M. when he arrived at home. Several things happened today, and there are more to come in the future. It was 2 weeks now since he came to this world, he was very satisfied with his progress so far. He went back to his room and took a bath. After that he sitting on his bed and pondering about his plan, he needs to revise his plan every time something big happens. First of all, he needs to investigate this Black Dragon gang seriously, since they claimed to be the most powerful underground gang in Pearl City. He needs to get into the bottom of this, it would be beneficial for his plan.

The second issue should be his Heavenly Jade Buns recipe, in truth, he has an urge to sell it to Cai Ning today but he needs to hold it for a while because the more steamed buns become famous, the more he could asking for a higher price. This is the only business he has in his hand right now, and cash doesn't seem to be useful for him, at least not now. However, he already noted it in his heart, if Cai Ning really wants this recipe he will prioritizing her first. From what he saw the way she treated her employee, he would be at ease selling this recipe to her so that she could provide more available jobs for those who in need.

The third issue is the drama between Dongfang Mengrou, Lin Xueyue, Lin Ming, Grandma Su, and Fang Yulan. Honestly, he didn't know how to handle this at all. He couldn't find the starting point, as a carefree man like him, he has never been in any deep relationship before. Whether it was a man and woman love affair or family relationship, he never experiences it at all. At this moment, there is someone knocking his door. He quickly got up and went to open it. A fresh sweet fragrance immediately attacks his nostrils, Liu Feiyan who is now wearing thin pajamas standing shyly in front of him. Shen Tianyun thinking about the reward that he waiting for, he grinned evilly.