Undying Love

"What are you doing?" Liu Feiyan walked leisurely into his room she looking around before sitting on the bed. Her actions were a bit unnatural.

Shen Tianyun grinning looked at her, "Nothing, I'm thinking about when Big Sis Yan will give me a reward." He drew himself close to her and sitting beside her. At this moment, Shen Tianyun decided to use Impression Points function on her just to make sure before doing anything further. Previously he was confident that Liu Feiyan definitely loves him, he felt uncomfortable because he thought that she loves the former Shen Tianyun, not him. After talking with Goddess Xi Yao, he gradually accepted this identity.

『 Liu Feiyan : 200(MAX) 「Undying Love」 』 A small transparent windows appeared on her head caused Shen Tianyun stunned for a moment. What is this 「Undying Love」?, He admitted that he didn't fully understand this function well. There are many kinds of love, for example when he uses it on Grandma Su it showed 「Familial Love」. It was understandable, but this 「Undying Love」 seems to be a higher level of love? That is what Shen Tianyun understand at this moment.

Liu Feiyan blushed slightly, she didn't dare to look at his face. She snorted to covered her shyness, "What do you want then?" She asked, her hands twisting the hem of her pajamas nervously.

Shen Tianyun moved closer to her, their shoulders sticking close together. He reached out his hands to grab hers, and use another hand to move her face to look at him. He smiled gently looking into her eyes, "Feiyan, do you love me?" He went straight to the point, no need for more honey words.

Liu Feiyan shuddered slightly, her watery eyes looking straight into his eyes. Her heartbeat beating rapidly, especially when she heard him calling her as 'Feiyan' not 'Big Sis Yan' like before. All the memory from the first day she met him replaying in her mind. She never thought that one day she would fall in love with this weak-looking man, it was that day when she got harassing from the group of young boys. In the helpless situation, this weak skinny man who was a subject for people to bully suddenly standing in front of her blocking all the boys from harming her. He stood like a mountain that can't be moved, he never let out any scream even though they keep hitting him fiercely.

Men have their own fantasy, women have it too. They would expect a charming prince to come and save them in a helpless situation like a princess in the fairy tales, Liu Feiyan was no exception. From that day onward, she completely fell in love with him. It was not impulsive action because the love for him increasing every day, and it imprinted deep into her soul. She grew up becomes a beautiful woman, there are countless men pursuing her, but no one has entered her eyes. More precisely it was because her eyes always fixated on one person, and that person is the man in front of her now.

"Hm…I always love you. Tianyun." It was out of her expectation, she could say it in a calm manner. She imagines this day countless times in her mind and thought that she couldn't say it out. A faint pink layer appeared on her cheeks, she is now incomparably charming.

Hearing her answer, Shen Tianyun smiled in satisfaction, saying, "This is the reward I want, Feiyan, please become my girlfriend. Okay?" He didn't think that it was too fast to ask her out. He wants to confirm this relationship before Liu Feiyan went to university. Since he destined to have many women in this life, he won't be hesitating anymore.

Liu Feiyan smiled widely, her eyes become misty, a sweetness, happiness all sorts of positive feeling welled up in her heart. Her dream finally comes true. She still staring into his eyes and asks, "I do want to be your girlfriend, however, I want to ask you one question first." Shen Tianyun nodded in acknowledgment.

She continues, "What do you think about Lin Xueyue?"

Shen Tianyun didn't quite understanding much on why she would ask this question, but he still honestly reply, "She will be my woman. Although the situation is very complicated right now, I will definitely make her mine." Deep down in his heart, he felt as if he was a bastard talking about making another woman be his in front of a woman that he wants her to be his girlfriend. It was because of this world, a man could have multiple wives, he could feel at ease to talk on this topic. He needs to get used to it.

Liu Feiyan eyes filled with tenderness, she calmly says, "That's good, promise me. You have to make her become the first wife, okay?" Shen Tianyun thought it was really strange, isn't all woman want to be a first wife? Why did Liu Feiyan give up the position just like that?

He nodded his head. "Hm! I promise. Now, can I take my reward first?" He grinned evilly and moved his face closer to hers. As if knowing his intention, Liu Feiyan slowly closed her eyes waiting for his attack. Shen Tianyun slowly kissing her alluring lips, he could feel an elastic and softness from it. He hugging her tightly and moving his hand skillfully tracing her back. He then slowly reached his tongue out to touch her lips, Liu Feiyan subconscious pressing her lips tightly, didn't dare to open it. At this moment, her heart jumping like a deer, she started to panic.

Shen Tianyun's right hand already reached her bottom, in this sitting posture, he couldn't grab into it much. He could only grab as much as he could, the bounciness of her round butt caused Shen Tianyun's little brother erected hard. She was opened her mouth a little in shock from the attack, Shen Tianyun uses this opportunity to insert his tongue into her little mouth. He greedily savoring her sweet saliva, he looking for her pink little tongue but Liu Feiyan keeps dodging him. However, she could only dodge for a while before started to respond to his tongue. While their tongue entangled fiercely in her mouth, Shen Tianyun moved his hand into her pajamas and climbing into her proud perky breast.

The moment his hand touched her proud breast, it was as if electric run through her body and went to her brain, she heard a loud bang sound in her mind. She was completely immersed into the lust, her hands hugging him tightly, she greedily sucking his mouth. Because it was night time already, she didn't wear a bra. Shen Tianyun kneading her full mound, his big hand couldn't cover all of its sizes. He feels incomparably elastic and soft from her breast. This pair was definitely ranked among the top that he ever came across. Shen Tianyun found her hard erected cherry tips and skillfully playing it between his fingers causing Liu Feiyan to let out a bewitching moan. A short moment later, he moving his hand downward aiming at her secret garden.

Came back to her sense, Liu Feiyan hurried stopped his hand and pulling herself back from his embrace. She lowered her head and shyly says, "Sorry, Tianyun. I…I'm on a period right now." A lust has got her, she forgets that she is still on a period.

"Ah!?" Shen Tianyun was in agony, his little brother has bulged in his pant and there was no place to vent.

Seeing his painful expression, Liu Feiyan mustered her courage and says, "I…if you want I can use my mouth for you. I…I don't know how to do it but I have read it before." She was quite embarrassed when she said this, in the past, she was curious about this matter and reading it from the internet. She would even occasionally imagine how she is serving him in her mind.

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath and shaking his head, he didn't want to take advantage of her, and he suddenly remembers that his little brother still not ready in action. He wants to make a good impression on her first time. Finally, with his experienced, he could barely control his lust and calm himself down. "No, Yan'er. I want to give you a perfect first time, I don't want to take advantage of you. We still have plenty of chances to do in the future." He smiled warmly at her.

Liu Feiyan hesitating for a moment, Shen Tianyun said further, "Let's stop it here, today I already got what I want the most. It's your heart… Can you sleep with me tonight? I want to hug you sleeping." He caresses her hair gently. Liu Feiyan nodded happily. This is their first night together, they sleep and hugging each other tightly entire night.


The next morning, Shen Tianyun went out to do his morning routine as usual. Last night he didn't cultivate, but he didn't feel bad about it at all. Of course, with a beauty accompanying him in sleep, who would be crazy to cultivate?. During the breakfast, Fang Yulan and Grandma Su seem to notice something, they look at each other and smile widely. Shen Tianyun was speechless, a woman intuition really scary. He was sure that his and Liu Feiyan's behavior was very normal, how could Fang Yulan and Grandma Su manage to noticed it.

Shen Tianyun pretends to ask some information related to the Black Dragon gang from Fang Yulan, there were 2 big families behind this gang, one is Zhou family another one is Huang family. Knowing this Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly, Huang Zheng, Zhou Feng, and Zhou Xiaolong were his enemy, and now he has to add this Black Dragon gang into it. He decided to investigate further.

This morning, he spent 5,000 Fame Points to draw a lottery. The result making him want to bang his head at the wall, with 10 draws, he got 7 blanks, 2 items, and 1 pill. He was sure that Goddess Xi Yao definitely did something to the system. After all, she is the one who created it. It seems like he needs to find a way to apologize and appease her to get rid of this unlucky curse.

Skipping the 2 trash rank F items, what makes Shen Tianyun felt a little bit happy is the pills. He got [Appearance Changing Pills (B)] from the lottery and it was a perfect item he needs the most at this moment! These pills will make him change his outer appearance into what he wants to for 3 hours.

Today, he went to do his part-time job at the restaurant. The process of 500 steamed buns went smoothly, Feng Yunxi had reported him this morning. For her safety, Shen Tianyun thought that after his money from the competition was available tomorrow or so, he will find a good apartment in the inner city for her and her daughter. At least, she doesn't have to take any risk further and it could lower the logistics cost for Cai Ning. He went to Cai Ning's study and applied for his leave this evening. He didn't forget to ask her for a good apartment available in the inner city area. She suggested her own building, and even giving him a discount price. He was speechless on her generosity, but he didn't refuse her.

He calling Feng Yunxi and discussing with her about moving into the inner city area. Shen Tianyun felt apologetic towards her, she just moved into her new house not even a week and now she has to move again. However, Feng Yunxi didn't reject him. She prioritizing her daughter first, as long as Feng Sisi could get a better living environment, she won't hesitate to do it. They decided to move next week.

Shen Tianyun sitting in the coffee shop waiting for the right time. The low-level members of the Black Dragon gang usually gather at the Black Night bar, that's where he will find some information. Looking at the time, he went to the toilet and eating the pills, his appearance began to change and now he looks like a mid-twenties man who has a crude face. His height still the same but his skin more darkens than before. He changes his cloth into jeans and a cheap T-shirt before walking out of the coffee shop, heading towards the bar.

The bar was located in the outer city area, the customers usually were working-class laborers because the price was quite cheap here. Walking into the bar, Shen Tianyun has to walk through a fog of cigarette that twisted in the air all over the place. The music is not that loud, it's more like a chilling bar where people came here only for a drink and casually talk with their friends. There are many customers here, laughter, hundreds of conversations told in loud voices. Shen Tianyun went straight to the counter bar. He ordered a glass of beers and observing people around the room.

He quickly noticed 2 people who have a dragon tattoo on their hands, Shen Tianyun picking up a glass of beers and walking towards them.

"Hello, These two Big brothers. May I ask where did you get this dragon tattoo. It's so cool! I want one as well, please tell me." Shen Tianyun sitting down with them and casually said.

The two people looking at him strangely, one of them burst into laughter, "Hey, you are new here? You don't know Black Dragon gang?" He looked at Shen Tianyun as if he saw an idiot.

Shen Tianyun has a confused expression, "Eh? Black Dragon gang? …I don't think I've heard it, can you tell me about it?"

Another one who wearing a black shirt chimed in, "Hahaha, look like you are really new here. Listen to this Big bro here, I will tell you how powerful our Black Dragon gang is." Shen Tianyun was speechless, maybe because they are half drunk and love to boast. Shen Tianyun never thought that they could open their mouth easily.

He continues, "Look, all of the business around here was in our gang's hand. Wherever you go, hotel, coffee shop, restaurant. It's all under our hands. How is it? Do you think our gang is powerful now?" He talking in half-drunk tone.

Shen Tianyun has amazement expression, "Woah!! That's really big! …the big boss should be very rich right?"

They were laughing at Shen Tianyun for his naive question, the black shirt man said, "Yes, Of course. Our boss Hei is a super-rich man!"

Another man added in, "Not only he is very rich, but he also has a connection with Zhou family! Do you know Zhou family? The most powerful family in this city!" He proudly said. Shen Tianyun showing a shocking expression on the outside, but he laughs coldly in his heart. He then continues to incite them for more information.