Tianyun Piano Man

"Are you ready?" Liu Feiyan asked while she is busy adjusting a Divine SmartPhone X's camera angle.

"I'm ready." Shen Tianyun who is now dressed in tuxedo suit emitting handsomeness charms sitting in front of a grand piano, replied. Right now, he is preparing to record a piano performance at Liu Family house.

When he expressed his idea to Liu Feiyan, the latter became so excited. She always wants her man to be famous, all the women would be proud of their men's achievement. Liu Feiyan is no exception, whenever Shen Tianyun has gained his achievement she would be proud of him, her face will full of pride and happiness. She never wants to seek her own achievement nor making herself become famous. It's not that she didn't have a dream but rather because her dream is to be with this man, Shen Tianyun. She didn't want anything else as long as she could be together with him forever.

After done adjusting, Liu Feiyan nodded her head in satisfaction, "Alright, be ready. Three...Two…One, Action!" She said in a serious voice, lifting her finger to press the start recording button.

Shen Tianyun begins to play the 'Moonlight Sonata 3rd move' by Beethoven, the melodies rang out continuously. This song is one of the most difficult pieces in the world, the speed is very fast from the start until the end for a total of 7 minutes. After finish the first song, he continuing record other songs after songs. He went to change his clothes several times in between to make it looks like he records on a different day.

He recorded a total of 16 songs that's mean a total of 16 videos. After re-watching his own performances, he nodded his head in satisfaction. This could bring him a massive amount of Fame Points without a doubt. Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan went to Fang Yulan's study and using a computer there. Shen Tianyun opened his channel as 'Tianyun Piano Man' it was Liu Feiyan's idea on this name. Although he felt it was a funny name but he didn't object it.

He uploaded his first 2 videos, the 'Moonlight Sonata 3rd move' and 'Beautiful' by a famous singer, JJ Lin. He wants to add varieties into his channel by cover some popular songs to attract teenage audiences. He plans to add more classic 80s, 90s songs in the near future too. After finished everything, Liu Feiyan immediately finds some acquainted journalist's contacts from Fang Yulan to inform them about Shen Tianyun's channel on the internet. She wants to help him promote his channel in this way.


Time passing by quickly, today is Thursday, 10 September 2015. It was his third week in this world. 2 days ago, Shen Tianyun has opened his channel on the internet, with the help from journalists his channel became popular quickly. He has more than 50,000 followers. Shen Tianyun never expects to gain recognition from the audiences this quick. He estimated that he would need at least 1 month to accomplish this, the reality exceeds his estimation by large margins. He looked at his Fame Points and chuckled lightly, he has around 110,000 points now.


Suddenly, his phone vibrating in his pocket, he immediately took it out to look. He didn't recognize the number, thinking a bit he accepted the call.

"Hello." Shen Tianyun said.

"Hello, Mr.Shen Tianyun. Do you remember me?" A familiar voice replied from the other side.

"Hello, Producer Mo Yuyan. What I can help you?" Shen Tianyun answered confidently, he recognized her voice.

"It's like this, I saw your video on the internet yesterday. I want to know if you are interested to work with me…I want you to be our online musician, you just need to continue what you are doing right now and we will help you get a sponsor including promoting you. In the future, there will be some collaboration with other artists in our company, but don't worry I will ask your permission first before doing it, and this won't affect your daily life. What do you think?" She went straight to the point and said with a cautious tone. She got rejected by Shen Tianyun before, therefore, she needs to be more careful this time.

Shen Tianyun's brows perked up, he thinks for a bit before reply, "I'm interested, however, I will work with you only 6 months. If it's not possible, Producer Mo should forget about it because I don't plan to continue on this more than half year." This deal shouldn't be a problem and it would bring him more benefits. He could easily gain more fame with their help at the same time he also gets the money and the most important thing is a connection. Doing this, his name could get into the contact list of various companies that want to be his sponsors. In the future, he could use this connection to gain more benefits.

"Yes! No problem! Tomorrow I will go to Pearl City, we could discuss the detail at that time. Alright, I won't disturb you any longer, see you tomorrow." Mo Yuyan became excited, she didn't mind to work with him with only 6 months. For her, this is enough to gain more reputations for her company.

"Alright, Goodbye, Producer Mo." Shen Tianyun said, he was surprised that Mo Yuyan will come here by herself. After all, this task should be done by her assistant instead. This could show how sincere she is towards him. Shen Tianyun pretty much like her attitude.

Put his phone back to the pocket, he walking towards the commercial street in the outer city. Today, he is looking for a good location for his restaurant. This area still bustling like usual, Shen Tianyun swept his gaze passing the various building, a moment later, his gaze stopped at a signboard in front of the Chinese restaurant. He slowly walking towards it.

Upon reaching the restaurant, Shen Tianyun saw a shop on sale detail on the signboard. The owner wants to sell this shop, Shen Tianyun didn't know why because this is a good location for a restaurant. He quickly memorizes the owner's contact number, he turned around to look at the opposite side of the street. He was stunned upon seeing another signboard. This time it was a bread shop. Shen Tianyun chuckled lightly, he doesn't know if this call lucky or not. A plan forming in his head.

Shen Tianyun quickly contacts Cai Ning, he wants to borrow her influence to help him buy these two shops. The relationship between him and Cai Ning is now a business partner type, Lin Xueyue has formed an alliance between Cai family and Shen Tianyun's group on the day she sold the [Heavenly Jade Buns recipe]. Therefore, he won't hesitate to request for her help on this matter, it could save him some more times.

The strategy that Shen Tianyun using this time is called 'Rivalry Strategy'. This strategy aims to open 2 stores in the same area and selling the same products, if not exactly the same products it should be similar products that close enough in terms of quality. In the past, there were 2 Eyewear stores opened opposite each other in various area and they're selling the same products in their stores. People thought that they are rivals and compete with each other intensively, but the truth is, these 2 stores have the same owner.

The success of this strategy relies on human nature. We can't deny that people will instinctively compare the same type of product together before they decide to buy something. Then what will happen if there are 2 similar products and similar in terms of quality?. First, customers will compare the price which one has the lower price, then they will look into the value comparison, which one is more worthy of their spent money. Therefore, which stores that customers chose will end up in either one of them, and the owner will be the winner in the end. Furthermore, When the time comes, these 2 stores could be competing in special deals to attract more customers, this could easily increase their sales values further.

Shen Tianyun has finished the call, he observed the surrounding area for a while before went back to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant for his part-time job. Shen Tianyun didn't forget to record his performance at the restaurant, with this he could have more videos to upload further.

"Big Brother Tianyun! you're so awesome!" A sweet voice rang out along with a small figure running towards Shen Tianyun who has just finished his duty and walking back to the staffroom.

"Sisi? When did you come? Hehe, Big Brother really misses you!" Shen Tianyun turned around and saw Feng Sisi running towards him, he immediately pulled her into his embrace. Perhaps, because he is missing Shen Xiaohong too much, a bond between him and Feng Sisi was established quickly. He treated her like a real blood-related sister.

"Hehe, Sisi also miss you very much!" The little girl Sisi said cheerfully in his embrace.

Shen Tianyun looking at her face, her complexion is healthier than before, her eyes are more clearer, no hint of gloominess like she had in the past. He patting her head gently, "How is it? Do you like your new house?" He asked.

The little girl Sisi nodding her head furiously, "Hm! Sisi loves it! The bathroom is really big! And Sisi has a bedroom now! Hehe, also TV is really big!" She said excitedly and spreading her arms try to explain how big the television was. Her actions are very adorable.

Shen Tianyun was amused by her cuteness, "That's good!"

"Sisi where are you?" At this moment, Feng Yunxi appeared in his line of sight. She has a worried expression on her face and looking around trying to find Feng Sisi.

"Auntie Feng, Sisi is here." He raised his voice slightly in case Feng Yunxi didn't hear him.

"Ah? Tianyun?…this little naughty! I told you not to run around! What if you bump onto someone?" Feng Yunxi walking toward both of them and reprimanded Feng Sisi. This is the second time she called Shen Tianyun as 'Tianyun' not 'Little Yun' like before, He was puzzled slightly.

The little girl Sisi pouted, and has a wrong expression on her face, "I'm sorry mom! I only want to see Big Brother Tianyun." Her voice sounds very pitiful.

"Alright, Auntie Feng. Sisi didn't do anything wrong. You don't have to blame her." Shen Tianyun smiled and said in a languid voice.

Feng Yunxi shook her head and sighed lightly, "You always doted on her like this, what if she grew up becomes a willful girl in the future?" She said helplessly.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly, he patting Feng Sisi's little head and says, "Don't worry Auntie Feng, Sisi is a smart girl. She definitely knows what is the right or wrong thing to do. Right? Sisi." He tilted his head to look at Feng Sisi. The little girl blinks her innocent eyes before nodding her head furiously.

Seeing this Feng Yunxi subconsciously thinking about her late husband, she couldn't help but thought that how good it would be if Sisi has someone to take care of her as a father. Her marriage is not coming from love because she has born poor and her parents forced her to marry her late husband. At that time, she was still young and didn't have the ability to put up any resistance. She could only accept her fate. However, when she has Sisi, her life is full of happiness. The anger, grievances in the past had been wash away by Sisi's existence. This is also a reason why she changed Sisi's surname into her surname after her husband died, she wants Sisi to belong to herself alone and forget everything about the past.

She sighed helplessly, "Alright, I won't blame her anymore. I still have to work for another hour. Sisi, be obedient and staying in the staffroom, okay?" Her voice became gentler, her gaze filled with love and tenderness when she looked at her daughter.

"Don't worry Auntie Feng, I will stay with Sisi. I don't have anything to do anyway." Shen Tianyun said, he looked at the time and it is around 9.10 P.M. He decided to stay with Sisi until Feng Yunxi finished her job.

Feng Yunxi staring at Shen Tianyun in a daze for a moment before saying, "Thank you, Tianyun." She then turned around and left. Shen Tianyun brought Feng Sisi to find some foods in the kitchen. The little girl is very hungry right now, she didn't have any meal since she came here from school.

One hour passing by quickly, Feng Yunxi finished her duty and went back to the locker room changing her dress before went to find Shen Tianyun and Sisi. Upon walking into the staffroom, she saw Feng Sisi sleeping soundly on Shen Tianyun's laps. A wave of sadness hitting her heart, she knows that Sisi must be very tired. If Shen Tianyun is not here to take care of Sisi, she didn't know what will happen to her daughter.

Shen Tianyun noticed Feng Yunxi's presence, he smiled warmly at her and press his finger on his lips to tell her not to disturb the little girl. Feng Yunxi smiled at him she took a step forward and slowly sitting beside him and her daughter.

"It's already late, I will send both of you to your house. Let's go." Shen Tianyun whispered. Feng Yunxi was surprised slightly, her lips part gently but she stopped herself from refusing him.

Shen Tianyun carefully lifting Feng Sisi into a princess carry style, he nodded his head to Feng Yunxi on the side to tell her he is ready to go. Feng Yunxi hurried to open the doors, both of them walking out of the restaurant to find a taxi and set off toward Feng Yunxi's new house.

The taxi gradually arrives at the high rise building, when they stepped out of the car, the little girl still sleep soundly in Shen Tianyun's embrace. He was surprised when seeing the building because this is one of the best condominiums in the Pearl City. With Feng Yunxi's current salary shouldn't be enough to pay the rent, then why did she live here? However, he didn't ask her any questions.

Feng Yunxi seems to notice his surprise expression, "At first I was rejected Boss Cai several times but she insisted me to lived here. She said that I don't have to pay any rent because she promised someone to take care of us. I asking her who is that person but she didn't tell me and said that I will know in the future. I have no choice so I just accepted it." She explained.

Shen Tianyun frowned, he didn't know who is that person Cai Ning talking about. However, thinking carefully, it should be Lin Xueyue who did this. After all, she is the only one that cares about Feng Yunxi, more precisely she did it on behalf of himself.

"Don't worry Auntie Feng, that person definitely doesn't have any ill intention." Shen Tianyun smiled reassure at her, Feng Yunxi was confused but she still nodded her head in reply.