Yunxi's Feeling

Both of them slowly approaching Feng Yunxi's house. This new house is a modern penthouse. The decoration is very luxury, Shen Tianyun was sure that this has been designed by some famous architectures for sure because everything seems to be compatible with each other.

Reaching Feng Sisi's bedroom, he put her down on the bed gently and covered her with a thin blanket before walking out of the room. Feng Yunxi has witnessed everything from the start, a corner of her mouth curving up into a beautiful smile without her knowing.

"Thank you, Tianyun." Feng Yunxi said when she serving him a glass of water.

Shen Tianyun waved his hand dismissively, "Auntie don't have to thank me anything. This is a small matter. I always treated Sisi as my real sister." He said in a languid voice.

"Right, why don't you find a new man to take care of you and Sisi? Auntie, you are still as beautiful as a flower. I bet that countless men are queuing up for you if you were to look for someone." He said further while sipping water.

A hint of disappointment flashed across her eyes, she shook her head, "I don't want any man in my life. I can take care of Sisi by myself." She answered, her voice was a little unnatural.

Shen Tianyun realized his mistake, he hurried to say, "Oh? You're right. Since Sisi is my sister now. I naturally have to take care of her. No, I mean I will take care both of you." He smiled at her, looking into her eyes as if he wants to express his desire to her. He forgot that he doesn't have to be reserve anymore, then he should try to woo this Feng Yunxi as well. With her beauty and a good figure, Shen Tianyun doesn't want to let her go to other men's embraces.

Feng Yunxi was stunned and fell in dazed, although she is not that smart, she is not stupid either. She could comprehend the hidden meaning behind his words, her face flushed red slightly, "T…Thank you." She became stuttered, her heart jumping like a deer.

Despite being 30 years old woman and already having a daughter, she has never been in love before. Although she has experienced the activity between men and women before, she never loves her late husband. It's all because of her duty in the helpless situation, she chose to accept her fate. However, with Shen Tianyun she feels different. She saw him since he was young until he grew up into a fine man, and never have any thought on him before until that day. Shen Tianyun has come to her house and changes her and her daughter's life completely.

The relationship is that employer and employee type and she knew herself very well that she didn't have any feelings between men and women towards him. However, she won't deny that his shadow has been imprinted into her heart, it was deep gratitude and admiration. After witnessed his capability she started to curious about him. Shen Tianyun is like a fog of mystery that she can't see through, her understanding about him is completely turned into a black hole that engulfed everything into nothingness, it was as if she never know him before.

Furthermore, within the span of a week, her life keeps changing many times. From selling noodles to a steamed buns seller, and then a trainee at Rainbow Fragrance restaurant. Everything happened because of this man, Shen Tianyun. She didn't know when she started to interested in him, and this is the first time in her life that she has this feeling. When she met Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan, a strong sense of inferiority surged up in her heart. She felt that she has been completely defeated by both of them. Whether it was their background or appearance, not to mention that she is a widow who already has a daughter, there is no way that she could compare to them.

Thus, she wants to buried everything deep into her heart, and when she heard Shen Tianyun told her to find a man, a hint of resentment occupied every part of her heart. It was as if she has been abandoned by the person she loves the most. However, when she heard the later words from him. All of resentment and grievance in her heart completely vanished into thin air and replaced by happiness and shyness. People said that women are fickle by nature and it seemed to be true in this case.

Seeing her shyness expression, Shen Tianyun chuckled a little, "I have to go back now, it's already this late. Please take care of yourself." He immediately stood up and walking towards the front door. Shen Tianyun knew that a feeling she has towards him right now is not a loves, it was a deep impression because he has helped her to change her life. Therefore, he didn't hurry to take a step forward on this matter. There is plenty of time for him in the future.

"Ah? That's right you should go back now. Thank you, Tianyun. See you tomorrow." Feng Yunxi quickly followed him to the front door and said.

"This is nothing, you shouldn't keep thanking me from now on. Do your best to learn as much as you could from Miss Cai. She is one of the best businesswomen in this city." Shen Tianyun waving his hand, he then turned around and left the house. Feng Yunxi staring at his back in dazed until he completely disappeared from her sight.


The next day, Shen Tianyun went to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant with Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan again. This time he has an appointment with Mo Yuyan to talk about their cooperation. They're leisurely chatting for a while before seeing Mo Yuyan walking into the restaurant. She's wearing a blue professional suit, her hair tied up into a ponytail and a black-frame glasses seem to fits on her face.

"Hello, Producer Mo." Shen Tianyun and the rest stood up, he offers his hand towards her.

"Hello, Mr.Shen. Nice to meet you again. And this is…" Mo Yuyan shook hands with him and shifting her gaze to Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan. When she walked into the restaurant, the first thing she noticed is these 2 beautiful girls beside Shen Tianyun. Since her profession is a producer, she certainly has sharp eyes. She never thought that in this Pearl City would have a beauty that's on par with Su Meiyin. Especially Lin Xueyue, it's not exaggerating to say that her beauty has surpassed Su Meiyin for a certain degree. Not to mention her cold and aloof temperaments, Mo Yuyan estimated that if Lin Xueyue wants to work in the entertainment industry, she could become the number one superstar in China without a doubt.

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly and offers her hand, "Hello. Nice to meet you., Producer Mo. My name is Dongfang Xueyue. I am Tianyun's girlfriend." She said in a languid voice. Mo Yuyan was startled for a moment before shaking hands with her. She never thought that this goddess in front of her is Shen Tianyun's girlfriend. This Shen Tianyun probably has done so many good merits in the past life, to be able to obtain this goddess's heart in this life is not simple at all.

Liu Feiyan took a step forward, "Nice to meet you, Producer Mo. My name is Liu Feiyan, I am his girlfriend and his manager as well." She said cheerfully. This morning, Shen Tianyun has assigned her to be his personal manager. She was brimmed with joy, to be able to help her man is her greatest goal in the first place. Mo Yuyan was surprised again, although Liu Feiyan is slightly inferior to Lin Xueyue in term of appearance, however, she is still a top goddess without a doubt.

"Nice to meet you, I never know that Mr.Shen has so much luck with women." Mo Yuyan shook hands with Liu Feiyan and turned to talk with Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun chuckled slightly, "Yes, I was really lucky to have both of them as my girlfriends. Please sit, Producer Mo." Shen Tianyun gazing at his 2 women with affections before making a gesture to invited Mo Yuyan to sit down opposite him.

After ordering some drinks, Mo Yuyan took out a stack of papers and put down in front of Shen Tianyun. "This is the detail of the contract, if you want to change anything please feels free to say so." This is the attitude that Shen Tianyun was impressed on her, he loves to do business with a swift and straight forward like her the most. Shen Tianyun didn't look at it, he places it in front of Liu Feiyan and slowly sipping his tea waiting for her.

Mo Yuyan's brows perked up slightly, it seems like Shen Tianyun trusted his girlfriend very much. He didn't hesitate to give the contract to her without looking at it even a second. In truth, Liu Feiyan was surprised as well, she couldn't help but smile warmly at Shen Tianyun before flipping through the contract.

With Liu Feiyan's intelligence, Shen Tianyun can be at ease. Before Lin Xueyue coming to Huayun High school, Liu Feiyan has been recognized as the number one goddess in the school. Whether it was her appearance and her study, it was the cream of the crop. That's why she never worried about the university entrance exam which took place 2 months away from now on. After flipping through the document for a while and read every detail. Liu Feiyan raised her head and smiled at Mo Yuyan.

"There is no problem with this contract, however, I would like to change the collaboration detail a little." Liu Feiyan said in a calm voice.

Mo Yuyan nodded, "Please, feel free to say it."

"I want him to collaborate with a female artist only. If it is possible, I would like him to do a collaboration with Miss Su Meiyin." Liu Feiyan said with a beautiful smile on her face. Shen Tianyun looking at her with a corner of his eyes, he sighed in his heart. This girl is truly audacious, he never expects to collaborate with a superstar like Su Meiyin. How could she, a current number one singer willing to collaborate with a no-name like him?

Mo Yuyan frowned slightly, "No problem, but as for Su Meiyin. Pardon me to say this, I don't have the ability to decide it for her. So whether she wants to do it or not, it depends on her." She replied politely.

Liu Feiyan smiled widely, "Of course, we understand. She is the current number one singer after all. It was just my willful suggestion. We will accept everything if she doesn't want to do it." She then sent the contract to Shen Tianyun, the latter signed on it without thinking much.

Mo Yuyan received the contract from Shen Tianyun, she was excited in her heart. This trip of her is not waste at all, she felt that it was the right decision to came here by herself. The details in the contract are divided into 3 big sections, the first one is the copyright-related. Shen Tianyun will still have the right to be the sole owner of his channel's account. The Bright Star entertainment will provide the editing service for him, he could just sending all his videos to them and let them do editing process and send it back at him to publish.

The second section is the sponsor deals and profits dividing, Shen Tianyun will get 30 percent of it, which he didn't care about it because all he wants is a connection. The third section is all about collaboration and rules that he has to follow, he has no problem with it. After chatting for a while, Mo Yuyan excused herself and bid farewell to the group. She wants to go back to her company as soon as possible to layout the next step for Shen Tianyun. The group has returned to their respective home after finished their meal together.


"You look really good in this suit." In the Mercedes-Benz car, Lin Xueyue said to Shen Tianyun who is now wearing a white suit which Liu Feiyan has personally choose for him. Today is Saturday, and it was the day of Zhou Feng's birthday party. They're on the way towards Zhou's manor right now.

Shen Tianyun who is now lazily resting his head on Lin Xueyue's shoulder chuckled slightly, "To be honest, I don't want you to go at all. Look at you, wearing this dress. Countless men will drool over you. I don't want anyone to look at my woman with their lecherous eyes." He said in a languid voice.

Lin Xueyue has a charming smile on her face, she lowers her head to his ear and whispering, "Every part of my body is yours, and I will let you alone to see and touch it. You don't have to be petty like this, I will never let anyone touch even a strand of my hairs." Her voice was incomparable seductive, Shen Tianyun's blood started to boiling after hearing this. He immediately straight up himself and looks into Lin Xueyue's eyes which are now trying to avoid him a little.

"You also know that I always been a petty man like this in the past. Even though we aren't a real couple at that time. I was so angry whenever you shaking hands with other men." He said in half joke half serious manners. Lin Xueyue was amused when listened to him. In the past life, she has maintained her purity for him, and never let any man touch her. If it wasn't for business, she wouldn't want to shake hands with any men. Her eyes were sparkling beautifully and staring back into his eyes.

They fell into silence as if the world has stopped at this time. There is no need for honey words between them, knowing each other for a long time they seem to have spiritually connected. Lin Xueyue know him the best, whether it was his taste of foods or his preference in books. She knows everything, it won't be exaggerating to say that she knows him more than he knows himself.

Shen Tianyun slowly drew his face closer to her, he wants to kiss her badly. Lin Xueyue seems to know his attention, she didn't stop him. Her heart that filled with calmness as if it was frozen into the deep ice cave has been shaken at this moment. She slowly closes her eyes waiting for him. The moment their lips connected, her mind explode and burst into happiness.

Shen Tianyun is greedily sucking her red lips, he wants to savor everything out of her. He inserting his tongue into her little mouth. Lin Xueyue was inexperienced in this matter, she didn't know how to act in this situation. However, she is an intelligent woman to begin with, she moving her tongue to receive his attack. Their tongues gradually entangled together, Shen Tianyun couldn't get enough of this sweet taste from her mouth, his tongue dragging all over every part in her mouth. His hand slowly pulling her waist towards him, Lin Xueyue seems to notice his impatient she raise her hand to push his chest slightly, their lips part from each other. There is a thin thread of salivas links them together.

A charming smile appeared on her reddened face, "This is not the right place, we will find a good place after this matter over." She said in a very low voice that only they could be heard. In fact, she was also impatient, she wants to give him everything at the moment they're confirmed their relationship. However, it was not the right time to do so.

Looking at this incomparable charming woman, Shen Tianyun smiled gently at her while raising his hand to caress her cheek, "Yue'er, I love you." He said from the bottom of his heart, his voice full of affection and tenderness. This is the first time he called her ' Yue'er '. Lin Xueyue's eyes became misty, happiness occupied every part of her heart and soul. Both of them immersed themselves in the love and happiness world without caring for the surrounding.

A sturdy man who is now acting as a chauffeur staring intensively at the both of them via the rear-view mirror. A cold light flashed across his eyes, he uses another hand typing something on his phone and sent it to a certain number.