Zhou Feng's Birthday Party

"What do you think, how they're planning to deal with you?" They are around 10 minutes away from Zhou's manor, Lin Xueyue casually asked.

Shen Tianyun rubbing his chin thinking a bit, "I think Zhou Feng will start with the classic one. When we are reaching Zhou's manor, the guard will ask for the invitation card. As you can see, I don't have one. They will say 'Without invitation card, you can't go in!' like this." He tries to impersonate the guard's voice. His expression became solemn as he acts like he was that guard.

Lin Xueyue was amused by his actions, she smiled widely. "Then what are we gonna do?" She asked.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "I will leave this to you, you can only need to say that I was with you. If they don't let me in, you won't go in as well. Then we will pretend to go back. The guard will start to panic and try to stop us. He will report this to Zhou Feng." He paused for a moment, his expression became excited.

"This is the crucial moment, Zhou Feng won't miss this chance to make a good impression on you. He will appear along with his hypocrite smile and says 'Ah? Xueyue, my apologies. I already tell my guard beforehand that Shen Tianyun will come to my party without the invitation card. He probably forgot about it. Please wait for a bit, let me punish this guard for failing his duty first' then Zhou Feng will scold the guard and chase him away." Shen Tianyun narrating as if he was telling the storyline of some movie to Lin Xueyue.

The usual cold Lin Xueyue couldn't endure it, she laughing out loud when she hearing his narration along with his acting. She asks further, "After that?"

"After this, I don't want to waste my time that much so we will tell everyone that we are a real couple by holding a hand and walking into the party. With this Zhou Feng will be very angry at me more and he will speed up his whatsoever plan." Shen Tianyun nodding his head in satisfaction with his speculations.

"Oh? I bet that the classic scheme won't end that easily. Hmm… let me think of this…" He rubbing his chin thinking again. Suddenly, he claps his hands and smiled brilliantly.

"That's right! The table! Perhaps Zhou Feng will deliberate left me out alone by using the excuse that he forgot to prepare enough chairs for me. So that I can only standing stupidly alone in that hall." He said in an excited voice. Lin Xueyue didn't say anything she only keeps laughing.

Shen Tianyun turned to asks, "Did you prepare a gift that I told you?"

Lin Xueyue nodded and took out the box place onto his hand, Shen Tianyun checking the item inside and nodded his head in satisfaction. The car gradually reaching the Zhou's manor gate. After the guard checking the invitation card he let the car in. Upon reaching the manor front door, Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue stepped out of the car and walking towards the door.

"Hello, esteemed guests, welcome to young master Zhou's party. Please excuse me, this is my duty. I have to check on your invitation card first. Please show your invitation card to me." A sturdy man with a professional suit said with a face full of a friendly smile.

Lin Xueyue hand the invitation card to the man, the latter swept through it for a second before return it to her. He smiled at Lin Xueyue and says, "So it's princess Lin, it's my pleasure to meet you. Please let me bring you to the hall." He makes an inviting gesture to Lin Xueyue. She nodded her head and walking into the hall.

Shen Tianyun was about to follow, he got stopped by another guard. He smiled at the guard as if he is very amusing on the guard's actions. "Without the invitation card, we can not allow you to go in. Please go back." The guard said solemnly.

Shen Tianyun was trying to suppress his laughter, he thought in his head, 'here we go! This is truly classic.'. He frowned slightly and says, "You want me to go back? I got personally invited by young master Zhou himself. How can you say this to me!" His voice was quite loud immediately drawing attention from other guests. Lin Xueyue stopped her track and quickly walking back to Shen Tianyun.

"Hubby, let us go back then." The guard was about to say something but got interrupted by Lin Xueyue's sweet voice. Several guests who know Lin Xueyue were completely shocked when they heard this. Even Shen Tianyun himself couldn't believe in his ears. He didn't expect her to play this big by calling him 'Hubby'.

Shen Tianyun smiled at her and took her hand to prepare to go back. The guard became panic, he quickly reports the situation to Zhou Feng. A moment later, the first guard who led Lin Xueyue into the hall jogging into the front of Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue. He panting slightly before recovered his friendly smile.

"Please wait for a moment. I think there is some mistake in our system. Young Master Zhou will be here in a moment." He quickly said.

"Oh? I will wait then." Shen Tianyun has a 'surprise' expression before he replied. A short moment later, Zhou Feng walking elegantly towards both of them with a hypocrite smile on his face.

He stopped in front of Lin Xueyue and smiled brilliantly at her, saying, "Ah? Xueyue, my apologies. I already tell my guard beforehand that Shen Tianyun will come to my party without the invitation card. He probably forgot about it. Please wait for a bit, let me punish this guard for failing his duty first" He then turned around towards the guard who stopped Shen Tianyun while ago and yelled out loudly.

"You are fire! How can you fail such a small task like this! Get out of my sight!" His voice was full of dominance and his body straight up trying to show his manliness to impress Lin Xueyue. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue looked at each other and saw a knowing smile on each other face as if they want to say 'As expected'.

After the guard run away pitifully, Zhou Feng turned around and look at Lin Xueyue, "I've already punished that guard now, I hope that you are satisfied with this. Please let me bring you into the hall. I will apologize to you personally again." From the start until the end, he didn't even glance at Shen Tianyun for once. His eyes only staring at Lin Xueyue's face.

Lin Xueyue smile indifferently and nodded her head slightly. She then put her arms wrapping around Shen Tianyun's right arm tightly. Her breast was pushing on his elbow slightly. The smile on Zhou Feng froze and his expression turned ashen upon seeing this scene.

He then took a deep breath before gesture his hand towards the hall and says, "Xueyue, please." Lin Xueyue didn't even glance at him, she only staring at Shen Tianyun's face and smile at him. The latter nodding his head and they slowly walking into the hall. Zhou Feng clenching his fist tightly staring at both of them, his face was contorted from anger. He stood there for a while before following them into the hall.


The hall is very spacious, it could easily contain 200 peoples at the same time. It was decorated with several luxury furniture such as the huge beautiful chandelier at the center of the hall, the classic style French windows and the top Italian sofa on the side of the hall, all of them could easily cost more than several hundred thousand. The atmosphere in the hall was very joyous because today is the second young master of the Zhou family, Zhou Feng's birthday. It was a grand event for the Zhou family so it was natural for them to prepare good foods and drinks.

The sounds of people chatting happily could be heard from every corner of the hall. However, it abruptly stopped when Lin Xueyue and Shen Tianyun stepped into the hall. Today, Lin Xueyue is wearing a purple long dress that has a slit on the side of her leg, revealing her snowy skins slightly. There is a cut on the top of the dress revealing her charming shoulders. Her hair has been tied up into a huge bun on the center in the back of her head letting her white snow neck appeared bared to the people's eyes. Every step she took, it was releasing incomparable soul-shaking charms, everyone in the hall couldn't help but stare at her without blinking their eyes in fear that they will miss this scenery.

The most important thing was, her arms are currently wrapping around the man's arm, and that man is Shen Tianyun. The poorest man in Huayun High school, the man who grows up in the slum! How could Lin Xueyue has been so close to him! Their mind went completely blank and don't know what to think anymore because it was already surpassed their comprehension ability.

Zhou Feng who is just caught up both of them, slowly walking to Lin Xueyue's side and says, "Xueyue, I will bring you to the table. Please follow me." He still ignored Shen Tianyun, and immediately walking towards the VIP table that he has prepared for a long time.

"See? I told you, this is very classic. I want to laugh out loud but I couldn't! This is really hard to endure." Following behind Zhou Feng, Shen Tianyun whispered near Lin Xueyue's ears. The latter pinched on his arm lightly, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face.

Upon reaching the table located in front of the stage, both of them seeing several figures already occupied the seats leaving only one available and it was reserved for Lin Xueyue.

"This must be princess Lin? I have long heard your name before. The rumors are not exaggerated at all. You are very beautiful. Ah…I forgot about it. My name is Wang Xiao." The handsome man who is around the early twenties stood up and offers his hand towards Lin Xueyue. His appearance could be considered as a handsome man and he was more handsome than Zhou Feng slightly. His body is quite sturdy indicated that he often doing exercise or perhaps, he is an athlete.

Lin Xueyue has a cold expression on her face, she only glances at Wang Xiao for a second before shifting her gaze to Shen Tianyun's face and smiled beautifully at him. She completely ignores Wang Xiao's hand. Wang Xiao became awkward he retracted his hand back in embarrassment. Everyone on the table looking at Shen Tianyun with envious eyes, they cursing him in their heart for his dog shit luck.

Zhou Feng flashed his smile at her, saying, "Xueyue, please sit." He pulled the chair out for her.

Lin Xueyue lips parted gently, "Where is the chair for my husband?" She said indifferently. Her words causing everyone around the table shocked to the core. What did she just say!? Husband!?. They gashing their teeth glaring at Shen Tianyun with eyes that could spit fire out of it.

Zhou Feng's expression turned stiff, he grits his teeth and was about to say something but got interrupted by Lin Xueyue. "You don't have to say anything further. Today I came here because I was given your father some face, not because of you. Don't think that I don't know what are you trying to do to my husband. However, this kind of method really suits you well... It could be expected from trash like you anyway." She said with expressionless but her words were very vicious.

Shen Tianyun was secretly laughing coldly in his heart, at the same time he wants to spank this woman badly. This supposes to be his fight yet she has stepped ahead of him. However, this is also good for him, with this he could be more confident that Zhou Feng won't let him go easily.

Everyone in the hall stopped their activities and fell into complete silence. Zhou Feng's face became contorted, his expression was ashen and his handsomeness has vanished completely. He clenched his fist tightly to the point that it was completely void of blood.

"Oh ho ho, the famous princess Lin has come to my son's birthday party. This old man feels flattered." At this moment, a strong voice rang out from behind. Shen Tianyun turned around to look at the voice direction. He saw a middle-aged man who is in his prime and wearing a brown suit slowly walking towards them elegantly. His hair was combed neatly and his mustache has been shaved into a perfect shape, it suited his manly face very well. He is quite tall, his height should be around 1.8m which is almost the same as Shen Tianyun. There is a ferocious aura emanating from his body, his sharp eyes gaze at them, it was as if he was a tiger staring at his prey.

Lin Xueyue still didn't let go of Shen Tianyun's arm, she smiled indifferently at a newcomer, saying, "Hello, Mr.Zhou. Long time no see. Have you been well?" Her words revealed the other party's identity. The man she is talking with is the current Zhou family's head, Zhou Feilong.

Zhou Feilong smiled, "That's right, it's been a long time since I saw you. My body is fine, thank you for your concern. This is…" He turned to look at Shen Tianyun, his eyes became sharp and try to exert the pressure on him.

Shen Tianyun didn't affect by his dominance even slightest, his expression still calm and there is a faint smile on his lips, "Nice to meet you, Mr.Zhou. My name is Shen Tianyun. I am just a normal student from Huayun High school. I've heard your famous name for a long time. To met you personally like this could be said that I was very fortunate." He calmly said.

Zhou Feilong was surprised slightly upon seeing his gaze didn't affect him, his lips forming into a wide smile. "Oh? What did you hear about me?" He asked.

Shen Tianyun staring into Zhou Feilong's eyes and slowly says, "I heard that you have come into this city 4 years ago and managed to control several local businesses in a year. Even the Cai family couldn't do anything to you. This achievement could be said that it was a legend. As you can see, I'm just a poor guy. I want to be a rich man like you in the future. Can you please tell me your secret?"

"Secret? If I tell you how could it still be a secret? Hehe, young man, I can see that you have some talent. Keep working hard perhaps, your achievement in the future could surpass mine." Zhou Feilong casually answered. With this, Shen Tianyun could confirm that Zhou Feilong has investigated him already. That's mean he knows his identity very well.

Shen Tianyun smiled meaningfully at back at him, "Talent? In this aspect, I didn't dare to compete with your two sons. With their age, they already achieved something that most people couldn't do it." He calmly said.

Zhou Feilong's brows perked up, there is a surprise expression on his face, "Oh? What is it? Why I didn't know about it?" He said confusingly.

A smile on Shen Tianyun's face grew wider, "Congratulations on your sons for earned the 'smashing old woman' achievement!" His voice was very loud, everyone in the hall could hear him clearly.

The faces of Zhou Feng including Zhou Xiaolong who standing far away changed dramatically. Of course, they know what Shen Tianyun talking about and this matter they never tell Zhou Feilong before. Zhou Feilong furrowed his eyebrows and shifting his gaze onto his son, Zhou Feng. Upon seeing his expression, Zhou Feilong immediately understood something. His son probably did something behind his back again and it seems to related to this Shen Tianyun in front of him.