100 Years-Old Ginseng

Zhou Feilong's expression became solemn. Of course, how could he not know his two son's personalities? Since the day his first wife died, he was too busy fighting for his position in the family. He didn't have the time to teach them properly and this leads them into the current situation. He still places his hands behind the back and saying, "Oh? From your words, that's mean they have been hurting an old woman before?" He asked in a calm voice.

Shen Tianyun smiled, "Why don't you ask them for yourself?" He said and slanted his eyes looking at Zhou Xiaolong who standing a distance away.

"Shen Tianyun! Don't slander people without any evidence!" Zhou Feng yelled out while pointing his finger at Shen Tianyun. His face flushed red from anger.

Shen Tianyun turned to look at him, "Evidence? Everyone knows that your Zhou family has a deep connection with the Black Dragon gang. The culprits who have harmed my grandmother were the lackeys of the Black Dragon gang, you can ask the police if you don't believe it. Furthermore, they were deliberately aiming at my grandmother alone. What grudge do they have on a weak old woman like her? Not to mention that on the next day, your Big Brother Zhou Xiaolong had come to mocking me on this matter and he even admitted himself." He spreading arm widely and shifting his gaze to Zhou Feilong.

"Mr.Zhou, I know you are a smart person. Tell me, do I still need the evidence?" He asked and there is a playful smile on his lips. Of course, everyone in the hall is not stupid. After listened to Shen Tianyun, they immediately understood everything. Some couldn't help but look at the Zhou brothers with disdain and disgust.

"You…!" Zhou Feng's body trembling from anger. He was about to retort further but his mouth immediately shut tightly when he noticed his father's gaze.

Zhou Feilong's brows perked up as he has a surprise expression on his face, "Eh? There is such a thing?… Then I must apologize on behalf of my sons. It was my fault that I didn't teach them properly. Please accept this old man apology, I will compensate for everything to you." He lowered his head slightly and bowing to Shen Tianyun. Shen Tianyun let out a soft "oh" when he saw this. His lips forming into a meaningful smile.

He took a step forward and helping Zhou Feilong up, "Please Mr.Zhou don't do this, I didn't dare to accept your apologies. After all, it was your sons who did it." He started to evaluate this Zhou Feilong in his heart again. With Zhou Feilong choose to compromise, he could easily gain admirations from everyone in the hall and people will subconsciously view him as an honest and righteous person. Everyone in the hall completely forgot about what Zhou brothers had done in the past, a look of disdain and disgust earlier has vanished from their faces. It could be said that he has turned the table beautifully.

Zhou Feilong shook his head stubbornly, "No! My sons had done these evil deeds, as a farther, I have to take responsibility for what they did. Please reassure, I will definitely punish them and bring them to apologize to your grandmother personally." His face filled with a guilty, everyone who saw this believed that he really feels guilty towards Shen Tianyun.

"Forget it Shen Tianyun, Uncle Zhou already apologized to you now. Just let it go." A voice rang out from one among the crowd.

"That's right Shen Tianyun. Uncle Zhou will definitely compensate you. Just forget about it." Another voice added in.

Shen Tianyun laughing coldly in his heart, he knows that he couldn't press on this issue any longer. He smiled at Zhou Feilong, "If Mr.Zhou still insist like this, then it would be bad for me to keep reject further. I will accept this apology from you." He said in a relaxed voice.

Zhou Feilong laughing heartily, "Hahaha, what Mr.Zhou? Just call me Uncle Zhou from now on. Since the misunderstanding has been solved now then let us start the party!. Little Xiang! Prepare the table for Nephew Shen and princess Lin!" He told the bodyguard name little Xiang beside him, the latter nodding his head and quickly went to prepare the table.

He then turned to smile at Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue, saying, "Please wait a moment, they are preparing the table for you two. Enjoy yourself, if you want anything you can tell my people directly. I will excuse myself, for now, I have to punish my foolish sons first." Zhou Feilong turned around and gazing at his 2 sons. Both of them immediately understood and followed their father to the backstage. Shen Tianyun staring at their back intensively until they disappeared from his sight.

When the table has been prepared, Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue went to sit on their seats and leisurely sipping their wines.

"How is it? Not bad right?" Putting her glass of wine down, Lin Xueyue asked.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "Interesting, this move of him is a good one. He changed my evaluation of him greatly from this. He didn't even let his sons come up to apologize to me, and quickly closed my path from going further with his brilliant acting performance. If I were to press him a little further, I would have turn into a villain instead. Furthermore, he wants to bring his sons to see my grandmother, hehe, he probably wants to get some information from Auntie Fang and Grandma Su at the same time he could use this chance to serve as a warning to them. This man is indeed impressive." He calmly said.

He then looked at Lin Xueyue's face and says, "I started to wonder now. Are you sure that Zhou Feng and Zhou Xiaolong were really his sons? How could he have trash sons like them." He said jokingly.

Lin Xueyue chuckled slightly, "That's why I want you to come here. What are we going to do next? Zhou Feilong probably won't allow them to do anything on you now." She said in a languid voice.

Shen Tianyun rubbing his chin thinking a bit before chuckles, "Luckily, I have prepared many cards beforehand. In this world, the hardest thing to grasp was the human heart, and the hardest thing to guess was human nature." He didn't explain anything further. Lin Xueyue only smiled faintly when she heard this. She knows what Shen Tianyun going to do next.


In the study room, Zhou Feilong calmly sitting on the chair staring at his 2 sons who standing opposite him. His gaze was like a knife that could be piercing through people's hearts causing the Zhou brothers sweating profusely.

"Tell me from the start, what did you do to this Shen Tianyun before and how is it start. I want to know everything, every detail." His voice is incomparable cold that could easily cause one to shudder.

Zhou Feng shuddered and hurried to say, "Father, it's like this…" He began to narrating everything from the start to the end without missing any detail. Zhou Xiaolong also telling everything after Zhou Feng had finished.

Zhou Feilong's eyes grew colder as he listening to his son's narration, thinking for a moment, he staring at Zhou Feng and says, "So you're saying that it's because of Lin Xueyue you are plotting against him?" He shifts his gaze onto Zhou Xiaolong, the latter shuddered involuntarily.

"And you, it's because of Liu Feiyan, you had ordered the Black Dragon men to smashed his grandmother? All of this because of a woman? What great sons I have!" His voice is not loud but it contained a lot of pressure that could easily crush the weak mentality like Zhou brothers.

Zhou Feng gritted his teeth want to retort but in the end, he didn't dare to do so. He could only lower his head and clenching his fist tightly. On the other hand, Zhou Xiaolong tries to calm himself down from the fear that his father gave him. He took a deep breath several times and keep his mouth shut tightly.

"From what you said, I can see that this Shen Tianyun is not simple at all. Although I already investigated him and never took him into the heart. However, his performance today is far beyond my expectation greatly. It's no wonder that Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan would fall for him. Not only he has a godly appearance, but he is also smarter and more mature than both of you. No, that's not right. I shouldn't compare him with both of you in the first place. Because…you two aren't worthy to be mention at the same breath as him at all!!" Zhou Feilong said harshly.

"In the past, he never shows his talent before and why he has to show it now? Think about it! Why would he hide his talents all this time? That's because he has the confidence that no one could go against him now! Such a simple matter, both of you can't figure it out and try to plot against him! Furthermore, he has Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan as his backup now. Use your pathetic brains thinking about it? Are you still want to make a move on him further?" Word after word transforming into a knife stabbed into Zhou Xiaolong and Zhou Feng's heart. Waves of anger, unwillingness clawing up in their minds, Shen Tianyun is better than them? Bullshit!! No way they can accept that!!

Zhou Feilong narrowed his eyes, "From now on I forbid you to act against him. Don't blame me for being ruthless if you are still want to go further. Now go back and do your job properly." He waved his hand towards the Zhou brothers.

"Yes, Father." They said in unison and bowed slightly before they went out of the room with a stomach full of unwillingness. Looked at their disappearing back, Zhou Feilong let out a long sigh in sadness. He stretched out his hand to pick a picture from the drawer, it was a beautiful woman who smiled brightly on that picture.

"Yuan'er…I miss you very much." He muttered in a low voice while caressing the face of a beautiful woman in the picture.


The atmosphere in the hall returned to its normal. People would occasionally talk about the earlier incident and keep praising Zhou Feilong. They have completely forgotten what Zhou brothers had done in the past. Hearing all of this, Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue only smiled at each other without saying anything. The noise in the hall gradually dying down when Zhou Feng walked up onto the stage. His appearance seems to be calm and a hypocrite smile appeared on his face once more.

He picked up a microphone and says, "Hello everyone, I have made everyone wait for me for a long time. Please accept my apologies." He lowered his head slightly before continues.

"Thank you, everyone, for participating in my birthday party. I hope that the foods and drinks that I've prepared won't disappoint everyone. I hereby announce that the party has officially begun right now!" He raising his voice at the end. The crowd immediately applauding loudly after Zhou Feng has finished his sentence.

Zhou Feng smiled widely and raised his hand to stop the crowd, "In order not to waste any time further, I will start to receive the gift from everyone now. Ah…don't look at me like that, I'm not a greedy person. I just want to let everyone enjoy the party as soon as possible." He laughing elegantly and the crowd also laughing along with him.

The guest walking up onto the stage and giving their gift to Zhou Feng one by one. The atmosphere became more harmonious and enjoyable until it was Shen Tianyun's turn. He carried the small box along with him and walking up onto the stage. His gesture was elegantly and releasing his handsomeness charms every time he took a step forward. There are several girls secretly peeking at him from times to times, however, they didn't dare to approach him because the woman beside him is the famous princess Lin Xueyue.

Upon reaching Zhou Feng, Shen Tianyun smiled warmly at him and giving the small box at him, "Brother Zhou, please accept the small gift from me. I have personally chosen it for you, I hope you like it." He put it on Zhou Feng's hand and said in a sincere voice. Zhou Feng glaring at him and narrowed his eyes. He isn't sure why did Shen Tianyun calling him 'Brother Zhou' which he never did before.

"Oh? Thank you very much, Brother Shen." He didn't want to talk with Shen Tianyun further and was about to pass the box onto his assistant beside him but he got stopped by Shen Tianyun.

"Eh? Brother Zhou, why don't you open the box and see it first. Ai, you have hurt my feeling. That's right, perhaps in your eyes, a gift from a poor man like me is not worthy to look at it." Shen Tianyun sighed 'sadly' and shook his head helplessly. The crowd shifting their gaze onto Zhou Feng, they know that Zhou Feng has a personal grudge with Shen Tianyun and his actions were clearly as a day that he didn't want to talk with him.

The corner of Zhou Feng's mouth twitched slightly before forming into his usual hypocrite smile, "Ah, I'm sorry Brother Shen. I didn't mean to do that, let me see it now." He then retracted his hand back along with the box and opened it. The item inside is the old-looking ginseng. Zhou Feng didn't have the knowledge about ginseng much but he has to act as if he knows about it. He nodding his head and smiled in satisfaction.

Shen Tianyun smiled strangely, "This is 100 years-old ginseng that I've brought for you. It cost me 90,000 RMB. I have used my rewarded money from the musical competition to buy this for you. I hope that Brother Zhou will satisfy." He said in a languid and sincere voice.

Zhou Feng was puzzled in his heart, he didn't know why did Shen Tianyun have to go that far and using all of his money to buy this ginseng for him. He was about to say something but his assistant yelled out loudly.

"No, This is not a 100 years-old ginseng!! This is not even 10 months ginseng! Why are you gifting this to young master Zhou? Are you try to deceive him?" The assistant old man pointing his finger at Shen Tianyun. He is proficient in Chinese medicine, of course, he could easily recognize this ginseng just by taking a glance at it. Zhou Feng's eyebrows knitted tightly, he staring at Shen Tianyun questioningly.

Shen Tianyun's expression turns into horror as if he sees a ghost, his mouth opened widely, "H…How is this possible!? You said that this isn't 100 years-old ginseng?" He asked the old man. Zhou Feng and the old man were confused by his actions, the old man nodded his head.

"That's right, this is not a 100 years-old ginseng! There is no mistake!" He replied in a serious voice.

Shen Tianyun pointing at the ginseng with his trembling finger, "AH!? How is this possible! Don't tell me I got deceived by that old man!? AH, MY MONEY!" He cried out loudly, his expression became more horrified.

Zhou Feng's mouth opened slightly, "W…what's the matter, Brother Shen?" He couldn't help but asked when he saw Shen Tianyun's ugly expression.

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath and his expression became serious, "It's like this, I went back to the outer city yesterday to find a gift for you. When I was leisurely walking on the street, I met an old man who wears a long Dao robe."

He paused a moment, his brows knitted tightly and his voice changed into the old man's voice, "He said, 'Young man, I know that you're looking for a treasure to give it to your friend right? Take a look at this 100 years-old ginseng. It will help your friend replenish his Yang energy and help him grow his manhood weapon. I will give you a special price, 90,000 RMB no more no less!' Like this. I've thought about it for a while. In the past, I once heard the rumor about Brother Zhou has a small little brother, remembered this, I quickly buy it without hesitation… this... who would have thought that I got deceived by that shameless old man! Hmph!! So hateful!!... I'm sorry, Brother Zhou. I couldn't help you with your little brother's problem. What a pity." He said angrily and very sincere in the later part. He then sighed in 'regret' and 'helpless' afterward. The hall immediately fell into complete silence.