Another Classic Scheme

Zhou Feng's face altered between red and green, his body trembled violently. Of course, he finally understood why did Shen Tianyun call him 'Brother Zhou', and he had ill intention towards him all along. Meanwhile, some people among the crowd tried their hardest to suppressed their laughter. The rumor was not without a clue, it was circulated in Huayun High for some time now.


"Shen Tianyun!!" Zhou Feng yelled out loudly and threw a box to the floor out of anger.

Shen Tianyun had a 'puzzled' expression on his face, "What's wrong, Brother Zhou?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Don't call me Brother, you are deliberate mocking me, aren't you? What a load of bullshit! The old man in Dao robe? You made this up all by yourself!" Zhou Feng lifted his finger pointing at Shen Tianyun, his face was reddened to the point that they could almost see smoke coming out of his ears.

Shen Tianyun still wore a 'puzzled' expression, and then sighed helplessly before he replied, "Ai…I'm not lying to you, Brother Zhou. I really want to help you. I know how hard it would be if a man's weapon is so small. That's why when I heard that shameless old man said that this ginseng could help to grow that place up, I didn't hesitate to buy it for you at all. And now you're saying that I am lying to you. This is really hurt my feeling, you know?" His voice was very sincere and pitiful to hear. Half of the crowd subconsciously believed in him because his acting was too real to be a lie for them. They couldn't help but look at Zhou Feng in disdain and disgust.

"You…!" Zhou Feng's mind was occupied by anger, he didn't even know how to responded to this. He could only point at him with a trembled finger. Zhou Xiaolong saw his own brother suffered a loss from Shen Tianyun, he quickly paced up to his brother's side.

"Brother Shen, please don't misunderstand Ah-Feng, he is angry because he is upset about this problem for a long time. I hope you understand him." Zhou Xiaolong smiled elegantly and said in a calm voice, he uses this chance to reminded Zhou Feng about his father's words earlier.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head and had a look of understanding, "So that's how it is. Ai…don't worry, I don't blame Brother Zhou. I know he must be worry and lack confidence, if it was me, I probably don't have the confidence to face any woman like you too." He then shook his head in sadness and looked at Zhou Feng with a pitied.

Zhou Feng was about to retort, Zhou Xiaolong took a step forward to blocked him and said, "Yes, I hope you don't mind about it. I think Brother Shen should go back to your seat first, everyone probably can't wait to enjoy the party now. What do you think?" He himself once suffered a loss from Shen Tianyun's mouth before, and he didn't want his little brother to lose his face on his own party any further. He took this chance to stopped Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun nodded in agreement, "That's true. I guess I should go back now. I'm so sorry for what happened." He said in a sincere voice before turned around and left. Zhou Xiaolong heaved a sigh of relief after saw this, however, his body became stiffed again when he saw Shen Tianyun paused his track and turned around towards them.

"Oh right, Brother Zhou don't worry about that anymore. Do you ever heard this sentence before where people say 'A size doesn't matter, it depends on your technique.' I think this may be true. I hope that you can overcome this problem soon. That is my blessing for your birthday." Shen Tianyun cupped his fist and made his way back to his seat.

Not to mention Zhou Feng, Zhou Xiaolong also clenched his fist tightly looked at Shen Tianyun's back in anger. Today they had been humiliated by him again! How could he tolerate this any further? They were young masters of the Zhou family! Why would they had to hold themselves because of a mere Shen Tianyun! This was unacceptable!

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly at Shen Tianyun when she saw him slowly walked back to the table with a strange smile on his face.

"How are you going to get out of here alive after doing this to them?" She casually asked, there was no concern in her voice at all.

Shen Tianyun sat on his seat and fiddled with a glass of wine on his hand, "It will be disappointed if they're let me go easily. Hehe, I think that Zhou Feng can't wait to use his whatsoever plan on me now." He shifted his gaze to the left side of him and said.

"Do you see that little Xiang on our left side? I doubt that he will interfere with Zhou Feng from plotting against me." He said in a languid voice and slowly sipped his wine afterward. Lin Xueyue didn't even tilt her head to see the man, a faint smile appeared on her beautiful face.

"He won't, on the contrary, he even wants to help Zhou Feng." She said.

Shen Tianyun's brows perked up slightly, "Oh? It seems like you know Zhou Feilong very well."

"Although on the surface, Zhou Feilong probably forbade them to do anything on you, at the same time I'm very confident that he wants them to do it, and do it with a violent method as much as they could." Lin Xueyue paused for a moment and looked at Shen Tianyun.

She said further, "It's normal for you if you didn't know about his past. This Zhou Feilong is very ruthless than he appeared to be. In order to obtain absolute control in the Zhou family, he didn't hesitate to sacrifice his wife. At that time, his wife is the only weakness of him. He needs to get rid of this weakness so that he can fight his enemy without any concern. I am sure that he won't hesitate to kill his own son if he has to do." Her eyes flickered slightly. In the past, she despised a man like this Zhou Feilong the most, what was the point of gaining power if you had to sacrifice your loves one. Even though she could understand the logic behind his action, she still couldn't accept it.

Shen Tianyun frowned deeply, a reevaluation on Zhou Feng needed to be done, "I see, so he wants to use this chance to teach his son. It seems he doesn't have confidence in both of his sons at all." There was a hint of mockery in his voice.

"Then…" Lin Xueyue asked and waited for his answer.

"Of course, he wants me to be a grinding stone for his son, why should I refuse such a good opportunity?" Shen Tianyun smiled confidently back at her. Lin Xueyue couldn't help but chuckled a little after heard his answer.

The party continued on one by one walked up onto the stage and given their gifts to Zhou Feng. He still didn't recover from the anger and didn't even smile to the guest when he received the gift. After that, the real party had started. Shen Tianyun began to wolf down all the food he picked up. Lin Xueyue was speechless when she saw him eaten like a hungry ghost. It was before later she came to understood that his appetite increased along with his cultivation and constitution, she then helped him picked up the food that he likes to eat.

"Ah…I'm full now." Shen Tianyun rubbed his belly and burped after finished his meal. On the side, Lin Xueyue using her handkerchief wiped a grease out of the corner of his mouth. Her action was like a wife that took care of her husband, and this scene provoked jealousy on the people who looked at them.

Zhou Feng was no exception, he glared at Shen Tianyun fiercely as if he couldn't wait to eat him alive. He then sent an eyes signal to a young decent looking woman on the long red dress who sat on her seat not far away from him. The latter noticed his signal, she nodded in replied and slowly made her way towards Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun immediately noticed her, he whispered something to Lin Xueyue. After that, she slowly walked towards the restroom and left Shen Tianyun alone. Shen Tianyun turned his head to smiled at the girl that walked towards him. Her hair tied up neatly into a big bun, her eyes contained a hint of seductive along with her red allured lips that could easily provoke the inner lust of men. She had a plump body with a perky breast every step she took, her snow-white legs appeared occasionally through a slit of her dress. He estimated that her age should be around mid-twenties.

"Hello, Mr.Shen. My name is Meng Xin, I am your loyal fans. Would you mind to have a drink with me?" She said in a seductive voice, her smile could easily capture any man's heart. She offered a glass of wine in her hand to Shen Tianyun and sat beside him without waiting for his answer.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly back at her, "Of course, a beautiful woman like you want to have a drink with me, how could I refuse it?" He received a glass from her and sipped it a little while stared at her face. With his exceptional perception, he noticed a slight change in her eyes when he sipped a wine. He immediately understood what would happen next.

Meng Xin smiled seductively and licked her lips lightly before she replied, "You're more handsome than the video I've seen, no wonder, Princess Lin has fallen for you. She's surely lucky to get a handsome man like you. I wonder if I could find a man like you in this life." She sighed slightly and folded her arms below her breast, her perky breast became more allured to his eyes. Shen Tianyun stared at her breast and gulped down more wine in his hand.

He shifted his gaze onto her face and smiled handsomely, "With your appearance, I think countless men willing do anything just to be with you. Why would you worry about that?" His gaze shifted between her face and her breast. His action didn't escape Meng Xin's eyes, she pursed her lips and said.

"Ah?…is it including you?" Her voice was incomparable seductive that could easily melt the bones of any men.

Shen Tianyun subconsciously nodded his head and swallowed his saliva loudly. His action caused Meng Xin giggled and her breast jiggled violently.

"Oh my, you are so cute." She reached out her hand to touch his thigh and rubbed it slowly. He dreamy eyes filled with lust and seductive. Shen Tianyun couldn't help but swallowed his saliva again, his dragon rod became rock hard under his pant and bulged up clearly to Meng Xin's eyes to see.

Shen Tianyun grabbed her hand and took a deep breath before he said, "I think I need to go to the restroom now. Please forgive me for not accompany you further." With that, he stood up and about to walk towards the restroom. Meng Xin quickly held his hand and said in a very charming voice.

"Let me go with you." She shot a flirtatious glance at him and walked towards the restroom. Shen Tianyun quickly followed her behind.


Upon reached the restroom, Shen Tianyun immediately went in and was about to wash his face to recover from his lust. Meng Xin stepped into the room and hugged him from behind. Her bountiful breast pressed against his back caused Shen Tianyun's mind immediately occupied by lust. He turned his body around and using his left hand grabbed her elastic butt while another hand stroked her face and traced down into her chest area.

Meng Xin let out a soft moaned before using her hand pushed his chest, "Not here…I know a good place. Will you go with me?" A sweet voice drifted into his ears, Shen Tianyun hesitated for a moment before he felt a soft hand rubbed his crotch gently.

"So big! How would it feel when this giant thing is filling me?" She licked her lips and stared seductively into his eyes, however, in her heart, she was truly shocked by his size. Although she didn't see it, she was sure that it should be the biggest one that she had ever encounter.

After received this attack from her, Shen Tianyun couldn't hold back anymore. He nodded his head indicated that he wanted to go with her. Meng Xin smiled beautifully before led him out of the restroom and made their way to the second floor. A short moment later, Zhou Feng slowly emerged from behind the corner of the stairs and smiled coldly at their disappeared back.

Meng Xin and Shen Tianyun arrived at the small guest room, this place didn't have any furniture besides a big bed and a small sofa. He couldn't help but asked her, "How can you use this room? Did Zhou Feng sent you to seduce me?" His voice grew more cautious.

Meng Xin giggled slightly and drew herself closer to him, she whispered into his ears, "You are so mean, why are you doubting me like this. Don't tell me, my body is not good enough?" She suddenly brought his hand to touched her chest. Shen Tianyun subconsciously squeezed it fiercely caused Meng Xin to let out another seductive moan. He completely lost his reason and hurried to took her dress off.

Meng Xin didn't reject him and let him did whatever he wanted. A short moment later, her creamy white body appeared bare in front of Shen Tianyun. Her breast was so full and her deep red cherry tips already elected hard pointed at him. He immediately fondled her towering breast and skillfully played with her hard cherry tips. They slowly stepped closer to the bed and sat down on it.

Shen Tianyun ripped off her undergarments that covered her private part, revealed a slightly moist deep shade slit. He carried her to sat on his laps and spreading her legs widely. His left hand still fondled her breast from behind and using another hand skillful rubbed her moist secret garden. Meng Xin moaned uncontrollably from his attack, she tried to turn her head want to kiss him but she didn't know why Shen Tianyun kept dodging her all the time. However, she didn't have the mind to think about it when her breast and her vagina got teased like this.

"Ah…AH!…Tianyun…please give me your cock already. I can't endure it anymore...Ah!" Meng Xin begged she couldn't endure his restless attack any longer.

Shen Tianyun grinned coldly, "Oh? You want it that bad? Then answer my question first." He said playfully.

Meng Xin who was immersed in the lust subconsciously nodded her head, "Mhm! Hurry, ask me…Ah!" She impatiently said.

"What did Zhou Feng give you for doing this?" He asked in a calm voice, while his hands still attack her continuously.

"Mhm…he forced me to…" Meng Xin was answered halfway before she realized her mistake at the same time both of Shen Tianyun's hand stopped moving.

"Oh?" Shen Tianyun smiled playfully, he suddenly tossed her to the side and walked to the wall opposite the bed. He reached out his hand to brought a big painting down from it and flipped it. He saw a pocket-size camera at the back of a big painting. It was clearly working and the angle of it pointed towards the bed.

He pulled it out of a big painting and turned his head to look at Meng Xin who has now had a horrified expression all over her face, He slowly said with amusement, "Ah? There is a camera here…oh? It seems to record something." He stopped a record camera and playback to see the video on it. A lascivious scene between him and Meng Xin appeared in the video.