A Foot On Your Face

"Wow, our acting is not bad at all." Shen Tianyun nodded his head in satisfaction after seeing the scene on the camera. Meng Xin's expression was paled as white as paper, she didn't dare to let out any sound.

Shen Tianyun turned his head to looked at her and grinned evilly. He slowly approaching her, every step he took caused Meng Xin's bare body shivering uncontrollably.

Gritted her teeth, she mustered her courage and fearfully asked, "W…what do you want?"

Shen Tianyun stopped his track, a grin on his face disappeared completely and replaced by a calm expression. "What do I want?…I think a smart woman like you should know about it, right?" He said in a calm voice.

Meng Xin took a deep breath to calm herself down, she wrapped herself with a blanket before she replied, "Zhou Feng want me to seduce you and he will use this chance to accuse you of raping me… and that video, he will send it to princess Lin later." After she was calmed down, she didn't have any fears towards him anymore. Since everything had come to this point, what was there to fear about it?

Shen Tianyun chuckled when he heard all of this. His speculation was not that far from what she had said. "I see, I already expected this. I started to wonder now, why did you become his tool like this? Can you tell me about it?" He sat on the bed beside Meng Xin and asked.

A deep hatred and pain flashed across her eyes, she was silent for a while before she answered, "It was 2 years ago, at that time, I just graduated from a university and came to this city too looked for a job. Because I graduated from a third rate university, I didn't have a choice much. When I saw a job opportunity at Yuanzhou hotel, I immediately applied for it."

She paused for a moment before continued, "I was so excited at that time when I got accepted to a job. But…who would've thought that a place that I thought it was a paradise actually it was an abyss of hell." Her voice grew colder and she clenched her fist tightly from hatred.

"That 2 brothers, Zhou Feng and Zhou Xiaolong. They lusted after my body from the first time we met, they using the underhand method to get me. I have been raped by them from time to time and I couldn't even put any resistance at all. After that, they forced me to be a prostitute!" She said with a deep hatred, her eyes filled with pain and sorrow. Shen Tianyun still wore a calm expression, he asked, "So they are threatened your family?"

Meng Xin nodded her head without looking at him, "Yes, I only have mom left in my family. I can't let them do anything to her." She replied.

Shen Tianyun smiled slightly, "Do you think that I will believe all of this? You are a good actor after all." He stared at her face intensively as if he wanted to see through her mind.

Meng Xin raised her head to looked at him, a self-depreciative smile appeared on her face, "You don't have to believe me. I already tell everything that you need to know, now what are you planning to do? Zhou Feng probably comes to this place soon." She said in a relaxed voice, whether Shen Tianyun believed her or not, it was not her concern anyway.

A smile on Shen Tianyun's face grew wider, "Well, when you first come to me. I know that you are a smart woman, it seems like I don't misjudge you. So tell me, what evidence that you have gathered all these years?" He asked curiously, he knew that she wanted revenge thus, she probably did something in order to achieve her goal.

Meng Xin's mouth opened a little, she was not sure whether she should tell him or not. She thought for a bit before she answered, "You have to promise me first, If I give it to you, you have to guarantee my mother's life. You can send her away from this city and give her some money to live on. You are a princess Lin's boyfriend, right? I know you can ask her for help."

"Oh? What about you?" Shen Tianyun asked interestingly.

Meng Xin laughed slightly before her eyes became resolute, "Me? Since the first day, I started to gather all of this evidence, I already decided to end my life after I got revenge." No one knows the pain and humiliation that she had been through these past few years. She wanted to end her life several times but she still worried about her mother, that's why she had endured all of this in the hope that one day she could get revenge and sent her mother away as far as she could.

Shen Tianyun rubbed his chin thinking for a bit before he replied, "Okay, I promise you. Now can you tell me what do you have?"

Meng Xin hesitated, she was not sure about it. Seeing this, he said further, "You may think that I am just a slum boy with a rich and powerful girlfriend but trust me, my promise isn't that easy to obtain. And I have to remind you of one thing. Without your cooperation, I don't have anything to lose at all. Even you play along with Zhou Feng and want to accuse me after this, I have plenty of ways to get out of this. For example, this." He said slowly word by word without a hurry.

He took out his phone from his pocket and played a sound file from it. It was a sound of their previous conversation, all of it. Meng Xin's expression became horrified again after listened to this. She immediately understood what he wanted to say.

Shen Tianyun smiled at her, "Now you still don't believe me? What if this file falls into Zhou Feng's hand after this? You and your mother probably not have a good time right?"

Meng Xin gritted her teeth and looked at him with a hateful expression, "You are a devil!" She said angrily. She never thought that this man in front of her was no different from those Zhou brothers, he didn't hesitate to blackmailed her at all.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Well, someone has said that to me several times already. Sometimes I am a saint and sometimes I am a devil. It depends on who I am facing." He said while laughing.

A short moment later, Meng Xin let out a long sighed before she said, "You are right, I have no choice on this matter anymore. I have a contact list and a transaction records of higher up levels who using a service at Yuanzhou hotel. And I also have a video that I secretly recorded. It was a video when they forced several women into this hell."

Shen Tianyun frowned slightly when he heard this, he said, "You know that this is not enough right? And you want me to help you with only this?"

Meng Xin laughed in a self-mocking manner, "What else do you expect from a weak woman like me? You know how scary it is for me to risk my life gathering all of this?"

Shen Tianyun nodded his head in agreement, "Well, you are right."

Hearing this, Meng Xin was about to ask him but Shen Tianyun waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, I will help you. However, you have to give me all of the evidence in your possession."

Meng Xin was overjoyed when she heard this, "Really!? Thank you, if you can help my mother, I will do whatever you want me to do." She said in excitement. Shen Tianyun only smiled faintly and say nothing.

"Right, can you tell me how do you know about a camera? And how is that aphrodisiac doesn't have any effect on you? Also, how are you going to deal with Zhou Feng after this?" She shot out many questions in one go. She was curious about this for some time now because she clearly saw him drink that wine in front of her but how did a drug not affect him at all? She felt that something was not right on this matter.

Shen Tianyun chuckled and turned to look at her, "You sure have so many questions huh? Alright, for the first question. You can look around this room and tell me where is the best position to set a camera?" He said in a languid voice. Meng Xin looked around the room, she immediately understood what he said. The room only had 2 pieces of furniture, a big bed, and a small sofa. The only place that suitable to set up a camera the most was on this weird big painting that hung on the wall opposite a bed.

Seeing her expression, he said further, "As for the second question it is related to my secret so I won't tell you. And how to deal with Zhou Feng after this? Hehe, let us wait for him here first and see what is he come up with."

He then stared into her eyes, his expression turned cold, "I hope that you won't disappoint me, you understand?" His voice carried a coldness that made Meng Xin shivered when she heard this. She nodded her head furiously out of fear.


On the outside of the room, Zhou Feng walked leisurely towards the room along with his 2 bodyguards beside him.

He turned to asked one of his bodyguards, "You said that he already fucked that bitch right?" His mood was getting better after seeing Shen Tianyun had fallen into his trap. He couldn't wait to see Lin Xueyue's face after she knew what was Shen Tianyun had done.

One of a bodyguard hurried to replied, "Yes, Young master. I heard she moaned loudly from that room. There is no mistake, he probably fucked her already. After all, how can he resist a drug effect and that bitch plump body." He smiled lewdly when he thinking about Meng Xin's plump body.

Zhou Feng smiled cheerfully, "That's right, how can he resist that drug effect. And that bitch, hehe, although her lower part is a bit loose now she is still a top beauty." He licked his lips after saying that. His two bodyguards laughing along with their master.

The group gradually arrived at the front of the room, one of Zhou Feng's bodyguards immediately pushed the door opened.

"Hahaha, Shen Tianyun you idiot! You are doomed now!…eh?" Zhou Feng said arrogantly after walked into the room, however, his expression froze after seeing the scene in front of him.

Shen Tianyun who was laid leisurely on the small sofa and enjoyed shoulders massaged from Meng Xin, turned his head to looked at a group of people, "Oh? Brother Zhou, why are you here?" He asked in confusion.

Zhou Feng couldn't comprehend the situation at all, however, he still believed that Shen Tianyun had already fallen into his trap, he arrogantly said, "Why am I here? Of course, you ra-pe my people and still asking me this question? Hahaha, the police will come after a while. You can enjoy your life in prison. As for that bitch Lin Xueyue, don't worry, I will take care of her for you. Hahaha!"

Shen Tianyun waved his hand to stopped Meng Xin from massaging further, he slowly stood up with a confused expression on his face, "Ra-pe? What is that? How come I don't know about it?" He said in a confused voice and turned to asked Meng Xin.

"Miss Meng, did I ra-pe you?"

Meng Xin smiled at him and shook her head, "When did you do that? We just came here to have a chat, isn't it?" She said in a relaxed voice contrasted to her heart that beating rapidly right now.

Shen Tianyun spread his arms widely and said, "See? We just have a chat for a while, and you come here to say that I ra-pe her? What the meaning of this? Brother Zhou." He still said in a confused voice.

Zhou Feng's eyebrows knitted, he immediately understood a situation, glared fiercely at Meng Xin and roared, "You dare to betray me? You bitch! I will definitely kill your mother after this! Just you wait!!" He then shifted his gaze onto Shen Tianyun and said further.

"Do you think that you can escape now? Hahaha, you idiot! This is my territory, even I kill you here, nobody dares to say anything! Even that bitch Lin Xueyue, she doesn't dare to go against my father!! Don't think that she can help you! Hahaha! Go break his limps!" He ordered his 2 bodyguards beside him. Meng Xin's face immediately went paled, she looked at Shen Tianyun concernedly, the latter patted her shoulder lightly and smiled reassure at her before he took a step forward to met the 2 bodyguards.

One of Zhou Feng's bodyguard threw a punch at his opponent's face. No one knows that Shen Tianyun was proficient in boxing before, his footwork could easily be compared to a semi-professional boxer. He quickly stepped to his right side avoiding an incoming punch while he lifted his left leg that covered with his Spiritual Qi and kicked into a bodyguard's stomach causing him flew back and hitting Zhou Feng who stood there stupidly. Their body collided with each other and fallen to the ground.

Another bodyguard saw this scene, his expression changed drastically. He had been training boxing before, he could recognize Shen Tianyun's movement. It was similar to boxing footwork that he had seen before. Not to mention that kick from him, it was similar to a Muay Thai kick. In short, this Shen Tianyun definitely proficient in boxing. A bodyguard became alerted, he didn't dare to move rashly towards Shen Tianyun.

"Eh? You don't want to come? Okay, let me go to you then." Shen Tianyun said playfully, he quickly using a 'Mirage Shadow' movement technique that Grandma Su had taught him. Although he only mastered the first level out of nine levels, this technique, after all, a top movement technique. A normal fighter as this bodyguard couldn't possibly see it clearly, all he saw was a punch that already hit on his face.

His body fell backward and immediately fainted, laying on the ground. Meng Xin's mouth wide open, she was stupefied after seeing this scene. She never thought that this man was proficient in fighting, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief. It was lucky that she didn't choose to betray him.

Shen Tianyun walked to Zhou Feng who struggled to get up, he raised his right foot and stepped on Zhou Feng's face causing his face stuck to the floor violently, "Ah? What do you say earlier? You said that you want to kill me? Brother Zhou, aren't you too naive? Do you think that I will stand there and waiting for your bodyguards to break my limps? Hehe, you are very funny, Brother Zhou." His voice was filled with mockery as he put more weight into his foot to pressed Zhou Feng's head against the floor further.

"What about it? It is out of your expectation right? Let me say this, I never bother you in the past because you are too childish with your little scheme. You are only a stupid second generation that only knows to rely on your father's influence and your background. You never realize that without all of this, you are nothing but a pathetic little boy who doesn't even know how to earn money." He said sarcastically at a man beneath his foot.

Zhou Feng opened his mouth with difficulty, red blood slowly flew out of his mouth, he roared, "Shen Tianyun!! My father definitely won't let you go!!" His voice was full of malice, he tried to lift Shen Tianyun's foot out of his face but his action became futile, he couldn't even move it a slightest.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Alright, let see if he has the gut to do so. I'll wait for you in the hall. Don't disappoint me, Brother Zhou." He lifted his foot out of Zhou Feng's face and was about to walk out of the room. He stopped his track and turned around to kicking on Zhou Feng's stomach causing him spurted out blood more.

"This is for calling my woman a bitch. If you still say that next time, I will make sure that you don't have the ability to play with a woman anymore."

He then waved his hand at Meng Xin to followed him. The latter quickly following him out. However, when she walked pass Zhou Feng who still laid on the ground, she didn't forget to stomp her foot on his head fiercely and spitted on his face before she hurried to ran after Shen Tianyun in fear that Zhou Feng would stand up and attack her.