Situation Unfolds

"Will it really be fine?" On their way back to the hall, Meng Xin was so anxious, she couldn't help but ask.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, he said, "I saw you stomped his head while ago, you didn't seem to fear him at all. How come you fear him now?" He asked in a playful voice.

Meng Xin blushed slightly. Earlier, she was droved by a hatred that had been accumulated for a long time and made her committed impulsive actions. Right now, her sense had come back to her body, she started to fear what she just did.

Shen Tianyun turned his head to looked at her, a reassuring smile appeared on his face, "Don't worry, he won't dare to do anything. From now on, you and your mother will be free from them. I can guarantee it." He said in a relaxed voice and paused for a moment before continued.

"However, don't forget about our deal. Understand?" His voice became serious when he said this.

Meng Xin hurried to nod her head in reply. The anxiety in her heart decreased greatly, though she didn't know how was he going to deal with the Zhou family she was willing to believe in him, more precisely, she believed in Lin Xueyue who was behind him.

Both of them gradually walked into the hall, everyone was still enjoying the party. They were chatting happily with each other without notice anything. Shen Tianyun went back to his seat which Lin Xueyue already waited for him. Meng Xin hesitated for a moment before followed him to the table. She didn't know how to face Lin Xueyue at this moment, a guilty and fear occupied her heart. However, in order to survive, she steeled her heart and went to greeted Lin Xueyue.

"H…hello, princess Lin. My name is Meng Xin. Nice to meet you." She timidly said.

Lin Xueyue expressionlessly nodded and completely ignored her, Meng Xin's face flushed red in embarrassment. She was also a woman, how could she not know what was Lin Xueyue thinking. It was normal that she was hostile towards her, no woman in the world would love to associated with another woman who tried to deceive their husband.

"How is it?" Shen Tianyun asked Lin Xueyue in a calm voice.

"Everything has been prepared. What do you plan to do with her?" She replied in a cold voice. Shen Tianyun didn't know whether she angry at him or not, he was about to reply but Lin Xueyue interrupted him with a question that made him almost fell into the ground.

"Did you wash your hand?" Her voice was incomparable cold. Cold sweats appeared on Shen Tianyun's forehead before he quickly stood up and ran to the restroom at the fastest speed.

Lin Xueyue shifted her gaze onto Meng Xin's face, "If it isn't for him who wants to help you, I will make sure that you will have the worst experience than the one you have it now. My husband is very kind, he always takes pity on a helpless woman like you. However, I am the opposite of him, anyone who tries to harm him, no matter what they have been forced or how helpless the situation they are in. I will never spare them. Remember my words, if you ever try to harm him or have any thoughts on him. You can forget about you and your mother lives." A faint smile appeared on her face after she finished her sentence. However, to Meng Xin, this smile was not a friendly smile at all. She felt a chill running down to her spine caused her body quivered uncontrollably.

Clenched her fist, Meng Xin took a deep breath to calm herself down before she replied, "Don't worry princess Lin, I know how filthy I am. Even I have any thoughts on him, he will never look at me so I think you can be at ease about this. As for harming him, do princess Lin think that I can do it? I have witnessed his means while ago, I immediately understand why he can be with you. Thus, I don't think that what you have said will happen." Her voice was very calm, though she still had some fear in her heart, she was also a smart woman and had been interacting with various types of people before. She was confident that she won't lose the war of words easily.

Lin Xueyue nodded, "Good, remember what you just said. After this, I will arrange for you to work with Miss Cai Ning. My husband says that you have some abilities in managing and interacting with a customer. I hope that you won't disappoint him…Oh, I have sent people to fetch your mother already. So I will send you to a new place later. We still have something to do here."

Her words caused Meng Xin became excited immediately. Her heart was filled with hope and expectation, she felt that she just made the best decision in her life. She hurried to bow at Lin Xueyue, "Thank you, princess Lin, Don't worry I won't disappoint both of you." Her voice filled with excitement.

Shen Tianyun just came back to see this scene, he was puzzled slightly, "Eh? What are you talking about?" He asked while slowly sitting down on his seat beside Lin Xueyue.

Lin Xueyue smiled at him without saying anything, she reached out her hand to adjusted his messy collars. Her previous frosty expression turned into a warm and gentle expression, Meng Xin couldn't believe in her eyes when she saw this. Is this really a cold Lin Xueyue minute ago? She thought.

At this moment, several men rushing into the hall. They immediately surrounded Shen Tianyun and 2 women beside him. Lin Xueyue's bodyguard quickly rushed to her side, his hand gripped on a gun that hung on his waist. His expression became vigilance and glaring at the surrounded men.

Everyone in the hall looking at each other blankly, they didn't know what just happened until a loud voice roared out, "Shen Tianyun!! You dare to hit me! You are dead for sure!" It was Zhou Feng who was walked into the hall with his Big Brother, Zhou Xiaolong. Bloodstained was all over his clothes. The crowd was dumbfounded when they saw him, they subconsciously looked at Shen Tianyun and didn't dare to imagine how he was going to survive in this situation. Some of them even thought that Shen Tianyun definitely perished today.

Shen Tianyun calmly sipped his wine before stood up and said, "Eh? What do you mean, Brother Zhou? AH!? What happens to you? Did you just trip over the stair?"

"Shen Tianyun!! Don't play dumb! It was you who did this to me!" Zhou Feng yelled out of anger, a blue vein popped up on his forehead.

Shen Tianyun had a 'puzzled' expression on his face, he asked in confusion, "Me? When did I hit you? And I didn't have a reason to hit you at all. Brother Zhou, I know you have some grudge on me but you shouldn't slander people without any evidence!"

He paused for a moment before continued, "Of course, if you have any evidence you can show it to everyone here. I am willing to accept punishment if I was on the wrong side!" He said righteously. The crowd shifted their eyes onto Zhou Feng and expected to see the evidence.

Without a doubt, Zhou Feng became speechless, how could he bring out the evidence? Wasn't that mean he exposes himself if he did that? Seeing this, the crowd looked at him with disdain and disgust, they thought that Zhou Feng had using this underhand method to accused Shen Tianyun and moved on him to complete his own scheme.

Shen Tianyun smiled strangely, "Eh? Brother Zhou doesn't have it?… Never mind, I have it!" After his voice finished, the crowd looked at him in astonishment. What the meaning of this? They couldn't comprehend the situation at all. Wasn't this mean Shen Tianyun seeking his own death?

Before Zhou Feng could do anything, a sound rang out in the hall. It was the conversation between Zhou Feng and Shen Tianyun earlier in that guest room.

"Hahaha, Shen Tianyun you idiot! You are doomed now!…eh?"

"Oh? Brother Zhou, why are you here?"

"Why am I here? Of course, you ra-pe my people and still asking me this question? Hahaha, the police will come after a while. You can enjoy your life in prison. As for that bitch Lin Xueyue, don't worry, I will take care of her for you. Hahaha!"

The crowd was dumbfounded again when they listened to this before they could think of anything, the voice continued further.

"Ra-pe? What is that? How come I don't know about it?… Miss Meng, did I ra-pe you?"

"When did you do that? We just came here to have a chat, isn't it?" It was Meng Xin's voice rang out, everyone turned their head to looked at a beautiful woman, Meng Xin, beside Shen Tianyun.

"See? We just have a chat for a while, and you come here to say that I ra-pe her? What the meaning of this? Brother Zhou."

"You dare to betray me? You bitch! I will definitely kill your mother after this! Just you wait!!… Do you think that you can escape now? Hahaha, you idiot! This is my territory, even I kill you here, nobody dares to say anything! Even that bitch Lin Xueyue, she doesn't dare to go against my father!! Don't think that she can help you! Hahaha! Go break his limps!" After that, it was a fighting sound between Shen Tianyun and Zhou Feng's bodyguards. The crowd could imagine what happened, Shen Tianyun was still fine now that's mean it was Zhou Feng who suffered a loss.

"Shen Tianyun!! My father definitely won't let you go!!" It was Zhou Feng agonized shouted before the voice had been stopped. Everyone's eyes focused on Zhou Feng who was now trembling from anger and shame. They never thought that this Zhou Feng was so disgusting, accused people of a false crime, and try to force Shen Tianyun into jail with this. All respect that they had toward him vanished completely from their mind and replaced with contempt and disgust.

At this moment, Shen Tianyun didn't even glance at Zhou Feng, his eyes focused at the door beside a stage. His smile grew wider when the door slowly opened and Zhou Feilong's figure emerged from behind. He had expected this long time ago.

"Haha, Nephew Shen. I have to apologize on behalf of my son. He is still too young after all, I hope Nephew Shen doesn't mind about it." Zhou Feilong said out loud in a relaxed manner while he made his way towards Shen Tianyun. He then waved his hand to dismiss all the surrounding bodyguards.

Shen Tianyun smiled faintly, "Eh? Uncle Zhou, you really want to protect him? Who knows how many people have suffered from his actions." He said in a righteous tone.

"Zhou Feng come here and apologize to them!" Zhou Feilong yelled at Zhou Feng, the latter face immediately paled when he heard this but he knew that he couldn't resist his father's command. Gritted his teeth and walked to the front of Shen Tianyun.

"B..Brother Shen, I'm sorry. I was wrong, please forgive me." He said with unwilling expression and his voice was seeping out between his teeth that clenched together to the point that almost shattered.

Shen Tianyun narrowed his eyes staring at Zhou Feilong, he didn't even bother Zhou Feilong who stood in front of him, A cold smile appeared on his face, "Isn't this too easy, Uncle Zhou? Do you think that just casually apologize like this, he can get out from all his crime?" He said in a cold voice.

Zhou Feilong still had a smile on his face, "Oh? Then what Nephew Shen want to do?" His face didn't faze slightest when facing Shen Tianyun's questions.

"First of all, he needs to apologize and compensate for everything to Miss Meng. Second, you have to make sure that the Black Dragon gang won't come back to hunt Miss Meng and her mother. Oh, you should destroy all of her contracts and set her free immediately." He answered.

Zhou Feilong frowned slightly, "No problem. I will do it immediately." He then shot a glance to little Xiang beside him, the latter quickly took out his phone and called to a certain number. A short moment later, Zhou Feilong nodded his head and said.

"Done! Everything is fine now, right? Nephew Shen." A smile appeared on his face again. Tears welled up on Meng Xin's eyes when she heard this, but she had to hold back because she still needed revenge, she could be happy yet.

Shen Tianyun chuckled a little, he didn't demand to see any proof from Zhou Feilong because he was sure that the other party won't lie to him, "No No, Uncle Zhou, it is not done yet. That's too cheap for his lesson, right? Hehe, I heard that you have a coffee shop and a small restaurant at Huafeng commercial street right? Why don't you give it to me?"

Huafeng commercial street was a famous street in the inner city area. Just a small store on that street could easily cost more than 2 million. Shen Tianyun had aimed at this from the start.

"Shen Tianyun!! don't go too far!" Zhou Xiaolong who was silent all this time couldn't hold it anymore, he roared out.

"Shut up!" Zhou Feilong shouted at him, his gaze turned cold contrasted with a warm and gentle expression previously. He slanted his eyes looked at Shen Tianyun and he said.

"Although it is a small matter for me, however, are you sure that you have the right to demand it from me? Nephew Shen?" He said slowly and his voice contained a deep arrogance that couldn't from everyone's ears. That's right, he was Zhou Feilong, the head of the Zhou family, how could he easily get exhorted by a mere high school student like Shen Tianyun?

Shen Tianyun had expected this, he was about to open his card, Lin Xueyue took a step forward and said, "What about me? Do I have the right to demand it from you? Mr.Zhou?" Her lips formed into a beautiful smile, but her voice was like ice spears that penetrated everyone's heart and froze their body into ice statues.

Zhou Feilong's brows knitted tightly, although Lin Xueyue had acted within his calculation, he still felt that something was wrong with her. She gave off a frightful aura that shouldn't be emanating from a young girl like her as if she was not a little girl that he met in the past.

"Are you sure that you want to meddle in this, little Lin?" He asked with a faint smile.

Lin Xueyue slowly walked to Shen Tianyun's side and wrapped her arms around his right arm and said, "Yes, his matter is my matter, why shouldn't I help him? And don't forget that, isn't your trash son has call be a bitch? Tell me, Mr.Zhou, what should I do about this?" When she said, she didn't even glance at Zhou Feilong. Her eyes always focused on Shen Tianyun's handsome face the entire time.

Zhou Feilong didn't expect this coming, even though a Lin family behind her was powerful but Lin Xueyue has stayed in this city, she should give him some face. After all, he was a current overload of this city. Shen Tianyun saw that Lin Xueyue's words didn't affect Zhou Feilong, he was about to say something and got interrupted by Lin Xueyue again. His eyebrows knitted together tightly, he couldn't help but look at her questioningly. This was supposed to be his wars but why she had stepped in again.

Although he knew that she had a good intention and he didn't have any problem with it if she wants to interfere with his business, this time he didn't want to accept this. Seeing his expression, Lin Xueyue knew that he was definitely angry at her, she smiled apologetically back at him and whispered.

"Hubby, don't angry at me. I have a better idea to play this. So you don't have to use your hidden cards this time. Don't be angry, okay? Yue'er will compensate you later." She said in a pitiful voice and she was pleading for her crime. Shen Tianyun's heart immediately turned soft. He sighed in his heart, this girl was kryptonite to him and with this, he didn't have the heart to angry at her anymore. His expression loosened a bit.

Lin Xueyue turned her head to looked at Zhou Feilong, a smile vanished and turned into a cold expression, "Mr.Zhou, recently my father said that he needs some achievement for his promotion. Should I suggest him to gain an achievement by eliminating a local gang in this city? What do you think, Mr.Zhou?"

Zhou Feilong's expression changed for the first time when he heard this. He hurried to say, "I think that's not a good suggestion right?. Hehe, princess Lin, would you like to receive title deeds now? I will immediately tell my men to give it to you whenever you want." He changed from calling her 'Little Lin' to 'Princess Lin' again. Everyone was shocked by his 180 degrees turned actions.

Lin Xueyue nodded, "Sure, give it to me now." Zhou Feilong quickly told his aide beside him to bring a real estate contract for him. Shen Tianyun came to a realization, with this Lin Xueyue could create a small rift between Lin Ming and Zhou family, it was a good move indeed.