
"AHHH!!" When they were walking in the dark narrowed passage, suddenly a ghost doll jumped out of nowhere in front of her, Dongfang Mengrou was scared witless and shrieked out loud. She quickly threw herself into Shen Tianyun's embrace out of fear.

Shen Tianyun was speechless looking at the ghost doll in front of him and shifted his gaze onto a woman in his embrace, "Let's go, we almost reach the end of the passage." He said and tried to lead the scared Dongfang Mengrou out of this passage.

A short moment later, both of them appeared at the outside of the haunted house. However, Dongfang Mengrou still didn't let Shen Tianyun go, both of her hands tightly grabbed onto his shirt and lowered her head, shut her eyes tightly didn't dare to look around.

Seeing this Shen Tianyun was amused, he grinned, "Watch out! There is a ghost coming… AHHH!!" He screamed out causing Dongfang Mengrou's hands to clenched his shirt tighter than before to the point that his shirt was almost torn by her.

"NO NO NO! Don't let it come, don't let it come!!" Dongfang Mengrou shouted out in panic, she buried her face deep into his chest. Her body became stiff as a stone, her brain probably tells her that if she moves any muscles on her body, the ghost will surely notice her and it will immediately rushing towards her.

"Ha…hahaha!" Shen Tianyun laughed out loud, his body was trembling violently. Dongfang Mengrou's soul seemed to come back to her body and noticed something was amiss. She slowly opened her eyes and raised her head to look at the laughing Shen Tianyun. She immediately understood everything and quickly jumped out of his embrace.

"W…why don't you tell me that we are already out!" She pouted and stomped her feet angrily on the ground, her actions were not fit to her age at all. Dongfang Mengrou at this moment was like a young girl in her twenties. Her actions had caused the men that passing by were subconsciously fixed their eyes at her.

"Haha…I already told you but you were so scared, what else I can do?" Shen Tianyun said while still laughing.

"Hmph!" Dongfang Mengrou snorted then turned around and left in a random direction. Shen Tianyun chuckled before followed after her.

"Hey hey, I'm sorry okay?" He caught up her and said. Dongfang Mengrou only snorted back at him without saying anything, she was still angry and embarrassing at the same time. She just realized that her actions were very childish but she couldn't just admit it and only kept going like this.

Saw that she was still angry, he said further, "Seriously, I don't understand at all. You're clearly feared of a ghost but why do you still reading a ghost story?" He felt that this was really funny and was a very contradictory thing. He never understood why did people love to listening or reading a ghost story but at the same time they were also afraid of it.

Dongfang Mengrou looked at him and said, "You will never understand the thrilling when reading it. However, facing it for real is not the same thing at all."

Shen Tianyun rubbed his chin thinking for a bit, at this moment they were walking passed the Ferris wheel area, his gaze paused on the suspicious scene not far away from him. He saw a little girl with blond hair, without a doubt she was a foreigner. From the look of it, she should be around the same age as Sisi. Right now, she had been surrounded by 3 men and her expression was indicated that she was very afraid of them.

Dongfang Mengrou noticed his action, she followed his eyes sight and saw the scene. Her eyebrows instantly knitted together, "The Black Dragon gang?" She muttered.

"Hmm?" Shen Tianyun was too focused on the little girl, he failed to notice the black dragon tattoos on those men's hands. His eyes immediately turned cold and walked towards the group. Dongfang Mengrou wanted to stop him but it was too late, she turned her head around and nodded to Ling Wufeng who was stood at a distance away, the latter was reluctant for a bit before quickly made his way towards Shen Tianyun.

"Hey, Judy, thank god! I finally found you!" Shen Tianyun heaved a sigh of relief, he said these words in English. The 3 adult men turned around and looked at him with malicious.

The little girl was surprised, she seemed to understand something and hurried to say, "Hey, Big brother!" She quickly got out of the circle and rushed to Shen Tianyun. One of the 3 men tried to grab her but he got kicked on his stomach all of sudden. The other two were bewildered and glaring at the man who just kicked his friend, Lin Wufeng.

"We are the Black Dragon gang! you better not to meddle our business!" The black shirt man shouted. However, it didn't affect Ling Wufeng at all, he was still staring at them with a cold expression.

"Oh? So the Black Dragon gang is really famous huh?" After sent the little girl to Dongfang Mengrou, Shen Tianyun said while slowly drawing himself closer to the 3 men.

"That's right! who are you? Why are you meddling in our business?" Another man who was wearing a red shirt asked while he was helping a man that just got kicked earlier getting up from the ground.

"Who am I is not important, the problem is you try to abduct a little girl in broad daylight. Aren't you afraid to get caught by the police?" He said righteously and was very loud. The people around that area took notice of this commotion, they started gathering around the group and whispering to each other.

The 2 men looked at each other and laughing loudly, "Police? Hahaha! Brat! It seems like you are really naive, even I want to abduct someone right now. The police won't dare to do anything to us! Why we have to afraid of them! Hahaha!" The black shirt man said arrogantly.


"You think that they won't dare to catch you? Just you wait!!"

"Hurry! Call the police!!" The crowd started to cursing at them, they couldn't stand those men's arrogance.

"Oh? You seem really confident about it. Very good! Before the police come, we still have plenty of time here. Uncle Ling, please teach them some lessons!" Shen Tianyun quickly stepped back and told Ling Wufeng to attack. The 3 men's expression became horrified they know that they were not Ling Wufeng's opponents at all. Ling Wufeng was speechless when he heard Shen Tianyun's words, how come he became his lackey now?

Dongfang Mengrou was observing the situation all this time was also speechless, she never thought that Shen Tianyun was this shameless. However, she secretly laughing in her heart and felt that his actions were extremely funny.

Looking back at Dongfang Mengrou and saw she nodded her head, Ling Wufeng had no choice. He immediately rushed closer to the 3 men, they were started to panic and tried to repel Ling Wufeng's attack but their actions were futile. After all, Ling Wufeng was a former soldier before, his combat ability was very high than his peers and that was one of the reasons why Dongfang Mengrou trusted him to protect her safety.

The crowd cheered loudly when they saw the 3 men got beaten up, their faces were swollen to the point that they didn't recognize each other anymore. They started to beg for mercy, a short moment later, Ling Wufeng stopped beating them because he saw the police has arrived at the scene.

"What happens?" One of the policemen asked, Shen Tianyun took a stepped forward to explain the situation.

"So you say that they're trying to abduct this little girl?" The policeman pointed at the blond girl.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yes, officer. They said that they're the members of the Black Dragon gang and the police won't dare to catch them if you don't believe me you can ask everyone here. Hmph! they are very arrogant!" He said angrily, the policeman frowned and looking at the surrounding crowd. He saw that they were nodding their head in agreement with Shen Tianyun's words, but in his heart, he was quite afraid. After all, it was the Black Dragon gang they were talking about.

Without waiting for the police to answer, he said further in righteous tone, "Officer! Please bring them to justice! You can't let them go easily. As you can see how they trample your dignity as police!! If I were the police I definitely won't let them go!" His words basically closed all the retreat path for the policeman.

Cold sweat appeared on the police's back, with this he had been forced to choose right now. If he were to let them go, the crowd probably won't let him off, gritted his teeth, and shot a hateful glance at Shen Tianyun before he went to catch the 3 men who were now laid agonized on the ground.

"You are under arrest! Men! Bring them to the station!" He quickly said and didn't even tell the rights to the criminals at all, he wanted to get out of here as soon as possible. After a while, the policemen brought all the 3 men out of the scene.

Before they left, the leader police had asked Shen Tianyun about the blond girl and Ling Wufeng, Shen Tianyun quickly gave them a statement and lied to the police that they were cousins so the police won't have to bring them to the station because it was an act of self-defense.

"Thank you, Uncle Ling." Shen Tianyun smiled in gratitude at Ling Wufeng. Ling Wufeng only nodded his head and walked away without saying anything.

A corner of Shen Tianyun's mouth was forming into an evil grin when he looked at Ling Wufeng's back.

"You are really bad, Tianyun." At this moment, Dongfang Mengrou brought the girl along with her and said.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Hehe, since he has been following us all the time, why don't we use his service for a bit… Not bad, It seems that he is quite strong." He said casually.

He then looked at the little girl and asked in English, "Hello, my name is Shen Tianyun. You can call me Big brother Shen if you want. Can you tell me what is your name?"

The little girl tilted her head slightly, "My name is Judy. Were you sent here by my mom?" She asked curiously, her blue crystal clear eyes shone brightly.

Shen Tianyun was surprised, he never thought that the name he casually came up with was actually the same as her real name. He shook his head, "No, I'm not sent here by your mom, but don't worry I am not a bad guy." He smiled gently at her.

"Can you tell me? How did you come here and where is your mom?" He asked again.

The little girl Judy was shifting her gaze between Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou many times before she answered, "I don't know where my mom is, I want to eat ice cream but she won't buy it for me. So I ran away from her...Big brother and Big sister won't blame Judy right?" Her innocent voice along with her pitiful expression could easily make people take pity of her.

"No no, Big sister and Big brother won't blame you. How can we blame such a cute girl like you huh?… Do you still want to eat ice cream? Big sister will bring you to eat and then we will go find your mother after that. Okay?" Dongfang Mengrou's motherly aura flared up, her eyes were filled with a gentleness when she looked at Judy.

Judy's eyes lit up, "Really? Yay! Beautiful Big sister is the best!!" She said excitedly. Beside them, Shen Tianyun was speechless, at first he planned to send Judy to the information department and let them find her mother as soon as possible, but it seemed he couldn't follow his plan anymore.

"Big brother will bring you to find food first, okay? If you eating ice cream when your stomach is empty, you will have a stomachache." Made up his mind, Shen Tianyun said in a languid voice.

Judy tilted her head thinking for a bit before nodding her head furiously, as long as she could have an ice cream she will agree to do anything at this moment. After that, the trio gradually made their way to the restaurant.


"Eh? Rainbow restaurant? Don't tell me this is also Cai family's restaurant?" The group had arrived at the western cuisine restaurant, Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly because he saw the 'Rainbow restaurant' name on the board.

Dongfang Mengrou smiled while holding Judy's hand, "Yes, this is one of Cai family's restaurants. It is a cheaper and lower quality than the 'Rainbow Fragrance' restaurant. Ning'er wanted to help a commoner who wants to try western food but they can't afford it. So she has come up with this idea. The price here is cheaper than the normal western cuisine restaurant." She explained and slowly walked into the restaurant.

Shen Tianyun listened to this, the respect that he had towards Cai Ning has increased again. To come up with this idea, one could see that she was genuinely want to help the people. Arriving in the restaurant, they had been greeted by the waitress immediately and the waitress had brought to the vacant table. The interior was decorated as the same as the 'Rainbow Fragrance', if they were told him that this place is the 'Rainbow Fragrance' restaurant, he would believe it instantly.

"What do you want to eat, Judy?" Dongfang Mengrou asked. She was very happy at this moment. Judy has reminded her about the past when she raised Lin Xueyue.

Judy looking at the menu for a while and she lifted her finger then pointed at the Hamberg steak, Dongfang Mengrou quickly ordered it for her and for herself too. Waiting for a while, the dishes had been served. The trio started to dig up their foods.

"Right, Judy, where are you come from?" During the meal, Shen Tianyun asked.

The little girl Judy was chewing the meat for a little longer and swallowed it before answered, "Mom and Judy come from America, mom said that she has something to do here in this city. Judy doesn't want to be alone, so she begging mom to bring her along." She sipped water after finished her sentence.

Her gesture was very well-mannered, Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou could see that she definitely hailed from a good family. However, she was still a kid, after all, there was sauce stained all over her cheeks right now. Shen Tianyun couldn't help but chuckled and took a napkin to wiped it out of her cheeks.

When Dongfang Mengrou saw this scene, she fell into a daze instantly. This scene has happened in her dream countless times, in that dream, She and Shen Qingshan have become husband and wife. They had a little kid together, the way Shen Tianyun treated Judy right now has resembled the scene in her dream. A short moment later, she woke up from the daze and shaking her head trying to dissipate her thoughts away.

Shen Qingshan is dead, her dream can't be true anymore. Right now, all she wants is revenge and nothing else. She kept reminding herself in her head.

Time passed by, they finished a meal and walked out of the restaurant.

Suddenly, Judy said, "Big brother Shen, Judy wants to eat ice cream now." Shen Tianyun was puzzled slightly because they were about to go to the ice cream shop in the next moment.

"Hmm? We are going to the ice cream shop now. It's not that far, Judy has to be patient okay?" He rubbed her little head and said gently.

Judy shook her head furiously, "No, Judy wants to eat ice cream cone in front of the Ferris wheel. Can Big brother buy it for me now?" She was pleading, her voice was so pitiful as if she can't endure it anymore.

Seeing this Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Okay okay, wait for Big brother here with Big sister and don't go anywhere okay?" He quickly set off after finished the sentence.

"I want a strawberry flavor!" Judy shouted after a disappearing Shen Tianyun, the latter make an okay gesture back at her and vanished into the crowd.

She then tilted her head to looked at Dongfang Mengrou, "Big sister, are you his wife?" She asked innocently.

Dongfang Mengrou covered her mouth and laughing slightly, "No, I am not his wife. We are just acting right now." She explained.

"Acting? But I think that Big brother loves you and you also love Big brother. Why don't you become a real couple so you don't have to act like this?" She said in a curious voice.

Dongfang Mengrou was stunned for a moment before she shook his head, "Do you know what love is?" A faint smile appeared on her face.

Judy didn't take her time to think at all, she replied instantly, "My mom told me that, love is how you cherish a beautiful moment in front of you. When the people you love died, love also dies too. Mom said that if daddy dies, she also dies as well because she can't live without daddy. At that time I was very confused so I ask her further, 'then why some people still living further when their lovers are already dead'. Mom said that's mean the person that died is not their true love, it is only an obsession for a period of time."

Listened to Judy's words, a wave of confusion was surging up in Dongfang Mengrou's mind. That's right? Why is she still here when Shen Qingshan is already dead. Is it because she didn't really love him? Is it really just an obsession? Revenge? What will she do after revenge? And what is she want to revenge for? Her mind was in a mess right now. Although she felt that what Judy's mom said was not entirely correct but it was not entirely wrong either.