Sylvia Castellar

"Here your strawberry ice cream." Shen Tianyun handed ice cream to little girl Judy.

The little girl Judy happily received ice cream from him, "Thank you, Big brother Shen." She immediately licked it with a satisfied smile on her face, her eyes curved into a crescent moon-like.

"What happens?" Shen Tianyun asked Dongfang Mengrou when he saw her seemed to contemplate something.

Dongfang Mengrou's brows perked up, his voice had woke her up from deep thought. She turned her face around with a smile on her lips, "Nothing, I just thinking of some trivial matters." She replied.

Shen Tianyun felt something was amiss but he couldn't figure it out, he nodded, "Okay, let's go to the information booth around here. We need to ask them for help to find Judy's mother…Let's go, Judy." He said and grabbed one of Judy's little hand and made their way towards the information booth.

A short moment later, the group had arrived at the small information booth. Shen Tianyun immediately went to ask a female worker, "Hello Miss, We founded this little girl along the way, she had been separated from her mother around an hour ago. Can you please help us find her mother. This little girl's name is Judy, she is American."

The female worker looked at Shen Tianyun and Judy for a moment before she replied, "Please wait a moment, sir. I will contact the people in charge immediately." She quickly picked up the phone afterward.

"Right, Judy, what is your mother's name?" Shen Tianyun asked the busy ice cream eating, Judy.

She tilted her head slightly, "Mommy's name is mommy Sylvia." She casually answered and continued to eat her ice cream.

Shen Tianyun was speechless, a short moment later, the female worker has called him, "Sir, would you like to wait for her mother here or do you want to go to the office? We will announce it a short moment later."

"Oh? We can wait here? Then we will wait here, I think her mother should be around here." Shen Tianyun replied, the female worker nodded her head and quickly informed the people in charge.

A minute later, the announcement could be heard the entire park, there was no doubt that Judy's mother, Sylvia, should hear about it too. Shen Tianyun led the group to sat at the small beverage shop located next to the information booth.

"Judy, what are you doing when you were home?" Shen Tianyun was bored, he tried to find some topics to talk with.

Judy just finished her ice cream, she was now wiping her little mouth with the help of Dongfang Mengrou. She thought for a bit, "You know Big brother, I don't want to stay at home at all. Every day I have to study all the time." She pouted.

"Eh? You don't go to school?" Shen Tianyun asked interestingly.

Judy shook her head, "Mommy and daddy said that it is too dangerous to go to school. I don't have any friends at all, you know Big brother, I want to go to school like normal people too." She said in a pitiful voice. Shen Tianyun frowned slightly, although he already guessed that Judy should come from a wealthy family, he never thought that they would restrict her like this. This indicated that her family was a very well-known family, to have so many enemies tried to harm her like this.

"Young miss Judy! I finally found you! Madam has been worried about you all this time." While Shen Tianyun was thinking, he heard a woman voice rang out along with a tall, blond short-hair figure appeared in his sight. She was wearing a professional suit, from the look of her, she should be a bodyguard.

Judy turned to look at her, "Hmph! Cristine, I told you to buy ice cream for me but you didn't. So I have to buy it myself. You can't blame me for this." She slanted her eyes and said angrily. Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou were surprised about the change in her behavior. Judy right now was like a spoiled princess who used to throw tantrums every then and there, unlike an obedient girl when she was with them earlier.

The bodyguard name Cristine seemed to used to her attitude, she calmly said, "Let's go, young miss, madam is waiting for you." She reached out her hand trying to grab a hold of Judy's arm. Shen Tianyun quickly repelled her hand away and stood in front of Judy.

Cristine's brows knitted tightly, she glared at Shen Tianyun with hostility, "Who are you!?" She said solemnly. At this moment Ling Wufeng had already reached Dongfang Mengrou's side and stood calmly looking at Cristine. Her vigilance increased more because she could feel a dangerous aura from him.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Who I am is not important, but shouldn't you change your attitude a bit? Why don't you call your madam here? You already failed to watch over her once, who knows if there is a second time." He said with a faint smile on his face. Though he knew that he shouldn't meddle in their business, he didn't like Cristine's attitude and her rude action, so he decided to interfere with it since Judy was with him for some time now.

Cristine's expression was solemn, she was thinking while her eyes keep shifting between Shen Tianyun and Ling Wufeng.

Seeing the situation was not quite good, Dongfang Mengrou took a step forward and said, "Hello, Miss Cristine, My name is Dongfang Mengrou and this man is Shen Tianyun. We founded Judy when she encountered a group of thugs and they were trying to abduct her. That's why we have to be cautious at this moment, I hope you can understand us. We have no ill intention."

Cristine's brows loosen for a bit when she heard this and her previous solemn expression has been replaced with a guilty expression. A short moment later, she let out a long sigh before she bowed her head toward Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou and said, "Thank you, Mr.Shen and Ms.Dongfang for helping young miss. Please forgive me for my rude action. You are right, I have failed on my duty once, it's understandable for you to be cautious. I will contact madam right away."

Shen Tianyun nodded his head and watching her using her phone to contact Judy's mother. A minute later, Cristine turned around and said, "I've already contacted her, madam will come here soon."

Dongfang Mengrou smiled, "All right, let us sit here and wait for her." The atmosphere returned to normal and everyone was leisurely drinking their beverages.

10 minutes later, Shen Tianyun had noticed a group of 3 foreign women walked towards him. He immediately recognized the tall woman in front of the group, she must be Judy's mother because they have resembled each other. She has very attractive light blue eyes which were the most beautiful color that Shen Tianyun had ever seen entire his 2 lifetimes. Her long blond hairs freely hung around her shoulder but it didn't look messy at all.

A high straight nose and mesmerizing lips arranged in perfect positions which made her face look more unbelievable beautiful. Her body was very curvy and a pair of that buxom chest could easily charm any man in this world. Even though Shen Tianyun preferred a fit middle size, not too big or too small, he still couldn't help but stared at her chest for a while before shifted his eyes onto her long perfect legs and he had been captivated by them again. All in all, she was definitely a top-quality westerner beauty.

When they arrived in front of Shen Tianyun's group, the woman in front smiled and offered her hand towards Shen Tianyun, "Hi, nice to meet you. You must be Mr.Shen right? My name is Sylvia Castellar, thank you for helping my daughter." She spoke fluently in mandarin. Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly because her accent was very close to a native mandarin speaker, this signified that she was speaking mandarin frequently in her daily life.

Shen Tianyun smiled, "Nice to meet you, Mrs.Castellar. That's right, my name is Shen Tianyun and this is my girlfriend, Dongfang Mengrou. We are indeed helping your daughter but this is just an act of moral, so you don't have to thank us or repay anything. We are very happy to help a cute and obedient girl like Judy." He said in a calm voice and shook hands with her.

Dongfang Mengrou blushed slightly, she didn't expect that he would introduce her as his girlfriend. Although her brain told her that it was because Ling Wufeng was near them so he wanted to use this chance to directly tell Ling Wufeng about it, however, a hint of sweetness uncontrollably blossomed in her heart and she even looking forward to hearing it again.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs.Castellar. I am his girlfriend, you can call me Mengrou." She then shook hands with Sylvia.

Sylvia was confused slightly because she could estimate Dongfang Mengrou's age and she should be older than Shen Tianyun for more than 10 years.

'Perhaps, it's very normal nowadays.' She thought.

"Nice to meet you, Sister Mengrou. You are very well matched with each other, one is very handsome and another one is very beautiful. When both of you decide to marry, don't forget to send me an invitation." She was very friendly towards Dongfang Mengrou, perhaps, because there was not much difference in their age. Dongfang Mengrou should be older than her around 4 - 5 years.

Dongfang Mengrou was about to reply but Shen Tianyun quickly chimed in, "When the time comes, we will send you our invitation for sure." He smiled brightly when he said. Ling Wufeng on the side narrowed his eyes look at Shen Tianyun coldly. He didn't know that Shen Tianyun had deliberated to do this and expecting this reaction from him.

"You have already promised, don't forget it, Big brother! Hehe!" The little girl Judy quickly butted in. She said with delightful and winked at Dongfang Mengrou causing the latter shook her head helplessly. She felt that the situation started to be more complicated further.

"Judy, come here! Why did you run away? Mommy already told you that there are many try to harm you, why don't you listen?" Despite she reprimanded her daughter but her eyes were filled with affections and tenderness. When she founded out that Judy had disappeared, her mind was in a mess and her heart almost torn into pieces. Judy puffed her cheeks and snorted, "Mommy you have to blame Cristine, I told her to buy ice cream for me but she didn't do it, that's why I have to go by myself." She unreasonably said. Cristine was immediately covered in cold sweats. At that time, she didn't want to buy ice cream for her because she saw that Judy had eaten too many sweets recently. She feared that it would harm the little girl's body.

How could Sylvia not know her daughter's personality? She smiled and said, "Don't blame her okay? Mommy has ordered her not to buy anything for you because we are about to go back to our home this evening. What if you eat something bad and then have a stomachache on the plane?" She caressed her daughter's hair lovingly.

"Hmph! Mommy, you are the worst! If not because Big brother and Big sister had bought me delicious foods and ice cream, I probably starving to death now!" She continued to throw tantrums at her mother.

Dongfang Mengrou couldn't help she squatted down to Judy's height level and smiled warmly at her, "Judy, listen to Big sister okay? Trust me, no mother in the world want to starve their children. What your mother said is not wrong, if Big sister and Big brother know that you are going back this evening. We definitely won't buy you ice cream. Do you remember how long you have to stay on the plane before arrived here?" She asked in a gentle voice.

Judy frowned slightly, she thought for a while before she replied in an uncertain voice, "Probably 10 hours?"

Dongfang Mengrou shook her head, "No, usually a flight between America to China needs around 14 - 15 hours to arrive at the destination. What if you have a stomachache during the flight? You can try to imagine it." She gave Judy some time to let her think about it. The little girl seemed to understand everything. Her expression became loosen.

Seeing this, Dongfang Mengrou smiled, "Now, you still want to blame your mother because she is caring for you?"

Judy shook her head, she turned around to face Sylvia, "Mommy, I'm sorry. I made you worried about me." She said in a pitiful voice.

Sylvia's eyes wide open, she was so surprised by the scene in front of her. As far as she remembered, Judy never acted like this before.

"Mhm, as long as you understand. Mommy won't blame you. When we go back, I will buy a lot of ice cream for you, okay?" She smiled lovingly at her daughter and then looked at Dongfang Mengrou strangely.

"Really? Yay! Mommy is the best!" Judy became cheerful instantly. Her sudden changed in action caused everyone in the scene to become speechless.

"Thank you, Sister Mengrou." She gratefully said to Dongfang Mengrou.

"This is nothing." Dongfang Mengrou shook her head.

Sylvia hesitated for a moment before she carefully asked, "My apologies, my question may be a bit rude but I can't resist my curiosity. Is Sister Mengrou already has a child?"

Dongfang Mengrou smiled warmly and nodded, "Yes, I have a daughter. She is now 17 years old." She replied without reserve.

Sylvia was more confused than before, She already has a daughter and now dating a man who was around her daughter's age. What in the world is this? She thought. However, this was not her business, so she cast these thoughts aside and took out business cards from her pocket, "This is my contact if both of you have visited New York. You can call me anytime, I will personally welcome both of you by myself."

Dongfang Mengrou and Shen Tianyun received the cards and swept through it, Shen Tianyun didn't have any reaction but Dongfang Mengrou's face drastically changed when she saw the name on the card.

She raised her head and asked, "Mrs.Sylvia, Y…you are from the Castellar Group? Who is Roy Castellar to you?"

Sylvia smiled as if she already expected this reaction, "He is my husband and Judy's father." Her words were like a bomb drop into Dongfang Mengrou's mind.

What was Castellar Group? The world most influence real estate development company. It was a miracle in the business world, this group has been created by only one person, the founder and chairman, Roy Castellar. More than 30% of New York's real estate was under his hand, and this was only New York. Their assets in other states couldn't count in 2 hands. In the past, when Dongfang Mengrou was still in a business circle she always looked up to this man and study his strategy countless times. It was normal for her to have a strong reaction like this.

On the other hand, Shen Tianyun was puzzled because in his past life he never heard this Castellar Group before then where was this company came from?