I Want You To Be My Woman

"I've studied Mr.Roy's strategy for several times in the past. He is like a teacher to me, I really didn't expect to meet his wife in this place. This is truly unbelievable." Dongfang Mengrou said in an excited voice, her eyes shone brightly when she looked at Sylvia.

A smile on Sylvia's face grew brighter as she asked, "Eh? Sister Mengrou, you are also in this circle as well? What is your company's name?"

Dongfang Mengrou shook her head and sighed slightly, "Not anymore, I used to develop those commercial streets and countryside areas in the past. I already stopped doing that for 10 years now." She answered, there was a hint of regret in her voice.

Sylvia nodded her head in an understanding manner, "I see, I came to China this time to look for a potential partner. This year we are planning to open a new business in the food and beverage industry, I heard that Miss Cai Ning's restaurant here in Pearl city is very popular. So I have come here to take a look and it does indeed not disappoint me…too bad, Miss Cai Ning don't want to expand her business, I don't know why." She sighed lightly.

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, he also didn't expect Cai Ning to reject this good opportunity. From Dongfang Mengrou's reactions he could tell that this Castellar Group probably very formidable and they were looking for a potential partner. If we followed a common logic, they shouldn't have offer Cai Ning this opportunity. After all, her capability was only covered in this Pearl city.

Forget about being a partner with a foreign company, she was never engaged in a country-level business at all. It was not that Shen Tianyun looks down on Cai Ning, it was just simple logic. The only possibility that he could come up with, Castellar Group was probably want to build an entry passage to China by using some strong local businesses like Cai Ning's restaurant and they could easily control her in a later step. In Shen Tianyun's opinion, it could be said that Cai Ning had made a wise choice.

"Oh? Indeed, Cai Ning is a brilliant woman." Dongfang Mengrou commented a little, she was also thought that Cai Ning did a wise decision.

"Alright, Mr.Shen, Sister Mengrou, we have to go now. A flight back to Beijing is 2 hours away. Thank you again for saving my daughter. If you have any problem you can contact me directly, I will try my best to help you. Judy, you should say goodbye to Big brother and Big sister." Actually, Sylvia wanted to stay here and have a chat with Dongfang Mengrou further but the circumstance was not favorable, thus they had to leave as soon as possible.

Judy reluctantly bid farewell to both of them, before she left, she didn't forget to tell Dongfang Mengrou to think about what they had talked on earlier today. Dongfang Mengrou was speechless by her naughty.

"It seems like this Castellar Group is very eager to enter our country's food and beverage industry. Too bad, it will be very hard for them to do so." Looking at the disappearing group of women, Shen Tianyun muttered in a low voice. However, it didn't escape Dongfang Mengrou's ears, she tilted her head to looked at him curiously.

"Oh? You seem to figure out their intention as well?" She asked.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Mhm, it's not that hard to predict at all. Although I don't know what is Castellar Group's expertise with but I can tell that they aren't very good in the food and beverage industry, or what should I say… they probably don't have a foundation on this one." He said in a languid voice.

Dongfang Mengrou raised her brows slightly, "Yes, Castellar Group always doing a real estate development all the time. You could say that in America, they are overlord there. Therefore, it's very strange for them to jump into this industry all of sudden. Furthermore, they are even want to do it in China instead of start in their own country first. This is really strange." A frown appeared on her face when she said this.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Strange? No, I don't think so. In our country, a real estate business has always been the most popular one and this country didn't allow foreigners to grab a hold on real estate. If this Castellar Group is expertise in real estate as you said, my assumption is they want to find a puppet and control it from behind. So they've chosen to jump in this industry because it's easy to own some real estate through the restaurant. Well, it looks like your idol has ill intention." He said the later part with a playful tone.

Dongfang Mengrou's brows knitted together. She didn't believe in his words entirely but she couldn't deny that there was a high chance that thing will happen as he said. At this moment, she was staring at his face and fell into deep thought.

'Is this really 17 years old boy who growing up in the slum? Where is this knowledge come from?' She thought.

"Hey, Hey, I know I am very handsome but you don't have to stare at me like that." Shen Tianyun's words have snapped her thoughts away and brought her back from the daze.

She couldn't help but snort, "Hmph! Don't full of yourself, you are just a little boy in my eyes."

Shen Tianyun grinned playfully and quickly drew himself closer to her, "Oh? A little boy? Hehe, I will let you see if I was a little boy or not." He reached out both of his hands to grabbed her shoulders and moved his face closer to hers.

Dongfang Mengrou started to panic, even though she was about to step into forties next year, she was, after all, an inexperienced woman. She has never been in a relationship before. Furthermore, in the past, she only set her sight on Shen Qingshan only and they never go dating even once. Thus, it was normal for her to panic like a young girl.

She didn't know what to do at this moment, she shut eyes tightly and surrendered to her fate. Ling Wufeng who was kept his eyes on Shen Tianyun all this time frowned and immediately rushed towards him. When he arrived at Shen Tianyun's side he quickly pushed him away harshly. Shen Tianyun clearly saw Ling Wufeng's hand coming but he didn't avoid or resist him, on the contrary he adjusted himself to make it easier to collide with Ling Wufeng's hand.


Shen Tianyun's body flew away and hit the table. The impact causing chairs and tables scattered all over the place. Dongfang Mengrou was shocked, she hurried ran to Shen Tianyun's side and checking on his body. There were some scratches on his arms and blood sipping out stained his sleeve.

Seeing this, her anger flared up. She was glaring at Ling Wufeng who was standing dumbfounded at this moment. "Ling Wufeng!! What is the meaning of this!? He is not an enemy, why are you doing this!!" She yelled out in anger.

A usual calm Ling Wufeng started to panic, he was opened his mouth and closed many times but no word comes out of it. He didn't understand at all, he was sure that he only pushed Shen Tianyun slightly but why did he fly out like that?

"Get the hell out of here! I don't want to see you again!" She yelled furiously again at him, Ling Wufeng wanted to say something but facing Dongfang Mengrou's ferocious gaze, he could only step back and left.

Dongfang Mengrou turned around to look at Shen Tianyun, she was dumbfounded instantly when she saw his playful smile on his face. She immediately came to the realization, she fiercely pinched his waist in a fit of anger. This little boy dared to deceive her.

"You! Do you have to play this big?" She asked in an angry voice, her fingers were still pinching his waist.

"Ouch! Can you please stop pinching first!" Shen Tianyun begged, at this moment, he had confirmed that every woman has this innate skill, the legendary waist pinching. When he crashed the table, the pain from it couldn't even be compared to this pinch of her.

Dongfang Mengrou released her fingers, and glared at him waiting for his explanation. Shen Tianyun rubbed his painful waist as he said, "Since we stepped out of Auntie Fang's house, do you notice that someone has followed us all this time?"

Dongfang Mengrou's brows raised up slightly and shook her head, "No, I didn't feel it at all. Why? Did you notice something?" She asked in a curious voice as if she didn't believe that he could notice those guys who followed them.

Shen Tianyun slowly folded his sleeve up as he said, "Yes, there is one car that has been followed us from the start to this amusement park. I'm not sure how many people on it. The reason why I want to chase him away because I want to test whether they're from Lin Ming or other parties. If they didn't try to come closer to us. We can conclude that they were sent here by Lin Ming, but if they come closer to us, they are probably come from another party."

Dongfang Mengrou was puzzled, "Since we don't know who are they, how are you going to know that?" The more she thought about it, the more she was confused. This was basically impossible to achieve.

After checking his wound, Shen Tianyun raised his head and smiled, "Of course, I will using my sense."

He didn't try to boast or anything. In his previous life, he was a famous figure in the world. There were countless people who tried to assassinate him countless times. His sense and perception became shaper because he went through these kinds of situations every day. There was a reason why the system gave him a rank S on perception attribute. Even though he couldn't immediately identify them right away, he still could estimate their direction.

His answer caused an odd expression appeared on Dongfang Mengrou's face, she wanted to laugh out loud but she still could maintain it. She found that his words were very ridiculous and funny, "Using your sense? Do you think that you are a superhero?" She chuckled lightly.

Shen Tianyun knew that it was hard to convince her so he cast it aside, "By the way, do you have any enemy besides Lin Ming?" He asked he didn't really know about her past much. Lin Xueyue only told him vaguely about it.

She thought for a moment before answered, "The only one that I have some enmity with is probably Zhou family. They are trying to get on a good side of me but I know Zhou Feilong wants Xueyue to marry his son. So I chase them away without thinking much. After that, they seemed to send some of those Black Dragon gang's men to watch over me and Xueyue from time to time…Wait a moment, could it be…" She suddenly understood something and looked at Shen Tianyun with expectation as if she wanted to confirm something.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yeah, it seemed we have a common enemy. Hehe, those guys who following us all this time either sent by Lin Ming or Zhou family." He confirmed her thoughts.

Dongfang Mengrou's eyes turned cold for a moment before returned to its normal. "Ah right, what happened yesterday? You and Xueyue went to their manor right?" She asked.

Shen Tianyun looked around for a bit, "Let's go, we will talk about this later. Before that, we should compensate for this shop first." After that, he went to talk with the owner of this shop and compensate them with a huge sum of money. The owner immediately changed attitude from anger into a smile that almost reach his ears.

"Since this is your first time to come here, let us play to our heart content first." After finished everything, he said, and immediately grabbed her hand, pulled her away towards a roller coaster. Dongfang Mengrou's face became horrified when she saw what was waiting for her.


"Phew…my bones can't endure it anymore." On the Ferris wheel, Dongfang Mengrou sat powerlessly. She was very tried. In this whole afternoon, Shen Tianyun had dragged her to play on various rides. From roller coaster to swinging pirate ship, pony ride, and so on. All the activities had completely sucked the energy in her body away. However, she won't deny that the thrilling and happiness she got from it was far beyond her expectation. Today probably the best day of her life in these past years.

Sat opposite her, Shen Tianyun chuckled, "How is it? We should come back again in the future. There are still many rides left for us to play." He said in a relaxed voice.

"Hah…I don't know if my body could endure it again." She sighed in tiredness.

"Right, can you tell me now what happened yesterday?" She didn't forget to ask him again.

Shen Tianyun smiled mischievously and began to narrate everything that happened yesterday without left any detail.

"Ahahahaha!" After listened everything from Shen Tianyun, Dongfang Mengrou immediately burst into laughter. Her body trembled along with her beautiful hairs that swayed gently on her shoulders. Her eyes were curved into a crescent moon-like from happiness.

Shen Tianyun was absentminded for a moment when he saw this scene because Dongfang Mengrou at this moment was very beautiful beyond description. Her body was not like a middle-aged woman at all, even someone were to tell him that she was almost her forties, he wouldn't believe it.

"You are very bad, you playing both of his sons like a toy. Ahaha, and Zhou Feilong let you go just like that? This is really hilarious." She couldn't stop laughing at this moment, just when she imagined Zhou Feilong's face. It would make her laughing even louder than before.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Well, Thanks to Lin Ming. He is very useful, just by his name could easily scare Zhou Feilong off." He said.

"Yeah, he probably doesn't know that he just got a new enemy without him knowing anything. Hehe, my daughter really clever on this move. At this point, unless Lin Ming willing to compensate Zhou Feilong back which he will never do. We could say that they stand on the opposite side now." Dongfang Mengrou said while a corner of her mouth still has an obviously smile on it.

Shen Tianyun only chuckled slightly. Dongfang Mengrou asked further, "Did you already find out who is following us?" She was casually asked and didn't expect anything in return because she knew that it was very hard to identify those people.

Out of her expectation, Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "Yes, there are 3 people following us all this time. They aren't that good at hiding themselves among the crowd, that's mean they are likely to be the Black Dragon gang's men. After all, these people are street thugs before. If they were sent here by Lin Ming, they probably are more cautious than this. This is my speculation."

"Then what's the point for knowing this?" She asked, at this moment, she was so tired and refused to think anything.

"Well, at least now we know that beside Ling Wufeng, Lin Ming didn't send anyone to monitor you, that's mean he won't do anything to us soon. So we can be at ease for a little longer. Perhaps, he is very confident and underestimates us. Or he has his other plans. But either way, we will have more time to prepare." Shen Tianyun explained in a calm voice.

Dongfang Mengrou was stunned for a moment. She felt that the man in front of her at this moment was very attractive and mysterious at the same time. He was only 17 years old but she believed that whether it was his knowledge or temperament, it already exceeded his peers and could be compared to a grown man. She didn't know that this moment, a shadow of Shen Qingshan that deep-rooted in her heart has shaken a bit, and the man in front of her slowly invaded her heart. His shadow has successfully occupied a very small place in a corner of her heart.

Came back to her sense, she shot another question, "Oh, I forgot to ask you this. How did you know that Ling Wufeng will come and push you away? What if he standing there and do nothing in the end? Isn't that mean your plan to chase him away will be futile? And how are you going to do with it if that happened?" She wanted to ask this question a long time ago but she got dragged away by him first and didn't have the right time to ask him.

Shen Tianyun grinned evilly he slowly moved closer to her and said, "Actually, I didn't expect him to come either and you asked me if he didn't come what should I do? Naturally, I will continue to do this…" He quickly completely sealed her soft lips afterward. Dongfang Mengrou was dumbfounded when she felt her lips had been touched by his lips, her mind went blank instantly. Shen Tianyun's hand slowly surrounded from her shoulders to her back while he tried to invade her mouth by his tongue.

A short moment later, Dongfang Mengrou came back to her sense she suddenly mustered all of her strength and pushed him away. Shen Tianyun was stagnated and almost fell into his feet.

Dongfang Mengrou gasped for air, she panted heavily, "Shen Tianyun! you are very daring! Isn't this should be only acting between us? Why are you doing this?" She said furiously. Although on the outside she was very angry, in her heart a wave of confusion had spread all over her mind and soul. Judy's voice suddenly echoed in her mind and had repeated a sentence that caused her heartstrings shaken for the first time in 12 years.

Shen Tianyun stabilized his body and looked at the furious Dongfang Mengrou with a serious expression. "Dongfang Mengrou, I will tell you this. From the start of this plan, I never ever treat this as acting. I know that you always have that man in your heart, but that man is already dead! When are you going to wake up from this dream? He never cares about you and you know more than anyone else, he only cares about that woman. Why are you so devoted to him, for a deadman like him!? I'm asking you, what's the point for this revenge? You threw yourself into a pit of hell and continued to torture yourself for a deadman that never cares about you even when he died! Listen carefully, I want you to be my woman, do you hear me? I want you to be a woman that completely belongs to me and I will do everything to make you forget about that man. Remember this!" He said with a passion.

His words like a clapped of thunders resounded in Dongfang Mengrou's mind. Her body shook violently, she stared blankly at Shen Tianyun.