Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles

Shen Tianyun was absentmindedly walking into the house with an exhausted expression.

Watching him enter the house, Liu Feiyan smiled mischievously, "Tianyun! did you manage to capture her heart?" She asked in an excited voice.

Shen Tianyun looking around the living room, he only spotted Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan, he said, "Let's go to my room, I will tell you everything."

Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan were slightly puzzled but they still obediently following him to his room. Upon reaching a destination, they casually sat around the edge of his bed while Shen Tianyun sat on his chair beside a desk.

"Can you tell us now?" Liu Feiyan impatiently asked. She was eager to know what happened between Shen Tianyun and Dongfang Mengrou, from his expression it didn't seem to be a good event.

Shen Tianyun let out a long sighed, his eyes revealed a hint of regret, "I think I have messed up." He said in a heavy voice causing a frown appeared on Lin Xueyue's face but she still calmly waiting for his explanation further.

"Today, I have confessed to her. Well, what should I say, the atmosphere led me to say it, I guess." He sighed helplessly again and began to narrating everything that happened from the start to finish.

Liu Feiyan's eyes wide open, raised her hand to cover her mouth in a surprise, "Isn't this a bit too fast? This is your first day with her. She probably didn't even have any feeling for you yet and you already confessed to her." She slightly complained about it. She now understood why Shen Tianyun had this expression since he came back.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head in defeat, how could he not know that he had messed this up. After he had confessed to her, Dongfang Mengrou didn't have any reaction back to him at all. She only stared absentmindedly at him for a while until the Ferris wheel had stopped on the ground. She quickly walked out and never looked back or talk to him again.

A faint smile appeared on Lin Xueyue's face, "Do you think that every woman will be like those women that you love to play with in the past? A serious relationship is not working like that." She said in a calm voice and shook her head slightly. Even though she never been in a relationship before, she is a woman after all. She could understand how Dongfang Mengrou felt at that moment.

Shen Tianyun didn't say anything, more precisely he didn't know what to say at this moment because Lin Xueyue said is not wrong at all. In the past, with his handsome appearance and his wealth, he could easily get into a woman's skirt without much effort. Just a little passionate and honey words, those women didn't hesitate to strip themselves naked waiting for him. It could be said that his understanding of a serious relationship could be considered close to nonexistent.

Liu Feiyan's narrowed her eyes looking at him, her lips parted, "Really? In another world you love to play with a woman? Hmph! Let's see if you still be like that in this world. I won't let you off easily!" She said and made a slit gesture in the air and aim towards Shen Tianyun's crotch causing him subconsciously clenched his thighs together quickly.

Cold sweat appeared on his forehead, "Hehe…with beautiful wives like you two, how could I have the heart to find a woman outside?" Shen Tianyun quickly flattered her. Hearing this, Liu Feiyan's expression loosen a bit. However, Lin Xueyue on the side shook her head, she didn't believe him at all.

"Then what can I do now? I don't know if she willing to go out with me again." A helpless expression appeared on his face again, he asked.

Liu Feiyan fell into deep thought, she couldn't come up with any solution at this moment. On the contrary, Lin Xueyue revealed a beautiful smile on her lips, "We should wait." She said in a languid voice as if this problem is not a big deal at all.

"Wait?" Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan said in unison, and looking at Lin Xueyue confusingly.

Lin Xueyue nodded, "That's right, we should wait. After you confessed to her, she didn't outright reject or say anything right? That means she has something on her mind. I bet that your confession probably still lingering on her mind until now." She explained.

Shen Tianyun frowned, he couldn't understand it, and asks, "But isn't she angry at me right now?"

"Did you forget? She is my mother, trust me I know her... As expected, she didn't seem to love your father that much. I think your words have shaken her heart greatly." Lin Xueyue explained further.

Shen Tianyun felt that he couldn't comprehend her words anymore, his brain didn't work well at this moment. He could only give up an urge to ask her a question further. He decided to change the topic.

"Anyway, what about tonight. Are both of you going to sleep with me now." He said with a lascivious grin while his eyes scanning their bodies from head to toe.

Liu Feiyan suddenly standing up and grabbed Lin Xueyue's arm, "No, we will have a girly talk tonight." With that both of them quickly flew out of his room in a blink of an eye.

Shen Tianyun was dumbfounded, a short moment later he gritting his teeth and yelled out, "Again!!?"


"Your left leg is not in the right position, you have to be more flexible at the same time you also have to move it correctly. I think you should stop paying attention to the speed and focus on positioning your legs first." Grandma Su said. She stood calmly and watching Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue practicing a movement technique in the backyard.

Today she had found out another unbelievable matter again. Lin Xueyue suddenly became a stage 4 of Qi Gathering Realm in a span of 7 days. Her talents could be compared to her great grandmother, the legendary Dongfang Mengqi. Grandma Su didn't know where did her cultivation technique came from, it was so mysterious and formidable. The ice attribute Qi is usually needed to stay at a cold place to cultivate it, but Lin Xueyue has defied that rules completely. This had turned all of her knowledge upside down.

Shen Tianyun sighed in disappointment as he says, "Grandma, this is really depressing. I don't know why I can't mastery this technique yet." His voice was full of disappointment. Grandma Su smiled gently, "It is because you have been training boxing footwork for a long time and it becomes your habits. Whenever you want to move, your brain and body will instinctively using that footwork. So it is normal for you to encounter this problem. This is also a reason why the majority of cultivators could learn only 1 or 2 movement techniques in their lifetime." Grandma Su explained, her eyes fixated at Lin Xueyue who was training a 'Shadow Mirage' on the side at this moment.

Lin Xueyue's movement was so gentle and swiftly at the same time. She is like a beautiful lotus floating on the water, every time it moved, it will cause a gentle ripple on the surface of the water.

Shen Tianyun was also looking at her and shook his head helplessly, "This is really unfair." He muttered.

Grandma Su only smiled and say nothing when she heard this. However, in her eyes, there was a hint of complication appeared on it. She knew very well about the difference between a talented people and untalented people. Shen Tianyun is a direct descendant of Shen family, not to mention that he is also her grandson, a grandson of Su family. Technically, he should have a talent in cultivation but why did he become like this? A pain and deep hatred appeared on Grandma Su's face for a moment before vanished instantly.

At this moment, Lin Xueyue had finished her training and walking towards Grandma Su with a faint smile on her face.

"Grandma, I think I have already mastered the second level now." She said in a calm voice. If it was normal people, they were probably overwhelmed by excitement already.

Grandma Su satisfying nodded, "Good, you are very talent just like your great grandmother. Perhaps, a new legendary character will appear in Dongfang family again." She paused for a moment before continuing.

"For the next level, you have to experience a real battle first. A normal spar will do but it will take more time. I think we should call some of Yulan's bodyguards to be your sparring partner."

Lin Xueyue nodded her head, "I think I have a better idea. Why don't we fight with those Black Dragon gang's men?" She suggested.

Grandma Su and Shen Tianyun frowned at the same time. Grandma Su hurried to say, "That's too dangerous. If I remember correctly, in another world, you are just a normal woman and never fight with anyone before right?" She asked concernedly.

Lin Xueyue smiled and shook her head, "No, Grandma, I'm talking about him." She then looked at Shen Tianyun. The latter became puzzled.

"Me?" Shen Tianyun pointed at himself in confusion.

Grandma Su seemed to understand something, she turned to look at Shen Tianyun and says, "Did you ever kill anyone by your own hand before?" When she asking this, her expression was tranquil as if she just asked an insignificant matter.

Shen Tianyun's eyebrows raised slightly before he nodded his head in reply.

"How many?" Grandma Su asked further.

Shen Tianyun blew air out of his mouth before answered, "More than 30." His expression was very calm. The memories flashed through his mind, the scene when he killing people with his gun, blood splashing all over the place. A lifeless body laying on the ground. All of these memories were still clear in his mind as if it happened yesterday.

Grandma Su didn't seem to surprise about it, after knowing about his previous life's experience. To climbed into a top position like that, his hands definitely covered with blood before.

She nodded her head, "Good, no matter how profound your cultivation is, without a real battle experience, you will never be a real cultivator. I presume that you always using guns to kill people right? If you want to advance further in this path, you have to fight in close combat from now on."

"It's because guns can't harm a top cultivator and they usually fight with a bare hand or sword, this is why I want you to gain more close combat experiences as much as possible." She explained.

Shen Tianyun understood everything now, he started to form his plan in his head.

Lin Xueyue looked at the time as she said, "It's time to go to school now." Shen Tianyun looked at her and nodded. After bid farewell to Grandma Su, both of them quickly walked into the house.

Looking at their disappearing back, Grandma Su sighed slightly and raised her head look into the sky.

"Qinghan, Shan'er, I don't know if this is the right thing to do or not…but I hope that he could take revenge for us." She mumbled to herself.


In the evening, Shen Tianyun and the two girls went to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant again. It became their habit already. Fortunately, all of them were quite like western cuisine thus, they never get bored with eating it every day.

However, the purpose of visiting the restaurant today is not for a meal. In this morning, Shen Tianyun had checked his Fame points and found out that he already has around 200,000 points. Therefore, he immediately bought one of dry-mixed noodles recipes called 'Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles' from the system. It cost him 150,000 Fame points.

Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles was actually a simple dish that people commonly eat in their daily life. It was just pulled noodles mixed with seasoning. However, this 'Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles' was using scallions mixed in the noodles dough. It will make noodles became green color as its name and the ingredients to make this dish were easy to find anywhere thus, Shen Tianyun was eager to try this recipe today.

After arrived at the restaurant, Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue immediately borrowed their kitchen. He had told Lin Xueyue a recipe and looking for her help. A short moment later, they have prepared every ingredient and put them on the table.

Both of them started to make a dough, with their exceptional cooking skills, a short 10 minutes later, 2 big doughs had been made. It had a green color and emitting a light scallions smell from it. After resting them for a while, they cut it into very thin noodles and soaked them into boiling water.

While the noodles were being soaked, both of them were preparing the seasoning, they placed a strict proportion of salt, soy sauce, chili, and peppers into a bowl and poured a little hot water in it.

5 minutes later, they removed the noodles from the hot water, when Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue saw these noodles in front of them, they were slightly surprised because all of the noodles became almost transparent green color and smooth as jade.

As expected a recipe from the system is not normal at all, they thought.

Poured them into the bowl, they using chopsticks and stirred the bowl which caused the color of red seasoning to completely seep into the green jade noodles. With this, a bowl of Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles was complete.

Shen Tianyun became impatient, his salivas almost flow out of his mouth. He quickly pick a chopsticks up and put the noodles into his mouth. Lin Xueyue was the same, her usually cold demeanor completely vanished, right now, she is like a young girl who in love with food. She quickly taste the noodles as well.

The moment noodles enter their mouth, their eyes wide open with a surprise. They looked at each other and exclaimed at the same time.

"Delicious!" After that they quickly finished the noodles off at the fastest speed.

"Wow, I think this noodle will become popular for sure." Put the empty bowl down, Shen Tianyun said in satisfaction. Lin Xueyue also nodded her head in agreement.

"Let's make it more and let those girls try it." He said, both of them immediately busy themselves again.


"What is this smell? It's so fragrance" In the dining hall, Li Xiaobai said while sniffing the aroma that coming out from the kitchen.

"I don't know, they probably make some new dishes." Another waitress beside her said, she was sniffing the aroma as well.

At this moment, Shen Tianyun, Lin Xueyue, and Liu Feiyan slowly walked into the hall. In their hands, there was a big tray and several bowls of noodles laying on top of it.

"Everyone, I have made a new dishes. I want everyone here to try it and help me evaluate it." Putting the tray down, Shen Tianyun said loudly. His words were pique everyone's curiosity, their eyes glued at the bowl of noodles. The aroma of the noodles caused them started to salivate.

"Please, everyone." He made an inviting gesture, Li Xiaobai quickly moved herself to the table and picked up a bowl of noodles. The atmosphere in the halls became chaotic instant. Ye Qingyi has to reprimand them from time to time before everyone gets their own bowl of noodles.

A minute later, the surprise exclamations could be heard all over the place. They quickly finished their bowl and even asked for more. Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue looked at each other and smiled.

"When are you going to sell this?" Li Xiaobai asked, while her face flushed red from the spiciness.

Shen Tianyun thought for a bit, "The shop should finish the renovation in the next weeks, if there is no mistake, it will open around that." He said. After he have Cai Ning help him bought the 2 shops in the outer city. He immediately hired some architecture to renovated both of the shop. It would take around 7 - 10 days to finish.

"That's great! I will visit your shop for sure!" Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Mister Shen, Miss Lin, and Miss Liu, please come with me. I have something to discuss with you." At this moment, Cai Ning had come down from the second floor. Of course, Shen Tianyun didn't forget about this fiery figure, he had Ye Qingyi sent her a bowl of noodles as well. She probably wants to discuss this. He thought.

The group had followed her to the second floor afterward.