I Am Yours

"Hehe, Feiyan. Why are you sneaking into my bed? Eh? Don't tell me you are ready now?" Looking at Liu Feiyan's pink blush face, Shen Tianyun couldn't help but teasing her a bit. He could smell a scent mixing between soap, shampoo, and a young lady's body fragrance causing his blood started to boil.

Liu Feiyan staring at the man in front of her, the man that she loves the most, the man that she yearns for a long time, her dreamy eyes gradually focused, her gaze became resolute, "I love you, Tianyun. Please make Yan'er completely belong to you."

A weak yet resolute voice shot straight into his heart. He was stunned at first, a short moment later, a smile on his face turned stronger. A strong affection appeared on his eyes, "Yan'er, I won't lie to you. Maybe because we just know each other for a short period of time, at first, I didn't have any feelings towards you at all. However, I don't know why the more I spent time with you the more I felt a strong bond between us as if we know each other for a long long time. My heart telling me that if I let you go, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

"The last time I want you to be my girlfriend it was because of my selfishness. I am a petty man and very possessive. When I found a girl I wanted, I won't let them get out of my hand thus, I wanted to tie you down with me as fast as possible. In the past, the word 'love' is very far from me, I never feel anything to anyone until I met her, Yue'er. She is the first woman that taught me what love is."

He paused for a moment and caressed Liu Feiyan's smooth cheeks, "You are the second one that makes me felt this way, Yan'er, I love you." Without warning, he immediately sealed her alluring lips.

Liu Feiyan was surprised by the sudden attack at first before she slowly closed her eyes and immersed into the warmth that she got from him. Shen Tianyun moved his hands tracing her back and slowly approaching her well round butt.

Liu Feiyan has already anticipated this, allowing him to stroke and knead her body, kissing it as much as he wanted. The smooth silk pajamas have been slowly taken off her body. Shen Tianyun pushed her against the bed, her two D-cup tender fresh revealed clearly in front of his eyes.

She didn't know where to place her hands on, could only tightly gripped the bedsheets, and shut her eyes tightly didn't dare to open it. Seeing the beautiful scenery in front of him, he didn't hurry to do anything further, only enjoying watching this beautiful girl who was very nervous at this moment.

Shen Tianyun didn't want to let this beauty waiting for him any longer, he slowly kissing her forehead, her nose, her soft lips and glided downward until he reached the twin mountain peak, unhesitating, he placed a little red cherry into his mouth, continuously nibbling and sucking it.

"Mhmm…" The moment his tongue touched her nipple, it was as if electricity passed through her body, she was melting, and let out a soft moan.

"So fragrant" Shen Tianyun lifted his head to looked at this beautiful piece of art in front of him and said. Liu Feiyan who usually took the initiative and kept teasing him is now like a shy girl. Upon hearing his blatant praise, her face reddened deeper, and didn't dare to say any word.

"Wu…" Shen Tianyun fiercely kissing her cherry lips again without warning, Lu Feiyan was shocked from this attack and was totally unable to speak. His tongue keeps searching for her sweet juice and unwilling to let her go. At this moment, he moved his hand passing a soft glass land and ended up at her secret garden. His hand immediately covered with a flooding nectar causing a sweet fragrance spreading all over the room.

"Yan'er, you seem to very sensitive down there. Hehe…let me taste for a bit." Unable to face with shame, Liu Feiyan turned away unable to retort. Her heart pounding rapidly and wanted to stop him from going down there but it is too late.

A moist pink slit appeared before his eyes, it was covered with a faint black glass yet unable to hide its perfect shape. A sweet womanly scent immediately attack his nostrils making his little brother erected harder than before. Unable to hold back anymore, he quickly imprinted his lips on her moist slits and invaded the inside with his tongue.

"Ah…" Liu Feiyan let out a seductive moan, she has never experienced such a situation before, an indescribable feeling spreading throughout her body. Her mind went completely blank and immersed into the lust world.

"So sweet." A short moment later, Shen Tianyun raised his head up, the area around his mouth was covered with Liu Feiyan's nectar, he praised. Shen Tianyun impatiently took off his pajamas, revealing his perfect abs and fiery rod that stood erected pointing towards Liu Feiyan's face.

As if she noticed something, Liu Feiyan slowly opened her eyes a little, and became wide open after seeing that imposing manhood weapon on his crotch.

T…that huge thing is going to enter my body? She thought. However, there is no way to go back now.

Shen Tianyun slowly approached her pinkish body again, and aiming his rod on her entrance secret garden, "Yan'er, I'm going in now." With that he pushed it gently against the entrance. The head of his huge rod slowly vanished into her moist cave until it hit against the barrier that was a symbol of virginity. He pushed it a little stronger, it immediately broke her hymen and reached the end of her moist cave along with red blood that slowly seeping out.

"Mhmmm!!" Liu Feiyan felt as if her lower half was being torn off, that moment of pain accompanied by long-awaited happiness. Two streams of tears flowing down on her cheeks.

Shen Tianyun paused a moment, "Did it hurt, Yan'er?" He asked with a difficulty because he has to endure the fantastic feeling that covered his rod at this moment.

Liu Feiyan shook her head, unable to speak any word. Shen Tianyun then slowly moved his hips with very careful. For a time, the room's temperature sharply rises, along with Liu Feiyan seductive moans reverberate through the room.

As time passed, Shen Tianyun gradually increasing his speed, his hips moving continuously without a sign to stop. He kissing Liu Feiyan's lips and one of his hand kept kneading her breast.

The fiery entanglement continuing for a while before Liu Feiyan shouted out, "Hubby!… Mhm!…I'm coming!!"

Shen Tianyun felt a strong pressure cramping around his rod causing him almost to reach his peak as well, "Y…Yan'er, I'm coming…" He moved his hips faster and faster, Liu Feiyan also moaning louder and louder. Shen Tianyun couldn't endure it anymore, a massive white liquid gushed out from his rod and painted her cave into a white world.

"AH!" Liu Feiyan has reached her peak for the first time in her life, her body twitching from orgasm. She could feel a hot liquid injected into her body clearly. Her mind went blank, a sensation that she never felt before, spreading entire her body, mind, and soul. Finally, she became his woman completely.

After a while, Shen Tianyun let out a long breath then reluctantly pulled his weapon out of her cave causing Liu Feiyan shuddered a little. When women reached their peak, their bodies will become super sensitive for a period of time. He laying down beside her and reached out his hand to hug her.

"Yan'er…you are mine now, from now on I won't allow any man to touch you. You understand?" As he said before, Shen Tianyun was a petty and possessive man, this is also the reason why Dongfang Xueyue in the past life always maintaining her purity all the time. It was because she knew that he will get jealous if someone touched her body, even though they are not a couple.

Liu Feiyan was still in cloud nine, she only let out a light "Mhm." Back at him. Shen Tianyun pulled her into his embrace, let her rested for a while.

As if he realized something, a frown appeared on his face. He began to count something with his fingers, he was not sure about it and asked softly, "Yan'er, today should be your safe day right?" He wanted to slap his head at this moment, how could he forgot to use protection. Although he didn't mind if Liu Feiyan got pregnant but as a woman who pregnant before marriage, her reputation is going to be ruined.

Liu Feiyan has recovered from a fantastic feeling, a tiredness immediately assaulted her. Leaning weakly in Shen Tianyun's embrace, she raised her head to look at him. Her two lumps of elastic flesh squeezed each other, displaying an erotic sight.

As they say, 'The woman who experienced the humid rainfall at that point seemed extraordinarily enchanting'. Liu Feiyan was no exception, her face was very beautiful and enchanting at this moment, "What if I got pregnant? Are you going to take responsibility?" She asked in a sweet voice, blinking her eyes expectantly looked at him.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly, "Of course, I will be a good Daddy for our kid." He said and kissed her forehead lovingly.

Feeling his love and care, tears slowly flew down from her eyes. A woman who just lost her virginity to the man that she loves the most, combined with his passionate words. Liu Feiyan who is now in a sensitive period, couldn't hold it anymore. There is no better blessing than a woman who has received the love from a man she loves. Right now, Liu Feiyan felt that she is the most blessed and lucky woman in this world.

Calming herself down, she smiled lovingly at him, her eyes still has a droplet of tears, "Tianyun, Yan'er is yours now. Please, take care of me from now on." She said with difficulty and almost choked back in tears.

Shen Tianyun felt an indescribable feeling welled up in his heart. So this is love? This is a real relationship?, he wiped her tears out of her cheeks, "Yan'er don't be selfish, I am also yours now, you need to take care of me from now on too." He said half-truth and half-joke wanted to make her feels better.

Liu Feiyan laughing lightly, "I never see a man this shameless as you before…Hmph!! You have ruined our romantic mood! You have to compensate for me!" She cutely pouted.

"Oh, about the pregnancy, you don't have to worry about it. In these past few days, I and Xueyue have taken a birth control pill, it will take 3 - 4 days before it takes effect. That's why we have to avoid you all this time." She said further.

Shen Tianyun came into a realization, it turned out that the 'girly talk' is just an excuse for them to avoid him, "I see, that's how it is." He nodded his head in an understanding manner.

Suddenly, a lewd grin appeared on his lips again, he quickly pushed her against the bed, "Now, it's time for me to compensate you." With that he quickly sealed her lips and started to invaded her again.

"Wait!… Wuuu…" Liu Feiyan wanted to stop him but it was futile, she could only resign herself to him unwillingly(?).

The temperatures in the room rise again along with the impact sounds and the lady's staggered wails reverberated through the room.


The dimmed light of dawn shined its way into Shen Tianyun's bedroom, his eyes slowly opened. Looking at the naked beautiful woman who was lying beside him, a gentle smile appeared on his lips. He kissed on her head gently before got off the bed and walked towards the restroom.

Shen Tianyun was now in high spirits, his body brimming with freshness and energy. Walking out of the restroom, he found nothing on his bed. Liu Feiyan has disappeared without him knowing and his bedsheets also gone as well. He shook his head and dressed himself up into a school uniform.

10 minutes later, Shen Tianyun walked into the dining room. He saw Grandma Su and Fang Yulan already waiting for him. They gaze at him with a profound smile on their lips. Shen Tianyun immediately understood, their activity last night probably alarmed the entire house.

He touched his nose in embarrassment, "Good morning, Grandma, Auntie Fang. Today's weather is really good, don't you think?." He casually asked and sat down on his seat. Of course, the weather today was not that good. There were black clouds hovering in the sky at this moment.

Grandma Su smiled gently, didn't say anything. Fang Yulan chuckled, "Oh my, is this a man who hurt our family Feiyan last night? And even spouting this nonsense? Sure enough, his skin is quite thick."

Shen Tianyun naturally didn't faze by this, "Of course, Auntie, if I didn't have a thick skin. I won't be here today." He shrugged his shoulders and sipping his coffee.

Fang Yulan smiled playfully, "Oh? Still call me Auntie?"

Shen Tianyun almost choked from his coffee, "Cough cough…M…mother." He coughed violently before he called her in an unnatural voice.

Fang Yulan satisfying nodded, "Good, from now on take good care of her and don't even think about leaving her. If you did, I will personally cut that thing between your legs to feed a dog." Although she is smiling but he could feel killing intent coming out of her words.

Shen Tianyun subconsciously close his thighs together. He finally knew that it was in their DNA, last time Liu Feiyan also threaten him like this.

A bean size of cold sweat appeared on his forehead, he hurried to say, "How can that be? Don't worry mother, I will definitely take good care of Yan'er and will never leave her. If I ever leave her, may the heaven punish me with a lightning strike down on my head." His voice was solemn as same as his face when he said this.


Suddenly, a lightning strike down near Liu family house. Everyone in the dining room immediately fell into silence. Shen Tianyun was soaked in cold sweat now. What's the meaning of this? Is heaven going to punish me for real? He thought.

Fang Yulan broke the silence with her laughing loudly, "Hahaha! Tianyun, it seems heaven already witness your swears now. You can't escape now. Haha!" Her body trembling violently from laughing.

Shen Tianyun was speechless, why the situation looks like the comedy show on the television. At this moment, Liu Feiyan slowly walked into the dining room. Her walking posture was a bit unnatural, of course, the culprit who caused this problem naturally is the man that leisurely sipping his coffee without knowing anything.

Grandma Su noticed a figure that walked into the dining room, she turned to look at her and smiled profoundly causing Liu Feiyan instantly blushed.

"Mom, what are you laughing about?" She sat beside her mother and curiously asked.

Fang Yulan still didn't recover from the previous event, she still laughing slightly, "Haha, earlier, this man just swears that he will never leave you and suddenly the lightning struck near our house. Haha! Heaven definitely witness his words."

Liu Feiyan's face became redder even more, she immediately understood everything. Last night she knew that her voice was probably alarmed everyone in this house. When she woke up she wanted to find a hole to jump in, that's why she hurried left Shen Tianyun's room before he comes back.

Fang Yulan stopped laughing, she stroked her daughter's hair and smiled lovingly, "I'm happy for both of you. I hope that you can take care of each other until you grow old. In this life, mom doesn't want anything anymore, the only thing I want is to see you live happily." She said with a soothing voice, her eyes were filled with tenderness when she looked at Liu Feiyan.

Hearing her heartfelt words, Liu Feiyan's eyes became reddened, "Mom, I want you to be happy too!" She threw herself into her mother's embrace and crying softly. Shen Tianyun and Grandma Su looked at the heartwarming scene, they couldn't help but subconsciously looked at each other.

A man who never has a family before, and a woman who lost her family. The moment their eyes met each other, a hint of complication appeared in Grandma Su's eyes, she didn't dare to look straight at him and turned her head away afterward. Shen Tianyun noticed this, he could only sigh in his heart.

"By the way, did you two use protection?" Fang Yulan suddenly asked.

Shen Tianyun almost spit out his coffee that he just sipped a second ago. Liu Feiyan shyly replied, "Mom, I'm on a pill now. Today is the sixth day."

Fang Yulan frowned, "Why are you hurried to have sex? Even though the pills usually take around 3 days before it takes effect, but it's not a hundred percent safe. At least, you need to pass the first month before you can start to making love." She began to teach her daughter about birth control pills. Shen Tianyun also has some knowledge about it as in his previous life, he also invested in the medical business. It is normal for him to have some knowledge about medicine. He pretty much agreed with what Fang Yulan had said.

Fang Yulan turned to glare at Shen Tianyun with a slight anger on her face, "You are a man, you can't be selfish like this. I know, using condoms will make you feel less pleasure but it much more easier than having a woman taking pills. Whatever, next time don't forget to use a condom. If you don't have it you can go to the hospital and get it from your Uncle Liu." She reprimanded him. Shen Tianyun only lowered his head in guilty, he should know about this matter than Liu Feiyan but he still let the lust got him.

With that the entire morning became a sex education class. It was a half-hour later, Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan finally escaped from Fang Yulan and went to the school. Today is the sports day, he didn't forget to bring his newly bought swimming suit with him. He is going to win the first place!