Sports Day

The school's atmosphere today was different from before. The occasional students walking past with a sport uniforms, the excitement expression on their face contrasted with a gloomy weather around Pearl city today. The school sports day has always been a popular event for students, some were using this chance to showing off their skills to gain reputations, some were using this chance to confess to their crushes. Thus, the competition between male students will be so intense. No man wants to lose the chance to impress a girl, it always like this since the ancient era.

Arrived at the school, Shen Tianyun holding Liu Feiyan's hand and walked passed through the school gate. After breakthrough the last line of a relationship, they were more intimated than before and were more open to the outside without shyness as if they were staying in their own world.

Lin Xueyue was standing at the front door of the building, watching this newlywed couple walking towards her. When she saw Liu Feiyan's unnatural walking posture, her eyes flickered slightly and her usual cold expression seemed to be even colder than before.

Feeling goosebumps all over his body, Shen Tianyun looking for the source of this feeling and founded Lin Xueyue staring intensively at him. He immediately understood, this girl probably eating vinegar as he already eaten Liu Feiyan last night.

A forced smile appeared on his lips, "Morning, Yue'er. You have arrived here early today. Hehe." He said awkwardly. Liu Feiyan was also a bit nervous, in fact, they have an agreement between them as Lin Xueyue will be the first one but Liu Feiyan couldn't hold it and sneaking into Shen Tianyun's room last night. This means she has broken the agreement.

Lin Xueyue didn't say anything, she only staring at the couple. Liu Feiyan mustered her courage, took a step forward to grabbed her hands, "Xueyue, I'm sorry. I have let you down." Her face full of guilt, and didn't dare to meet Lin Xueyue's eyes.

Lin Xueyue squinted her eyes looking at Liu Feiyan for a while before sighed softly, "Forget it, I know this will happen after I left. Just don't forget our other agreements." She said in a calm voice.

Liu Feiyan nodded her head furiously, "Thank you, Xueyue. Don't worry, I won't dare to break our promises again."

Shen Tianyun was puzzled, when did they have the agreements?, "Erm…what is this agreement? Can you tell me?" He asked curiously.

"None of your business!!" The girls said in unison and holding each other hands walked into the building leaving Shen Tianyun stood there stupidly alone. Scratched his head in confusion, he quickly followed them into the building.


A big event like this happened, it was natural that there was no class for today. Liu Feiyan didn't go to her classroom instead she stayed with Lin Xueyue and Shen Tianyun. Her appearance causing a commotion occurred in the classroom. Everyone was dumbfounded and couldn't believe in their eyes after seeing the top 2 beauty of the school being so close together. More importantly, they seemed to be very intimate with Shen Tianyun. Every man in the room glaring at him with envious eyes, they wanted to be in his position instead.

The long lost young master Huang Zheng was no exception, he glaring at Shen Tianyun with malicious eyes. However, he didn't dare to make a move on him again after witnessed what Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue did at Zhou Feng's party. He admitted that he was not Shen Tianyun's opponent and if he were to plot against him again, it would be a suicide move for him. Thus, he could only swallow his anger and jealousy back into his stomach.

With his sharp sense, Shen Tianyun noticed a malicious gaze at him. He turned around, his eyes met with Huang Zheng, the latter quickly turned his head away in fright. Seeing this Shen Tianyun chuckled slightly.

"It seemed we have frightened this young master away. I hope that they won't do anything stupid again." He said with a smile towards Lin Xueyue.

"He won't, at least not until he fine a hundred percent success chance to kill you off." Lin Xueyue calmly replied.

Shen Tianyun shrugged his shoulders, "Well, he won't have that chance. He probably didn't aware that the end of his family is not that far." He casually said while picking a today's schedule paper up.

Liu Feiyan is not a type of scheming, she didn't really care about these matters. As long as Shen Tianyun is fine, she won't bother about it.

"Hubby, your swimming competition will start in the afternoon. What are you going to do this morning?" Putting a schedule paper down, she asked cheerfully. She has already accustomed to the way she called him 'Hubby' without a hint of shyness now.

Thinking for a bit, Shen Tianyun said, "Hmm… then shall we go to the coffee shop? Since we have nothing to do anyway."

"It looks like you can't go anymore." Lin Xueyue said and sent a paper on her hand to Shen Tianyun.

He swept through the detail on paper, a frown appeared on his face. It was a basketball register paper that has his name on it.

"Someone probably didn't learn from the last time." Lin Xueyue said further with a faint smile on her face.

"Ah... speaking of devils... Zhou Xiaolong?" Shen Tianyun asked.

Lin Xueyue nodded her head in confirmation. Zhou Xiaolong is a captain of the school's basketball team, he is very talented in this sport. There was a rumor that some first-rate universities have offered him scholarships after learned about his talent. He probably very confident and wanted to use this chance to humiliate Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun sighed helplessly, "I think I will have to speed up our plan, I want to destroy this Zhou family for real this time. This is really annoying." Lin Xueyue only smiled at him, she was amused by his actions.

"Anyway, I don't have basketball shoes with me. I probably have to play barefoot, and I will be a laughing stock again." Looking at his old white shoes that already turned yellow, he sighed again.

"Don't worry, I have already told Song Yan to buy it for you. He will come back in a half-hour."

"Ah? As expected, my wife knows me the best." Shen Tianyun said and reached out his claw towards Lin Xueyue.

Slapped his hand away, Lin Xueyue said, "Who's your wife? Keep that word for Feiyan."

Seeing her jealous expression, Shen Tianyun grinned, "How about tonight?" He whispered lewdly.

A pinkish layer appeared on Lin Xueyue's cheek, she snorted and turned her head away in an adorable manner. The people who paid attention to the group were stunned upon seeing her bashful appearance. Some were even rubbed their eyes in case they have a hallucination. Is this really the famous Ice Queen Lin Xueyue? The more they think the more jealous they become.

"Hehe, you are so cute, Xueyue." Liu Feiyan said cheerfully.

"Of course, my family Yue'er is very cute." Shen Tianyun teased further.

Lin Xueyue turned her head around, her eyes were very cold, "I still didn't punish both of you for the previous crime, how about do it now?" She revolted ice Qi around her palm and glaring at both of them.

Shen Tianyun hurried to stop her, "Haha, Wifey, don't be angry okay? We are just joking. Please calm down."

Glaring at him for a while, Lin Xueyue retracted her Qi away without saying anything further.

"Alright, how about we go to the cafeteria? I didn't eat that much this morning." Thinking about a sex education lesson from Fang Yulan on this morning, he shook his head helplessly. He could only eat a little while listened to her all the time.

"That's right, I'm also very hungry." Liu Feiyan nodded in agreement. Lin Xueyue didn't object the idea, they immediately made their way to the cafeteria afterward.


The basketball gym is very spacious and equipped with a top-grade sport equipments. Usually, this place was occupied solely by the school's basketball team and didn't let anyone using it. Shen Tianyun remembered that this was the first time for him to come here as the former master of this body didn't join any sports activity.

Due to the heavy rain at the outside, the outdoor sports competitions have to be canceled. All the students didn't have any place to go beside the basketball gym, and this made the atmosphere became very lively.

Shen Tianyun was now wearing a blue and white basketball attire with a new white basketball shoes. He was looking at his teammates, and immediately felt a headache coming because all of them has frail bodies and probably never play a basketball before.

On the sports day, a team usually divided by classroom for example Shen Tianyun was in a second year, classroom A, his classmates naturally be his teammates for every team competition. As for classroom A, they usually focused in study, and rarely show interested in sports. Thus, most of Shen Tianyun's teammates have no fundamentals in basketball at all.

Having no choice, he said, "Hi, everyone. You probably know each other already so we can skip this introduction. Does anyone here ever play a basketball before?"

"Student Shen Tianyun, I don't think anyone here ever played it before. What should we do? I don't want to be a laughing stock." A skinny looking man who wearing a big glasses said. Shen Tianyun remembered that his name is Song Lihua.

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath before answered, "How about this? Whenever you got a ball, just pass it to me. I will handle everything. You probably know how to pass the ball and the rules right?"

Everyone nodded their head. Song Lihua hesitated for a moment, "Are you sure student Shen Tianyun? I never see you play any sport before." He asked concernedly.

Shen Tianyun smiled, "You can reassure, I will help you win this. Well, take the first place may be a bit hard but to win some match shouldn't be a problem."

"But…our first opponent is a third-year, classroom A. T…they have captain of our school basketball team. Young master Zhou Xiaolong. I…I don't think we can win this." Song Lihua said with a fearful expression.

Shen Tianyun laughing coldly in his heart, "Sure enough, this guy really impatient…don't be afraid, just listen to me. I will try to tell everyone what to do. Let's go. We need to warm up a bit." With that he walked out of the locker room and made his way to the basketball court. Everyone looked at each other in dismay before followed after him.



A ball hit the hoop rim causing a loud noise reverberated through the gym. Shen Tianyun was shooting a ball consecutively for some time now, all the ball never went into the hoop even once. His actions made Song Lihua and others became more nervous. Their small confidence continued to wavering, again and again every time the ball hit the rim.

Zhou Xiaolong who is now wearing a red white basketball attire looking at Shen Tianyun from another side of the court revealed a sinister smile upon seeing this scene. He was confident that the victory is already in his hand and wanted to trample Shen Tianyun in front of Liu Feiyan. Just thinking about the scene when Shen Tianyun has fallen beneath his feet, he couldn't help but let out a cold laugh.

"Will he be okay?" Liu Feiyan anxiously asked. She was not sure about this upon seeing Shen Tianyun's actions.

Lin Xueyue replied plainly, "Remember, you are his woman, you should believe in him more. Just wait and see."

Liu Feiyan pouted, "Mhm…I understand now Big Sis Xueyue." She shifted her gaze back onto Shen Tianyun. When they were alone together, Liu Feiyan would call her 'Big Sis', after all, combined with her past life, Lin Xueyue is more older than her.

The warm-up session continued for 5 minutes before the match has started. Shen Tianyun walked into the center of the court prepared to fight in the jump ball. His gaze paused on Zhou Xiaolong's face that full of contempt and provoking.

"Shen Tianyun, I hope you can put a good fight today, or else you will lose your face in front of Feiyan." Zhou Xiaolong shot a provoking sentence right off bat.

Shen Tianyun naturally didn't faze by this, he smiled back at him, "You should stop calling my wife with her name already. It a bit rude you know."

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaolong's face became contorted from hatred, a cold smile appeared on his lips, "Hehe…today I will trample you, just you wait." He said with a sinister voice.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "You don't have any better words to say? I think when you go back today, you should look at yourself in the mirror a bit. Your appearance right now is like those lackeys in a TV series." He felt it was very funny. This Zhou Xiaolong is a truly classic young master.

"You!…" Zhou Xiaolong's body trembling from anger, he wanted to retort but got interrupted by Shen Tianyun.

"Alright, save that action for yourself. I don't want to see it. Can we start now Mister referee." He asked the referee that was holding a ball looking at them, his expression clearly says 'You guys go ahead, I don't want to have anything with both of you'.

"I will count to three, you two ready?" The referee wanted to get out of this area as soon as possible, he directly asked.

Shen Tianyun and Zhou Xiaolong nodded their head, their eyes fixated at the ball on the referee's hand. When the referee counted to three, he quickly threw the ball in a vertical angle onto the air. Zhou Xiaolong was confident in his jump ball skills and quickly jumped into the air aiming for the ball.

Shen Tianyun only fake jumped a little, when he saw Zhou Xiaolong's hand flicked the ball back to his teammates. His body shot out like an arrow, went straight to a man that was about to catch the ball. The latter was frightened when he saw Shen Tianyun dashed to his direction, his hands froze for a moment. A second later, the ball in front of him has disappeared from his sight. He turned his body around and saw Shen Tianyun dribbled passing his teammates and beautifully slam dunk. The gym fell into a silence.

Zhou Xiaolong's mouth wide open, his jaws almost hit the ground. Not only him, everyone in the gym was no exception. Never did they imagine, this poorest student in Huayun High school would have hidden his true strength all this time.

Liu Feiyan covered her mouth, eyes wide open. She turned to look at Lin Xueyue and saw her calm expression as if this is nothing to be surprised. She felt a bit of inferior in her heart and blamed herself for doubting Shen Tianyun. When it comes to Shen Tianyun's matter, Lin Xueyue knew him the best. Though she understood everything, it was because Lin Xueyue accompanied him for 2 lifetimes, she couldn't still get rid of this feeling.

"You don't have to feel inferior. You only know him for a period of time, it's normal for you to have some doubt. When the time pass, you will slowly believe in him completely."

A cold voice rang into her ears, a sense of inferior in her heart had vanished into thin air. Liu Feiyan looked at Lin Xueyue with gratitude, "Thank you, Big Sis Xueyue."

At this moment, Shen Tianyun was jogging back to his side. When he was about to run past the stunned Zhou Xiaolong, he smiled at him with a thumb up, "Nice assist."

Came back to his sense, Zhou Xiaolong shot a hateful glance at Shen Tianyun's back and turned to look at his teammates, "You useless trash!! Send the ball to me!" He yelled at one of his teammates, the latter quickly passed the ball to him in fright.

However, just when Zhou Xiaolong caught the ball and turned his body around. He was stunned on the spot because Shen Tianyun suddenly appeared in front of him. In fact, when Shen Tianyun jogged back to his side, he has already anticipated that Zhou Xiaolong definitely calls for a ball. He quickly ran back and stood behind him waiting for this moment.

"Hi, we meet again." Shen Tianyun said in a playful voice, didn't wait for Zhou Xiaolong to react, he quickly smashed the ball out of his hand and dribbled towards the hoop again. Zhou Xiaolong's teammates couldn't defend against his lightning speed, they could only helplessly look at him brought the ball into the hoop.

This time, everyone in the gym started to applaud and cheering for Shen Tianyun loudly. Zhou Xiaolong's face altered between red and green, clenched his fist glaring at Shen Tianyun with a deep hatred.

The game continued on and Zhou Xiaolong's team fought back and scored more points. However, every time they scored the points, the next moment later, Shen Tianyun would score the points back. With this, they couldn't reduce the gap between them and Shen Tianyun's team at all until the end. Shen Tianyun's team has won cleanly with the scores 64 to 58.

Before leaving, Shen Tianyun went to find Zhou Xiaolong and said, "You better not to find me more trouble in the future. Although I never looking for trouble myself but I definitely won't shy away if someone wants to find me a trouble. Originally, I never bothered about you two brothers but both of you keep finding me a trouble all this time. So I have to fight back for a bit…Oh, lastly, you better pray that your father won't meet a mishap so soon, or else you two pathetic brothers would have a miserable fate." After finished his sentence, he walked away leaving the trembled Zhou Xiaolong behind.