Wild Night


Shen Tianyun adjusted his position before jumped into the room through the window. He perfectly landed beside Meng Xin who has retreated to the window. His appearance was alarmed everyone greatly, Zhang Ye and his 2 lackeys forgot what are they going to do and subconsciously stepped back to the door.

"W… who are you!?" Looking at the black clothes man who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, Zhang Ye yelled out. His eyes shifted between Shen Tianyun and the table-drawer which located on his left-hand side.

Shen Tianyun didn't say anything, he shot a glance at Meng Xin on the side causing her body stiffed. Her heart tighten up when she saw his incomparable cold eyes that hidden behind the black plain mask. A short moment later, a sense of familiarity welled up in her mind but she couldn't figure it out who is the man in front of her.

"Hu…" With a long exhale, Shen Tianyun's gaze became focused. The Spiritual Qi slowly revolved around his legs and fists. Meng Xin who standing not far away from him could feel the changes in the atmosphere around him, she immediately understood what's going to happen next.

Shen Tianyun's eyes locked at Zhang Ye who was slowly approaching the table tried to pick a gun from a drawer. A second later, Shen Tianyun's body shot straight to Zhang Ye like an arrow.


He kicked the table away causing Zhang Ye instinctively jumped away from the table. One of Zhang Ye's lackeys quickly raise his fists and aimed towards Shen Tianyun's side face, but he was hit by Shen Tianyun's foot onto his stomach and flew away hit the wall.

Shen Tianyun didn't give another lackey time to react, he quickly using 'Mirage Shadow' to close the gap between them and threw a punch aiming at the lackey's jaws. The latter raised his arm to block but he couldn't resist the ferocious force from Shen Tianyun's fist, he has been forced back for several steps. A pain and numb sensation spread throughout his arm, he didn't know if his arm has broken or not because he couldn't lift his arm again at this moment.

While his mind still focused on his arm, Shen Tianyun already approached him for a second time. This time he couldn't react at all and directly sent away by Shen Tianyun's left fist that made his jaws immediately dislocated.

Zhang Ye looked at the scene in horror, he was in this underground world for several years. This is the first time for him to see such a magnificent movement and a powerful force from the human body. He thought that he was in some Wuxia movies right now.

Zhang Ye tried his hardest to calm himself down, he forced smiled and said, "T…this Big brother… why did you attack us? I don't remember that I have a grudge with someone recently. C…can you explain a little?"

Meng Xin was also curious about this mysterious man who suddenly popped up out of nowhere in her dire situation. She didn't know if it was a hallucination or not, the moment she saw his movement she felt that she had seen this movement before but she couldn't recall it.

"There is a grudge between me and the Black Dragon gang. I came here to find someone name Zhang Ye, the boss of this Black Night bar. What is your name?" Shen Tianyun said in a hoarse voice, of course, he deliberated to change his voice trying to hide his identity.

Cold sweats appeared all over his body, Zhang Ye smiled unnaturally, "This Big brother, my name is Jiang Wu, today boss Zhang is not here. Do you want me to call him here?"

"Liar!! Don't believe him, he is Zhang Ye!" Meng Xin shouted out in anger when she saw this shameless man lied without a blink an eye.

"Oh? You are Zhang Ye?" Shen Tianyun asked, actually he wanted to drag this out for a while. The commotion he caused should be noticed by others already. He wanted to wait for Zhang Ye's reinforcement to come here so that he could fight more. These 2 lackeys couldn't give him any experience at all.

However, Shen Tianyun was puzzled because there is no one coming at all. He couldn't help but curse in his heart. Don't tell me they are not here today?

"D… don't listen to this slut, she wants to borrow your strength to deal with me!!" Zhang Ye still insisted to go with his lie.

Upon realized that his wish couldn't come true, he didn't want to waste time any longer and decided to finish this Zhang Ye off.

"Actually, I already know from the start you are Zhang Ye. It just that I thought your friends would come here… too bad it seems like they are not here. So you need to go down now." With that, his body vanished from the original position and reappeared in front of Zhang Ye.

His legs which imbued with Spiritual Qi kicked onto Zhang Ye's stomach and pinned his body to the wall.

"Now, tell this lady, where did you hide her ring?" He said in a cold voice.

Zhang Ye tried to move Shen Tianyun's leg away for a while but it was futile so he could only give up and said, "It is in the drawer."

Shen Tianyun turned his head around and nodded towards Meng Xin, the latter hesitated for a moment before rushed to the table. A short moment later, she found the ring.

Her expression became overjoyed and hurried to bow towards Shen Tianyun, "Thank you for helping me." There was a bit nervous in her voice.

"Now, it's time for you to sleep." After finished his sentence, Shen Tianyun immediately punched on Zhang Ye's face, the powerful impact made him fainted immediately.

"Hu…" Shen Tianyun exhaled a turbid air, he was very disappointed on his first adventure tonight. He was turning around and prepared to leave.

Seeing he was about to leave, Meng Xin mustered her courage and said, "Erm…this Big brother, can you bring me out of here with you? I… I don't want to go through the front door. I fear that I might meet them on the way back."

Shen Tianyun stopped his track and turned around to look at her, "I already help you once and didn't make you repay anything back and now you still want me to help you again?" He still using a hoarse voice.

Meng Xin took a deep breath before she said, "Mister Shen, you don't have to pretend any further. I know it's you. Please help me get out of here, I will definitely repay this kindness back to you."

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, but he already anticipated this would happen. After all, his movement has been seen by Meng Xin once, it's not that hard for her to recognize him. He started to miss the appearance changing pill now.

He sighed helplessly, "Okay, come here. Climb on my back." He didn't disguise his voice any further and turned his body towards the window waiting for Meng Xin.

Upon hearing this, Meng Xin's eyes lit up she quickly ran to him and carefully climbed onto his back. Her long smooth arms hugged around his neck tightly. A wisp of her body fragrance drifted into Shen Tianyun's nostrils along with a lump of softness that pushed his back. A fire of lust immediately ignited a fire on his lower body.

Shen Tianyun calmed himself down before slowly climbed out of the window and carefully climbed down from the second floor. A short moment later, they reached the ground without any problem.

Meng Xin was enjoying this feeling of hugging a man. She could feel his muscular body and a unique scent from him. Thinking back when his hand rubbed her private part and that giant monster in his pants, a fire of lust also ignite in her body but she still remembered Lin Xueyue's warning and could only endure it.

When both of them reached the dark alley and there is no one around, Shen Tianyun asked, "Why are you so stupid?"

Meng Xin understood what he wanted to say, she lowered her head slightly, "I know but I don't want to see my mother sad. This ring is the only thing that my father left before he died. Back in the day, my mother pawned this ring in order to give me some money to go to university… when I have money I want to take it back but they have sold it to Zhang Ye. I have tried to take it back from him several times but he always demanded me to sleep with him."

"Of course, I refused him every time. This time I thought that with Miss Cai and Miss Lin's support I could use their name to scare Zhang Ye off but as you see…" She didn't say anything further. Her voice was very pitiful made Shen Tianyun didn't want to scold her further.

Silent for a moment, Shen Tianyun said, "Any way you already got it back, you should go back home now."

Meng Xin hesitated for a moment, "Are you sure you don't want me to repay you?" Her eyes subconsciously stared at a bulged on his crotch. She secretly felt happy in her heart, It was evident that Shen Tianyun also had reaction towards her.

Shen Tianyun seemed to understood what she wanted to say, he looked down on his crotch and thinking for a moment. Truthfully, Shen Tianyun didn't feel disgust towards Meng Xin at all, even though she had been through her dark time, he was fine with it as long as she didn't carry any disease and he knew that she didn't have it after he read the report from Cai Ning when she started to work with her.

However, if he were to take her as his woman, Lin Xueyue might object it. He was now in dilemma.

Seeing him fell into silence, she felt a disappointment in her heart, "I know, I am filthy… I…I think I should go back now. Thank you again Mister Shen for helping me." She said in a dejected voice and prepared to leave. Suddenly, she felt a strong force pulled her back and fell into Shen Tianyun's embrace.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something earlier… Meng Xin, for me, you are not filthy at all. What happened in the past is already in the past. I don't mind about it, but I have hesitated because I clearly know that, I don't love you. And I don't want to have a casual relationship with you because in the future you will meet a man that can love you wholeheartedly, a man that can give you a warm family and security."

"You also know that between us, it's almost impossible for me to marry you openly in the future because I respect my wife, Xueyue, very much. You may find it funny, in the polygamy society like this, why would I have to restrain myself just by my wife say so, right? But If I tell you about it you might don't believe me so I will just skip this matter for a time being." He said in a calm voice, he wanted to tell her that he came from another world that monogamy was majority there. That's why he still had a mindset to held a high respect toward his woman, especially, towards Lin Xueyue.

Meng Xin smiled beautifully in his embrace, she a hint of sweetness welled up in her heart, she didn't mind whether he loves her or he could give her a status or not. Right now, she only knows that she has fallen in love with this man.

That's right, she loves him. Perhaps, people would say that she is too easy to fall in love just because he had helped her 2 times, but women are like this, they are fragile, and prone to fall in love with any man that can give them a sense of security. She was no exception, there were countless situations in the ancient era where a hero had saved a beauty and she immediately fell in love with that hero.

Meng Xin raised her head to looked at his face that still covered with a black mask, she slowly took it off from his face, revealing his handsome face and sparkled eyes.

"I don't want anything from you, I don't need you to love me back. I hope that I can help you with something… I hope that in the future, whenever you can't find a woman to satiate your lust, you will thinking of me first." She said these bold words in an incomparably seductive voice.

A fire immediately ignited in Shen Tianyun's body, he grabbed her body and push her gently against the wall. Looking at this beautiful woman that had been through a bad experience in the past, he didn't feel any disgust at all, on the contrary, he was admired her courage, there were a few who can pass through the dark times without losing their mind.

Shen Tianyun stroked her messy long hair gently and tracing down to her cheeks and stopped at her chin. He lifted her chin up and kissed her fiercely without waiting any longer. He inserted his tongue into her mouth, savoring her sweet nectar.

Having more experiences, Meng Xin quickly respond with her little tongue, the hot entanglement immediately erupted in her mouth. Shen Tianyun's hand was not idle either, he grabbed onto her bountiful breast directly and slowly traced to her back, a short moment later, her chiffon bra began to loosen and fallen into the ground along with her shirt.

Shen Tianyun skillfully played with her little nipple, he reluctantly left her sweet tongue and lowered his head to her lump of tender flesh. He uses his left hand grabbed one of her breasts into his mouth, nibbling and sucking it causing Meng Xin moaned involuntarily.

While his right hand slowly dug into her moist secret garden and rubbed her sweet spot gently with care. The more he rubbed the more sweet nectar gushed out from her vagina, Shen Tianyun became impatient at this moment, he quickly pulled his pants down to the ground along with his underwear. His fully erected rod sprung out and hit onto Meng Xin's stomach.

Suddenly, he felt a warm soft hand grabbed a hold onto his rod and pumped it gently made him let out a grunted from ecstasy.

"Tianyun, let Xin'er serve you." Meng Xin charming voice rang into his ears, and she quickly knelt onto the ground. His massive rod fully erected clearly visible in front of her eyes. Even though she already expected this but his length still made her shocked in her heart. This is definitely the biggest one she had ever seen before. She thought.

Meng Xin's sweet tongue slowly enveloped the head of his rod before its vanished into her mouth entirely length, the warm feeling that surrounding his rod made him groaned in pleasure, "So good, Xin'er"

Hearing her man praised, she felt very happy in her heart. At this point, she thought that her past experience is not bad at all, at least, she could gain this technique from it and use it to please her man.

A moonlight shone into the dark alley revealed the passionate couple that committed adultery in public without care. Shen Tianyun looking down and saw Meng Xin staring at him with a flirtatious and seductive gaze while she moving her head busy sucking his rod, this scene made him want to stop her and immediately shove his rod into her cave. He has to admit that this was the best blowjob that he had in 2 lifetimes without a doubt.

"Xin'er, I want it now." He said with a difficulty before Meng Xin reluctantly left his rod. She turned around to face the wall, put both of her hands against the wall, and stuck out her well-round butt towards him and said.

"Tianyun, Fuck Xin'er to your heart content." Her words were like a strong aphrodisiac to Shen Tianyun, he didn't wait any longer and aim his rod to the entrance of her flower bud. After adjusted for a second, he thrust towards and sent his entire length vanished into her vagina, his rod had hit her cervix.

"Ah! So good! Your cock is the best one I ever had!" Meng Xin cried out involuntarily. The ecstasy of being filled with his rod spread throughout her body and made her nectar flooding out even more.

Shen Tianyun was surprised by the tightness, perhaps, his length is too great compared to average Chinese men. He started to move his hips forward, from slow turned into high speed in the next minute.

The sound of flesh impacting and a lady's seductive moans reverberate through the alley. At this moment, both of them immersed themselves into a lust world without care anything.

"Ah!… I'm coming!! AH!" A short moment later, Meng Xin's body twitched uncontrollably, her sweet nectars gushed out from her tight cave without a sign of stopping. She fell into her after orgasm. Shen Tianyun felt a strong cramped around his rod, he almost reaches his climax but he didn't move any further. He calmly waiting for her to enjoy the after taste.

"Tianyun…Xin'er wants to drink it." A minute later, Meng Xin slowly moved herself out of his rod and knelt into the ground. She quickly put his rod into her mouth and began to suck while her hand keep pumping in fast speed.

Shen Tianyun didn't know that this girl seemed to love these kinds of vulgar words and he actually loves it. Compared to plain sex, he preferred this wild and vulgar more. With her 'meticulous' and 'sincerely' take care of his rod, Shen Tianyun felt that he was about to reach his climax and subconsciously grabbed Meng Xin's head. The latter knew that he was about to reach his peak, she moved her head and hand faster and faster.

"Xin'er, I'm coming!! Ugh!" Shen Tianyun groaned and shot a massive white liquids straight to her throat causing Meng Xin to almost choke from it. She tried her hardest to endure it, she wanted to give him the best experience that no woman in this world could give it to him. She slowly sucked every drop from his rod and swallowed it, she didn't forget to shot him a flirtatious gaze at him while doing it.

After a while, both of them already dressed themselves up and hugged each other, savoring an after taste under the moonlight. Without a doubt, this wild night will be engraved into their heart forever.