Lin Ming

Time passed by in a blink of an eye, it was 3 days since that passionate night. Every night, Shen Tianyun would go out and made a ruckus everywhere. A huge commotion has alarmed the higher up of the Black Dragon gang, they immediately issued the order to search for this mysterious black cloth man as soon as possible. It looks like Shen Tianyun's plan was quite successful for keeping them busy for a while.

Today was a Saturday and it was a day where Shen Tianyun has looked forward to it because this would be the first time for him to meet Lin Ming. Yesterday, Lin Xueyue had informed him that Lin Ming wanted to meet him right away. Shen Tianyun already anticipated this thus, he won't mind meeting him. Sooner or later he would confront him anyway.

After he finished recorded new videos for his channel, Shen Tianyun immediately set off to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant to do his job as usual. Upon stepped out of the house, he saw a tall sturdy man standing at the front gate. He was wearing a common bodyguard suit, his face was solemn and there was a faint killing intent emitted from his body. If he guessed correctly, this man probably killed so many people before.

Seeing the man staring intensively at him, Shen Tianyun understood that he might come for him thus, he walked towards the man without any fears.

He smiled, "Hello, Uncle. Are you looking for me?" He asked in a calm voice. What surprised him greatly was Fang Yulan's bodyguards seemed to respect this man very much. Maybe this man is a famous figure in this business. He thought.

The man still wore a solemn expression, "Please come with me, Secretary Lin wants to see you." His voice was quite deep and a little horse.

Shen Tianyun frowned slightly, "Isn't we already have an appointment on this afternoon? Why would Secretary Lin want to see me now?…anyway can you tell me your name?, Uncle." Although he could already guess more or less but he still insisted on asking.

"I don't have an obligation to tell you about that but I can tell you my name, Dugu Xiao. Please, come with me." The man name Dugu Xiao said expressionlessly and made an inviting gesture towards the black Bentley car.

"Since Secretary Lin has invited me, I probably can't refuse right?." Shen Tianyun shrugged and said quite loud then he walked towards the car. His calmness and carefree manner has surprised Dugu Xiao a bit, he wasn't sure if Shen Tianyun is really calm or he is just ignorant. The car quickly set off in a certain direction.

The car gradually left the city and the scenery along the way changed to the suburban area. There weren't many houses around here. Shen Tianyun took out his phone from his pocket and looking at the map. Right now, he was around the west side of the Pearl city which is the road between Pearl city and Clear River city.

"Uncle Dugu, where are we going?" Shen Tianyun asked nervously, he held his phone tightly as if it was his only item that could save his life.

With his brilliant acting performance, Dugu Xiao believed that Shen Tianyun was very afraid right now, he snickered in his heart and didn't reply anything. A short 10 minutes later, the car gradually stopped at the restaurant that quite isolated from the people.

"We are here, please follow me." Dugu Xiao stepped out of the car and waiting for Shen Tianyun. The latter's expression was pale, he was so scared at this moment and timidly stepped out of the car.

Shen Tianyun followed Dugu Xiao into the restaurant, from the signboard, Shen Tianyun learned that this restaurant was a famous local restaurant. A local black chicken dish seemed to be their signature.

As he looked around the restaurant, he couldn't find a single soul on his sight. Lin Ming probably booked the entire restaurant to avoid any trouble. Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, if they were to kill him here, no one would know about it.

However, before he came here, he already sent his location to Lin Xueyue in case something unexpected happens. From the aura that emitted from Dugu Xiao's body, Shen Tianyun pretty much confident that he is a cultivator and his realm probably surpassed Qi Gathering Realm already.

Knowing this, Shen Tianyun didn't have any fear in his heart at all. In his opinion, Lin Ming won't do anything to him, at least, not now. He invited him here just to give him a warning and see his attitude.

Walking passed the well-arranged garden, he saw a small pavilion located near a small pond. At this moment, there was a middle-aged man leisurely enjoying his tea in that pavilion.

He was a handsome man, with a smile on his face. His hair was combed back neatly that not a single strand was loose. He didn't seem to have any wrinkles on his face despite being in his early forties. His eyes were deep and when he turned to gaze at Shen Tianyun, he could feel like he was staring by a tiger. The noble aura that emanating from him signified that this man has wielding authority for a long time.

Sat there casually, he put down his teacup and smiled gently at Shen Tianyun, "Hi, you must be Shen Tianyun. You look more handsome than the picture. Please sit." He said in a relaxed voice.

Shen Tianyun moved his stiffened body to the pavilion and sat down nervously, "H…hi father-in-law, oh wait sorry, Hi, Secretary Lin. May I ask what do you want to talk with me?" He said timidly, his eyes wandered around in fright.

Lin Ming still wore a gentle smile, "I never thought that your acting skill was this superb. Why don't you try to cast for some movies? If you wanted, I can recommend a good entertainment company for you." He said and sipping his tea afterward.

Seeing that his little trick didn't work against this man, Shen Tianyun chuckled, his face turned to normal, a calm expression. He straightened his body up and exuded a confident and mature aura. His sudden change made Lin Ming frowned slightly before returned to normal in a second later.

"Ah, my apologies Secretary Lin. Although even I want to be a superstar, I don't think my wives would allow it." He said casually and poured himself a tea before tasting it.

"You mean that little girl from Liu family? Your taste is not bad I must say, she is indeed a fairy among mortals." As if he wanted to play a battle of wits with Shen Tianyun, he immediately counterattacked.

Shen Tianyun laughed slightly, he was amused, "No, no, Yan'er has no problem with it. She even wants me to be a superstar. The one that won't allow me is Yue'er. She didn't like the entertainment circles." Put down his cup, Lin Ming was about to say something but Shen Tianyun quickly said further.

"By the way, It looks like Rou'er also don't like it. Ai, my wives have adopted democracy to the harem, so it's 2 to 1, well, that's why I can't be an actor. Thank you for your kindness, Secretary Lin." When he says the words 'Thank you for your kindness' there was a deep meaning behind it.

With his intelligence and experience in politics for a long time, Lin Ming quickly understood the meaning behind it, his mouth twitched a little before an amiable smile appeared on his lips again.

"You are a charismatic man indeed, as expected from Shen Qingshan's son." His voice was still calm.

Shen Tianyun laughed coldly in his heart, this Lin Ming was quite good at controlling his emotions. If it were others, they were definitely enraged when hearing someone mentioned their wives in this manner.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? I heard that Secretary Lin was my father's best friend in the past, is that true? Can you tell me more about him? My father died when I was young so I don't know about him much."

"Yes, I am indeed your father's best friend. Shen Qingshan was a brilliant man that every man couldn't help but admired him. At that time, he was a number one in every aspect, whether it was his intelligence or his appearance no one could compare to him. It's too bad, he died too young." Lin Ming said, Shen Tianyun could perceive a hint of mocking when he narrating Shen Qingshan's intelligence part.

"Wow, I don't know that my father was that famous. Many people admired him? Is it including you, Secretary Lin?" Shen Tianyun asked in a languid voice. He stared into Lin Ming's eyes waiting for his answer.

Lin Ming laughed slightly, "Yes, including me. I see that you have spent a little time with your father, maybe there isn't anyone guiding you much. As your father's best friend, it naturally my duty to give you some advice." He paused for a moment, a gentle smile on his face vanished instantly and replaced with a solemn expression.

"I think you should learn something from your father's experience. As you can see, being too outstanding is a double edge sword. Maybe basking in limelight could give you an incredible feeling, however, the brighter you are, the easier target you become. Especially, if you don't have the power to protect yourself." His voice was very cold and deep.

Shen Tianyun's body turned cold upon hearing this, he was puzzled a little on Lin Ming's sudden change. He thought that this conversation would last long at least another hour, why did Lin Ming hurried to give him a warning like this? The only possibility should be that someone has arrived here. Is it Yue'er? He thought.

Shen Tianyun didn't faze, he replied, "Thank you for your advice, Secretary Lin. Ai, it is a pity that I thought I could talk with you for another hour. It seems I have to go now. Thank you for your hospitality."

Lin Ming's expression turned gentle again, he smiled warmly, "No problem, it's nice to have a chat with you."

He paused a moment before curiously asked Shen Tianyun, "Why are you so sure that I won't kill you? Do you have some tricks in your sleeve?"

He had read the report of Shen Tianyun several times before he came here. Although Shen Tianyun did indeed have some abilities but he is still 17 years old after all, he shouldn't be this calm, especially in front of the one who killed his father.

Furthermore, throughout the conversation, he didn't feel any fears from Shen Tianyun at all, not even the slightest. This made him decided to ask this question.

Shen Tianyun laughed coldly in his heart, it looks like this Lin Ming was curious about his calmness. If Lin Ming were to know that Shen Tianyun didn't have any feelings towards his father and he was a 35 years old soul before. he maybe understand it.

"Yes, I do have some cards in my possession but that's not the case. With this Uncle Dugu here and those men that hidden behind me, my chance of survive probably no more than 50%. The most important is, I don't think that you dare to kill me here." He said confidently.

Lin Ming frowned slightly, "Oh? Why is that?"

Shen Tianyun slowly stood up and prepared to leave, he lifted his index finger, "First of all, if anything were to happen to me here, Yue'er and Rou'er will never give forgive you and your imaginary family will crumble apart."

"Second, if you really want to kill me, you probably do it a long time ago. With your networks, I don't think that you can't find me and my grandma for these past years. Actually, I also have some doubt about this, I don't think that you would show mercy to us, right? With your personality, you definitely cut grass and pull out roots. Hence, you didn't do it, then the only explanation is you fear something behind us." When he finished this sentence, a cold light flashed across Lin Ming's eyes. His fist clenched slightly before turned to normal.

Of course, these abnormal didn't escape Shen Tianyun's eyes. His smile grew wide, he seemed to hit on the right spot.

"Lastly, with your method. If you want to kill me, you won't dare to do it openly like this. When you sent this Uncle Dugu to Liu family house, I already know that you won't kill me. After all, there are too many witnesses. When I first talked with Uncle Dugu, I deliberated to raise my voice a little so that Auntie Fang's bodyguards could hear that I came to see you. Not to mention that they also seemed to know this Uncle Dugu very well." His words caused Dugu Xiao stunned for a while, he calmly recalled about the incident and found that Shen Tianyun was indeed said those words quite loud. The way he looked at Shen Tianyun has changed drastically.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Lin Ming clapped his hands loudly, he looked at Shen Tianyun in amazement, "Hahaha, brilliant! You are really brilliant! What you've said is correct, but…" He stopped clapping and smile on his face vanished once again.

"Do you think that just because you have some witnesses, you will be safe and sound? Aren't you too naive? Even I were to kill you here, those men won't utter a single word." He said in a mocking voice and exuded his superiority in full force.

Shen Tianyun burst into laughter after listened to Lin Ming's words, "Haha, yes, this is the real you. Why are you pretending to be a gentleman for such a long time." A second ago, with his sharp ears, Shen Tianyun heard Dongfang Mengrou's voice around the front area of this place. Thus, he decided to provoke Lin Ming further.

After laughed for 10 seconds, he turned to look at Lin Ming and said, "Actually, I didn't finish my sentence yet. The most important reason is you love to hide in the dark and sneakingly hit your target, that's why I don't think you would dare to kill me face to face. Am I right, Secretary Lin?"

Lin Ming's body trembled for a second, his expression turned grim as his eyes were like a dagger staring at Shen Tianyun. Dugu Xiao who stood on the side immediately became angry, he circulated his Spiritual Qi on his fist and was about to make a move but he got interrupted by Dongfang Mengrou's voice.

"Tianyun! You are here!" At this moment, a beautiful Dongfang Mengrou quickly rushed towards Shen Tianyun. Her melodious voice could easily melt any men's bones. Upon reaching Shen Tianyun's side, she put her arms around his arm and hugged it tightly.

Shen Tianyun could feel a lump of tender flesh poking his elbow, he knew that this is not the right time to ignite the fire. He took a deep breath to calm himself down before he smiled warmly at her, "Eh? Rou'er why did you come here?" His voice was very gentle and his eyes filled with affections when he looked at her.

Dongfang Mengrou pouted coquettish back at him, "Hmph! I heard that you have been abducted by a bad guy, so I was hurried to come here. It turned out that I was worried for nothing. How are you going to compensate me?" She shot a flirtatious gaze at him, his blood boiling instantly.

Ah… this woman, is she want to kill me? Acting like this in front of your husband in name. Shen Tianyun thought.

He quickly kissed on her cheek and said, "I'm sorry, I made you worried about me, how about we find a good place tonight?"

Dongfang Mengrou's face flushed red, this rascal dared to kiss me in front of Lin Ming. Is he don't want to live anymore? She thought.

"Okay! You have to stay with me until morning, okay?" She said earnestly.

Looking at these two flirting in front of him, Lin Ming face flushed red from anger. Dongfang Mengrou has been his only weakness in all his life. When he finally married her, he thought that she would gradually love him, but the truth is she has planned to kill him the entire time. Because of love, he could tolerate it and didn't expose her schemes. However, right now, how could she dared to flirt with another man in front of him!

"Wife, you should respect yourself a bit. This kid is only 17 years old, you shouldn't act like this." He tried his hardest to suppressed his anger and said with a gentle voice.

Dongfang Mengrou frowned but she didn't give a glance at Lin Ming, "Hubby, let's go. I'm hungry now." She acted like a spoiled young lady and adorably tugged Shen Tianyun's arm.

Shen Tianyun smiled at her, "Wifey, let me bid farewell Secretary Lin first." Since she called him 'Hubby' it naturally for him to follow with 'Wifey'.

He looked at the trembled Lin Ming, "Secretary Lin, I have to go now. My wife is very hungry, I can't stay here any longer. Thank you for your hospitality again. I think we will meet again soon." With that, he pulled Dongfang Mengrou out of this place without care.

"Master, do you want me to kill him right now?" Dugu Xiao quickly approached Lin Ming and asked. This was the first time he saw Lin Ming suffered a great loss in war of words, and the opponent was a 17 years old kid!

Lin Ming inhaled a deep breath, his expression turned into normal but his eyes were still cold while he looked at the disappearing couple's back.

"If not for Lan Qingcheng, I would bury him a long time ago. Who would have thought that bitch still tries to protect her son after abandoned him." He said furiously.

"However, it's not entirely impossible. Did you complete the task that I gave to you?" He asked.

Dugu Xiao nodded his head with respect, "Yes, Master. I already contacted Zhou Feilong and gave him compensation as you said."

Lin Ming nodded his head, "Good…Shen Tianyun don't blame me for being ruthless. If you didn't approach my daughter and my wife, I would have let you live for a few more years. You can only blame yourself." A killing intent flashed across his eyes.