First Move

"Yan'er, I have something for you." Lying naked on the bed together, Shen Tianyun said.

Liu Feiyan opened her sleepy eyes with difficulty after received his restless attack the entire night. She didn't have any energy left anymore.

"What is it?" She mumbled.

Shen Tianyun still brimming with energy, he reached out his hand to picked a Divine Phoenix bracelet from the desk near the bed. Looking at the goddess in his arm, he held her arm high and slowly put the bracelet on her wrist.

A warm sensation quickly spread to every corner of her body, Liu Feiyan's big eyes wide open, her sleepiness and tiredness instantly vanished. She looked at the beautiful red jade bracelet on her wrist with fascinated eyes.

"Hubby, what is this?" She asked while her eyes glued at the bracelet refused to look elsewhere.

Shen Tianyun smiled lovingly, "This is a Su family's heirloom, it's call Divine Phoenix bracelet. It is a token of love between Grandma Su and Grandpa Shen. I don't know if it works, but Grandma said it could protect your life. If you like it, please wear it all the time." He said while caressed her hair.

Liu Feiyan's eyes grew more fascination, a sweetness overwhelmed her heart. What the meaning of this? This is the token of love! Shen Tianyun basically proposed to her and their relationship from now on is a couple that waiting to be married.

In history when marriage was arranged by parents and young couples couldn't date freely, love token was widely used to confirm their relationship and show their love in the tradition of China.

When men needed to set off to the battlefields, they would exchange love token with their beloved ones, to leave each other something to remember from. Therefore, in Chinese culture, Love tokens have a very special meaning. Once love tokens were exchanged, they pledged their loyalty and eternal love.

"Hubby, why don't you tell me earlier! I didn't prepare anything to give you." Recovered from her overwhelming happiness, Liu Feiyan pouted. Due to this unexpected event, she didn't have anything to exchange with Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "You don't have to give me anything. I already received it from you a long time ago."

"Hmm? I don't think I've ever given anything to you." Liu Feiyan tilted her head and blinked her confused eyes at him.

Shen Tianyun's eyes filled with love and affection, "You already gave me your heart, I don't want anything else anymore." He said passionately.

Liu Feiyan was stunned, her face grew redder. She snorted in an adorable manner, "Hmph! Sweet mouth! Your words make me want to puke!" She said jokingly to covered her shyness and bashfulness. A happiness in her heart already reached its peak.

Shen Tianyun laughed and hugged her tightly, the couple chatted for a while before went to clean themselves up. Today they had something very important to do.


"Auntie Fang, do you know Bureau Chief Ding?" During the breakfast, Shen Tianyun asked.

Fang Yulan nodded, "I know him a bit, we used to solve some case together in the past. What is it?"

Shen Tianyun smiled, "Recently, he seems to cahoots with Zhou Feilong and Lin Ming to suppress me and Miss Cai. Yesterday, he issued the warrant for illegal real estate transactions. As you know, Miss Cai has bought it legally." He explained.

Fang Yulan frowned, with her experiences in politics, she quickly understood the situation, "Do you want my help?" She didn't ask the detail but outright offered her help, this action made Shen Tianyun's heart warm.

"Thank you, Auntie Fang, but I think I can handle it. I already expected this." Shen Tianyun said with a warm smile.

"If you want me to do anything, you can tell me right away. You don't have to hold back, I already entrusted my daughter to you and you even gave her a love token. Say, when are you going to marry her?" Fang Yulan teased while looking at the Divine Phoenix bracelet on Liu Feiyan's wrist. How could she not knows about this bracelet, in the past, she desired to wear it badly and now her daughter was lucky enough to wear it. She felt very happy for her.

Liu Feiyan's face reddened, she peeked at Shen Tianyun with expectation in her eyes. The latter smiled, "It won't be that long, Auntie. I want to marry Yan'er and Yue'er at the same time." He said confidently.

Fang Yulan raised her eyebrows, she sighed, "I hoped you can solve this problem soon. Next year, Yan'er have to go to Beijing alone, I don't know what will happen." There was a concern in her voice.

"Mom! I won't go to Beijing next year." Liu Feiyan suddenly said. Her eyes were resolute.

Fang Yulan was confused, "What are you saying?"

Liu Feiyan smiled beautifully, she said in a determined voice, "I won't go to the university this year. I will wait for Tianyun and Xueyue and go together with them."

Fang Yulan frowned, "Then what are you going to do, that's one year waste of time."

"I'll manage Tianyun's restaurant and coffee shop. I'm doing it for 4 days now." Liu Feiyan replied cheerfully.

Seeing her daughter's determination, she sighed helplessly, "Okay, but you have to talk with your father by yourself. I don't want to talk with him."

Liu Feiyan nodded her head in reply. Shen Tianyun frowned, thinking about Liu Wei, he believed there was something behind his action. After all, a relationship between Liu Wei and Shen Qingshan is not normal. From Grandma Su, they were like real blood-related brothers, then why would he associate with Lin Ming?

"Auntie Fang, do you know when did Uncle Liu start to interact with Lin Ming?" Shen Tianyun asked in a serious voice.

Fang Yulan snorted, "It started when your father died. I don't understand why would he want to interact with Lin Ming after what Lin Ming has done to your father. If it isn't because of Yan'er, I would divorce him a long time ago... Anyway, why do you ask about him?"

Shen Tianyun smiled, "It's nothing, I just curious about it." He replied. He had some thoughts about it in his mind. It would be better if he didn't say it right now.

Fang Yulan nodded her head without thinking much, "Alright, I will help you look for that warrant case. I don't have anything to do anyway."

"Thank you, Auntie Fang." Shen Tianyun said with a warm smile. He felt gratitude towards Fang Yulan, she had been helping him and Grandma Su several times already.

Fang Yulan waved her hand dismissively, "This is nothing you don't have to thank me. You are my son-in-law now, don't you remember?" Her words made Shen Tianyun rubbed his nose in embarrassment.


After finished their breakfast, Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan made their way to Tianyun restaurant on Huafeng street. Since he acquired this restaurant from Zhou Feilong, he had renovated it slightly and changed the name to Tianyun.

Huafeng commercial street is the most bustling place in Pearl City. There were many famous company's offices, restaurants, and shopping malls on this street. Tianyun restaurant located at the most center of Huafeng street, it sandwiched between SC mall and Cai building. It was a golden location for a restaurant.

Shen Tianyun was surprised as well when he saw the location of this restaurant. He never thought that Zhou Feilong would give this to him and the coffee shop was located at the opposite of this restaurant. This would make Liu Feiyan more easier to manage 2 stores at the same time.

Arrived at Tianyun restaurant. Shen Tianyun nodded in satisfaction when he saw the appearance of his restaurant. It was decorated in a western style mixing with a traditional China style. It was all grasses on the front, people who passing by could see the inside restaurant clearly. It was his intention, he wanted to make people saw how happy his customers were when they were eating the food here.

Today was the first day to open this restaurant. Since his 2 stores at the outer city has been suspended at this moment. He immediately using this chance to sell the Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed Noodles here along with Heavenly Jade buns from Cai Ning and the price was not high. Everyone could afford it.

This change of strategy, only Shen Tianyun, Lin Xueyue, Liu Feiyan, and Cai Ning knows about it. The opening restaurant announcement has been published this morning through Cai Ning's connections, whether it was radio or advertisement board around the city, everything seemed to pop up out of nowhere this morning.

Walked into the restaurant, all the staff hurried to received both of them. They had been informed about their new boss yesterday, with Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan's outstanding appearance, it was very easy to remember.

"Hello, Boss Shen, Boss Liu. Welcome to Tianyun restaurant." Shen Tianyun heard a familiar voice, he turned to look at the sound direction and saw Feng Yunxi stood there with a beautiful smile.

Shen Tianyun smiled, "Eh? Yunxi? Isn't this is my restaurant? Why would you say it like we were customers." He teased. His eyes roamed around her body without hiding his desire.

Noticed his lascivious gaze, Feng Yunxi blushed and hurried to say, "This is your first time to come here, it is natural to welcome you."

"Why would you come here?" Walked towards Feng Yunxi, Shen Tianyun asked.

Feng Yunxi smiled warmly, "Boss Cai wants me to come here to help you."

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Okay, I'll have to trouble you then. Today, I'm not a boss here. She is the boss." He pointed at Liu Feiyan beside him. Every staff members nodded their head and greeted Liu Feiyan.

"Alright, Yan'er I think it's time now. Do your best!" A short moment later, Shen Tianyun said to Liu Feiyan. The latter nodded her head and went to the outside of the restaurant. There was a staff carried the speaker behind her.

Looking at the passing by people on the street, Liu Feiyan picked up the microphone. Today, she was wearing a red-colored cross-fitting business woman's suit, combined with her black stocking, she was fully released her seductive charms. Her appearance attracted countless men and they immediately stopped to look at her. Some were curious about what was going to happen.

"Hello, lady and gentleman. Today, Tianyun restaurant has officially open. We would like to invite everyone to our restaurant and try our delicacy. Because it is the first day for our restaurant, everything is free for customers." Liu Feiyan said with confidence.

The crowd went uproar after hearing this. It is common knowledge to everyone in Pearl city, a restaurant on Huafeng street is well-known as expensive and high quality. To think that this Tianyun restaurant has given them a free meal, who would want to refuse it?

"I think I've heard this name before." Someone among the crowd said.

"Yes, I think I've seen the ads this morning."

"That's right, I also heard the news this morning. It is a fusion food restaurant." The discussion erupted among the crowd.

Seeing this atmosphere, Liu Feiyan smiled in satisfaction before she said, "Everyone, what are you waiting for? Our restaurant has open now. Please, come in." She said excitedly.

As if they have been bewitched by her, several people quickly walked into the restaurant. The waitress immediately received them with a smile and led them to their tables. In a span of 5 minutes, every table has been occupied and there were many people still waiting on the outside.

Looking at the scene, Shen Tianyun smiled. It was Liu Feiyan who came up with this idea. It was very simple but effective. With the high class-looking appearance of the restaurant and a charming Liu Feiyan. Everything was worked perfectly as she expected. If it were some restaurants without all of these elements, it is still unknown if this plan will work or not.

The customers looked at the menu, they exclaimed loudly because of the low price. Although it was very common dishes and they were a bit disappointed, they still wanted to try it since it was free. A 30 RMB Dry-Mixed noodle with a luxury atmosphere? Of course, it is very cheap for the people who came to Huafeng street but they probably don't want to eat a Dry-Mixed noodle right?

However, their minds have been blown away when they tasted the Green Jade Spicy Dry-Mixed noodle. What is this? Why did a very common dish can be this delicious? And what is this Heavenly Jade bun? It so beautiful and it is super delicious, they never eat a bun this delicious before in their life.

"I remembered it! This is Tianyun buns that selling at the outer city weeks ago. When the owner closed their stall, I was so frustrated. It turned out the owner planning to open his restaurant here! Hey, waitress! I want to buy this buns and noodles back for my kids, can you sell it for me?" One of the customers exclaimed loudly and it became a chain reaction, everyone seemed to remember this famous bun. One after another quickly ordered for take away.

Feng Yunxi and Liu Feiyan became busy, they had to appease the customer's demands. Looking at this chaotic scene, Shen Tianyun nodded his head in satisfaction. This first move, everything was going well.

Suddenly, his phone rang, he took out from his pocket and saw a certain number on it. He chuckled and pressed the green button.



"What did you say?" In the study room, Zhou Feilong slammed his hand on the table. His eyes were like a dagger staring at his assistant who lowered his head in front of him.

"T…that Shen Tianyun has opened his restaurant at Huafeng street around an hour ago. He selling that Green Dry-Mixed noodle and the jade-like buns. His restaurant is going very well." The assistant said in a trembled voice.

Zhou Feilong frowned with anger, "Isn't our spy said that he will only sell this noodle on his store at the outer city? Why would he suddenly change his plan? And our spy didn't know about it at all?" He was so angry at this moment.

Yesterday, he received the information that the mysterious black cloth man will attack Shen Tianyun's stores to make trouble with Bureau Chief Ding. He immediately mobilized the Black Dragon gang's people to laid out the trap waiting for that man to show up but in the end, not even his shadow could be seen. And now this, though he has expected this move from Shen Tianyun but he never thought that it would be this quick. This caught him off guard.

The assistant hesitated and said, "Is it possible that this Shen Tianyun has found out our spy? And he deliberated to give false information to us."

Zhou Feilong shook his head, "I don't think he could find our spy that quick. This chess piece was personally deployed by Secretary Lin himself. Although I admitted that Shen Tianyun is an outstanding boy I have ever seen but I don't think he can outsmart Secretary Lin." He took a deep breath to calm himself down.

The room fell into a silence for a while before Zhou Feilong raised his head, "Immediately contact our men, there is no point to guard that shitty stores anymore and tell them to monitor this newly open restaurant… oh, where is Xiaolong?" He asked.

"Young master Xiaolong went to meet Boss Hei. I think he plans to do something on that woman, Liu Feiyan. I'm not sure about it." The assistant replied weakly.

Zhou Feilong became angry once again upon hearing this, "This bastard! I already forbade him to have any thoughts on that girl yet he still tries to plot against her! Quickly! Call him back!" His face flushed red from anger. The assistant quickly took out his phone and calling Zhou Xiaolong right away.