
After seeing there was nothing for him to watch over, Shen Tianyun bid farewell to Liu Feiyan and Feng Yunxi and headed to the Rainbow Fragrance restaurant. He had received the call from Lin Xueyue earlier, She was having a meal with Lin Ming at this moment. The evil thoughts formed in his head, he let out a cold laughed before walked into the restaurant.

Shen Tianyun immediately found Lin Xueyue and Lin Min's table, he leisurely walked towards them directly. Before he reaches the table, suddenly a tall figure came to block his path. Dugu Xiao stared at Shen Tianyun intensively, his cold eyes flashed with a killing intent.

"You can't go in." He said solemnly.

Shen Tianyun felt a pressure from Dugu Xiao along with a killing intent that radiated from his body. Shen Tianyun's body turned cold but he didn't express anything on the outside, his expression was still calm and there was even a smirk on a corner of his lips.

"Oh? Uncle Dugu, we met again. Are you sure that I can't go in? Why don't you ask your master first?" Shen Tianyun said in a playful voice.

"This is a master's order. You don't have the right to go in. Please, go back." Dugu Xiao said, his expression grew colder. He couldn't tolerate this youth's carefree manner, if it wasn't because of Lin Ming's strict order, Shen Tianyun would turn into a corpse countless times already.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Yue'er!! Your husband has come but this Uncle won't let me pass!!" He shouted shamelessly, everyone in the hall turned to look at him oddly.

Shocked by his sudden shouted, Dugu Xiao quickly circulated his Spiritual Qi on his right leg and immediately kicked towards Shen Tianyun's waist. The latter already expected this but he didn't move to avoid the incoming attack.

"Stop! What are you doing!?" Dugu Xiao's leg was about to connect on Shen Tianyun's waist, Lin Ming said loudly in a dissatisfied voice.

Dugu Xiao abruptly stopped his action and retracted his leg back while his eyes still fixated at Shen Tianyun smiling face.

"Aiya! Uncle Dugu. You have scared me!" Shen Tianyun showed a 'scared' expression to Dugu Xiao, he wanted to taunt him again but it seemed to be a futile action.

Shen Tianyun sighed with a regret in his heart, he never thought that this Dugu Xiao could stop his action very quickly. He has gambled with his little plan and it almost works. If Dugu Xiao were to hit him in public, it will become a huge headline in the newspaper for sure, since everyone in this restaurant seems to recognized Lin Ming. And Shen Tianyun even saw someone already raised their phones to record the scene from the beginning of the quarrel.

At the table, Lin Ming shifted his gaze back to Lin Xueyue who sat opposite him, "So you have called him here, what are you going to do?" He asked with a gentle smile.

Lin Xueyue coldly looked at him and didn't say anything. Lin Ming chuckled lightly, he has already used to her cold temperament. Since she didn't want to say, he won't press her further.

"Let him in." Lin Ming said to Dugu Xiao. The latter stepped to the side and stood there like a statue.

Shen Tianyun grinned at Dugu Xiao as he walked past him. When he reached the table, he smiled elegantly at Lin Xueyue, "Yue'er, I've made you wait for so long. Please forgive me." His actions were similar to those hypocrites Young master. If there wasn't Lin Ming's presence, Lin Xueyue probably laugh already.

Lin Xueyue smiled warmly, her expression became gentle and shook his head, "As long as you come, I won't blame you for anything." She said in a rare sweet voice.

Lin Ming narrowed his eyes looked at Lin Xueyue, as a father, he never saw this expression from her even once. Why did she show it to Shen Tianyun? He realized that he has underestimated their relationship greatly, it seemed Lin Xueyue has truly fallen in love with Shen Tianyun. He needed to rethink his plan again after this.

Shen Tianyun turned his head to Lin Ming and flashed another elegant smile at him, "Hello, Secretary Lin. We met again. It is faster than expected."

Lin Ming smiled back at him, "Yeah, I never thought that we would meet again this quick. You probably came back from your newly open restaurant right? Congratulation, I hope that your restaurant could stay open for many years to come." He said in a relaxed voice.

Shen Tianyun shamelessly sat beside Lin Xueyue as he replied, "As expected from Secretary Lin. You got the news very fast. Thank you for your blessing. It will definitely stay open for several years to come, after all, I have Yue'er and Rou'er to help me manage it." He then turned to look at Lin Xueyue on his side.

"I am so lucky to have you, Yue'er." Shen Tianyun held her shoulders and pulled her body into his embrace. His actions were very smooth and Lin Xueyue didn't put any resistance at all. She smiled happily and closed her eyes seemed to enjoy the warmth from his body.

A killing intent flashed across Lin Ming's eyes before disappeared in the next second, his mouth twitched involuntarily.

"Yue'er, this is unlike you. Do you remember what I've taught you in the past? In the public, you have to be more careful about your action. You are a woman, your reputation is more important to you." Lin Ming said with a gentle voice as a father trying to teach his daughter.

Lin Xueyue opened her eyes, the previous gentle expression turned cold instantly, she got out of Shen Tianyun's embrace and said, "Reputation? Why should I care about reputation when I am with my husband?"

Lin Ming frowned, "But he is not your husband. I won't allow you to be with him!" He felt something was amiss in Lin Xueyue's attitude and wanted to exert his dominance as a father. Even though she didn't interact with him much but she never show this kind of rebel attitude towards him before.

Lin Xueyue's expression didn't faze, she smiled coldly, "Oh? If he is not my husband then who else? Is it Zhou Feng? I heard that you have promised Zhou Feilong to marry me to his trash son, is that true?"

Lin Ming's pupils constricted, "What are you talking about, Yue'er? I think you're misunderstanding me. Is it because of this that you are rebelling against dad?" He asked.

"Then what's the benefit that you give to Zhou Feilong? Do you think I don't know you try to suppress Tianyun?" Lin Xueyue asked then turned her head to Shen Tianyun and said further.

"Hubby, you are right, he only knows how to hide in the dark and bite the people when they're careless." She smiled lovingly at Shen Tianyun and rested her head on his shoulder.

Hearing this Lin Ming became angry instantly, he pointed his finger at Shen Tianyun, "You! What did you lie to her? Are you trying to manipulate her?" He said angrily.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Wait, wait, Secretary Lin. I think you're misunderstanding me. I didn't tell anything to her but rather she listened to our conversation from the beginning. Uncle Dugu didn't tell you? I was using my phone before I went there and I never hang up." He said in a playful tone. He was amused by Lin Ming's quick wits, this man tried to shift the blame on him and portrayed him as a villain.

"Oh? You should come with a better lie next time. There is no way you can use your phone in that place." Lin Ming's voice became relaxed after listened to Shen Tianyun's words. He smiled as a winner.

Shen Tianyun was surprised, "Eh? Why is that? Can Secretary Lin tell me about it?" He asked. He was genuinely surprised about it, he indeed didn't hang up his phone and Lin Xueyue has listened to everything from the start until the end.

Lin Ming chuckled and moist his throat with tea before he replied, "I won't tell you about it… See Yue'er, this man try to deceive you. He wants to manipulate you to go against me. Do you still think he is worthy to be your husband?" He said to Lin Xueyue.

Shen Tianyun seemed to realized something. Don't tell me he blocked the signal around that area? Wow, this man truly meticulous about it. No wonder he wanted me to go to that desolate place and didn't bother to check my phone. He thought.

Lin Xueyue didn't say anything and calmly took out her phone. She opened the file and the conversation between Shen Tianyun and Lin Ming could be heard from it.

Lin Ming's face changed drastically, he turned to look at Dugu Xiao questioningly. The latter also had a confused expression as well. He was clearly jammed the signal with a portable jammer then how did Shen Tianyun manage to use his phone? Not to mention calling someone, he shouldn't be able to record anything, unless his phone has the phone jammer protection which is unlikely. What a joke, a mere 17 years old high schooler has a phone that can protect against the jammer.

What they didn't know was indeed Shen Tianyun has that kind of phone, the overpowered Divine SmartPhone X.

"Do you still want to deny it? Misunderstanding? I'm truly disappointed on you, Tianyun is just a student yet you spare no effort to suppress him and even go further to threaten him. If the world knows about it they would have laughed at you. A dignified Secretary-state Lin Ming abusing his authority to bully a high school student." Lin Xueyue said coldly.

Lin Ming's face turned ashen, he tried his best to suppress the flame of anger in his heart. He never thought he would miscalculate it. Once again, Shen Tianyun in front of him looks so mysterious than before. Is this Shen bloodline's talent?

"Yue'er, listen to me first, I did this because of you and your mother. I don't want both of you to be deceived by him. Do you remember how cunning he is? He sitting beside you for 2 years yet you didn't even know about his talents, he deliberated to hide it from everyone. Who knows what he is planning to do. Maybe he wants to approach you with this method from the start." Lin Ming said earnestly, his expression was very sincere.

As expected from a top politician, his bullshitting skill is no less than me. Too bad, you are miscalculated it. Shen Tianyun thought.

Lin Xueyue laughed coldly, "Heh… who forced him to hide his talent then? Mom already told me everything. Do you think I'm so stupid to believe in your words easily?" There was a hint of mockery in her voice.

Lin Ming's expression became ugly once again, he took a deep breath and glared at Shen Tianyun, "Good! You won this time but there won't be next time for sure!" He spat out these words in anger and shifted his gaze to Lin Xueyue.

"You are my daughter, I can tolerate anything except this. No one can escape from my grasp including you and your mom!" After finished his sentence, he didn't wait for them to answer and quickly left the restaurant.

Shen Tianyun fell into deep thought for a while. Seeing this, Lin Xueyue curiously asked, "What are you thinking?"

Shen Tianyun tilted his head slightly, "I'm thinking about should we really try to work as actors. Think about it, Yue'er, how cool it would be. Superstars husband and wife won the golden awards together." He said while laughing. His words caused Lin Xueyue to smile in amusement.

"Seriously, he surprised me greatly. I never expected him to be this moody." A serious expression appeared on Shen Tianyun's face.

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly, "His daughter and Dongfang Mengrou are his weakness. When it comes to these 2 people, he can't calmly control his emotions. Especially, the man they interact with is the son of the man he hates the most. Any men would find it hard to hold their anger." She said plainly as if the 'daughter' in her words is not referred to her.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Yeah, if I saw you hugging someone in front of me, I will kill that guy on spot."

Lin Xueyue nodded, "I know you will." Both of them looked at each other and laughing together.

A short moment later, Lin Xueyue asked, "What do you think about his next move?"

Shen Tianyun thought for a bit before he answered, "The Black Dragon gang and Zhou family. He will use them without reserve this time. I'm started to worry Yan'er and Yunxi now if they were to make a move on them, it would be very hard to prevent it."

"I think it has a very low chance for them to make a move on Feng Yunxi, she is quite irrelevant to this game. They know that her value is very low, it would be a waste of effort to do so. As for Feiyan, Zhou Feilong himself probably won't do anything on her, he still has some fears towards Fang Yulan. Even he has Lin Ming backing him up, he is not stupid and clearly knows that Lin Ming wants to use him so he wouldn't be so stupid to do something that can backfire him later."

"However, his son is different. That Zhou Xiaolong lusted after Feiyan for years now, he won't give up easily just because his father forbid him. From our information, he is very close to Hei Long, the boss of the Black Dragon gang. There is a very high chance for him to make a move on Feiyan." Lin Xueyue calmly analyzed.

Shen Tianyun pretty much agreed with her, he said, "The easiest way to prevent this is to stay with her all the time. The second option is adding more bodyguards for her. The third one is making her stay at home all the time, this is not a good method anyway." He said while rubbing his temples.

Seeing his worried expression, Lin Xueyue smiled, "How is it? The feeling when you have to protect so many people is quite troublesome right?"

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "Yeah, in the past I only have Hong'er alone to protect but now, I have you, Yan'er, Grandma Su, Mengrou and Yunxi. So many weaknesses."

Lin Xueyue reached out her slender hand to grabbed Shen Tianyun's hand, her cold eyes staring straight into his eyes. Without saying anything, Shen Tianyun could understand what she want to tell him.

He smiled warmly, "Thank you. I am so lucky to have you." He said from the bottom of his heart.

Lin Xueyue smiled faintly, "Today, you have said this 2 times now."

At this moment, Shen Tianyun's phone rang out, he immediately picked up, "Hello, Auntie Fang. What can I help you?" He said politely.

"Little Yun, I have investigated about that warrant now. I don't know why but they pulled it off already, you can check it by yourself." Fang Yulan's voice rang out from another side.

Shen Tianyun didn't seem to surprise about it, "Thank you, Auntie Fang." He answered.

Fang Yulan laughed slightly, "You don't have to thank me, I didn't do anything at all. Maybe they realize that they can't do anything about it and decided to abort their scheme… Anyway, I found something very strange, do you remember those men who attacked Auntie Su last month?" She asked.

Shen Tianyun was puzzled slightly, "Yes, I remembered it. What happens, Auntie Fang?" Last month, Fang Yulan had informed him that the culprits who harmed Grandma Su had been arrested and they will be lockup in jail for 6 months. Shen Tianyun didn't care about it much, after all, they are only small flies, the real culprit was the mastermind behind them.

"I just find out today, they are all dead." Fang Yulan said in a serious voice.

Shen Tianyun furrowed his eyebrows, "How?"

"That's why I said it's very strange. After they had been thrown into prison, there was a lawyer came to bail them out and surprisingly, this lawyer is very good. He can easily bail all of them out of the prison. The next day, police got a report and found their corpses afterward. What even more weird was that lawyer is not a real lawyer, it's like he never exist in the first place." Fang Yulan said in confusion.

Shen Tianyun thought for a bit, "It is very strange indeed." He said. In his heart, he could already guess it more or less.

"Anyway, since they are already dead, we don't have to care about it anymore. I'll go back now, see you at home." Fang Yulan said.

"Alright, Thank you, Auntie Fang." Shen Tianyun replied and hung up.

"What is it?" Lin Xueyue asked curiously upon seeing he frowning. Shen Tianyun began to narrate everything to her. This incident made both of them fell into deep thought for a while.