The Swimming Competition

"This is the last bite now." In Liu Feiyan's room, Shen Tianyun scooped the last bite of porridge up and fed Liu Feiyan lovingly. The latter watched the man in front of her with a strong affection, she obediently opened her little mouth and took a bite, enjoyed the moment of love and care.

"Today I will accompany you here, I don't have anything to do anyway. Oh, you don't have to worry about the restaurant, I already told Yunxi to take care of it. This is also a good chance for her to learn. When we are going to Beijing next year, we could leave everything to her at ease." Put the empty bowl down, Shen Tianyun said softly.

Liu Feiyan smiled sweetly in reply while leaning at the head bed. After she got nutrients from a porridge, her slightly pale face gradually became rosy.

"Oh, another thing, I just received a call from Producer Mo while ago. She wanted me to go to Beijing this Sunday. I'm not sure about the detail, she only told me it is a music video shooting." Shen Tianyun said calmly.

Liu Feiyan's eyes lit up, she said excitedly, "This is a good chance for you. My husband will become more famous now, Hehe."

Shen Tianyun laughed lightly at her reaction, "Is that really a good thing? If I become famous, there will be many girls try to seduce me. Are you sure you won't get jealous?" He said jokingly.

Hearing this Liu Feiyan narrowed her eyes, she lifted her hand and made a cut gesture as she said, "Hmph! Let's see if you dare to play with them!" Her actions were very adorable. A second later, they looked at each other before laughed heartily together.

Whenever they were together, Shen Tianyun love to teased her and provoked her jealousy. It was one of his ways to expressed his love and this would increase their intimacy. Liu Feiyan also knew that he was teasing her but she still complied as she saw it was very funny and made her feel the closeness in their relationship further increasing.

After a round of rapturous laughter, Liu Feiyan sighed regretfully as she said, "It's a pity, I can't go with you." This sickness made her miss the chance to travel together with her man, she was slightly depressed. From the look of it, it has a very low chance for her to recover from a fever before this Sunday.

Seeing her depressed expression, Shen Tianyun smiled as he held her hand and said softly, "Don't worry, there will be plenty of time for us to travel together."

Liu Feiyan nodded, "Then what about tomorrow? Why don't you go with Big Sis Xueyue? You need someone to record a video for you after all." She suggested, since she couldn't go with him to the competition tomorrow, it would be better to have someone he could trust to go with him.

Shen Tianyun pondered for a moment, "I don't know if she has free time, I will ask her later." He replied uncertainly.

"Right, I didn't have the time to tell you this. Yesterday, there was a man named Huang Chuan from Huang family came to ask for our noodle recipe and willing to buy at a sky-high price. Of course, I immediately rejected him." Liu Feiyan paused for a moment before she continued.

"What makes me more angry is he constantly trying to invite me for a meal. This man is very shameless, especially his hypocrite smile which reminded me of that bastard, Zhou Xiaolong." She said in a dissatisfaction.

Shen Tianyun frowned, if he remembers correctly, this Huang Chuan should be the eldest young master of Huang family. To make a move like this, there were obvious conspiracies behind it.

His expression turned serious as he said, "Yan'er, from now on you have to be more careful than before. If this guy invites you to go somewhere, you need to refuse him. Even he says that I am going to die soon or something happen to Auntie Fang, you have to refuse him at all cost. Don't fall for his scheme. I'll handle this after coming back from the Beijing trip. If you can't think of anything, you need to tell me or Yue'er as soon as possible, understand?"

Liu Feiyan wanted to laugh for his constant nags but seeing his serious expression, she didn't dare to, instead, she nodded her head firmly, "I understand."

Shen Tianyun smiled gently upon hearing her answer, he took out his phone and typing some messages then sent it to Lin Xueyue, Dongfang Mengrou, Meng Xin and Feng Yunxi.

After that, Shen Tianyun accompanied her for the entire day. There was nothing much for him to do besides idle chatter, made some foods for her, and wiped her body. After Liu Feiyan fell asleep at night, he went back to his room and continued to cultivate further.


The next morning, after arranged the necessary things Shen Tianyun left the house and headed towards the Pearl city's sports complex center which located on the west side of the city. He felt rather odd because the organizer somehow had chosen Pearl city to host this competition. Combined with the previous music competition, this was the second time in a month where this city hosting the province-level competition.

Pearl city's sports complex center was one of the biggest buildings in the city. It covered around 9,000 square meters. This dome-like building has divided into a Basketball stadium, Football stadium, Badminton stadium, and Indoor swimming stadium. This place has been used to host a province-level competition regularly.

Stepped out of the taxi, Shen Tianyun immediately recognized Lin Xueyue on his sight. Yesterday, he had asked her to accompany him to this competition as he needed someone to record his performance.

Shen Tianyun walked up to her with a smile, he said, "Sorry to keep you waiting." He adjusted his sport bag slightly, today he was wearing a black and white tracksuit to keep his body warm.

Lin Xueyue shook her head with a faint smile on her face, "I just arrived as well."

She was wearing her favorite purple-colored knee-length dress with a black fabric belt strapped around her slender waist made her beautiful body curves appeared along with the dress. Her long hair has been tied up neatly into a big bun revealed her swan-like white-snow neck. Without any makeup, her face still beautiful than any woman that Shen Tianyun has ever seen in his 2 lifetimes.

Shen Tianyun never gets enough of this breathtaking beautiful lady in front of him. He was always admiring her cold beauty. Every time his gaze fell on her, his eyes would refuse to look elsewhere as if he completely lost his control over his eyes

As he saw a camera bag on her hand, Shen Tianyun quickly offered his help and took it with him. They slowly walked side by side into the building afterward. After stopped to check the building information for a moment, they went straight to the swimming stadium.


When the couple reached the entrance of the swimming stadium, they were surprised slightly as they saw a massive crowd gathered around the entrance. From Shen Tianyun's estimation, there were around 400 - 500 people here, this excluded the people on the inside.

"Wow, there are so many people here." Shen Tianyun exclaimed. It looks like he has underestimated this competition greatly.

"I heard there will be professional scouts participating in this competition. They want to find a new talent to enter a national team." Lin Xueyue said plainly.

Shen Tianyun widened his eyes, "For real?"

Lin Xueyue nodded her head in response. Shen Tianyun pondered for a moment before he said, "Good! It seems I will have to go full strength in this competition!" His words made Lin Xueyue to looked at him questioningly. She didn't believe he wants to be on a national team.

Noticing her weird gaze, Shen Tianyun grinned, "Would it be very cool when I reject their invitation?" He said jokingly.

Lin Xueyue was speechless, she shook her head annoyingly. She shouldn't expect anything serious from this man in the first place.

A short moment later, Shen Tianyun found the registered zone, he then quickly walked towards in that direction with Lin Xueyue. There were 5 queue line before the one long table, Shen Tianyun randomly joined the queue without thinking much. He didn't wait in queue for long before it was his turn.

"Hello, my name is Shen Tianyun from Huayun High school." Shen Tianyun immediately told his name to the young female staff in front of him. The latter flipped through the list for a minute before raised her head to looked at him and answered with a professional smile.

"Hello, Student Shen Tianyun. Welcome to the competition. Please sign your name on this section." She pointed to the bottom of the paper.

Shen Tianyun swept through the detail on the paper before he asked in puzzlement, "Erm…are you sure the detail on this paper is correct? Why do I have to participate in 3 styles of competition." The detail on the paper stated he has to compete in Freestyle 200m, Butterfly 100m, and Backstroke 200m. This baffled him slightly.

The female staff flashed another professional smile before explained, "Huayun High school has sent you alone to participate in this event and it is stated on the application that you are registered in every competition." Although the female staff was confused as well, it was out of her duty to change anything on his application.

Shen Tianyun laughed coldly in his heart, It seems someone wanted to make a trouble on him again. He shook his head and signed his name on it. The female staff was surprised slightly, she quickly handed the ID card and briefly explained the rules to him.

Before he left, Shen Tianyun didn't forget to ask for a follower's private seat reserved card from her as he knew Lin Xueyue didn't like to mix herself with the crowd.

Noticing his weird expression, Lin Xueyue asked, "What happen?"

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "It seems someone wanted to make trouble for me again. This time I don't know who it is." He answered in a languid voice.

A frown appeared on Lin Xueyue's face. Shen Tianyun said further, "I have to compete in 3 styles. Well, it doesn't matter, this can be a good chance to earn more fame points anyway."

Lin Xueyue nodded her head and her expression loosen slightly since he was so confident, there is nothing to worry about further. The couple took a competitor lane and walked to the inside stadium.

The stadium was very spacious, it could easily contain more than 3,000 people without a problem. There was a standard competition-size pool situated at the center of the stadium. It had 10 lanes with 50m in length, typically referred to as 'Long course' and it had 3m depth, The lane width was around 2.5m. Overall, this was comparable to the Olympic standard.

The stadium seats were surrounding the pool, it has a blue color. The opposite side of the entrance was a competitor's followers area and both sides left and right was a normal spectator area. There were several people who already occupied the seats in a large part of every zone.

After escorted Lin Xueyue to her seat, Shen Tianyun made his way towards the locker room. When he arrived at the room, there were around 6 - 7 peoples in the room. The room was divided into 3 columns, with each column contained a 2 section locker arranged neatly in a long line.

The locker frame and body were manufactured from heavy gauge aluminum extrusion with a curved single aluminum body shell and the blue door was quite thick. It was a standard locker using a key to open.

Checking his locker number on the ID card, Shen Tianyun proceeded towards his destined locker. His locker was located in the corner of the farthest column and it was at the wall side. He observed the surrounding area for a moment before he opened his locker and place his bag into it.

Shen Tianyun turned around to look at the opposite locker and saw several paper boxes placed on the top of the locker. He took a step forward and brought it down to look at the inside, there were white towels in it.

Before he picked up one, he looked around as didn't see anyone in his column, he quickly used his index finger that covered with his Qi and pierced on the side of the paper box. After successfully made a small hole on it, Shen Tianyun took out his phone, opened the record mode, and placed it into the box.

Following that, he placed the box back on the top of the locker and made sure it was on the right angle. Since Shen Tianyun knew someone deliberated to make trouble with him, he needed to make this necessary arrangement in case someone trying to do anything further.

People would think he is a paranoid if they were to see his actions. However, for Shen Tianyun who experienced so many classic schemes, it would be better to put a safety measure first. To avoid the risk of people bothering with the box, Shen Tianyun decided to bring every other box down to the floor and opened it widely so people could take a towel from this and won't bother with his box.

Shen Tianyun calmly waiting for a competition to start. He calculated the situation in his head and felt it is quite funny. From what he knew, there were 3 styles of competition. Freestyle, Butterfly, and Backstroke. There will be 20 competitors in each competition and divided into 10 in the first round which means competitors have to compete for a total of 2 rounds if they were to win the first round.

As for Shen Tianyun, he has to compete for a total of 6 rounds in 1 day!! Any athlete would find it hard to compete consecutively like this, but Shen Tianyun was confident in his physique as his constitution attribute already reached rank A. Not to mention he could secretly using his Qi to cheat on this competition thus, he didn't worry about it much.

What made him considered heavily was whether he should break the national records or not. His fame would skyrocket in overnight for sure but it would also bring so many troubles to him later. First, he would be a center of focus for countless people including the high authority people that related to the national athlete such as the Chinese Swimming Association or higher than that.

Second, since there were people who admire him, there would also have people who hate him. It was not that he cares about the hater, it more like he was not sure whether the majority of people would doubt his record or admire him. There was a high chance of this won't bring him fame as much as he expected.

Lastly, this incident will alarm those martial families, especially Zhao and Lan family. Shen Tianyun was pretty confident they could recognize his action if he were to use his Qi. It would be very risky to expose himself at this moment.

A brief moment later, he made up his mind and was aimed to win this competition without breaking any record with purely rely on his physique. No doubt about it, this was the best choice for him at this moment.

While Shen Tianyun was pondering on his matter, on the outside, the majority of people have already occupied their seats and there were only a few people still trying to enter the stadium. At this moment, a middle-aged man in a professional black suit walked into the center stage near the entrance. He looked around the stadium for a moment before raised the wireless microphone in his hand up to his mouth.

"Lady and gentleman, welcome to the 23rd High school talents swimming competition. My name is Yu Fan, I'll be the host today." His voice echoed through the stadium, the competitors in the locker room could hear it too.

"Before we proceed further, I would like to introduce our judges for today competition. Please welcome our first judge, he is a former national swimming athlete, Mister Chen Jia!" Upon Yu Fan finished his sentence, at the judge's table, a sturdy man who was around in his mid-thirties stood up and waved his hand to the crowd along with the applause reverberated through the stadium.

Yu Fan continued to introduce 4 other judges afterward before he announced, "Not to waste any time further, Lady and gentleman, I hereby announce an open the 23rd High school talents swimming competition!!"