False Alarm

The atmosphere in the stadium became lively after the competition had officially been opened. Besides the media and scouts, most of the audience here came to cheer for their respective school's representatives. The crowd was hungry for excitement and looked forward to seeing them appear on the starting blocks.

The first competition started with the Freestyle 200 meter, following with Butterfly 100 meter and Backstroke 200 meter. All the first round would finish this morning and begin the second round in the afternoon.

Shen Tianyun was not in the first 10 people to compete in this Freestyle, he needed to wait for another round. While the other competitors were warming and stretching themselves, Shen Tianyun was glancing at the box from time to time to make sure no one could touch it.

This was the only thing he could come up with at this moment. He could foresee someone trying to frame him for using drugs since he was going to compete in every style. Perhaps, he had read too much of web novels, that is why he could coming with this idea.

My life depends on this phone. That will be troublesome if I fail to record the culprit. He thought while shook his head annoyingly. He wanted to find out the mastermind behind it, although he could guess it more or less, it was still a guess anyway.

At this moment, one of the male staff walked into the locker room with a paper on his hand. He looked around as he said, "The Freestyle competition will start in 5 minutes, the first batch please come out with me right now."

When the staff finished his sentence, the competitor who was on the first batch reported themselves to the staff before walked out of the room in their tracksuits, swim caps, and swimming goggles. Some were nervous and some were excited, it was their chances to show their ability in front of their acquaintances as well as their crushes.

Even with the absence of 10 people, the atmosphere in the locker room didn't change much. Some people would casually chatted with each other, some were trying to get to know each other for the first time. Shen Tianyun didn't pay attention to anyone much, he calmly sat on the long bench at the center of his locker's column.

"Hello, my name is Wang Shiwei. I come from Jiangche High school. What is your name?" Suddenly, Shen Tianyun saw a tall and decent-looking man in the white and red tracksuit introduced himself with a friendly smile on his face.

Shen Tianyun smiled faintly and politely replied, "Hi, my name is Shen Tianyun, I'm from Huayun High school."

Wang Shiwei sat down beside him and said, "Oh? So you are really Shen Tianyun, Tianyun Piano Man. No wonder, you look so familiar."

"You know me?" Shen Tianyun replied with a question.

Wang Shiwei chuckled, "Of course, who don't know you nowadays?. You have no idea how the girls in my school so crazy about you."

Shen Tianyun had a surprised look on his face, "Really? You are not exaggerating right?" He said in a disbelief tone. It was just an act from him.

Wang Shiwei shook his head, "Of course not, why don't you ask some girls in your school. There should be someone crazy about you too right?"

Shen Tianyun shook his head and tried to change the topic, "Let's not talk about me anymore. Brother Wang is also very handsome, I bet there are a lot of girls crazed after you right?"

Wang Shiwei smiled wryly, "No, compared to you, I am nothing at all."

"How could it be?" Shen Tianyun said.

After they had finished the mutual professional bootlicking, Shen Tianyun suddenly thought of Nalan Yu, a girl from Jiangche High school that he met at the music competition.

He asked, "Anyway, brother Wang, do you know a girl name Nalan Yu from your school?"

Wang Shiwei's expression changed slightly before he replied, "Yes, I know her. Could it be brother Shen interested in her?"

Shen Tianyun felt something was amiss, a weird thought appeared on his mind. He raised his eyebrows slightly, "No, I've met her on the previous music competition, after that, we never been in touch again. When I heard brother Wang come from Jiangche High school, I just wonder how is she doing now."

Wang Shiwei smiled faintly, "I see, she is my classmate. Right now, she is trying hard to be a singer. She said you've inspired her greatly." There was a hint of jealousy in his voice.

With his high perception, Shen Tianyun immediately understood. And this could confirm the theory in his mind.

"Nah, all I do is encourage her a little. She has a talent to begin with. It would be a pity if she were to give up on her dream." He said in a relaxed voice and waved his hand dismissively.

A corner of Wang Shiwei's mouth twitched slightly before he smiled amiably, "That's true, she has a very clear voice. I happened to listen to her singing once, she is indeed a talented one." He praised, his eyes filled with admiration.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head and didn't go further on this topic, he asked, "Anyway, brother Wang, What is your swimming event?"

"I'm in a Backstroke one. I'm not good at other styles." Wang Shiwei said in a self-deprecation manner.

At this moment, a loud cheer could be heard even in the locker room. This indicating that the competition already started.

Wang Shiwei turned to ask, "How about you, brother Shen?"

Shen Tianyun smiled wryly, "I have to compete in every style." He said helplessly.

"What!? Are you a superman or something?" Wang Shiwei said in disbelief, but his eyes say otherwise as if he knew it already.

Shen Tianyun laughed coldly in his heart, it seems this guy is not good on acting.

"Well, maybe my teacher thinks I was one." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Freestyle, second batch, please be ready in 10 minutes!" At that moment, the previous male staff came into the locker room and said loudly.

"Alright." Shen Tianyun stood up and started to stretch his muscles while Wang Shiwei only watched him with cold eyes.

5 minutes later, Shen Tianyun had finished stretching. He turned to look at Wang Shiwei and said, "I'll be going now. See you soon, brother Wang."

Wang Shiwei smiled back at him, "Good luck, brother Shen!"

Shen Tianyun nodded, after he adjusted his swim cap, he took his goggles and walked out of the room. The staff had made them into a straight line, ordered by their respective ID number before slowly walked into the stadium.

When the crowd saw the competitor emerged from the side in a straight line, they immediately greeted them with loud applause reverberated through the stadium.

Shen Tianyun was quite excited, he never been in any major sport competition before. Following that, everyone went into their respective lanes. Shen Tianyun had been assigned on a lane number 3, he quickly took off his black and white tracksuit and placed it on the chair. He then turned to look into the follower's stand, trying to find Lin Xueyue.

Lin Xueyue's gaze always locked on Shen Tianyun since he appeared into the stadium, noticing him. She smiled faintly while raised the camera and started to record him.

"Oh my, who is that man in a lane number 3? He is so handsome!"

"Yeah, look at his beautiful abs! I don't know if he is going to win or not, he already wins my heart!"

Lin Xueyue could hear several girls around her started to talk about her man, her lips curved up into a proud smile like a wife who was very proud of her husband.

Although Shen Tianyun couldn't see her clearly, he still remembered her seat position. He smiled confidently at her direction while shaking his arms, trying to relax his muscles as much as possible.

The host started to introduce the competitor one by one. When it was Shen Tianyun's turn, a loud exclaim erupted among the crowd. Most of it came from young maidens around the same age as Shen Tianyun. They recognized him as they were his fans. This commotion made a lot of men glaring at Shen Tianyun with envious eyes.

After finished introduction, the referee told the competitor to get into their position on the starting blocks. Shen Tianyun made a final goggles adjustment. He exhaled to calm himself and get into the ready stance.

His eyes fixated at the water pool in front of him, the moment he heard the signal from the referee, he immediately jumped into the pool with a beautiful form. A short moment later, he emerged on the surface of the water and started to move his arms powerfully.

Stroke after stroke pushed his body to the leading position while his legs working as an engine moving him forwards with a high speed. When he almost reached the end of the other side, he lowered his head made his chin closer to his chest as much as he could and rolled his body forward. He did a flip turn looked so easy, combined with his perfect timing there was no awkward movement from him at all.

Following with a kick, his body shots forward like an underwater torpedo. At this moment, he already led other competitors for almost 2 body range. Without a doubt, if he could continue to keep this range, he would win this race with a good record.

The race went on with the bustle around the stadium. The next minute, Shen Tianyun finally finished the race with a 1 minute and 54 seconds. This could be compared to the national swimmer level. Took off his goggles, he lifted his head to looked at the time board, he heaved a sigh of relief and smiled afterward.

"Congratulation to everyone in the top 5, the final round will begin in the afternoon. Please prepare yourself and wait for our staff to inform you." The host, Yu Fan said excitedly to increase the lively atmosphere further.

Shen Tianyun got off the pool, he didn't forget to smile in Lin Xueyue's direction before walked back to the locker room.

On the stand, Lin Xueyue looked at her camera and started to watch a replay again to check the quality of the video while listening to a lot of girls around her talking about Shen Tianyun's performance.


The competition continued without any problem. Shen Tianyun once again caused a huge commotion from his appearance in every style. At first, the crowd was puzzled and confused, when they saw he had won the first place in Butterfly and Backstroke, their puzzlement and confusion turned into admiration. Shen Tianyun's fame started to rise once again.

Wiped himself dry, Shen Tianyun opened the locker and picked up his wallets out, he didn't forget to check the abnormality on his locker and the paper box that contained his phone. Seeing there was no anything out of place, he ready to set off and have his lunch with Lin Xueyue.

Before he walked out of the room, Wang Shiwei came up to him and said, "Wow, brother Shen. You are very strong! How could you manage to get the first place in every style?" A hint of jealousy could be heard in his voice.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "I just love swimming. That's all." He didn't want to explain anything much and casually answered.

However, his answer was equally provoked Wang Shiwei's self-esteem. His mouth twitched slightly, he forced a smile, "I see, are you going to have lunch?"

Shen Tianyun nodded and casually replied, "Yeah, I am going to have lunch with my girlfriend."

"Eh? You have a girlfriend?" Wang Shiwei asked with genuine surprise.

"Yes, are you interested to join us for a meal?" Shen Tianyun asked while both of them already walked out of the locker room.

"This…this is not good right? I don't want to be a light bulb." Wang Shiwei laughed slightly, a moment later, his face froze when he saw a beautiful woman in front of him. This was the first time in his life to see a woman this beautiful. His eyes fixated on her face refused to move elsewhere.

"Yue'er, sorry for keep you waiting." Upon seeing Lin Xueyue, Shen Tianyun took a step forward to held her hand and said apologetically.

Wang Shiwei's eyes wide open, his mouth agape with disbelief when he saw Shen Tianyun holding the goddess's hand.

Lin Xueyue shook her head and smiled faintly indicating that she is fine before shifted her gaze to the stunned Wang Shiwei.

Shen Tianyun chuckled and turned to Wang Shiwei, "Brother Wang, this is my girlfriend, Lin Xueyue. Yue'er, this is brother Wang Shiwei from Jiangche High school." He introduced.

Came back to his sense, Wang Shiwei tried his best to squeeze out the most brilliant smile and said while offered his hand, "Hello, Miss Lin, my name is Wang Shiwei. Nice to meet you." Surprisingly, he didn't stutter.

Lin Xueyue glanced at his hand then looked at Wang Shiwei's face and nodded in reply without saying any word. Her actions made Wang Shiwei awkwardly retracted his hand and didn't know what to say further.

Shen Tianyun said, "Sorry, Brother Wang. My girlfriend didn't like to be touch by any man beside me. Don't mind her."

Wang Shiwei nodded his head awkwardly, he seemed to look at Shen Tianyun with envious eyes.

Shen Tianyun asked again, "Are you sure? You don't want to have a meal with us?"

Wang Shiwei shook his head, "No, I have to go with my friends. See you later, brother Shen." After exchanged a word a little further, Wang Shiwei jogged off from the couple's sights.

"He is the suspect?" Lin Xueyue asked plainly.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yes, I'm pretty sure, he is plotting against me. But I don't know who instigated him to do so." He said confidently. He could feel the jealousy and a hint of malice from Wang Shiwei when he mentioned Nalan Yu. This Wang Shiwei probably was Nalan Yu's pursuer and decided to plot something against him out of jealousy.

"Why him?" Lin Xueyue asked with a slight confusion.

Shen Tianyun shrugged, "Well, it can be a misunderstanding or that girl Nalan Yu mentioned my name several times in front of him so he is probably jealous of me. Who knows."

"Nalan Yu?" Lin Xueyue frowned.

Shen Tianyun seemed to remember something, "Oh, I forgot you don't know her." Following that, he began to tell her everything about Nalan Yu.

After listening to everything he said, Lin Xueyue nodded in understanding, "He definitely jealous of you… Do you have any countermeasures?"

Shen Tianyun smiled, "Yes, I have it. Quite risky but I have no other choice."

Hearing this Lin Xueyue didn't ask further, both of them gradually walked towards the cafeteria.


The afternoon competition was intense and more lively than the morning. Shen Tianyun was on fire as usual, he won the first place in both Freestyle and Butterfly. He only has a Backstroke left.

In the locker room, Wang Shiwei and Shen Tianyun had idle chatter for a while, waiting for the competition to start. However, Wang Shiwei didn't get into the top 5 in the first round so he was stayed here to pass his time.

"Anyway, brother Shen. I must say, you are very good at swimming. You almost break the national record in both styles." Wang Shiwei praised.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "There is no way I could break that records. It's very hard." He said while wiping his body with a white towel.

"You don't have to be modest, brother Shen. I bet that Mister Chen will try to contact you after this." Wang Shiwei said. Shen Tianyun only smiled in reply when he heard this.

At this moment, the staff came to the room and announced once again. The last competition will start in the next 5 minutes. Shen Tianyun started to warming himself again and walked out to the stadium afterward.

Before he left, he turned to Wang Shiwei and said, "Brother Wang, I really don't have anything to do with Miss Nalan. Truthfully, whether you believe it or not, I don't care about it. I just want to tell you, don't be a chess piece for anyone." He left after finished his sentence. His words caused Wang Shiwei to stood still on spot without moving for a while.

The competition continued once again and Shen Tianyun had won the first place in Backstroke as well. The crowd went crazy upon witnessed this legendary moment. There was someone recorded his performances and started to upload them on the Internet.

Shen Tianyun was stunned when he called out the status window and saw his Fame points increased by 50,000 from his last checked on this morning. He couldn't help but nodded his head in satisfaction.

Shen Tianyun didn't go back to his locker room after the last competition had ended. He put on his tracksuit and waiting for the reward ceremony as the referee had told him. 10 minutes later, the host, Yu Fan announced the reward ceremony and started to call out the top 3 winners of each style one by one.

The moment when Shen Tianyun walked onto the first place platform. Suddenly, there were 3 peoples in black suits came to stop the ceremony and asked for a microphone from Yu Feng.

"Hello, everyone. We are the inspector. We apologize for interrupting the ceremony as we got reports someone is using a drug in this competition." The chief inspector said. A clamor immediately erupted in the stadium as people started to discussing and trying to guess the suspect.

The chief inspector smiled, he put down the microphone but still holding it not too far from his mouth. Therefore, when he said, people could still hear his words clearly, "Student Shen Tianyun, we got a report, you are suspect on using drugs. Please cooperate with us in this investigation." He said while staring at Shen Tianyun.

The crowd went uproar when they heard this. Some didn't believe and some even started to curse Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun didn't faze, he smiled and said, "Sure. How are we going to do?"

The chief inspector smiled back at him, "We will start with searching your locker first." He then led everyone who was related to the locker room.

When the group walked into the locker room, Shen Tianyun saw Wang Shiwei stood on the corner, and when their eyes met, Wang Shiwei didn't dare to meet Shen Tianyun's gaze head-on, he quickly averted his gaze after a brief moment.

Shen Tianyun sighed in his heart, it seems Wang Shiwei is done this time.

"Please, open your locker." Stood in front of Shen Tianyun's locker, the chief inspector said.

Shen Tianyun nodded and opened his locker with the key, the other 2 inspectors immediately pushed Shen Tianyun out harshly and began to search his belongings.

A short moment later, the 2 inspector's faces changed and turned to look at their leader as if they were looking for his help.

The chief inspector was confused he turned to look in Wang Shiwei direction before took a step forward and searched the locker by himself. His face changed drastically when he could not find a drug in Shen Tianyun's locker as it supposed to be as the plan.

Shen Tianyun was puzzled slightly before he came into a realization, so it seemed Wang Shiwei had pulled off at the last moment.

The chief inspector smiled awkwardly when he saw the question gazes from everyone in the locker room.

"What is it, Chief inspector?" The host Yu Fan asked.

A droplet of sweat appeared on the chief inspector's forehead as he said, "It seems to be a false alarm." When his words came out, the room fell into a silence.