Beijing Trip

"Thank you, Rou'er." Shen Tianyun said with a smiling face while carrying his small black bag. Before he left the house, Liu Feiyan who has been recovered from the fever recently wanted to send him to the airport but Shen Tianyun had stopped her from doing in fear she might get sick once again.

At first, he wanted to take a taxi by himself, suddenly, Lin Xueyue told him that Dongfang Mengrou will send him to the airport. She used an excuse as it was necessary for the plan, though Shen Tianyun knew her real intention, he did not try to stop it.

Dongfang Mengrou smiled gently, "Good luck and come back early." Despite she was acting, her voice was still very gentle as if she was a loving wife who cares for her husband dearly.

Without warning, Shen Tianyun took a step forward and hugged her tightly. He greedily inhaled a familiar natural fragrance emitted from her body. His hands moved up and down on her back.

Dongfang Mengrou wanted to push him away but they have been watching by Lin Ming's men right now, she could only lean powerlessly in his embrace and let him wantonly traced her back. Thinking about the previous incident when this man had confessed to her on that Ferris wheel, her face became rosy red resembled a young girl who has been fallen in love.

Since that day, her mind became a mess and restless feelings in her heart never fade away. Dongfang Mengrou would occasionally fell in a daze, a memory about Shen Qingshan would replaying in her mind along with Judy's words.

A strong conflict with no way to deal with it became a reason why Dongfang Mengrou acted indifferently towards Shen Tianyun in these days. She did not dare to face the truth nor willing to let it go.

"Do you want to die?" Dongfang Mengrou said in a low voice.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "If I could die in your embrace like this, of course, I'm willing."

Dongfang Mengrou momentarily angered and turned to a helpless sigh later as she has no way to deal with this scoundrel.

Not until he heard a final boarding announcement did Shen Tianyun reluctantly left Dongfang Mengrou. Looking at this beautiful mature woman who wore an indifferent and a little angry expression, Shen Tianyun smiled warmly and said.

"Rou'er, you have to be more careful in this period and wait for me to come back, okay?"

Facing his gentle side, Dongfang Mengrou fell in a daze for a moment before she lowered her head and said meekly, "Mhm. You too, you have to be careful."

Shen Tianyun was puzzled, why did she turn into a shy girl again? He was very confused and unsure whether this was acting or not.

"Don't worry, no one can hurt your husband." He said in a half-joke half-serious manner.

"You are not my husband!" Dongfang Mengrou retorted.

Shen Tianyun laughed it off and prepared to walk into the gate, "I'm going now, see you soon." He waved his hand and vanished into the gate.

Dongfang Mengrou stared at his disappearing back for a while before turned and left with her bodyguard, Ling Wufeng.


The flight from Pearl city to Beijing took around 2 hours. Shen Tianyun arrived at the Beijing capital airport around 8 AM, he walked out of the gate and looked around at the massive crowd and familiar place in nostalgia. In his past life, this airport was like his second home as he usually flew over both domestic and oversea to deal with his business. This was his first time in this life to stepped onto this familiar place again.

Shen Tianyun stood in reminiscence for a while, suddenly, with his sensitive perception, he has a strong feeling of being watched, a corner of his mouth curled up into a cold smile. He immediately left the airport and took a taxi headed straight to the Bright Star entertainment company.

Bright Star entertainment company located in the central business district, to have a headquarter here indicating that this company was ranked at the very top of the list. Before he came here, Shen Tianyun had read this company's background and found it very interesting.

The founder and the current CEO of this company was Xing Yurou, a rising star businesswoman in the business world. 10 years ago, she founded her company by selling her idea to many investors. Her business plan revolved around the online market as she has foreseen the future where people will heavily rely on their smartphones thus, when she started her company, their musics will be selling online only.

Later, Bright Star entertainment had created a 'Starline' music application on smartphones and it became the most popular and has the most users application. Of course, Shen Tianyun never saw this application and this company before in his previous life. He started to understand this world more, it turned out that there were many companies that he did not know, and those companies from Zhao, Lan, Su, Dongfang and Yang family were also new to him.

Arrived at the beautiful high-rise building, Shen Tianyun looked around for a moment as he remembered this road, and this scene, it was still fresh in his head. A moment later, he turned around and smiled in a certain direction before he walked into the building.

At this moment, there was a black Bentley car parking on the opposite road of Bright Star company's building. There were 2 people insides and they seemed to look in the building direction.

"Master…earlier, Young master seems…" Lan Lunmei sat on the driver seat said uncertainly while she looking at the rearview mirror. There was a beautiful mature woman reflected on it, her face was very cold and indifferent, she looked outside the window, her eyes fixated at the entrance of the building.

"Mhm, he noticed us." The woman said plainly. A hint of gentleness appeared on her eyes for a second before it quickly vanished.

"Master do you want to…" Lan Lunmei mustered her courage and asked the woman on the back.

"No need, let's go." The woman replied coldly.

Lan Lunmei was perplexed slightly before she answered and started the car.

On the way, there was only silence in the car, suddenly, the woman broke a silence with a question, "How's the preparation?"

Lan Lunmei woke up from her thoughts, she replied hurriedly, "Master, everything is ready. We can shoot at any time."

The woman's expression did not change, "Good. Let's see Lin Ming's movement first. " Her voice contained a deep killing intent caused Lan Lunmei shuddered involuntarily.


In the building, there were a lot of employees walked around in a hurried manner. Seeing this scene, Shen Tianyun's lips curved up without him knowing as this scene has invoked his beautiful memories. He then walked towards the reception. When he reached the reception zone, he saw a young decent-looking female staff who was wearing a white shirt and a blue tight skirt behind the desk.

"Hello, Miss. My name is Shen Tianyun, I have an appointment with Producer Mo this morning." Shen Tianyun asked the decent-looking female staff politely.

The female staff who was busy reading a document, raised her head to looked at Shen Tianyun. Upon seeing his appearance, her eyes lit up and smiled beautifully, "Hello, welcome to our company. My name is Ji Qianqian, nice to meet you, Mister Shen. Please let me check for a moment." She said sweetly.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head as he laughed inwardly, why did she has to introduce her name?

After checking the information on the computer, Ji Qianqian immediately wrote something on the paper before she lifted her head with a smiling face, "The appointment has been confirmed. Producer Mo has waiting for you on the 16th floor, this is the room number in case you can't remember. The elevator is on the right side." She said while handed a small paper to Shen Tianyun.

"Thank you, Miss Ji. I'll be going now, I hope we will meet again." Shen Tianyun received the paper and smiled handsomely back at her. The moment she passed the paper to him, he already saw it was a phone number thus, he took out his wallet and carefully put the paper in for her to see.

Ji Qianqian saw this scene, she blushed slightly and said shyly, "Me too, I hope we will meet again."

Shen Tianyun nodded and walked towards the elevator leaving a dazed Ji Qianqian behind.

"Hey Hey, are you try to hook up with that handsome?" At this moment, a female staff beside her said teasingly while poking her arm.

Came back to her sense, Ji Qianqian nodded her head shyly, "Yes, I never seen a man this handsome before. My heart is beating so fast when I saw him. Is this called love at first sight?"

A female staff shook her head snickering at Ji Qianqian, "From the look of it, he must be some rich young master from a rich family. If you can be with him, in the future you don't have to work hard anymore." She said encouragingly.

Ji Qianqian snorted, "Hmph! Big Sis Dong, I don't care about the money, even if he is very poor, I am willing to be with him!" She said in a dissatisfaction.

Big sister Dong shook her head in defeat, "Alright, Alright, I understand. I hope he will contact you later. Also, be careful, don't let his appearance deceived you."

Ji Qianqian nodded her head and turned to look in disappearing Shen Tianyun's direction once again with her misty eyes.


Shen Tianyun stepped into the elevator and pressed on the number 16 button as he leaned on the sidewall. Thinking about the young girl earlier, he shook his head helplessly.

Sigh…too bad I don't have time to play with this girl.

Letting his mind wandered for a while, the elevator gradually reached the 16th floor. Shen Tianyun quickly walked out and followed along the hallway towards the meeting room. When he arrived at the room situated at the end of the hallway. He knocked on the door lightly before he pushed open it and walked into the room.

The room was painted white, and it had only floor-to-ceiling glass windows on the left side, which faced the main road. There was a long white meeting table at the center of the room with a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers. The temperature in the room was perfect, neither too hot nor too cold.

At the president seat, a familiar figure, Mo Yuyan was sitting on it. On her right side, there was a young beautiful maiden with a blue sleeveless shirt that revealed her snow-white skin and a floral knee-length skirt. Her face was beautiful enough to make men falling head over heels in love with her. Her captive eyes and thin rosy lips were the features that Shen Tianyun took a first notice of her.

Seeing Shen Tianyun's appearance, Mo Yuyan stood up and walked towards him with a smile on her face.

"Welcome to our headquarter, Mister Shen." She said while offered her hand.

Shen Tianyun smiled faintly and shook hands with her, "We meet again, Producer Mo. Please take care of me for today." He said politely.

Mo Yuyan laughed slightly, she gestured towards the chair opposite the young girl and said, "Please, have a seat."

Shen Tianyun nodded and sat on the assigned seat as he smiled gently at the young girl, the latter replied back with a small nod.

"Chen'er, this is Mister Shen, Tianyun Piano Man. He will be in your music video for today." Mo Yuyan said to the girl beside her, Shen Tianyun quickly understood her identity. She was Ling Chen, a singer that he has to work with for today.

Ling Chen only nodded her head without saying anything. Shen Tianyun took a note of her attitude, he smiled and said, "Hello, Miss Ling. It's a pleasure to meet you." He did not offer his hand as he reckoned she won't shake hands with him for sure.

"Hello." Ling Chen replied coldly.

Her attitude made Shen Tianyun confused slightly, he did not understand why this girl treated him coldly despite they were met for the first time. However, he did not really care about it, after all, he only work with her for one day and he will go back right away afterward.

Seeing this stuffy atmosphere, Mo Yuyan turned to look at Shen Tianyun with an apologetic smile on her face, "Mister Shen, please don't mind her. Her personality is always like this, she treated everyone coldly." She explained.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "I understand. You don't have to apologize, Producer Mo. Let's get into the business, shall we?" Since he did not have much time combined with this ice-cold beauty, Shen Tianyun did not want to dilly-dally any longer.

Mo Yuyan nodded her head, she turned around and handed a paper to Shen Tianyun, "This is our schedule and a script for today. Do you want to practice the song first?" She asked.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "No need, I have remembered all of it." Before he came here, he had already remembered the song and practiced it for 2 - 3 rounds. He was confident in his piano skills.

"Are you sure? This is not an amateur-level like you used to play on your channel." Ling Chen said coldly after she heard Shen Tianyun's words.

Shen Tianyun sighed inwardly as he did not know why this girl despited him so much. His expression was still calm, "Since you don't trust me, why don't I show it to you now?" He said plainly.

Ling Chen's expression turned serious, she shifted her gaze onto Mo Yuyan and waited for her answer.

Mo Yuyan forced a smile and said, "Okay, we will go to the studio now so we can shoot the music video afterward without wasting any time."

Shen Tianyun and Ling Chen have no objection, the group walked out of the room and made their way to the studio on the 10th floor. When the elevator door opened, Shen Tianyun walked into the spacious almost-empty studio room, more precisely, the entire floor was a huge studio. Besides standard recording equipments, there were many props around the room and it had been taken care of by many staff at this moment.

The group slowly walked toward a middle-aged man who was wearing a wrinkled white shirt, his hair was messy along with his untrimmed beard. He was busy configuring sound equipments. When he heard the footsteps, he turned around to looked at the incoming group.

"Hello, Mister Yao. This is our pianist, Mister Shen Tianyun." Mo Yuyan said to the middle-aged man and turned around to Shen Tianyun, "This is our songwriter and also our sound engineer, Mister Yao Wanzhen."

Shen Tianyun took a step forward and offered his hand, "Hello, Mister Yao. Nice to meet you. Please take care of me." He said politely.

Yao Wanzhen's eyes lit up, he quickly shook hand with Shen Tianyun and said excitedly, "So you are that genius, Tianyun Piano Man!?"

Due to excitement, his voice was quite loud, and in a spacious room like this, his voice echoed through the room. Many staff stopped their works and turned to look at Shen Tianyun curiously, especially female staff, their eyes lit up and their faces filled with excitement.

Shen Tianyun shook his head in a polite manner, "No, Mister Yao thinks too highly of me. I'm not a genius." He was not a hypocrite rather he said it honestly. Without the system upgraded his piano skill, he could be at best, the professional-level, not a superb grandmaster-level like this moment. It was normal for him to think he was not a genius.

Yao Wanzhen laughed heartily, "You are right! You are not a genius but a genius among genius! Haha!" He said out loud in a humor.

Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly with a smile, he was amused by this man. On the other hand, a cold expression on Ling Chen's face seemed to be colder, she gave a disgusted look at Shen Tianyun.