Ling Chen & Su Meiyin

"Here, you can use this piano." Yao Wanzhen said while pointing at the white-colored grand piano at the center of the set scene.

Shen Tianyun nodded and turned to look at a cold-face Ling Chen, "Please, listen carefully." Following that, he sat in front of the piano and placed his fingers on it.

Ling Chen only harrumphed coldly in reply, in her eyes, Shen Tianyun's words were equal to taunting her.

After finished testing a piano, he took a deep breath to calm himself, his expression turned serious. His fingers started to move along with the notes. This song was called 'The life of fire', it was a comparison between 'Life' and 'Fire'. A life slowly started could be compared to a fire slowly lit up, the between high and low heat comparable to the high and low periods in human life. In the end, they all had to die just like the fire that extinguished in the end.

Shen Tianyun's movements were smooth, he did not miss any detail, any note and he even added new arrangements into it which made the melody of this song more smooth and better than the original one. The tempo of this song was slightly inclined to the fast one.

As a songwriter and sound engineer himself, Yao Wanzhen closed his eyes and listened to this beautiful melody. The more he listened, the more he was amazed by Shen Tianyun's performance. His ears were very sensitive to the note, he could not help but had to admit Shen Tianyun could play every note so perfect.

Ling Chen calmly listened to Shen Tianyun's performance, though she was surprised and a little shocked in her heart, she did not show it on the outside, she still wore a cold and indifferent expression. With her pride, she won't admit his superiority easily.

3 minutes later, Shen Tianyun finished his last note with a smile on his face. He turned to look at Ling Chen and asked, "How is it? Is this still an amateur-level as you said before?" He said plainly without a hint of mockery in his voice.

Of course, Ling Chen took it as he mocking her. She snorted coldly, "I admitted you are something but this level is still far from enough."

Shen Tianyun shook his head, he did not know what to say anymore. He shifted his gaze onto Mo Yuyan and Yao Wanzhen, "Then please, Producer Mo and Mister Yao. You can find someone to replace me. I don't think Miss Ling wants to work with me." He said expressionlessly. He did not want to work with this princess-like tempers, Ling Chen, as well.

Before Mo Yuyan could say anything, Yao Wanzhen looked at her and said, "Producer Mo, if Mister Shen didn't want to do this, I won't do it as well. You can find another sound engineer to do it. We have plenty of them here." He paused for a moment and turned to Shen Tianyun, "Mister Shen, I would like to ask for your advice in my new song. Just listened to your performance, I can tell that you are a very good composer as well. You should be expertise at melody arrangement, right?"

Yao Wanzhen's words made both Mo Yuyan and Ling Chen started to panic, he was the most capable and the most experienced sound engineer in this company. If both of them have been changed to someone else, without a doubt, this Ling Chen's new song could go downhill easily.

Shen Tianyun accepted, "It's my pleasure to work with you, Mister Yao. Shall we go now?" He said politely and stood up prepared to leave.

Mo Yuyan stepped forward tried to pacify, "Wait a minute, Mister Shen, Mister Yao. I would like to apologize on Ling Chen's behalf. She is very new to this, please give her a chance." She said in a pleaded voice while lowering her head slightly.

Shen Tianyun was puzzled, why Mo Yuyan had to do this by herself. After all, it was Ling Chen's fault. He shifted his gaze towards Ling Chen, the latter quickly dodged his eyes in a panic. Although he did not know how old this girl was, he could clearly see a stubbornness and childishness in her. Moreover, from Mo Yuyan's attitude, this girl definitely has a good background or related to Mo Yuyan somehow.

Shen Tianyun averted his gaze back to Mo Yuyan again, seeing her anxiety, he could not help but sighed in resignation and said, "I'll give Producer Mo some faces, but this is the last time I will tolerate her. I don't know how is she related to you, no matter what, I won't work with her again after this."

Mo Yuyan's eyes lit up, she was about to say thank you but it was interrupted by a cold snorted from Ling Chen, "Hmph! I don't want to work with you either. If not for Big Sis Yuyan, I won't bother to look at you in the first place." She said disdainfully.

"Enough! Ling Chen, I will tell you again, if not for Meiyin, I won't give you this treatment for sure. Not only you are too willful, but you also want to chase these 2 experts away. Tell me what do you want ah?" Mo Yuyan yelled out angrily, she has tolerated this unbearable girl for some time now. Ling Chen had been introduced by Su Meiyin and she also has the potential to be a superstar thus, Mo Yuyan was willing to get her in and gave her a good treatment as she was a very close sister to Su Meiyin.

Ling Chen's face paled instantly. Since she joined this company, Mo Yuyan never yelled at her before. Not to mention yelling, she did not even raise her voice towards her once. She lowered her head and bit her lips did not dare to say anything.

Her pitiful appearance could easily provoke a pity from other people but not for Shen Tianyun. He calmly said, "I don't have much time, it's already 9:30 AM now, I'll let you decide by yourself. If you want to work with me then let's get to work, if you don't want to work with me just say it. Don't waste other people's time." He paused and looked around the studio, "Raise your head up and look around, look at everyone here. Their annual salary couldn't even compare to your earning in 1 day. And here, they have to tolerate your childishness and willful behavior. If we couldn't shoot a music video today, who knows if they are going to get paid or not, basically, their lives are in your hands now. Choose." He said in a deep cold voice.

Ling Chen's body quivered slightly, she carefully lifted her head up and looked around the room. She saw every staff members stopped their work and stood silently as they waited for her answer. Gritted her teeth, she said weakly, "Alright, let's work."

Mo Yuyan harrumphed as she wanted to reprimand her further, Shen Tianyun reached his arm out to stopped her, he gazed at Ling Chen and said, "Good, come, I want you to sing according to the key I press. I want to see your vocal range." Following that, he walked back to the piano and slowly sat down waiting for Ling Chen.

Ling Chen looked at Mo Yuyan for a bit and walked towards Shen Tianyun reluctantly. Shen Tianyun nodded his head and started to press the E2 key while Ling Chen quickly voiced out according to the key. And it went on from the low key to the high key.

A short moment later, Shen Tianyun stopped and looked at Ling Chen, "So you are comfortable at C3 to A5, and your highest key is C6, that's 3 octaves range. You are indeed very talented. No wonder, Producer Mo wanted to nurture you." He praised honestly.

Ling Chen snorted triumphantly, "Of course, I am very talented. You know it now? That's why I said your level is just a so-so."

Shen Tianyun did not anger the slightest, he did not have time to argue with this girl. He nodded and said further, "Now, let's sing this 'The life of fire'. Are you ready?"

Ling Chen did not reply and only looked at him coldly. Shen Tianyun did not care about how she looked at him, he immediately played to intro and gave her a glance when it was her turn to sing.

Seeing Shen Tianyun ignored her, she was so angry in her heart. However, she feared Mo Yuyan will angry at her again, with a deep breath, she started to sing. The combination of the two was oddly compatible, Shen Tianyun guided her by his piano while Ling Chen surprisingly complied with him.

Yao Wanzhen and Mo Yuyan glanced at each other and smiled weirdly, he said, "Producer Mo, I must say, you have picked up 2 priceless treasures. Especially Shen Tianyun. I can see that he didn't even show his true strength until now." He was so fascinated by Shen Tianyun's ability.

Mo Yuyan nodded her head with a proud smile on her face before she sighed regretfully, "Too bad, Shen Tianyun didn't want to be a musician and he only signed 6 months contract with us." She paused for a bit before continued, "Also, I heard yesterday, he won a province-level swimming competition. Not only one style, he won every style! I don't know what else he is proficient with." She said with an obvious praise in her voice. She was confident other than this piano and swimming, Shen Tianyun still had other talents hidden in his body.

Yao Wanzhen was astonished, his mouth agape for a while, and let out a long sigh afterward, "I'm started to envy him now. Godly appearance, piano genius, and now he's good at swimming too? And he is only 17 or 18 years old, right? Who are the godly parents given birth to this man." He said in an envious voice.

Mo Yuyan chuckled softly, "I want to know as well. Before this, I've trying to find his background. His father died when he was 5 years old after that he lived with his grandmother and she raised him alone in the slum. There is something I found it was very strange, I can't find the information about his mother. It was as if she didn't exist." She paused with a confusion appeared on her face, "Furthermore, I've talked with Boss Xing. Even with her connections, she can't find any information related to Shen Tianyun's mother as well. There must be something behind it." She said while pondering about this matter over again.

A frown appeared on Yao Wanzhen's face as well, he felt rather odd about this. He knew how powerful Xing Yurou's connection was. However, even with that, she could not find information regarding Shen Tianyun's mother. How was it possible?

While Mo Yuyan and Yao Wanzhen fell into deep thoughts, Shen Tianyun started to critics Ling Chen's performance bit by bit. Perhaps, she found Shen Tianyun's advice was very useful and effective as she did not argue with him and obediently complied. This was surprised Shen Tianyun as well.

"I have a suggestion about this song, I think we should rearrange the melody of this part." Shen Tianyun said while pointing at the lyric paper.

Followed his finger, Ling Chen frowned, "I think that part is already perfect. There is no need to change it." She said in a dissatisfaction.

Shen Tianyun did not argue with her, he turned to look at Yao Wanzhen and said with a little loud voice, "Mister Yao, I would like to ask your opinion about something."

Yao Wanzhen woke up from his thoughts, he quickly walked up to Shen Tianyun and asked, "What is it?"

Shen Tianyun pointed at the lyric paper, "I wanted to rearrange the melody of this part."

Yao Wanzhen nodded his head without thinking much as he also wanted to deepen his knowledge about Shen Tianyun's ability further, "Sure. How is it?"

Shen Tianyun placed his index finger on the F4 key and said, "This 'Fire' word, originally, we will sing in F4 key on both 'Fire' and 'er' words. Like this." Following that, Shen Tianyun pressed the F4 key and sing the 'Fire' word, he paused and continued, "This will make this part sound very plainly. I wanted to change it to the F4 on 'Fire' then we jump to A5 on 'er', like this." Shen Tianyun then pressed on the F4 key and sing the 'fire' word, following that, when it came to the 'er' at the end of 'Fire' word, he raised his voice to the A5 key.

Although Shen Tianyun's voice was not good, he could still sing according to the key, it made his voice bearable to hear.

The moment he sang out, Yao Wanzhen's eyes lit up. He clapped his hands loudly and said excitedly, "Wow, you are indeed genius. I never thought that only change this small part could make this song become livelier than before. Miss Ling, can you please try to sing it?" He turned to look at Ling Chen.

Hearing Yao Wanzhen praised that fellow Shen Tianyun, Ling Chen let out a low grumble but still obediently complied as she started to sing.

When Ling Chen's voice rang out, not only Yao Wanzhen and Mo Yuyan, all other staff around the studio were amazed by her angelic voice combined with a newly arranged melody. They felt this song suddenly became catchy to their ears, unlike the previous original one.

Ling Chen was stunned on the spot after she finished singing. She gazed at Shen Tianyun intensively and wanted to say something but her pride has blocked her throat from saying so.

Shen Tianyun chuckled as he asked teasingly, "I know I am very handsome, you don't have to look at me like that."

Ling Chen snorted, "Che! narcissist!" Then turned away from Shen Tianyun.

At this moment, Mo Yuyan had arrived beside them, "Mister Shen, can you do a re-record for us?" She asked expectantly.

Shen Tianyun thought for a bit, he grinned as he looked at Ling Chen, "No problem, but I want her to request it politely to me." He wanted to lower this girl's princess-like tempers for a bit.

Ling Chen glared at Shen Tianyun fiercely, her eyes could spit a fire out of it at this moment. Mo Yuyan said hurriedly to Ling Chen, "Chen'er, say it. I had let the previous matter go once but you still owed him an apology anyway. If you can't do it, I will cancel this project and I will tell Meiyin truthfully about what happened." Her voice was very cold.

Ling Chen stomped her feet angrily, her gaze kept switching between a smiled Shen Tianyun and Mo Yuyan for a while before it stopped on Shen Tianyun, she bit her lips, "M…Mister Shen, I am sorry for my rudeness. Can you please help us re-record this song?" She said weakly.

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, it seemed this girl fear Su Meiyin very much. He smiled faintly, "Alright, I agreed." He thought for a moment before he asked, "Anyway, Miss Ling, can you tell me why did you hate me so much? I don't remember how I have offended you before."

Hearing his question, Ling Chen face flushed red in embarrassment, she lowered her head and said in a low voice, "B…Big Sis Meiyin had praised you several times in front of me. I find it annoying and became jealous of you… You know, I never heard Big Sis Meiyin praise anyone before. You are the first one. So…so…" She became stuttered.

Shen Tianyun was stunned, what the heck was this? He shook his head, "Okay, it's fine now, you don't have to say anything further. And here I thought I have offended you somewhere before." He laughed it off in the end.

Mo Yuyan shook her head helplessly as well when she heard Ling Chen's reason. Brushed it off, she turned to Shen Tianyun, "Thank you, Mister Shen. Shall we start it now?" She asked politely.

Shen Tianyun glanced at Ling Chen and Yao Wanzhen, he nodded, "Yes, let's get it done." After that, Shen Tianyun started to record a new melody for this song and shoot the music video afterward.


Time passed by quickly, Shen Tianyun finished all his scenes in one go without many takes. The cameraman and music video's producer praised him endlessly for his acting ability and they even invited him to cast for a movie, of course, Shen Tianyun had denied all of them.

It was around 5:15 PM did Shen Tianyun walked into the first floor prepared to go back to Pearl City. He was surprised at his working speed as well. Originally, he estimated to finish all of this around 7 PM thus, he booked the flight around 8:30 PM. He still had some time left before he went to the airport.

At first, he thought of the young reception girl, Ji Qianqian, but he quickly denied this thought because he has something very important to do after he went back. He walked to the reception and saw Ji Qianqian was busy reading some documents. He smiled and knocked on the desk in front of her lightly.

"Hi, Miss Ji. Are you busy?" Shen Tianyun asked gently.

Ji Qianqian jolted up when she heard Shen Tianyun's voice, she raised her head to look at him. A sweet smile appeared on her face afterward, "No, No, I'm already finished my work for today. I'm free now." She replied in a flirtatious voice.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "I have some times before I go back, I would like to invite Miss Ji to have a meal with…"

"I'm willing!" Before Shen Tianyun could finish his sentence, Ji Qianqian blurted out all of sudden. Realized her actions, her face reddened from embarrassment.

Shen Tianyun saw her adorable appearance, he laughed slightly, "Alright, it's on me. I saw a western restaurant near this building. Shall we go now?"

Ji Qianqian nodded her head vigorously, she quickly took her bag and adjusted her bangs slightly before walked to Shen Tianyun's side. Both of them gradually made their way to the restaurant.

1 hour later, Shen Tianyun walked back to the building with Ji Qianqian. After a pleasant meal, Ji Qianqian's gaze seemed to be deeper, whenever she looked at Shen Tianyun, her eyes filled with love and affection. She believed he was her destiny man.

"Too bad, I have to go back now. It was my pleasure to have a meal with a beautiful lady like you, Qianqian. We will meet again in the future." Shen Tianyun said with a gentle smile. Their relationship improved greatly, Shen Tianyun started to call her 'Qianqian' after the meal.

Hearing his praise, Ji Qianqian blushed as she said shyly, "Mhm! Thank you for a pleasant dinner. I hope we will meet again, Tianyun."

Shen Tianyun nodded, "I'll be going now, take care. If you have any problem, don't hesitate to call me, okay?"

Ji Qianqian nodded her head and smiled sweetly. After that, Shen Tianyun walked out of the building leaving behind a dazed Ji Qianqian.

When Shen Tianyun walked out of the building, there was a beautiful figure wearing sunglasses walked pass him. Shen Tianyun felt familiar but he did not turn around to look at her again, he immediately called a taxi and headed to the airport right away.

What he did not know was that when the beautiful woman with sunglasses walked pass him, she turned around to look at his back curiously before she walked up to Ji Qianqian and asked, "Hey, Qianqian, Who is that man?" Her voice was very clear, soft, and very pleasant to hear.

Ji Qianqian jolted awake from a daze, she looked at the woman beside her, she replied hurriedly, "Ah? Miss Su, Erm…that man is Mister Shen Tianyun."

The beautiful woman took off her sunglasses revealed her otherworldly beautiful face. She was Su Meiyin, the current number one singer in China. She took her phone out and typed something quickly before showed it to Ji Qianqian, "Is that Shen Tianyun looked the same as this man in this video?" She asked curiously.

Ji Qianqian saw a handsome man playing a piano displayed in the video, she was shocked and covered her mouth with her little hand as she nodded her head vigorously in reply.

Su Meiyin smiled faintly, she looked at the man in the video and turned around to look at Shen Tianyun who was already stepped into a taxi with a profound gaze. No one knows what she was thinking at this moment.


On the plane, Shen Tianyun took out his phone to look at the time. It was around 20 minutes left before he reached the Pearl city. With his Divine SmartPhone X, it always has a signal anywhere in the world. He thought for a moment and typed a message 'Let's do it in the next 35 minutes.' And sent to a certain number.