
"Miss Meng, I will go take a smoke break in the back." In the dining hall of Tianyun restaurant, Han Sheng said solemnly to a beautiful woman in red-colored close-fit businesswoman suit in front of him.

Meng Xin turned around, she swept through the giant clock in the hall and saw it was already 10:43 PM before she shifted her gaze onto Han Sheng with a faint smile on her face, "Sure, go ahead. I'll be fine. Look at you, you are the first one I ever saw to asking for a break with that serious face, Haha." She giggled slightly made her slightly revealed cleavages trembled in a charming way.

Han Sheng scratched his head in embarrassment, "No, Miss Meng. You are Boss Shen's woman, I have to show you my utmost respect attitude." He said with a serious expression again. When he learned Meng Xin was Shen Tianyun's woman, he became more respectful towards her and tried his best to do his job.

A warmth welled up in her heart when she heard 'Boss Shen's woman' words from Han Sheng, Meng Xin pursed her lips into a charming smile as she said, "Alright alright, I won't argue with you anymore. Go ahead, we will start to close our restaurant now."

Han Sheng nodded his head, "I'll be going now, Miss Meng, if anything happened please scream as loud as possible. I'll come to your side in a minute."

Meng Xin nodded her head, "Okay, I know. Go." She replied while waved her hand.

Han Sheng walked out of the restaurant through the back door. Looking left and right in the dark alley for a bit before he lit a cigarette while leaning against the wall.

"What did you say!? That Shen Tianyun has been captured already?…Good! We don't have to capture his woman anymore."

While Han Sheng leisurely blew a cloud of white smoke out of his mouth, suddenly, he heard a low voice rang out from a corner of the dark alley. His brows knitted tightly when he heard that voice mentioned Shen Tianyun's name.

Without thinking much, he tossed a cigarette in his hand and quickly dashed towards a sound direction. Han Sheng's figure disappeared completely into the darkness. He did not know that when he rushed out, there was a silhouette behind him took out a phone, and said something to it.


In the dining hall, Meng Xin chatted happily with the last group of customers and sent them out of the restaurant with a friendly smile. After seeing they have vanished from her sight, she looked around for a second before turned around and prepared to close the restaurant. At this moment, The 2 figures appeared beside her in a flash out of nowhere.

Caught off guard, Meng Xin was about to scream, one of the 2 men quickly used his hand to blocked her mouth and said threateningly, "If you don't want to die, stop the struggle and obediently come with us."

Meng Xin immediately understood the situation, she calmed herself down, her eyes darted into the restaurant and saw 3 waitresses looked at her with horrified expressions. In fear these 2 men might kill them, Meng Xin harden her heart, she nodded her head slightly. The 2 men quickly dragged her along into the car and immediately set off afterward.

"W…what do we do!?" One of the waitresses said panicky.

The most mature-looking woman in a group replied, "Quick! We need to find Mister Han!" With that, the group quickly rushed towards the back door.

In the dark alley, Han Sheng's eyes were like a torch in the dark, he stared at a man in front of him. His right hand held onto that man's neck, he asked in a deep voice, "If you don't want to die, tell me, where did you take Boss Shen to!?"

The man struggled with a horrified expression, "I…I don't know!…there is someone told me to said that sentence, he will pay me 10,000. Please believe me, Big brother! I don't know anything!" He said with difficulty from his neck has been held tightly.

"What did you say…" Han Sheng frowned. A second later, his eyes wide open, he quickly understood the situation. He has been lured away! Without pay any attention to the man further, Han Sheng tossed him to the side and rushed back to the restaurant anxiously.

"Mister Han! Where are you!?" When Han Sheng was about to reach the restaurant he heard a woman voice echoed in a dark alley. He quickly ran up to her.

"Where is Miss Meng!?" Han Sheng yelled out loudly at the waitress.

"S...She has been captured by 2 men! W…we don't know what to do!" The waitress replied in fright.

Realized how dread situation was, Han Sheng took a deep breath as he said, "Sorry, you did the right thing. Your life is more important. Go back and close the restaurant properly. Leave everything to me." The waitress nodded her head fearfully and slowly retreated back to the restaurant with her group.

Han Sheng quickly took out his phone and called to a certain number.


Pearl city airport, Shen Tianyun walked leisurely out of the gate. He quickly recognized a beautiful woman not too far away from him. With a warm smile, he said loudly, "Yan'er!"

Liu Feiyan quickly located Shen Tianyun, she smiled sweetly and walked up to him. Both of them met at halfway and immediately hugged each other.

"Hubby! I miss you." Liu Feiyan said happily in her man's embrace.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "It is only half-day, you already miss me this much huh?…and why did you come here? What if you catch a cold again?" He replied lovingly.

Liu Feiyan shook her head refused to answer, Shen Tianyun sighed helplessly. He gazed at Uncle Wang who stood 3 meters away from them and saw Uncle Wang looked at them while laughing.

Shen Tianyun brought Liu Feiyan and moved to Uncle Wang's side, he greeted, "How are you, Uncle Wang."

Uncle Wang said seriously, "I'm not quite fine, there are too many ants around here. Maybe they smell something very sweet."

Shen Tianyun and Liu Feiyan glanced at each other and burst into laughter at the same time.

"Haha, Uncle Wang, I never know you can make a joke like this." Lei Feiyan said while laughing amusingly.

Uncle Wang only laughed it off in reply. At this moment, Shen Tianyun's phone rang out. He quickly picked up, "What's the matter, Han Sheng?"

When Shen Tianyun heard the other side replied, his expression changed drastically. His brows knitted together as he replied solemnly, "You go check the camera and tell me about their car, I will go to find her now."

Following that, he hung up and turned to Uncle Wang, "Uncle Wang, this is very urgent, I want to borrow a car! Give me a key!" He said loudly as if he was so angry at something.

Uncle Wang was stunned, seeing Shen Tianyun's grave expression, he did not dare to ask anything and quickly handed a key over.

"Yan'er, go back to our home and wait for me there. Whatever happened, don't come out. Promise me!" Shen Tianyun said solemnly and passed his small bag to Liu Feiyan.

Liu Feiyan never saw this expression from him before, she subconsciously nodded, "Mhm! I promise!"

"Uncle Wang, I'll have to trouble you to bring Yan'er back. Where is the car?" Shen Tianyun asked.

Uncle Wang nodded his head and pointed towards a certain direction, "At the parking lot opposite this building."

Without saying anything further, Shen Tianyun quickly rushed out to find the car. As if he thought of something, Uncle Wang turned to Liu Feiyan and asked curiously, "Young miss, are you sure Young master Shen can drive?"

Brushed off her worry, Liu Feiyan smiled faintly, "Yes, he can drive… Let's go back." She replied and walked out of the building with Uncle Wang and other bodyguards.


Upon stepped into the car, a grave expression on Shen Tianyun's face vanished completely and replaced by a calmness as if he did not worry at all. He took out his phone and using a tracking function as he typed Meng Xin's number into it.

A moment later, a red dot appeared along with a map, displayed on his phone. The red dot gradually moving in a certain direction. Shen Tianyun nodded his head in satisfaction and started the car, stepped on the accelerator. The Mercedes-Benz car immediately set off from the parking lot at a high speed.

Although Shen Tianyun has not driven after transmigrated to this world, he did not feel that his driving skills had deteriorated. Weaving through the traffic as if there were no obstacles, then reached the highway entrance.

It was almost 11 PM, the traffic was quite low especially on the highway. Shen Tianyun constantly driving above 140 km/h as he did not fear anything but rather he felt very comfortable with this speed. Besides watching on the road, he would occasionally glance at his phone as he saw his position gradually closer to the moving red dot on the map.

Drove down from the highway, a black Mercedes-Benz took a right turn and the scenery along the way changed into a desolate forest. Shen Tianyun recognized the surroundings as he knew it was a sub-road to the next city.

Usually, people would take a main-road if they wanted to go to the next city. Shen Tianyun immediately figured out the kidnapper's intention, they probably wanted to silent Meng Xin there. Knowing this, Shen Tianyun's expression did not change the slightest, he was still calm as if he was not concern about Meng Xin's life at all.


"Bitch! Come over here!" In the deep desolated forest, with a dimmed light from a portable spotlight shone onto Zhou Feng's figure as he yelled at Meng Xin who has been dragged along by the 2 men.

Upon she has been tossed to the front of Zhou Feng, a sinister smile appeared on his handsome face as he laughed maniacally, "Hahaha! Bitch! Do you think you can escape from me? What I told you before ah? no one can escape from my grasp!" He reached out his handed and crushed on Meng Xin's cheeks fiercely.

Even though she felt a sharp pain on her face, Meng Xin did not let out any sound. She stared straight into Zhou Feng's eyes without any fear. For Zhou Feng, this was equal to provoked his self-esteem. He immediately raised his hand and slapped on Meng Xin's face.


A slap sound echoed through a desolated forest. Meng Xin fell onto the ground by the impact yet she still did not let any sound out from her mouth. When she lifted her head to looked at Zhou Feng, red blood slowly flowed out of her mouth.

Seeing this, Zhou Feng's face contorted from anger, he said viciously, "Oh? This bitch really interesting ah? I didn't see you for a while your lips are very tight ah?" He then slowly squatted to Meng Xin's level and grabbed her hair fiercely, "Let's see when everyone here fuck you, will this stinky mouth still shut like this?…do you see that pit over there?" Zhou Feng pointed at a big pit on his right-hand side.

Meng Xin took a glance at the pit, she immediately understood her fate. She did not fear death as she long known her life was already finished since the day she had been abused by this beast in front of her. Rather, her heart filled with regret. A picture of Shen Tianyun appeared on her mind, he was the man she loved the most. Was it too much if she wanted to see him again before she left this world?

"After we finished fucking you, that pit will be your grave. So I advise you to enjoy this last moment." Zhou Feng said viciously, a moment later, he shook his head regretfully, "Too bad, that bastard Shen Tianyun didn't come along…but don't worry, when that time comes I will bury his corpse with you here, Hahaha!"

Hearing this, Meng Xin opened her mouth for the first time, she laughed out loud, "Hahaha! Zhou Feng! Do you think you can do anything to Tianyun? What a joke!…do you know why he didn't bother to do anything back to you despite you plotted against him from time to time?" A mocking smile appeared on her swollen face as she said further, "It was because you are nothing in his eyes! Do you understand!? You are just an ant that he could crush at any moment! Hahaha!"

"You…!" Zhou Feng's body trembled from anger, he raised his hand once again.


This slap made Meng Xin's face turned away from the impact, she spurted out a mouthful of blood before she turned back to looked at Zhou Feng stubbornly again.

"Good! Very good! It seems you already spread your legs for that bastard right? Hahaha! I never thought he would willing to fuck your dirty hole! Did you tell him how many men you have been through before?" Zhou Feng spat out vicious words at Meng Xin before he slowly stood up and glanced at his 2 bodyguards, "Hey, I know you guys wanted to fuck this bitch for some time now, right?…now you can do whatever you want."

Following that, he kicked on Meng Xin's chest fiercely before he stepped back and let his bodyguards do their jobs.

Meng Xin laid on the ground motionlessly, she closed her eyes in pain waiting for her misery fate. Tears slowly flowed out of her eyes as she thought of a man she loved. The sound of footsteps slowly approached her, before they could do anything, suddenly, a loud car engine sound reverberated through the entire forest.

Zhou Feng and his men turned their heads to looked at the entrance of the forest, a Mercedes-Benz car appeared on their sights. The 2 bodyguards quickly took out their guns, gripped it tightly, and aimed at the car direction. A short moment later, a tall silhouette slowly get off the car and walked towards them.

Because of a dimmed light, they did not see that figure clearly, Zhou Feng quickly shouted out, "Who are you!?"

"Oh? Young master Zhou, did you forget me already?" The other party answered in a playful tone.

"Shen Tianyun!" Zhou Feng spat out Shen Tianyun's name loudly in a deep hatred.

Meng Xin who was laid on the ground quickly opened her eyes and struggled to get up when she heard the name.

Shen Tianyun's appearance became clearer on their sights upon he reached around 10 meters from the group. With a chuckled, he asked, "Yes, it's me. What are you doing here in the forest this late, Young master Zhou?"

"Heh…Hahaha! To think that you would come for this bitch! I didn't know you care about this dirty bitch this much... Ai, just because she let you fuck her once, you could throw your life away for her easily. What a sentiment guy!" Zhou Feng said sarcastically.

Shen Tianyun did not reply to Zhou Feng, he turned to look at Meng Xin who sat on the ground. The latter also looked at him with her watery eyes, she finally saw this man again. However, her heart right now did not feels good but rather she started to fear something bad will happen to Shen Tianyun.

"Xin'er, I'm sorry for being late. Be obediently and stay there for a while, okay?" He said with a warm, gentle voice.

Hearing his soothing words, Meng Xin bit her lips tried to hold her tears back.

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Zhou Feng broke a warm atmosphere with his sarcastic applause, "What a romantic man you are…what a pity, today you have to die here but you don't have to worry, I will send her to your side later after my men finish fucking her…Hey, kill him!" He immediately yelled out after finished his sentence.

Bang! Bang!

A gunshot rang out consecutively, bullets flew towards Shen Tianyun at a high speed. A second later, Shen Tianyun's figure blurred slightly and disappeared from the original position caused the bullet to missed the target.

The 2 men did not have time to react, Shen Tianyun reappeared beside one of them, he quickly punched on that man's skull in full force.


His skull received a direct impact from a punch, just like a watermelon that got hit by a huge sheet of iron, it instantly got crushed into half size of its original size. He died on spot. Everyone widened their eyes in shock and looked at this scene in horror.

Shen Tianyun was surprised as well, he did not expect his full force punched could easily crush people's heads like this. Unperturbed, he turned his head to another man beside him.


The bodyguard's legs lost all its strength, he fell into the ground and started to beg for his life, "D…don't kill me! Please! I don't want to do this, that bastard forced me to do this! Don't kill me please!"

Shen Tianyun did not say anything, he slowly walked towards the man as if he was a death god who was going to reap a soul.

At that moment, Zhou Feng came back to his sense, he gritted his teeth and took out a gun from his waist, quickly aimed at Shen Tianyun.

Meng Xin saw Zhou Feng's actions from a corner of her eyes, she instinctively pounced on Zhou Feng without thinking.


A gunshot rang out along with Meng Xin's body slowly fell onto the ground, Shen Tianyun was stunned, he quickly kicked at the head of the bodyguard, sent him to hell and using 'Mirage Shadow' rushed to the front of Zhou Feng who was stood dumbly from the shock.


"You piece of shit!" Shen Tianyun immediately broke one of Zhou Feng's arms right away.

"Arghhhh!" Zhou Feng screamed out from a pain on his arm, he fell onto the ground and wailed in agony.

Without pay any attention to him further, Shen Tianyun quickly knelt down beside Meng Xin's body. He saw a blood gushed out from a below of her navel, he immediately reached out his hand and injected his Qi into her wound, tried to stop her blood from flowing out.

"Xin'er, why are you so stupid. Even he was to shoot me, I could easily avoid it." Shen Tianyun said softly.

Meng Xin opened her eyes with difficulty, upon seeing Shen Tianyun's face, a beautiful smile formed on her lips, "T…Tianyun, if there is next life… I want to be loved by you…" Her voice was sluggish, she thought she certainly could not make it past today.

Shen Tianyun smiled warmly, "Silly girl. Since you are already my woman, naturally, one day, I will love you…and you don't have to wait for next life, I won't let you die."

His words, made Meng Xin's tears flowed out from her eyes endlessly in contrast to her blood gradually stopped flowing out from her wound.

Seeing her blood stopped now, Shen Tianyun said lovingly, "Be obediently lying down here and wait for me to finish the culprit who hurt you first, okay?"

Meng Xin gave him a small nod in reply, she did not understand why a sharp pain suddenly disappeared. She closed her eyes and waited for her man peacefully.

Shen Tianyun walked towards Zhou Feng, the latter started to panic and tried to escape from Shen Tianyun by crawling away.

"Zhou Feng, from the start, I never bother with you but you keep provoking me time after time. And now, you dared to kidnap my woman. Tell me, how should I reward you." Shen Tianyun said in a deep voice as he approached the crawling Zhou Feng.

"Wait! Shen Tianyun! I was wrong! Don't kill me! I won't dare to do anything to you again! Please, I don't want to die!" A previous arrogant Zhou Feng vanished into a thin air as he begged for his life.

Shen Tianyun stopped his tracks in front of Zhou Feng, he grinned devilishly, "As expected from a classic young master like you. Even a dialog is also the same as those in novels… Don't worry, I won't kill you." He said calmly. Before Zhou Feng could relieve, his face instantly paled when he heard the next sentence from Shen Tianyun.

"I won't kill you but I will cripple you! You can forget about harming any woman further in this life!" Following that, Shen Tianyun stomped fiercely on Zhou Feng's crotch, instantly crushed his manhood into pieces.


He did not stop only that, a second later, he broke Zhou Feng's knee caps. Without a doubt, Zhou Feng could forget about walking again for the rest of his life. After a round of piercing scream, Zhou Feng fainted from the pain on the spot.

Shen Tianyun turned around and picked Meng Xin up then walked towards the car. Before he left, Shen Tianyun shot a meaningful glance in a certain direction. The car immediately headed to the hospital afterward.


In the hallway, hospital. Shen Tianyun sat calmly on the bench before the operating room. He waited for a result of Meng Xin.

"Tianyun." At that moment, Lin Xueyue slowly walked up to his side. She looked at him expressionlessly.

Shen Tianyun looked at her with a faint smile on his lips, "You've come, Yue'er."


Suddenly, an automatic door of the operation room opened. A familiar figure walked out of the room towards the couple.

"Uncle Liu, how is she?" Shen Tianyun immediately asked a doctor in front of him. He was Liu Wei that Shen Tianyun rarely saw him for months now.

Liu Wei took off a mask revealed his tired expression, he smiled faintly, "She is safe now. However…from now on, she couldn't conceive a child for the rest of her life." He paused for a moment before he continued, "A bullet had pierced through her uterus and destroyed a large part of it. It would be very hard to recover unless there is a miracle."

Shen Tianyun and Lin Xueyue fell into a silence when they heard this. To a woman, could not have a child was a cruel fate for her.

Seeing this, Liu Wei said, "If you can't tell her, Uncle will do it for you. She deserves to know the truth."

Shen Tianyun took a deep breath, "Thank you, Uncle Liu. I will tell her myself. She was hurt because of me." He said sincerely.