
After cleaning himself for more than 10 rounds of soap and shampoo, Shen Tianyun managed to get rid of a foul smell from his body as well as the bathroom. In the next time, he might need to find a better way to deal with this. He could not possibly have to clean it this way all the time, right?

Dressed himself up with the student uniform, Shen Tianyun headed to the dining room. He felt relief when he saw it was still around 7 AM after he finishing everything in the bathroom.

Besides his body became stronger and tougher, Shen Tianyun's skin also became smoother and those dark spots on his body also vanished completely. He was baffled by this benefit greatly. Even a man like him who did not care about his skin condition much could still feel great about it, what about women then? He could easily imagine the ice-cold Lin Xueyue smile from ear to ear in his mind.

"Good morning, Grandma, Auntie Fang." Shen Tianyun greeted both of them upon reaching the table.

Although Fang Yulan noticed the change in his appearance, she did not ask about it as she thought he probably has a good rest on the last night. She put down her coffee cup and greeted back, "Morning. You seem to have a good rest."

Shen Tianyun nodded, "Yes, Auntie Fang." He sat down on his seat and pouring a coffee for himself.

Grandma Su had observed him since he appeared in the dining room. With her experience, she immediately figured out what was going on with him. Though she has already expected this beforehand, his progress still made her astonish once again. Hearing Shen Tianyun greeted her, she only smiled warmly and gave him a small nod in reply. Her eyes seemed to tell him 'Congratulation for your breakthrough'.

A short moment later, Liu Feiyan appeared in the dining room. When she saw Shen Tianyun's appearance, her eyes lit up and said excitedly, "Hubby, did you go to the spa yesterday? Why your skin is so smooth like this? Hurry, tell me I want to do it too."

As a woman, beauty was essential. No woman in this world would give up the chance to improve their appearance when the opportunity arises. Liu Feiyan was no exception, she wanted to have a smooth skin without any wrinkle, and if it was possible, she wanted to be young forever as well. Therefore, she was so excited when she saw the change on Shen Tianyun's skin.

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "No, I didn't do anything. Maybe it was because I have a good rest." He casually replied. It was not because he did not want to tell her but rather it was quite complicated to explain in a short sentence since she was not a cultivator. He planned to explain to her later when Fang Yulan was not present.

A disappointment appeared on Liu Feiyan's face, she nodded her head dejectedly. Feeling guilty, Shen Tianyun said, "However, I have a method to improve your skin condition."

Liu Feiyan's eyes lit up once again, "Really? Tell me, tell me." Shen Tianyun grinned as he leaned forward and whispering something into her ears. A second later, Liu Feiyan's face turned beet red, she lowered her head bashfully.

Of course, it was no need to be a genius to guess what was Shen Tianyun had said to her. Fang Yulan and Grandma Su on the side looked at the couple with happy smiles. They did not mind about Shen Tianyun's pervertedness.

"Auntie, how is the situation now?" Shen Tianyun tried to probe the situation around the Pearl city from Fang Yulan. After a breakthrough, he was eager to test his new power.

Fang Yulan smiled faintly, "All the suspect has been captured now and there is no way for them to escape from this. I must say, the evidence from Miss Meng is very effective than I expected." She explained with a hint of excitement in her voice.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "What about the Black Dragon gang and Zhou family?"

Fang Yulan shook her head regretfully, "What do you expect? After the incident broke out, they quickly sent scapegoats directly to our hands. With this, we can't do anything against them further."

"So hateful! Mom, are we going to let them go just like that?" Liu Feiyan was so angry after listening to all of this. She was not ignorant on this matter, after knowing Meng Xin's past and what she did for Shen Tianyun. Besides the sympathy, she was very grateful to her.

Fang Yulan let out a long sigh. She was also helpless as well. To bring a culprit to justice has been always a troublesome matter. Not only it needed concrete evidence in order to arrest them, but the legal process could also require a lot of time. There were some small cases in the past where it took around 5 years to come with a final conclusion. Right now, Fang Yulan did not even know how much time it takes to throw the current suspects into the prison.

Shen Tianyun contemplated for a while, he was pretty confident that this incident would put the Black Dragon gang's boss, Hei Long on high alert thus, this was not the right time for him to find them.

After a short moment of silence, Fang Yulan changed the topic, "Next week, I will bring Yan'er back to Beijing for the Autumn festival. What about you two, Auntie Su, Tianyun?"

Grandma Su smiled gently, "Don't worry, we are fine." She knew Fang Yulan probably worry about them.

Autumn festival symbolizes the family reunion, to avoid the sorrow atmosphere, Grandma Su and the former Shen Tianyun would always treat it as a normal day in the past. The upcoming Autumn festival would probably be the same as well. Especially for Grandma Su, in her eyes, her grandson was already dead. How could she still have the mood to enjoy it?

Liu Feiyan's eyes lit up as if she thought of something, "Mom, how about we bring Grandma Su and Tianyun along with us?" She said excitedly.

Fang Yulan's face brightened up, "Good idea! What do you think, Auntie Su?"

Grandma Su did not answer right away, she gazed towards Shen Tianyun and wait for him to respond. Shen Tianyun pondered for a moment, "I think this is not appropriate, right? After all, it's Auntie Fang's family and we are outsiders."

Fang Yulan laughed lightly as she peeked at Grandma Su before she said, "You don't know, Tianyun. My father is your Grandma's long-time admirer. He probably forgets his old bones and jump off his chair immediately if he knew Auntie Su will go there." Thinking about her father, Fang Cangsheng, she could not help but giggle in amusement.

In the past, Fang Cangsheng coincidently met Su Qianxue when she was still a young woman. He did not know that she was already married and tried to woo her, the result was he got beaten to the point he cannot walk for a month by Grandpa Shen. Despite knowing that, Fang Cangsheng was still fascinated at Grandma Su until now. He would occasionally inquire about her situation from Fang Yulan from time to time.

Shen Tianyun was not surprised about it since he already saw Grandma Su's picture when she was young. Without a doubt, she was a heavenly beauty, any man could find it hard to resist her charms.

"Then I have no problem with it." He replied as he thought this could make Grandma Su happy. She was always staying in this house and has no friends around her age to converse with, it could be better if she went to Fang family and meet with her old acquaintance.

Grandma Su thought for a bit and gave a small nod at Fang Yulan, "Then we will go with you."

Fang Yulan and Liu Feiyan were overjoyed by Grandma Su's answer.

"Great! I won't inform my father then. I want to surprise him and see his awkward side. Hehe." Fang Yulan giggled like a young girl.

Grandma Su shook her head helplessly when she saw Fang Yulan's actions. At that time, Shen Tianyun asked cautiously, "Auntie Fang, is there anyone try to woo Yan'er there?"

Shen Tianyun wanted to know it as he was a petty and possessive man. He did not want to go there and face this kind of situation where someone constantly wooing Liu Feiyan in front of him. It was not because he was annoying or fear about it but rather he did not want to cause a ruckus there. Therefore, it would be better if he were to know the situation first.

Plus, Shen Tianyun did not have experience with this family gathering event. All of his knowledge, well, it still could be count as knowledge, were come from novels and some TV dramas that Shen Xiaohong kept watching in the past. He has anticipated the situation where someone who trying to woo Liu Feiyan would show up there and he has to face-slapping them like the protagonist did in the novel.

Fang Yulan was stunned for a second before she laughed loudly, "Haha, Tianyun. You probably watching too many TV dramas. Did you expect someone would show up in the family gathering and perhaps, that man was someone my family had arranged for Yan'er, right?"

Shen Tianyun rubbed his nose awkwardly, his thoughts had been seen through by her easily.

Seeing his embarrassed expression, Fang Yulan laughed even louder than before, "Hahaha, I never thought you would have this side… Don't worry, although our family is considered in the high-class level. My father never forced or arranged for anyone to get married for benefit. So what you'd expect won't happen." She paused for a moment before continued, "But you can't deny the fact that this kind of situation will occur among many families out there. Maybe it could happen for Xueyue too. Don't forget that Lin and Zhao family has a good relationship, I think Lin Ming will definitely try to match her with someone from Zhao family on this Autumn festival." She was somewhat concerned about this matter.

Shen Tianyun was unperturbed about it, his confidence in Lin Xueyue has surpassed the level that Fang Yulan could imagine. The chance of her accept or submit to Lin Ming's proposal was equal to zero.

"I see, but don't worry, Auntie Fang. No matter what Lin Ming trying to do, nothing will happen to Yue'er." He spoke confidently as if it was a matter of fact.

Except for Grandma Su and Liu Feiyan, Fang Yulan was the one who confused about his words. She could not understand where was his confidence came from. However, she did not probe about it further.

After idle chatter has come to an end, Shen Tianyun excused himself to the restroom. At this time, Liu Feiyan moved to Fang Yulan's side and whispered, "Mom, earlier Tianyun said… d… doing that can improve a woman's beauty. Is that true?" Her face was beet red when she said this.

"Cough!… Cough! " Fang Yulan immediately choked on her coffee and coughed violently. She did not expect her daughter to ask such a question.

Time passed by quickly, Shen Tianyun went to the hospital after getting off school. He did not anything to do besides this since Lin Xueyue was busy with her plans and Liu Feiyan was also busy with the restaurant. He was completely left out alone.

Walking along the corridor, suddenly, Shen Tianyun caught a familiar figure on his sight. A corner of his mouth curved up into a devilish grin.

"Oh? Isn't that Uncle Zhou? What are you doing here?" Shen Tianyun approached that figure and spoke playfully. Who else could it be? that figure was none other than the head of Zhou family, Zhou Feilong.

Zhou Feilong turned around, Shen Tianyun could see the obvious tiredness on his face, his hair was slightly disheveled. He probably did not have a good sleep in these past few days.

Zhou Feilong smiled faintly back at him, "Ah? Nephew Shen? Are you here to visit Miss Meng?"

As Lin Xueyue had said before, this Zhou Feilong has some skills and it was a good challenge for her and Shen Tianyun to fight with him thus, Shen Tianyun did not surprise about his calmness and the ability to control his emotion.

"Yes, what about you, Uncle Zhou?" Shen Tianyun tried to incite him further by asking the obvious question. He wanted Zhou Feilong to bring Zhou Feng's matter up by himself.

Zhou Feilong's expression did not change the slightest, he replied calmly, "I'm here to visit my son, Zhou Feng."

"Eh? What happened to Brother Zhou Feng?" Shen Tianyun had a 'surprise' expression on his face, his mouth was agape slightly as if he was truly surprised.

Zhou Feilong sighed regretfully, "What should I say, he has an accident by his own stupidity. I told him to know his own place all this time but he refused to listen to me. I can only blame myself to let this happened." His voice and his gesture were very sincere to the point that Shen Tianyun had hesitated for a moment.

Shen Tianyun's brain working intensively. From Zhou Feilong's actions, he could see there was a real disappointment on his facial expression if Shen Tianyun's eyes did not deceive him. Suddenly, he thought of something and asked out to confirm it, "So it means Uncle Zhou will let the culprit go?"

Zhou Feilong nodded, "Mhm, I definitely won't do anything on the culprit. As I said earlier, Zhou Feng didn't listen to me, that's why he has met the accident. It was his fault."

Although Zhou Feilong was extremely sincere when he said, Shen Tianyun could discern a lie from it, a grin appeared on his lips once again, "I see, I hoped Brother Zhou Feng get well soon… I'll be going now, Uncle Zhou. We will meet again."

Zhou Feilong smiled gently as he said, "Alright, thank you. We will meet again."

Following that, Shen Tianyun walked past Zhou Feilong with a meaningful smile on his face. He pretty much figured out the scheme behind Zhou Feilong's actions more or less. It looks like Zhou Feilong wanted to get himself out of this battlefield and let Shen Tianyun fight with Lin Ming alone.

That was why Zhou Feilong acted extremely polite towards Shen Tianyun and he even blamed himself for this matter. Shen Tianyun was sure that Zhou Feilong would also pressure Lin Ming to act against him by his own hands. With this, Zhou Feilong could get out of it and watching Shen Tianyun fight with Lin Ming from the outside.

Do you want to get out of this? Hah, dream on! Shen Tianyun thought while he was walking towards Meng Xin's room. An idea of his next move formed in his mind.