
"How do you feel, Xin'er?" Shen Tianyun asked concernedly while sweeping sweats on his forehead away. Earlier, he had poured every ounce of his Spiritual Qi to Meng Xin's wound. It took away a great portion of energy from his body, he was quite tired right now.

Meng Xin did not feel happy about it when she saw his exhausted complexion. She picked up some tissues and carefully wiping the sweat on his face. Her eyes filled with love and tenderness as if she was a young wife taking care of her husband.

"I don't feel hurt anymore. This morning Doctor Liu has checked on it and he said with this progress I can discharge in the next week." After meticulously wiping the sweat out of his face, she replied in delight.

Shen Tianyun let out a long breath to ease his tiredness, he was very satisfied with Meng Xin's recovery progress.

"Good. After you've discharge, I'll bring you to find some delicious foods, and then we will go shopping."

Meng Xin's lips curved up into a playful smile, "Are you sure, my man? I thought we would have stayed in the room for the entire day." Following that, she licked her lips and winked seductively at him.

Shen Tianyun clicked his tongue, "You fox spirit." He did not know whether he should feel happy as his body reacted to Meng Xin's seductive actions instantly. Right now, a certain organ between his legs has solidified underneath his pant.

Meng Xin took a glance at a bulge area on his pant, she somewhat felt very satisfied and proud of her own charms. Any woman would feel the same way as her, there was no happiness better than their beloved men reacted to their charm and glamour.

"Do you want me to serve you?" Her voice was incomparably bewitching.

Shen Tianyun barely managed to control his lust as he shook his head, "No, Xin'er. Wait until you discharge… At that time… Hmph! Don't you ever think about walking for a week." His lecherous eyes glued on Meng Xin's perky breast.

"Aiya! So scary!" Meng Xin cried out but her movement was opposed to what she had said as she pushed her chest out to provoke Shen Tianyun's fiery gaze further.

Shen Tianyun was grumbled that he could not do anything on her right now.

After a round of laughter, Meng Xin suddenly smiled warmly at Shen Tianyun, "My man, Thank you. I've checked my bank account already."

In this morning, Meng Xin had checked her bank account, she was so shocked when she saw 6 digits number on it. Never did she thought Shen Tianyun would give her this much money. Even she was to work for the entire life, she probably could not earn this much.

Shen Tianyun patted her hand gently, "This is nothing. As I said before, from now on you don't have to worry about anything. Just live the life that you want, I will take care of everything for you."

Although Shen Tianyun's words sound like a sugar daddy raising his mistress but he was genuinely meant that. At first, he planned to let her go after the previous incident so she could find her own happiness in the future. Though Shen Tianyun was a black-hearted man, he still possessed humanity that has been influenced by Shen Xiaohong for 30 or so years.

However, he changed his plan at the last minute. It was true that she was his pawn before but right now, in Shen Tianyun's eyes she had no value in the next chessboard anymore. Since Meng Xin was a good woman, as a petty and possessive man, it was naturally for Shen Tianyun to not let this fine woman get out of his grasp.

"If money is not enough, you can ask me any time. Although I'm not that rich right now, I still have some."

Shen Tianyun did not try to be humble by what he said. At this moment, he had around 12 million in his possession. Even his restaurant on Huafeng street could gain a massive amount of profits daily, it was still far away from the initial investment cost. Even combined with his personal income from Bright Star entertainment, there was no way he could gain a huge amount of money for this period of time.

"Also, you don't have to say thank you to me anymore… Xin'er, you are my woman, it is natural for me to take care of you. Everything I did, I don't want anything from you in return." Shen Tianyun said passionately.

A sweet smile appeared on Meng Xin's face, she had no words to express at this moment. Tears started to welling in her eyes but she tried her hardest to hold it back as she did not want to ruin the atmosphere.

A short moment later, Meng Xin's mood has calmed down, she picked up a new topic to talk with him.

"Yesterday, I heard you mentioned Su Meiyin's name. Are you perhaps refer to that superstar, Su Meiyin?" Besides the small beauty Ji Qianqian that piqued Meng Xin's curiosity, she was also curious about this Su Meiyin as well.

With a nod, Shen Tianyun replied, "Yes, it's her." Before he could say anything further, his phones rang out all of sudden.

Shen Tianyun took it out from his pocket and saw Mo Yuyan's number displayed on it, he chuckled and said to Meng Xin, "Speak of the devils."

Meng Xin was surprised slightly before she smiled oddly back at him.

Shen Tianyun pressed the green button and immediately greeted, "Hello, what can I do for you, Producer Mo?"

"Hello, Mister Shen. How are you?" Despite they have been interacting for several times now, Mo Yuyan was still maintaining a professional attitude towards Shen Tianyun.

"I'm doing great, and you?" Shen Tianyun replied politely.

A soft sigh could be heard from the other side, "I'm so busy in these 3 days… Right, I am calling you to tell something about this." Without waiting for Shen Tianyun to reply, Mo Yuyan said further, "First, the music video of 'The life of fire' will finish the editing process and release after this Autumn festival. After that, we have to wait for the feedback before we could proceed to the next step. I'm here to inform you in advance, in case the music video is hit, we will have to trouble you to make an appearance to the public. What do you think about this?" She said in a very polite tone.

Shen Tianyun did not think about it for a second, he replied right away, "I'm fine with it, however, I request to participate no more than 3 events. Besides that, I think I don't have the time for it."

Mo Yuyan was delighted, "No problem! We will do as your request." Following that, she took a deep breath before she spoke in a very serious manner, "Mister Shen, I want to tell you a good opportunity. Please, listen to me first before you reply."

Shen Tianyun replied with silence and calmly waiting for her to speak. He could already guess what she was about to say next.

"After you left the company, Miss Su Meiyin has come to me and request to do a collaboration with you. This project is supposed to release on the Autumn festival day. I don't know if you are interested in it?" Mo Yuyan asked carefully.

As Mo Yuyan had already expected, Shen Tianyun rejected right away, "Sorry, I have to reject this opportunity."

"May I know the reason?" Mo Yuyan asked further, it was not her who want to know. She asked out to give Su Meiyin his reason later.

"I will be very busy this week until the Autumn festival so I don't think I'll have time to do it. Also maybe you still don't know about it. One of my girlfriends has met the accident, I want to be with her in this period. Please give her my apologies." Shen Tianyun glanced at the smiling Meng Xin when he said this.

Mo Yuyan was surprised, she did not really know about it, "Ah? I'm sorry to hear that. Is she okay now?" When she heard Shen Tianyun mentioned about his girlfriend, she thought they were either the goddess Lin Xueyue or the fiery figure, Liu Feiyan thus, she was genuinely concerned as she was familiar with them.

"Yes, she is fine now but still has to recuperate for a long time." Shen Tianyun replied without explain about the incident.

Mo Yuyan heaved a sigh of relief, "That's good. I hope she gets well soon." She paused for a moment before continued, "I understand, I will convey the message to her." Following that, she sighed regretfully.

Although Mo Yuyan had expected this outcome, the regret was still inevitable. She was not surprised at all on his rejection as she recalled the first time she had laid a honey trap by using Su Meiyin's name to lure him. At that time, Shen Tianyun has also rejected her with his expressionless as if he did not care or interested in Su Meiyin at all.

"Thank you for giving me this opportunity. If there was next time, I won't refuse it for sure." Shen Tianyun spoke politely, he genuinely meant that.

Shen Tianyun has anticipated something big will happen when he went to Beijing in the next week. Not only he had to step into his enemy's territory without any support on his back, he has to face many unknown threats that he could not anticipate besides Zhao and Lin family.

Therefore, Shen Tianyun wanted to use this time to prepare everything before he went to the battlefield. There was also the Black Dragon gang and Zhou family's matters that he urgently had to take care of. He wanted to get rid of this threat before next week.

"No problem, I will definitely tell you if there was any opportunity in the future." Mo Yuyan replied. After exchanged courtesy a little further, she hung up.

"My man, what are you thinking?" Seeing Shen Tianyun's frown expression, Meng Xin asked concernedly.

Shen Tianyun shook his head, "Nothing, I just rejected the chance to work with Su Meiyin." He spoke nonchalantly as if it was an insignificant matter.

Meng Xin's mouth opened slightly, she was shocked inwardly. A second later, her shock expression disappeared and replaced by a proud smile on her lips.

"Hehe, as expected from my man. Even the heavenly beauty Su Meiyin can't move your heart at all." Meng Xin said in a proud manner.

Shen Tianyun shook his head helplessly while he laughing, "You misunderstand me, it's not that I don't want to work with her. It just this chance came at the wrong time."

Of course, Meng Xin was having a completely different thought at that moment. In her eyes, his answer was he tried to be humble. She let the topic past without inquiring further.

"Right, Xin'er. Do you know Hei Long's whereabouts?… It's fine if you don't talk about it." Shen Tianyun asked carefully. If it was necessary he did not want to evoke her past memory. However, due to the urgent situation, he had to ask her.

When Shen Tianyun thought about the Black Dragon gang, he has decided it was the time to find the boss of this gang as his cultivation had already reached the Body Transformation Realm. There should not be a problem for him to fight with several gun users at the same time.

Meng Xin was unperturbed by his question, she pondered for a moment, "I never went to his place before. As far as I know, he has 3 villas, 2 are located in the outer city area, another one is located near Huafeng street. Besides the Dragon casino, he keeps switching between those 3 villas."

As if she thought of something, she asked concernedly, "Don't tell me, you want to find him?… Please be careful." She subconsciously tightened her grip on Shen Tianyun's hand out of concerns.

Shen Tianyun's heart slightly warmed up when he saw her anxiety, "Don't worry, no one can harm your man." He smiled reassuring and said further, "Xin'er, where do you think Hei Long has hidden all the evidence?"

Shen Tianyun had successfully averted Meng Xin's concerns as she started to ponder about his question.

"I think it should be between the 2 villas in the outer city." Meng Xin replied confidently.

Shen Tianyun's brows perked up, "Oh? Why?" He asked interestingly.

Meng Xin smiled faintly, "I know his personality a bit. He was a coward man so he won't hide his secret in the inner city because if anything happened, it would be very hard for him to escape from there with that evidence. On the contrary, if he hid everything in those 2 villas in the outer city, he could easily grab it and run away to the next city without much concern." She explained calmly.

A satisfied smile appeared on Shen Tianyun's face, "My Xin'er is so smart. That's right, besides the possibility that he carry everything with him all the time, there is no way for him to hiding something important here where the police could take a short time to reach him."

"On the other hand, not only those 2 villas in the outer city are connected to the road toward other cities. There are so many natural escape routes around there. He could choose to go by boat along the river or he could hide in the forest." Shen Tianyun analyzed in detail.

Of course, the truth could be completely out of Shen Tianyun's expectation but he pretty much confident in his deduction and there was no point to think further because he was about to visit every place that Meng Xin had mentioned earlier.

Meng Xin nodded her head in agreement. Although she was very concerned about Shen Tianyun's safety, she slowly learned to trust in her beloved man. So she did not try to tell him to be careful any further.

'At most, I will accompany him if anything happened to him' She made up her mind and secretly vowed in her heart.

After that, they were having idle chatter for hours before Shen Tianyun went back to his home.

Standing in his room, Shen Tianyun glanced at the clock and saw it was already 11 PM. He picked the bag contained the mysterious black-clothed man's identity before he approached the window. Looking to the below, he saw 2 bodyguards standing and having a chatter peacefully. Following that, he carefully opened the window without making any noise.

Shen Tianyun gazed toward a small park near the backyard. As one of the most luxurious villas around this area, there were not many other buildings nearby. This small park was Liu family's property, Liu Wei had built this place for Liu Feiyan to play when she was young. Right now, it became a place for Shen Tianyun and Grandma Su to train his martial arts.

Fortunately, Shen Tianyun's room was aligned to the park, otherwise, he did not know how to get out of this house without anyone noticing. After confirming the route, Shen Tianyun took a deep breath while stepping back into the room. He started to circulate Spiritual Qi around his legs, his eyes became firmed and fixated on the window gap.

Following that, Shen Tianyun started to run towards the window and exerted all his strength on his legs before he jumped out of the window. His body shots out similar to the bullet darted out the gun-barrel. He flew high in the air for a short period of time before he had been pulled down by the gravity and landed on the plain empty area in the park.


Even though Shen Tianyun had successfully landed on the destination without harm, he could not erase the loud noise that occurred. He cursed in his heart and quickly ran out of the place shortly afterward.

"Do you hear anything?" One of the bodyguards asked his friend.

The latter nodded his head, "Yeah, I'll go check it now." With that, he ran towards the small park at full speed.

When he arrived at the scene with the flashlight, he did not see anything out of place beside a small crack on the ground. After examining for a while, he could not come out with any conclusion and decided to head back to the house with the intention to report to his superior.

Seeing the bodyguard left the scene, Shen Tianyun heaved a sigh of relief before he turned around and walked away. His destination was no other than Hei Long's villas in the outer city area.