Swift Actions

"This is your item, you can check it." At the luxury villa outskirts, Hei Long said with a broad smile on his face as he presented the bomb container to Liu Wei.

Seeing this Liu Wei sent an eye signal to the man beside him, if Shen Tianyun were to see this, he probably surprised about this man identity. He was no other than Uncle Wang, Liu Feiyan's personal bodyguard.

Uncle Wang's face turned serious contrast to his usual kind expression while he approached the bomb container. He slid the box opened and carefully check the bomb inside. After carefully checking all the bombs, he turned to give Liu Wei a confirmation nod before closed the bomb container.

Liu Wei shifted his gaze onto Hei Long, "I hope you won't do anything stupid. Do you understand?" His voice was very cold.

Hei Long hastily nodded his head, "Don't worry, Doctor Liu. I'm also a businessman, I always keep the customer's secret with me." His smile grew wider as he said.

Liu Wei smiled faintly, "So you mean that you will use this secret to blackmail me in the future?"

Hei Long was startled for a moment before he hurried to shake his head vigorously. Before he could say anything, Liu Wei gave a signal to Uncle Wang. The latter quickly moved the bomb container and carefully put it into the car.

Under Liu Wei's cold gaze, Hei Long immediately swallowed his word back, didn't dare to say anything. Following that, Liu Wei and Uncle Wang stepped into the car and quickly set off.

Seeing the car gradually disappeared from his sight, Hei Long's fearful expression turned back to normal as he snorted, "Hmph! Do you think that I fear you? Now I have the record in my hand, do you think you can escape from me? Haha." He laughed coldly and whispered something to his subordinates before vanished into the villa.

A distance not far away from the villa, Shen Tianyun who happened to arrive here just now, has witnessed Liu Wei and Uncle Wang stepped into the car. With his enhanced hearing ability, he caught Hei Long's harrumph and immediately understood everything. His eyes turned cold, an evil grin appeared on the corner of his lips. A second later, his body suddenly disappeared from the original position.


Shen Tianyun's figure reappeared behind one misfortune guard, without any chance to react, the guard's body fell into the ground, unconscious. A face of another guard who stood on the side paled and bewildered as if he saw the ghost. The same action repeated before he could let out any sound, Shen Tianyun reappeared in front of him and knocked him out instantly.

This was the first time for Shen Tianyun to used a full speed from the 'Mirage Shadow', he realized that he had broken through to the whole new level. The speed he had showed earlier could considering as surpass a limit of human speed already.

Shen Tianyun examined the two guard's bodies and picked up a handgun from their waist. Upon checking the bullet, he quickly darted into the villa afterward. His appearance had alarmed everyone in the villa when they heard a report from the control room.

Perhaps, there wasn't anyone who tried to challenge the Black Dragon gang for a long time. All the well-trained guards suddenly became nervous and their actions were quite sloppy. A group of 5 peoples hurried to rush over to the front door.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

However, before everyone could see the intruder, several gunshots rang out consecutively along with 5 bodies fell into the ground with a hole on their forehead. Shen Tianyun had stood and waiting for them to appear for some time ago.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head in satisfaction, it seemed his marksmanship was still brilliant as usual. Only Lin Xueyue and Shen Xiaohong would find it normal because they knew how devoted Shen Tianyun was when he practiced his shooting skill for several years in his past life.

Following that, Shen Tianyun quickly rushed to the study room. As he expected, Hei Long was still in the room. When Shen Tianyun arrived, he saw Hei Long was so busy taking out all of his possession from the safe. Hearing the door opened, Hei Long shuddered, a fearful expression appeared on his face as his actions became abruptly stop.

With a grin, Shen Tianyun said playfully, "Aiyo, Boss Hei. I thought you already fled away a long time ago."

Hei Long sweat profusely, he forced a smile, "Hello, Mister, what can I help you?" While he saying this, he secretly cursed in his heart. From the time he noticed the intruder until now, only 5 minutes had passed. How could he suppose to run away with that little amount of time?

Shen Tianyun took a glance at various books, USB drives, and cashes on the table before he turned to Hei Long, "Is that all the evidence you have?"

Hearing this, Hei Long quickly understood what was this mysterious man wanted. After a quick calculation, a confident smile appeared on his face, "Yes, yes. Mister, you came here for this right? How about we do a business here…"


Before Hei Long could finish his sentence, Shen Tianyun shot on his thigh caused his body to fell into the ground and started to wail in agony.

"Are you serious? Why would I want to do a business with you when I can kill you and take everything." Following that, he slowly approached the table and started to flip through all the books one by one. The detail on that book made him surprised and satisfied at the same time.

Ignoring Hei Long's wailing, he took the USB drive and slowly check one by one with the laptop on the table. After finishing everything, he stuffed all of it into the bag that Hei Long had prepared earlier.

"I think it's time for you to die now." Shen Tianyun pointed the gun on Hei Long's forehead.

"Wait wait! I don't know who are you but I know you want to go against Zhou Feilong right? I have a secret to tell you!" Hei Long quickly said in fright.

"Oh? What is it?" Shen Tianyun asked with his disguised voice.

"Y… you have to let me go first! I will tell you everything after I'm safe." Hei Long tried his best to calm himself down and attempted to negotiate with Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun let out a small sigh, "No wonder, Zhou Feilong willing to make you his puppet. It turned out that you are this stupid… Let me remind you, you don't have the right to bargain anything with me. With or without that secret, I can bring Zhou Feilong down with all of this evidence… Now, rest in peace." He pointed his gun on Hei Long's forehead again.

"No! Please spare me! I don't want to do this! Zhou Feilong forced me! I don't how he offended you, please trust me. This secret is not only related to Zhou Feilong, but it also related to Secretary Lin! The secretary-state Lin Ming!" Hei Long said hurriedly in one go.

Shen Tianyun surprised slightly, "Ah?… Alright, if your secret can satisfy me, I will spare you."

Hei Long's eyes flickered several times, gritted his teeth, he said, "I have the video record. It was when they were talking about how to deal with a man named Shen Tianyun and Mayor Fang Yulan. I am sure you could use this to blackmailed Secretary Lin."

Shen Tianyun frowned slightly, he didn't quite believe it. There was no way idiot like Hei Long could sneaky recorded their conversation under Lin Ming's nose.

"If that true, how did you manage to do that? You know that Lin Ming's bodyguard is an inner-force fighter right? With his presence, he should aware of all the hidden cameras." He asked curiously and deliberated to use the 'inner-force fighter' term instead of a cultivator.

Seeing Shen Tianyun was interested in it, Hei Long quickly explained, "I don't know either. It was Zhou Feilong who did it and he probably didn't know that my people had stolen it from him when he was busy with his injured son."

Shen Tianyun even more confused than before, Lin Ming definitely knew about it. Then why would he let it go? Lin Ming probably confident that this record couldn't do anything to him? He couldn't figure it out at that moment.

"Where is the record?" He asked.

"You have to let me go first, I will tell you when I…Arghhh!!"


Shen Tianyun shot on Hei Long's another leg, before he said coldly, "I said, you don't have the right to bargain with me. Now tell me or die."

After misery shrieking, Hei Long was almost faint from the pain, he raised his head to look at the mysterious man, "I... It's in my bedroom. Under my bed." He replied with difficulty.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, after asking the bedroom's position, he rushed out like a wind before he returned with another USB drive. He quickly checked it with the laptop, a cold smile appeared underneath the mask when he saw the video record.

Stuffing it into the bag, Shen Tianyun prepared to leave, "Well, I will let you live for a while. Thank you for your hospitality." With that, he went to the control room and picked up all the records including Liu Wei's transaction before he left the villa afterward.

Seeing Shen Tianyun disappeared, Hei Long heaved a sigh of relief before he picked up the phone tried to call his lackey. However, before he could do anything there were two shadows that appeared in front of him and his neck instantly broken in a second later. The last thought before he died as he realized that the two figures in front of him were both women.

"What did you say!? Hei Long is already dead!?" In Zhou Feng's private room, Zhou Feilong jumped up on his feet when he received the news of Hei Long's death.

"Y... Yes, that mysterious black-clothed man intruded into Boss Hei's house and I managed to hide from him. After I came out, I... I saw he was already dead." A shaken voice came from the other side of the call.

Zhou Feilong was shocked for a second, he quickly hung up and shouted at his son, Zhou Xiaolong and his bodyguards, "Hurry! We need to leave now! You two, bring Feng'er out!"

Everyone in the room was confused about it but complied afterward. Zhou Xiaolong seemed to understand the situation. He hurriedly led everyone to the car and immediately set off afterward.

"Dad, what exactly happened?" When the car had arrived on the sub-road towards Clear River City, Zhou Xiaolong asked curiously. Due to the urgent situation, he shut his mouth tightly until now.

Seeing they were about to escape from Pearl City, Zhou Feilong heaved a sigh of relief before he answered, "Hei Long has been killed by someone. I know that he secretly gathered all the evidence to blackmail us behind our back long time ago. I don't bother about it as I thought that he can't escape from my grasp. And now, he is already dead. All of that evidence probably fell into that culprit already."

"Whether who the culprit was, we can't stay in this city anymore… After we reached Clear River city, we will aboard the ship and get out of…"


Before Zhou Feilong could finish his sentence, suddenly a strong force hit on the side of the car and made it bounced off the road before it crashed heavily on the tree.

Tap! Tap!

There was one figure who appeared on the road and slowly walked towards the car as if it was a messenger of death. With a muffled groan, Zhou Xiaolong who still had consciousness struggled to get out of the car. When he saw the figure approached him, he was so shocked as the identity of that figure.

Under the dimmed light, Zhou Xiaolong could still saw the face of that figure clearly, his eyes widened, "Y… you are…" Before he could complete his sentence, his head was exploded into countless pieces.

"H… how did you manage to get all of this?" The next morning, in Fang Yulan's study room. She exclaimed with astonished expression after she checked all the evidence that Shen Tianyun had brought to her.

Shen Tianyun smiled faintly and stayed silent. Seeing he didn't want to tell her, Fang Yulan's eyes flickered slightly before she said, "This morning I got the news that Hei Long has been found dead in his villa. Yun Tianxiao is still finding the culprit. Are you perhaps related to this?" Her eyes narrowed as if she wanted to see through Shen Tianyun.

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, before he shook his head, "No, How could I do that, Auntie? Who knows how many enemies he has." He said innocently.

The reason why Shen Tianyun let Hei Long live and let some of his lackeys go because he wanted to add more fame to the mysterious black-clothed man and add more pressure on Zhou Feilong further.

When he heard this from Fang Yulan, he was certain that Lan Qingcheng's men probably behind this. The reason why they left Hei Long's corpse in the scene was they probably figured out Shen Tianyun's intention. Since Shen Tianyun let so many people go in that night. As for why they killed Hei Long, Shen Tianyun wasn't quite sure and he didn't care about it anyway.

Fang Yulan stared at him for a while before she asked, "How are you going to use it?"

"I think, Auntie should arrest Zhou Feilong as soon as possible. There are very high chances for him to escape." Shen Tianyun replied.

Fang Yulan nodded in agreement, she quickly picked up her phone. However, when she was about to dial, her phone suddenly rang as she hurriedly pressed the green button, "Hello, Bureau Chief Yun. I was about to call you earlier."

After the previous incident, Yun Tianxiao had officially promoted to the Bureau Chief position and replaced Ding Han in Peal City. At that moment, he hurriedly said, "Mayor Fang, we just found Zhou Feilong and his two sons corpses! I think Mayor Fang should come here to take a look."

Fang Yulan was stunned when she heard this, she glanced at Shen Tianyun and saw he had astonished expression as herself, she replied, "Where is it?"

A brief moment later, Fang Yulan hung up and fell into silence for a while.

"Did you hear that?" She asked Shen Tianyun who was also fell into silence.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head without saying anything. Both of them stared at the evidence on the table as if they were at loss.