Mysterious Plan

"What should we do with all of this?" Looking at the evidence on the table, Fang Yulan was slightly depressed. She never thought that Zhou Feilong would meet his tragic end this early.

After pondering for a moment, Shen Tianyun replied, "We should continue as our plan. Even though the main culprit is already dead, there are still many people involved in this."

Fang Yulan nodded her head in agreement, "Alright, leave it to me. What about Lin Ming's video?" She asked. After interacting with Shen Tianyun for a while, she subconsciously developed a dependency on him. Perhaps, it was because she saw his capability in the past few weeks.

Shen Tianyun smiled meaningfully, "This is what I am going to tell you, Auntie… I reckon that something will happen during our trip to Beijing in the next week. This will be a crucial moment for us to catch Lin Ming."

Fang Yulan was puzzled, "What do you mean?"

Shen Tianyun didn't answer her right away, he questioned, "Auntie I heard that Uncle Fang Wuji is also working as Secretary-state, am I correct?"

Seeing Fang Yulan nodded, Shen Tianyun continued, "Is he reliable?… I mean can we trust him completely?"

Fang Yulan frowned for a moment before she replied, "My Big Brother is a reliable person. He is always dotting me since we were young. You probably don't know that he is the one who tries to find justice for your father. However, he can't fight with those bastards alone… For me, he can be trusted."

Shen Tianyun smiled faintly, "Then I think I'll trouble him in near future… Also, Auntie, do you know any reliable media out there?"

Fang Yulan nodded, "I do. What are you going to do?" She was quite impatient and urged Shen Tianyun to tell her about his plan.

Shen Tianyun chuckled and began to tell Fang Yulan about possibilities and his counter plans. The more Fang Yulan listened, the more she was flabbergasted and bewildered from time to time.

"What did you say? Zhou Feilong is already dead?" Holding his phone, Lin Ming was astonished and had a surprised expression all over his face upon hearing Zhou Feilong's situation.

"Alright, continue to keep an eye on that bastard Shen Tianyun and Fang Yulan." Lin Ming hung up afterward. He slowly tapped on the table and started to ponder over the matter.

A brief moment later, Lin Ming glanced at Dugu Xiao who stood beside him, "What do you think about it? I heard that Zhou Xiaolong's head is missing, it's like his head explode."

Dugu Xiao nodded his head, "There is no mistake, this should be those women's work." He replied solemnly.

Lin Ming had an odd expression on his face, "Why did they start to kill people like that?… Also, I heard that the black-masked guy kill Hei Long last night. Is it possible that this black-masked guy was one of Lan Qingcheng's men?"

Dugu Xiao shook his head, "I don't think so, from what I listen to those thugs who meet this mysterious man before. I think he should be around the middle stage of Qi Gathering Realm. As if he is practicing how to use his power. I don't think Miss Lan will arrange an amateur to do this job."

Lin Ming furrowed his eyebrows, "Don't tell me that bastard Shen Tianyun has recovered his spirit root?" He pondered for a brief moment and shook his head afterward, "No, it can't be him. There is no method to recover spirit roots in this world. Young master Zhao has confirmed about it a long time ago."

Dugu Xiao nodded in agreement, he was a cultivator himself, he never heard a method to recover a spirit root before.

"Anyway, what about my wife? Any movement?" Lin Ming cast his doubt aside and asked Dugu Xiao.

Dugu Xiao smiled, "Our people have reported about Madam's movement. Recently, Madam start to mobilizing her fund and injecting it into the company. According to the report, it looks like Madam wants to move against Lin Group as Master has expected."

Upon hearing Dugu Xiao's report, Lin Ming let out a chuckle, "Ai, my wife is really cute. She doesn't even know that I already know about her little scheme a long time ago." He shook his head in amusement.

Dugu Xiao continued, "Also, Young miss has contacted with Dongfang family side for sometimes now. I don't about the detail yet."

Lin Ming waved his hand dismissively, "It's fine, she is just a little girl. You don't have to worry about her that much."

"But Young miss seems very fond of Shen Tianyun. Maybe she can do something out of our expectation. I think it's better…" Before Dugu Xiao could finish his sentence, Lin Ming shook his head to stop him from saying further.

"I said it's fine. Let her be willful for a while… What about the preparation? Young master Zhao gives me a green light now. We can make a move on Shen Tianyun without that bitch Lan Qingcheng to interfere. This time, he can't escape from my palm for sure." Lin Ming said with a confident smile.

Dugu Xiao grinned devilishly, "Rest assured, Master. We are ready. When he comes to Beijing, there is no way he can escape his death."

Lin Ming nodded in satisfactory, "Good. Haha, maybe he thinks that Su family could protect him… What an idiot." He laughed slightly along with Dugu Xiao.

In Cai Ning's study room, Shen Tianyun leisurely sipped his tea while looking at this charming woman, Cai Ning, who sat across of him.

With a faint smile, Cai Ning said, "Thank you. I have benefited greatly from this incident."

Putting down his teacup, Shen Tianyun chuckled, "How are you going to repay me?" He said playfully.

Cai Ning's smile grew wider, she was in a good mood after received news of Zhou Feilong's downfall this morning. With her intelligence, she immediately connected the incident with the young handsome man in front of her.

Although she didn't know how Shen Tianyun managed to do this, she was willing to believe it was him. In fact, besides Lin Xueyue and Liu Feiyan, Cai Ning was probably the closest person to know about Shen Tianyun's capability.

After Zhou family's downfall, besides Cai Ning wouldn't have an enemy in this city anymore, she also planned to buy Zhou family's properties too. Since everything was going in her direction, it was normal for her to felt gratitude towards Shen Tianyun.

"Tell me, what do you want? A villa, a building?… don't tell me, you want a beauty?" Cai Ning teased. Perhaps, she was in a very good mood, that was why she suddenly showed her rare playful side.

Shen Tianyun grinned, "Yeah, I want a beauty. Especially a beauty like you." He then staring at Cai Ning's chest area without hiding his desire.

Seeing his fiery gaze, Cai Ning pursed her lips, "Wow, you are surely daring. It looks like the rumor is true huh?"

Shen Tianyun was puzzled slightly, "Hmm? What rumor?"

Cai Ning chuckled softly, her facial expression right now was huge contrasted to her usual cold demeanor as if she was a different person, "You don't know? My people keep saying that you like older women. I also heard that you are trying to woo Madam Dongfang, is that true?"

Shen Tianyun laughed out loud, he never knew that there was such a rumor going around but he didn't deny it, "Yes, I am more into an older woman. Especially a beautiful matured woman like you, Miss Cai." He said without the slightest embarrassment.

Seeing him admitted without care, Cai Ning was speechless. She changed the topic, "Enough with your teasing. Now tell me what do you want?"

Shen Tianyun didn't go on that topic further, he replied with a question, "I'm very curious about it. Miss Cai, can you tell me why did you limit your business only in this city? In my eyes, you are a very capable businesswoman. It should be easy for you to gain a market share in Beijing."

Cai Ning's smile froze, a short moment later, she let out a helpless sigh, "It was my father's will before he died. I'm not sure about it myself. He told us to never stepped into Beijing again." There was a hint of disappointment in her voice.

Shen Tianyun was surprised slightly, since Cai Ning didn't know about it or rather she didn't want to tell him, he decided to not pressing her further, "About this, if you really want to reward me, then give me a suitable factory."

Cai Ning's brows perked up, "Factory? No problem… Can you tell me about your plan?"

"I want to establish a food factory myself. Also, I want to create a logistics company too. I don't know if you're interested in this?" Shen Tianyun said sincerely.

"Food factory?… Are you perhaps going to make a convenience food? That's a really good idea I must say." Cai Ning's eyes lit up after figured out Shen Tianyun's idea.

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "I know that you probably have this plan on your mind too, right?"

Cai Ning didn't deny it and smiled faintly, "Can you tell me more about the logistic company?"

"I'm planning to spread my food all over the country in the future. So I think it would be better if I have a logistic company myself. That's why I want to invite you to invest in this company with me. You don't have to worry about your father's will. I will be your vanguard in Beijing, as for you, you will take care of all the business around this area, including the nearby cities. What do you think?" Shen Tianyun explained.

Cai Ning didn't use a long time to think about it, she replied almost instantly, "This is very tempting… How are you going to fight with those giants? Not to mention we don't have convenient stores for ourselves."

Shen Tianyun was unperturbed, "Miss Cai, since you are opening the restaurant for some time now. In your opinion, what is the most important thing for food?"

"The taste." Cai Ning answered confidently.

Shen Tianyun nodded, "That's right. No matter what, the taste always comes first. If your food is undeniable delicious, people will buy it eventually." He explained as if he stated a matter of fact.

Cai Ning seemed to understand something, she immediately said, "Don't tell me, you still have more recipes that could be on par with Heavenly Jade Bun?" Her voice contained an obvious excitement.

Shen Tianyun's lips curved up into a playful smile, "What do you think?" He winked at her afterward.

Cai Ning snorted, "Hmph! Don't try to be mysterious."

Shen Tianyun laughed it off, a brief moment later, he continued, "You don't have to worry about it, I have my own way to fight with those giants. I don't believe that their foods can match mine." He paused for a moment before he asked Cai Ning again, "So, what is your decision?"

Cai Ning's expression suddenly became serious as she turned back to her professional demeanor, "What is the distribution?"

Shen Tianyun bared his hand widely, "Fifty-fifty."

Cai Ning's eyes lit up, she offered her hand forward, "Happy cooperation."

Shen Tianyun shook hands with her, "Happy cooperation."

Both of them staring into each other eyes for a moment before Cai Ning noticed Shen Tianyun's hand movement it was as if he tried to take advantage of her.

Cai Ning quickly retracted her hand and act as if she didn't notice it, her eyes narrowed, "Mister Shen, can you give me the detail?"

Shen Tianyun sniffed his hand openly, "So fragrance." He muttered. His actions made Cai Ning's face flushed red slightly, she would never think that this young man could be this shameless.

Shen Tianyun's face turned serious, "I'll tell you later. You have to wait until I come back safely from Beijing in the next week."

Cai Ning tilted her head in confusion, "What do you mean?"

Shen Tianyun didn't give her an answer as he smiled mysteriously back at her.

After came back from the hospital, Shen Tianyun took a quick shower and sat on his chair pondering about his next move. When he went to see Meng Xin today, her recovery progress was out of his expectation, thanks to his pure Spiritual Qi. If there was no mistake, she could discharge in the next few days.


At this moment, his phone rang out, with a glance, Shen Tianyun recognized the number immediately. It was no other than the superstar, Su Meiyin. After pressing the green button, he greeted politely, "Hello, what can I help you, Miss Su?"

"Tomorrow, come to the address that I gave you. We will start recording right away. Remember, don't be late." A charming voice rang out from the other side and hung up after Su Meiyin finished her sentence.

Shen Tianyun stared at his phone blankly for a while before he scoffed angrily, "Hah, this woman. Just you wait."


Shen Tianyun's bedroom door slightly opened, following with Liu Feiyan in her favorite pajamas walked into the room.

"What are you talking about, hubby?… Hmm? Why does your expression become like that? Who makes you angry?" Liu Feiyan asked concernedly as she approached Shen Tianyun and sat on the bed.

Smelling a familiar fragrance, Shen Tianyun's mood was getting better a bit, he moved to Liu Feiyan's side before he said, "It's that superstar, she is so overbearing. Without asking whether I have free time or not, she demands me to work with her tomorrow right away."

Liu Feiyan was surprised and giggled, "Isn't that good for you? Don't tell me, you don't like her? She is very beautiful and countless men all over the country want to get close to her yet you don't seem to be happy at all."

Shen Tianyun snorted coldly, "Hah, Who wants to be near her? Also, my Yan'er is more beautiful than her, why do I have to care about her?" Following that, he hugged Liu Feiyan lovingly.

Liu Feiyan chuckled in amusement, she slapped lightly on Shen Tianyun's dishonest hand that was about to reach her chest before she said, "Honestly speaking, since she is your cousin, I think you should befriend with her. Who knows, maybe she can help you in the future."

Shen Tianyun smiled bitterly, as he thought in his heart, 'Yan'er oh Yan'er, if you know that I have to woo her you probably will never say this.'

"Sure, I'll try my best. But seriously, this girl has a princess temper. At first, I thought that she is a sensible and friendly woman. As expected, we can't trust people who working in the entertainment circles." Shen Tianyun let out a sigh afterward.

Liu Feiyan said softly, "Endure it, okay? Think about it, in the future if we have some product, we can ask her to promote it for us. Isn't that good?"

Shen Tianyun chuckled, "Aiya, my Yan'er already become a businesswoman now. Hehe." While he saying this, his hand wasn't idle and moved up and down on Liu Feiyan's sensitive spot.

Liu Feiyan rolled her eyes as she gave up on defending against Shen Tianyun's octopus hand and let him wantonly touched her as he please, "Anyway, do you know about Zhou family's incident?"

Shen Tianyun nodded his head, "Mhm, I heard about it from Auntie Fang in this morning."

Liu Feiyan hesitated for a moment before she asked in a low voice, "It's not you who did it right?"

Shen Tianyun smiled reassured, "No, it wasn't me. I only went to get some evidence from Hei Long's villa but I don't know who kill both Hei Long and Zhou family."

Liu Feiyan stared on his face for a moment before she heaved a sigh of relief. She leaned on Shen Tianyun's chest and said softly, "Hubby, don't misunderstand me. I don't care if you are killing people, all I care about is your safety... Be careful next time, okay?"

Shen Tianyun stopped his movement, he glanced downward at the woman in his embrace. A warmth welled up in his heart as he kissed her head gently, "Mhm, I'll be careful. I promise."