
Living room, noon, August 9, 1991.


There was thrash and slash in the papers. Dumbledore made a statement that Harry Potter had been kidnapped from a "safe house". I laughed. What a ridiculous phrase from a great magician. "Kidnapped from a safe place." Dumbledore said all of Harry's past and future statements were fabricated by his captors. In the same newspapers, there were interviews with "people's avengers" who had seen Dursley before the domestic gas explosion. The magicians described the life of Boy-Who-Lived "by these terrible Muggles."

I just sent Kreacher to the post office with an envelope for Rita Skeeter. The letter to her had great information. What would I do without Kreacher? If I had gone to the bank this morning instead, I wouldn't have had time to write a letter to Rita.


Dear Mrs. Skeeter,

There are no words to express how grateful I am for publishing your report on Dumbledore. Only your honesty, openness and strength of the press can help unmask this dirty bastard. I want to talk about Dumbledore's attempts to destroy ancient magical families. Please note the August 5th Ministerial Messenger. It says the family of a ministry official was hiding an animagus Death Eater. I bring to your attention that this was the true guardian of the Potter family. Sirius Black was never a guardian. But he was illegally thrown into Azkaban without any trial. But he was illegally thrown into Azkaban without any trial. Sirius was convicted Albus Dumbledore and Barty Crouch. Dumbledore knew that the true guardian of Fidelius was not Sirius Black at all. But, in his quest to destroy ancient magical families, it was a convenient excuse for him to destroy the heir to the Black family. After the arrest of the Animagus-Eater, Sirius Black was killed in prison, but there's still no mention of it. When the Animagus-Eater was questioned, the truth could have come out! The truth is that Black was imprisoned in Azkaban without trial, innocent!

Dear Rita, if there are too many assumptions and emotions in my first statement. This statement is supported by a copy of the document certified by the goblins, which I attach to the letter. Dumbledore wants to destroy the ancient Potter family. He "as guardian" has entered into a magical engagement between me, Harry Potter, and Ginevra Weasley, blood traitor, daughter of the Weasley family of traitors. If I marry a traitor of blood, there will be no more Lord Potter; there will be a traitor of blood Potter.

Only your voice and the help of Magic Britain will give me hope. And worst of all, that bearded bastard Dumbledore is destroying the very foundations of Magical Britain. He's already done everything he can to destroy two of Wizengamot oldest members. This sadist and robber of orphans is still the head of Wizengamot. Would you please publish this copy of the magical engagement parchment? Its authenticity can always be confirmed with goblins.

Yours truly, Harry Potter.


I strongly doubt that after such a letter, Dumbledore will remain the Supreme Sorcerer of Wizengamot. And Arthur Weasley will be kicked in the ass by the Ministry. To put up with this mumbling bastard is one thing, but letting him participate in the destruction of the oldest families is another. Minus one Dumbledore spy in the Ministry. That leaves Sturgis Podmore and Rufus Scrimgeour. And Tonks, which I hope to draw to my side. Although it may not be necessary after Rita's next article. I don't know, is Alastor Moody retired or not yet? The canon barely describes this dangerous wizard, and his motives and reasons are all covered in the darkness of the unknown.

Last night, after strengthening my defenses, I still couldn't get tired. Two hours of sword exercises did not exhaust me at all. As I held on to my wand, I continued training all the spells I knew. Lumos, Nox, Confundus and Incendio. The set is simple but reliable. I have found that spells are easier to cast. I could see it most clearly on Incendio, the flame tongue is a third longer. We can draw two conclusions from that.

Intensifying generic protection also enhances generic magic. Although it probably only works while I'm at the mansion, near the altar stone.

Family magic recognized me as part of the Black family.

I need to visit the library. There must be rituals to increase magical power at the expense of the victims. Is fighting magical weakness so easy? It's long and torturous to strengthen your health. You need healthy food, healthy sleep, daily exercise, and so on for decades on end. And one year of violating a healthy lifestyle will cross out all those decades. So you can't kick Dumbledore out of school with a whip. He's sucking a little bit of power out of Hogwarts. I don't believe in parasitism at the power of child wizards.


Three hours later, I was happy. Why do I need a Hogwarts? I found Rituals to increase magical power at the expense of victims in the library, in large numbers. But even I, the "juvenile serial killer", experienced fear and horror from new knowledge. I'm not ruined enough to do that abomination. The home protection ritual has nowhere been described as increasing magical power. Did I find a magic bug? Probably not after all. I'm sure the ritual affects me so easily because I'm magically weak and just sick. The power of the Black family will help me raise my power level but to a certain limit. Although maybe that's enough to get me to wear the Black ring in time.


Grimmauld Place 12, living room, noon, August 12, 1991.

I sit in a chair and write a letter to Andromeda Tonks.


Dear Mrs. Tonks.

I'd like to meet you to discuss matters relating to our families. There is no doubt that you have received some information partially covered by the press. I may be able to answer some of your questions about Sirius.

Besides, as your relative, I would be happy to see you in person. I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, August 14th, at 8 pm at Grimmauld Place 12.

Heir to the Black Family.


"Kreacher! Go to the post office, and send this letter to the public owl. Check my P.O. Box every evening for an answer."

I'd like to make an appointment for tonight. But it's a violation of all etiquette. The heir to the Most Ancient and Nobleborn Black must observe etiquette.

Back in half an hour, Kreacher distracted me from my magic lessons.

"Will the unworthy Kreacher be allowed to speak to the Lord?"

"Speak, Kreacher."

"Master Corvinus Black asks to speak to the Lord."

"Did he tell you why Kreacher?"

"No, sir. If Kreacher is permitted?"

I covered my eyes and nodded to say yes.

"It's not up to Kreacher to guess the thoughts of the members of the Ancient and Noble Black family. But, sir, I think he wants to apologize."

"Does he? It might be funny. Kreacher, I am pleased with your work. Judge yourself about your merits. But you serve me and the Black family well. Do you know how to read?

"My Master. Yes. Master!"

"Well, I bought you a book of new cooking recipes. Study the book. Look at the recipes I've chosen."


I came to the Dojo and walked into the room to the small stone of strength. I sprinkled blood on it and sat down waiting on the sofa. One minute later, Corvinus showed up. I kept quiet because I wasn't interested in making his explanation easier. It's been another minute. I looked skeptically at my ancestor with my eyebrow up. The silence went on. I raised my second eyebrow. The ancestor, apparently realizing that my patience was not eternal, overpowered himself.

"Child! Kreacher told me of your actions to strengthen the Black Family. The previous heir lost the House of the Family. You returned the property to the Family. The previous heir wasted all of the Family's money. You've filled the safe, even if it's small, to the best of your ability, based on yourself. You've strengthened the protection of the Family's homes, fed the magic of the Family. You only hit the enemies of the Family with your word and name. You did all that in a couple of weeks. You may be small, but you're great in spirit and deeds. Please accept my apologies for your hasty judgment. I was wrong, and I truly apologize.

"It pained me to see what the Ancient and Noble Black Family had been brought to. Yes, I have weaknesses. But I will find a dozen strengths and strike the enemy. I don't have a hundred attempts to revive the Black Family. One defeat will mean the end for the Black Family. So I will use every means possible to defeat the enemy. I cannot rely only on the magic for such a responsible cause. It's a good thing I don't look dangerous on the outside. As Sun Tzu said, "Warfare techniques are based on deception." I accept what you're saying, Corvinus. I need the Family's help in my fight against Family enemies."

"How can I help you, heir, in our common cause?"

"Over the years, the magicians have forgotten much of what their ancestors created. The Muggles, with their science and technology, surpassed the magicians in power and quantity. Of course, one magician will easily defeat one muggle. But it's impossible to fight the Muggle state. The magicians have hidden from the Muggles. The Muggles were given time to strengthen discipline, combat vehicles, and experience endless wars. From you, I need help mastering the sword, forgotten magic and combat medicine. Modern mages don't wear armor or own weapons. They are almost unprotected against the lightning onslaught of a warrior. This is their weakness, and their weakness is punishable. I'll take over the Muggle technique. The enemy has left me to grow up with Muggles, but that is my advantage. I know Muggles very well.

"So be it, child."

"Think about what you can quickly teach me in a week, month, and year. Make a training plan. Enemies don't sleep, and I don't have ten years to hone my skills. Every action I take must strike them like a hammer. I'll come to you in a week, and I'll expect you to have a training plan. Goodbye."


In the living room, I called Kreacher.

"You spoke of my business not only with Master Corvinus but with the portraits as well, didn't you?" I asked unkindly.

"Yes, sir," Kreacher got the smell of arrogance. The ears on his bald head are down. He drowned all over his body.

"Did you think that Phineas Black, as the former Headmaster of Hogwarts, had to obey Albus Dumbledore in everything? Did you think he could give everything he knows to an enemy of the Black family?"

"Sir, don't be angry! Master Phineas can't give Headmaster Hogwarts any of the secrets of the Black family, directly or indirectly. Your ancestors have taken care of it."

"Okay, go!"

Kreacher disappeared instantly and silently from the living room.

I was in no hurry to communicate with the family portraits. I understand that I can get great advice. But no one will accept me as worthy! That's a normal fact. I'm very different from a normal pureblood wizard. I understand their pain and anger! Perhaps Walburga has another portrait. She is very much to blame for her family. It doesn't matter what she wanted. Her actions and the lives of her contemporaries have killed the power of the Family. But it's hard for the proud and great Blacks to admit it! There is another important point. I have very little to do with the Black family by blood. This family has all the magical Britain in their blood. That's why I'm their next candidate for the head of the family. And I'm a bad and weak heir. I'm half a Muggle! And I'm a quarter Muggle in blood. How do magical families die? I don't know. Dumbledore could kill me tomorrow. But at that point, Kreacher will feel a new bond with the new heir! Draco Malfoy is a great magician! He is a great heir. That's why he's dangerous! Woe and grief! I'm not allowed to think of famous figures in this world. They're all my enemies and my competitors! Ernie Macmillan! He's from 28 Pure-Blood Directory big families, and he's got Grandma Black!


In the afternoon, I went to King's Cross, for my first kendo lesson. The first lesson was expected to be a depressing explanation of dojo etiquette and basics. Unfortunately, I still have at least six months of sad training to do before anything interesting starts. It takes a long time to earn authority, and it's hard for a little boy to earn authority.

In the evening, when I came from training, I was expecting a letter from Andromeda. I had Kreacher check the letter for magic.


Dear heir to Black,

I don't know what you want from me, but I'll be there for the meeting.

Andromeda Tonks.


It could be a useful alliance. I have something to offer. I have something to demand. I need to make clear the closest in blood magicians in the Black family.