Grimmauld Place 12, living room, 8 p.m. August 14, 1991


I watch Andromeda Tonks approach the house.

"Kreacher! Show the lady into the living room," I commanded.

"Yes, sir!"

Looking out the window, I was waiting for Andromeda. I'm going to have a difficult conversation, with Black's illegitimate daughter. No pressure on her. I need her to want to get in contact with me.

Meanwhile, Andromeda walked into the living room.

"Hello, Mrs. Tonks. It's good to see you at Black's house."

"Hello, heir to the Black family. Unfortunately, I can't say I recognize you. Shame on my gray hair," she replied jokingly. She certainly didn't have any grays.

"My name is Evans. I'm known as Hero of Magical Britain, Harry Potter."

"How did I attract the attention of the Hero of Magical Britain, Mr. Evans?" There was no trace of the former joking tone.

"I find myself in a similar position to you. Both I and your family Dumbledore intended to be used as pawns sacrificed for the benefit of the Light Lord. He stole Sirius completely and sent him to prison when the boy began to interfere with his plans for me. Sirius had time to make a magical testament in my favor, otherwise, the Black family would have been cut short. I know that Nymphadora wants to be an Auror. But that's where she's going to be a student of Alastor Moody. I mean, right in Dumbledore's paws. Pretty soon, the new pawn will be ready. How Dumbledore made a pawn out of me and killed the Potter family, you know from the papers."

"Did your powers of providence cut through, Mr. Evans?"

"Yes, Mrs. Tonks, and very strong. Much better than your daughter's metamorphism."

"Why did you call me, speak clearly."

"I propose an alliance, I want to reinforce the Black family. As an adult, or even earlier, I will be Lord Black. I want you back in the family. I propose to found a younger branch of the Black family. The Tonks-Black family. And I need the services of a resident to gather information. Your services."

Andromeda's been quiet for a long time, maybe a minute.

"What makes you think, Mr. Evans that I want to go back to the Family who did this to me?"

"It wasn't the Family who did this to you, Mrs. Tonks. You were insulted by the stupid bitch Walburga, thanks to her mania of purity, the Family is almost dead. I want to correct this misunderstanding."

"The Black family has much to offer. What kind of service do you require, Mr. Evans?"

"I need a person to gather information from the public, Mrs. Tonks. I'd like to note that to me, you're not a pawn, but a cousin aunt, you're primarily my relative. I will not put you in harm's way, and I will try to save you in case."

"Mr. Evans, you are young, and your enemies are many and strong. Will you live to be of age to fulfill your part of the alliance's obligations?"

"May I call you 'Auntie'?"

"As you wish."

"Dear Auntie, with respect to my enemies, I already follow the Second Rule of the Codex," and I mowed my eyes expressively on the belt where the sword that had already proved itself in battle rested.

"May I call you 'nephew', Mr. Evans?"

"With great pleasure, dear Auntie!"

"Nephew, I can see that despite your youth, you are already a rusty sticking nail in Dumbledore's chair. I need to think about your proposal."

"As you wish, dear Auntie. I sincerely hope that no matter what you decide, everything you've learned here today will remain a mystery to everyone but the two of us," I looked into her eyes inexpressive manner. According to the advice in "Protect Your Mind", I raised the sentence "Not even your great-grandchildren will regret the consequences of your silliness!" to the top of my mind.

Andromeda pulled back and turned pale. She reads minds!

"Of course, heir Black. It was good to see you."

"It was good to see you, Auntie. Kreacher! Escort the lady out."

If I understand anything about negotiations, she's mine. She's not going to Dumbledores. His reward is robbery and death. Sitting aside won't give her family pride. But with me, there's a chance of ascending to the old top of society. She knows I'm her family, and in the magical world, the family is not an empty sound. The only thing she has to do is work for the greatness of the Black family.

Publication of the engagement document in the paper must have been the wrong move. On the one hand, yes, with this article, I pinned Dumbledore's balls tight. On the other hand, until this article was published, I had a chance to get the situation back on track. "Weasley, meet Harry at King's Cross," and there I could send them all to the rebirth. Weasley's standing on the Muggle platform was worthless to throw a grenade, or even two! Nothing personal, just business. The Weasley family was trying to notify the Potter family. So the Potter family is going to destroy the Weasley family. Fanfics often say that destroying an enemy family with their children spoils karma. Such cruelty distorts the chakra. But it doesn't stop local magicians. Weasley only cares about the good of his redheaded family. I'd rather be alive with dark karma than lie in the ground.

I'll keep quiet about the "inadmissibility of the destruction of the oldest generations." It's only in fanfic Malfoy's heart hurts from the destruction of the Potter family. In this world, Lucius will raise his glass.

My fight against Weasley is ahead. Now that my cards have been revealed, my task becomes more difficult. The place of the action is unknown in advance. I have no heavy weapons to destroy them all at once with the Burrow. And it won't be long before I have something stronger than a rifle and grenade. It's not even that now, it's hard to buy a weapon in a kid's body! But on the other hand, Dumbledore's excuses and arguments in the press had to be interrupted. The spice must flow, the mudflow must not be stopped. That insidious spider will drown in shit. And Andromeda will help me with that.

My Plan maximum is to deprive Dumbledore of all his posts. Including the Headmaster post. And to do so by word power alone. My department with Rita and Andromeda has a lot of work to do. We can wait until year two starts and catch them all. Malfoy, Weasley, the diary. But the explosion at Diagon Alley's store is unacceptable cruelty. It's too dirty a job. After this, I'm going to have the whole herd of magic on me. An extra ton of water on the Dumbledore Mill.

It'd be perfect to let the diary kill Ginny. By year two, I'll have Hermione out of Hogwarts and transferred to France. But then we'll have Voldemort revived. And the diary is the strongest Horcrux, with half of Tommy in it. Destroying the diary is the way to victory.

Now the easy ways are closed to me. With Malfoy and Weasley, I'll be fishing for individual actions. And no jokes like the canon, no Stupefy versus Avada. No wizard, so no problem.




Alas, my magical powers are returning to their "primitive" norm. I was hoping I'd found an easy way to perform my powers. But in that couple of days, I had no problem studying Aquamenti and Diffindo. I understood the principle in a "strong" state so I could do the same spells in a weakened state as well. It's just a shame the new spells are useful, but they're almost nonfighting. I have a suspicion of how they work. I'll have to check, purely out of scientific interest. It's time for bed. It's been a difficult day. I had a serious conversation, and I've decided a lot for myself.


Grimmauld Place 12, living room. Noon, August 15, 1991.

"Kreacher! We're going to France. Last time I was in a bad mood. But this time no one will stop us from looking around the house. Follow me."

"Sir, yes, Sir!"


France, home of the Black family.


A movement spurt, and now I'm standing in the same place I was a week ago.

"Kreacher, get a minimum of order in the house. Put away the dirty clothes, sheets, bedspreads, wipe the blood."

By the time I got home, the room looked almost nice. Gently made bed, rough boarded table, and some chairs. I especially liked that there were two windows on each wall. On the wall opposite the entrance, there was a fireplace between the maximally retracted windows. It is furiously cleaned by Kreacher. Thanks to the eight windows and one room, the house is light and pleasant. You can't even tell for sure what belongs to the Blacks.

So, let's think. A werewolf found a house with fallen protection but a muggle-repellent spell. Perfect hiding place! The police will never find him here. How many people have been killed and raped by this maniac here? It's hard to imagine.

"Kreacher! Look around, there must be a cemetery."

The cemetery was found behind the wall with the fireplace. I'd find it myself if I went around the house. There were about 40 hills.

"Sir, too many victims have been tortured here," said Kreacher. "A place of power was born. You could put up a stone of strength, and then you wouldn't have to feed the defense every year. In the mansion, we have a workpiece, sir."

"How long will a place of strength like this last?"

"Two hundred years, sir. That's if not living here."

It's a good thing, it's a good thing for the family. Then that's what we'll do. And on a wave of vigor after the ritual, I may be able to learn three or four more spells.

"Kreacher, bring a basket of meat from the mansion. It's time to fry the meat on fire."

I love France. The whole world can wait! It's my weekend.