Grimmo 12, living room.

7 p.m. Combat Operations Division meeting.


Creighton and the Calhoun's have provided me with surveillance protocols with brief files on the criminals. Thanks to the beacons hanging from Creighton, it was possible to track the location of each of them. Except they were all performers, little bastards. Thanks to today's talks at Gringotts, the financing question isn't as pressing as it was yesterday, so we need to go straight to their owner, the owner of the organization's main bank. By the way, all my gunmen have so far only seen me under the "old" face. But in the light of recent revelations in the press it made no sense.

"Gentlemen! Until today, I was hiding my appearance with an amulet, and there were reasons for that," I said, taking off the amulet. "Now there's no point in hiding it."

The Calhouns didn't react in any way. I didn't even understand whether they cared or didn't know the latest developments in the magical world. Creighton was surprised.

"But how did Harry Potter become an heir to the Black family?" My appearance confused him, but he corrected himself, "Sir!"

"Sirius Black, my magical godfather, appointed me heir in his will. Now let's get back to business. Based on what you've learned, at least three of these five criminals must be questioned. After the questioning Obliviate. We need their leaders."

"Sir, what's the purpose of the operation?" Junior Calhoun asked.

"The purpose of the operation is to provide financing for our organization. And, at the same time, undermine the drug trade in Britain. I may seem opportunistic, but the additional purpose of the operation is to provide you with trophies. Mr. and Mr. Calhounes, have you had any contact since your previous service? I'm interested in providing weapons, ammunition, and communications equipment. "

"Yes, sir! It's possible to organize," replied Senior Calhoun.

"Well done. I'm going to need this soon," I gave Chief Calhoun the list. "Also, I approve your list of equipment in column two. You'll get the money tomorrow. How long will it take to buy?"

"Four days, sir."

"Okay. Work out an operation plan in six days, provided the September 20th operation starts."


Meanwhile, deep underground...


Headmaster Ragnok was taking his fourth pint of Golden Mushroom Tincture today.

In front of him on the table were two documents. And he had to decide which way to go. Although, if, in essence, there was only one option. After all, it's impossible to give up such a chance when the opportunity still falls out. The goblins could raise their own Lord of Magic Britain. That he would be a ruler if he survived this year without a doubt. The only question is whether he'll be with the goblins or not. All goblins in contact with the object clearly stated that the object had no racist views. He makes no distinction at all as to who he communicates with. Wizard, goblin, squib, muggle, he evaluates everyone on business. As for the Potter family manager, he's facing an unpleasant internal investigation and a type 3 ritual suicide. It's worth forgetting about him at all. Gringotts has no place for misappropriates.


Grimmo 12,

The Calhoun's and Creighton arrived in four days. The Calhoun's gave me a package with a report note.

The Calhoun report note contained a list of equipment to be procured in three days. Sent Kreacher to Gringotts, for pounds for the brothers, then to the village to give them the money. When Kreacher returned, he said he had given the money to the Calhouns, which he found at Anna's tea party. Just as planned.

It's time for me to reach new horizons. Britain can also be affected by outside of Britain. With these thoughts, I took up the letter.


Minister of the Interior of Magic France

Mr. Delacour

Your Excellency,

In view of the frightening trends in education and recent Nazi racial policies in Magical Britain. As well as the peculiarities of interpretation of the Statute of Secrecy, and finding the closeness of my political views and those of the French Liberal Party. I find it useful to hold a meeting to develop a common view on the above questions.

If you are interested in my proposal, I would be happy to meet you in a place convenient for you, at a time convenient for you.

I have the honor to be your honorable servant.

Harry James Potter, heir to the Black family.


"Kreacher! Send this letter through WizardExpress."

"Sir, yes, Sir!"


Delacour Estate, near Paris.

3 hours later.


On his return from the ministry, Mr. Delacour was looking through his mail in his office. The third envelope was signed in English, from which he croaked his lips. Waiting for something good to come out of the lemons would be funny if it wasn't depressing. Alain with skepticism opened the envelope and read it into a short text.

The letter turned out to be from Potter. French external magical intelligence had collected a file on Potter, and there was little good there. All in all, the Grindelwald looked like something on... kinder. Several of Potter's enemies had already miraculously set out for the rebirth. After that, Potter dared to declare publicly in the newspaper that this would be the case with every enemy of the Potter family. And despite the authoritative statements of analysts that Potter is a puppet of a certain political group. But with all the hard work, intelligence has not found this very group. Alain reread the letter and reached out to the magic mirror for negotiations.

"Jacques, order a report from the intelligence analysts on Harry Potter's latest actions. Have them connect all the channels. I need everything in two days.

I need to see that little butcher, it's not going to get any worse. Monsieur Delacour leaned over to the instrument, he pulled out a pen and took the answer.


Heir to the Black family.

Harry Potter


I was happy to know that the liberal politics of the party, which I have the honor of being the leader, resonate in the hearts not only in the blessed land of la belle France but also beyond the Canal.

I will have the honor to receive you on September 17th at three o'clock in the afternoon.

With my best wishes.

Alain Delacour


"Jacques! Send a letter by diplomatic courier."

A minute later, the secretary took Mr. Delacour's message on a short journey from France to the French Embassy in London, and then to a P.O. Box at the Diagon Alley post office.

Around noon on September 15th, the letter lay on Harry's desk...