September 15. London

I spent part of the day buying decent clothes in London. I'm going to the minister's house after all. I had to spend a consultation with the goblins and a portkey operating in France. I bought the one that will take me to the Delacour estate. I wrote Delacour's letter, rather out of mischief, and I didn't hope for an answer. Perhaps I wanted to see a live Veila?


Delacour Estate


Portkey carried me to an iron gate in the middle of a brick wall twisted by some plants. As I approached the gate, it opened, and the house-elf took me straight to his master, who was "waiting in his office". I too wouldn't introduce the family to anyone unknown. The house-elf took me to a semicircular office with five French windows, with Mr. Delacour sitting at the table in the middle. The master of the house stood up when I arrived, marked his bow, and greeted me:

"Mr. Potter, it's good to see you."

"I'm as glad to see you, sir," I'm not entirely sure of my version of the protection of the occlumency, so I looked out of focus at the whole figure of Delacour, but not in his eyes. And anyway, keeping the defense up was stressing me out.

"Please have a seat, monsieur."

"Thank you, sir."

"In your letter, you mentioned racist politics in Magic Britain, monsieur."

"Sir, I'm sure it's no secret to you that the Ministry treats anyone different from a purebred magician... The Department discriminates against centaurs, goblins, werewolves, Vail. It's not even infringing on rights, it's holding them to animals. Such an attitude will provoke a riot, and a riot is bloody, not to mention the immorality of such discrimination. And any tramp like Lord Voldemort will always be able to attract the disadvantaged to their side. It's absolutely in vain for them to expect improvement in their position. This situation needs to change. And it needs to be changed from the outside as well as from within Britain."

"And how, monsieur, can you imagine a change in the situation?"

"By discrediting the racists, sir. Eliminating racists," I looked at the ceiling, and then I moved my eyes to Delacour's forehead and went on. "Eliminating from management positions. Mutual support, at least in the press for starters."

"Mr. Potter, what do you think of the chances of winning?"

"I'm sure we'll win."

"And yet, what did you say about the dark lords?"

"It's both complicated and simple, sir. Psychopathic Tom Riddle, also known as Voldemort, died. But his soul is still in this world. Sooner or later, he'll take over the right body and continue to make trouble. I have material evidence for that. The Dark Lord Albus Dumbledore has conserved the Riddle organization. After all, he knows he'll be reborn. Dumbledore plans to play Riddle by strengthening his political position. And why is he so confident in the rebirth of an alleged enemy? So Dumbledore's reviving him, or at least he's helping him do it."

Delacour wouldn't mind if Dumbledore was light and kind wizard. Any politician understands that another politician is not at all a kind and naive light wizard.

"How do you see our cooperation, monsieur?"

"I have considerable public trust capital. I plan to replenish my reputation in the near future, and I can support your views in the press. I expect that kind of support from you."

It's only now that I've come to realize some weaknesses in my position. What a fool I am! Maintaining political views and strengthening each other's rating is one thing. But Delacour, as a Frenchman, is not at all profitable to solve the problems inside England. I shouldn't have let him know about Voldemort.

"Sir, I have to ask you directly. What position you will take on Dumbledore and Riddle."

Delacour didn't say anything. I'd think about it, too, if I were him. Though if I were Delacour, I'd only be clapping Riddle. The way he cuts out the color of a rival nation, and on the mainland, counter-intelligence will cut his wings fast. And as a result, the place of Magic Britain would be somewhere between Liberia and Thailand.

"Riddle is an internal matter of Magical Britain. As for Dumbledore, I'm not happy with his racist politics. You must be aware that I'm connected to the French Vail Community. I cannot approve of these medieval views."

It's just as I thought it would be. I'm sure the French took that position 10 years ago. Only where was my mind two hours ago? Meanwhile, Alain decided to draw a line under the conversation.

"Monsieur Potter, your views on racism remind me of myself when I was young. We need to work out a plan of joint action. I suggest we prepare a thesis of our policies, methods of action, and meet in two weeks to agree on a plan."

"Sir, your words give me confidence that we will defeat racism in our generation, and our children will not know what it is."

I stood up and bowed to that greedy French ass that wouldn't even let me look at a live Veila...

"See you in two weeks, Mr. Delacour."

"See you later, Monsieur Potter. José! Show Monsieur Potter out."

Immediately after Potter left, Mr. Delacour ordered to bring The Pensieve and began to analyze the conversation. He compared his opinion of Potter with the files and reports of French intelligence. Voldemort's return was unpleasant news. It was the only thing he needed! As if he lacked a racist Dumbledore and a young maniac Potter. However, the report showed that all Potter's "stock" was self-defense, or revenge for the family. So Harry's not a maniac. We have to take a look at him. In six years, he's going to be a big shot, but even now his influence on magical society is enormous. We've got to get a department to take care of Voldemort and Dumbledore. Because according to Potter, they're working together, even if Voldemort doesn't realize it.

We must consult with the wife. Potter must be introduced to the daughters.


Far behind the Canal Harry Potter after careful consideration stopped worrying about the information about Voldemort. Soon it will be time for the final resolution of the Eaters question. And then the understanding of his motives by the French will have a beneficial effect on his "international relations".