London 3 a.m. September 21, 1991.


The operation to interrogate drug dealers began quietly. Thanks to Creighton beacons, the location of five targets was known, four of which were in the operational area. Creighton, on the other hand, built the beacons to their strongholds, so the operation went strictly on schedule. Teleport, break-in, Imperius, interrogation, Obliviate. In an hour and a half, we repeated the voyage to four addresses already familiar. We raked out all the cash and credit cards, account details were rewritten the first time we visited. We confiscated all the guns except for the gun on the brother. We gave each merchant a setup to send as many bandits as possible for rebirth and then self-destruct. Immediately after that, we took the cash register at the pub, including the black box. The total profit was £17,000, excluding the accounts of the figures. Between 9:30 and 11:20, the brothers cashed most of the money from their accounts and credit cards, adding another £26,000.

After completing the operation, we gathered at the Grimmo mansion, to sum up. The total profit was about 8600 galleons, of which 4300 will soon enrich the brothers and Creighton. I'm not kicking them out with a stick now, after that kind of income! The confiscated weapons were almost useless. We got shotguns, revolvers, all kinds of damage.

It's a shame there's no way to eliminate or at least weaken Dumbledore physically. So I need to do my best in the political field. And I have a plan in that regard. I hope we can come to an agreement with Delacour on this.


Grimmo 12

During tea, Kreacher showed me a letter. It was brought right to the door of the mansion by a house-elf with the Malfoy coat. When I went up to the second floor, where my mail reading set was kept, I started writing.


Heir to the Black family.

Harry Potter, sir,

Gracious sovereign,

In early August, I noticed an heir to the Black family on the family tree.

Due to the difficult political situation, I would like to meet with you to discuss family affairs.


Lady Narcissa Malfoy, born Black.


What does she want? Ideally, she wants me dead. Then the inheritance goes to the Eater's little white hair larva. With my death, the threat to her husband and her sister will disappear. Not even to do anything on your own, just point your finger at Dumbledore. Except that smart people aren't in a hurry to deal with Dumbledore. Narcissa can point the finger at me anytime, she's not stupid by canon. First, she's going to talk to me, get the most out of me, and then she's going to bring Spider in and get a super prize, the Black Legacy. It takes an eye and an eye for a snake like that. In the canon, Malfoy has survived the Spider. Nobody's going to write in a children's book that the Spider survived by spending a couple of students on Horcruxes. Well, let's try to make a deal with her.


Lady Narcissa Malfoy, born Black,

My Gracious Lady,

I'd be happy to take you to the Grimmo on the 12th and 24th of September, at three in the afternoon.


Harry Potter, heir to Black.


My reputation will decide everything at the upcoming meeting. Let's just see if it's worth the entire Black legacy. Although Narcissa will undoubtedly settle for the first meeting. She doesn't need a confrontation as long as she's got the cards in her hands. Once again, in conclusion, one, Dumbledore must be destroyed.


Grimmo 12, living room.

3 pm on September 24, 1991.


I've called Creighton on duty for Narcissa's visit. He can check the house and me after her visit. Kreacher, I will puzzle in the same way. The brothers are busy shopping, and they won't be useful today. Especially by today, I've learned the air bubble spell, in case of air poison and spells. Give Paranoia a green light!

I deliberately pushed the sofas by the fireplace away from each other. And I have no intention of kissing the lady's pen. Etiquette, but there's a way to survive. I have mined the sofa myself for the dear guest. I told you about the paranoia, didn't I?

When Kreacher brought Narcissa into the living room, I gave her no choice but to talk:

"Lady Malfoy, good to see you! Please have a seat," I pointed to the sofa with my left hand while my right hand was near the sword handle. After Narcissa sat down, I followed her example.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Potter. It's unusual to see you as heir to the Black family."

Of course, you'd rather see your son as an heir.

"I'm used to it, lady."

Narcissa examined her home environment once, and must have ordered it out of habit:

"Kreacher, give me some tea!"

That's what she did very well. I wouldn't have guessed it myself to show her who Black was.

I waited ten seconds for the effect.


"Yes, sir!"

"Give Lady Malfoy some tea!"

"Sir, yes, sir!" Kreacher arranged the tea in a moment. Narcissa pretended that nothing had happened.

"Oh, Mr. Potter. We're related, though distant; you shouldn't call me that officially."

"Then let me call you Auntie Narcissa," I looked "Auntie" in the eyes. At the same time, I was looking at the fourth slide of my prepared occlumency defense. I carefully watched the film "Faces of Death", produced in the seventy-ninth year. And from some particularly memorable scenes made for me several "slides", which covered current thoughts. It was a homemade piece specifically against the Veil Charm, but this time it will do. Well, I hope so. Don't let Narcissa get in my head.

"In that case, let me call you Harry, too."

"I'd love to, Aunt Narcissa!"

Narcissa smiled and paused for the first really important question.

"Tell me, Harry, how truthfully described is your life at the Muggles?"

"True enough, Aunt Narcissa. The Skeeter articles were written from my letters."

"It's terrible to treat the heir of the Ancient Family like that!"

"You're right, Auntie Narcissa. But I have solved this problem. In doing so, I must admit, I learned a lesson in dealing with the problem with strangers' hands, thanks to Dumbledore. An elderly politician trying to raise me as a Gryffindor pawn, a suicide hero, miscalculated.

There's a Slytherin player that's going to break his spine.

"Are you so sure about yourself?"

"I've encountered him before in battle, and he only survived because of luck."

Narcissa could have competed with the canonical eye size Dobby. Meanwhile, I went on.

"Did you read that crazy article about the Death Eaters attack on Bathilda Bagshot's house that killed Alastor Moody? I dare say that you should have been critical of such information."

"Yes, I remember."

"Dumbledore left Bagshot's spy at my parents' house, making sure I'd visit him. Having received a message from Bagshot, he and Moody rushed to capture me. There may have been someone else in his squad. That's very thoughtful of him. It was that Dumbledore saved his life. If he were alone, I'd be devoting all my time to a whole other problem right now. That's a problem I want to talk to you about. And yes, I am sure of myself! Of course, in a direct magical duel against Dumbledore, I don't stand a chance. But I'm not an idiot to fight him most unfavorably for me."

"So what do you want to talk about, Harry?"

"About your husband's political club, Aunt Narcissa."

"Go on."

"Soon you'll be able to see that I have anti-racist views. Let me remind you that the Potter family was almost cut short by an organization your husband had carelessly joined. On the other hand, your husband may already have appreciated the so-called "generosity" of the half-breed Riddle, son of the Muggle, also known as Voldemort. This Muggle's son received gold galleons from your family and compensated them with an excellent Crucio. In other words, you have two ways."

"And what are those paths?"

"To be Riddle's enemies or to be my enemies."

"You realize that's not even funny. Who you are and who he is! He brought Magic England to its knees! His name is still afraid to be called!"

"Of course it's not funny. Who he is and who I am. He's a jerk was killed a one-year-old baby in a cradle! He "kneeled" Magic England for ten years. I've already halved the order of the Phoenix in a month. That's despite the fact that I'm a stolen orphan and Dumbledore is the head of Wizengamot. I'm telling you straight, I'll crush Riddle, he has no chance. I'll crush Dumbledore too, politically and physically, only it'll take longer. Do you want to die with the Riddles? Well, that'll be your conscious choice. Not to mention the fate of the lifelong slaves of a sadistic psychopath in a theoretical victory for Riddle.

The Dark Lord is almost reborn, I have information. It's time to kill."

Narcissa was almost panicked, or she was brilliant at playing the part.

"Do you understand the meaning of the blackening of your husband's dark mark?"

"How do you know?"

"I know a lot of things. One more time. I will send Riddle into oblivion. Do you want to follow him, Aunt Narcissa?"

Narcissa took a slow breath, slowly exhaled, and she answered:


"Very good. Then, as a sign of your consent, I want you to give me Riddle's journal. He left this item in Lucius' possession. Give me the diary within 24 hours."

"And what do we get as a sign of your cooperation?"

Is she stupid or what?

"I will not consider the Malfoy family enemies, Aunt Narcissa. Until the Malfoy family convinces me otherwise," slowly as if I had explained to the child. "Auntie, I will tell you as my own. I enjoyed killing the enemies of the Black family. I feel like a real wizard. It makes sense. It's like ancient times! There is magic, there is a great family and there are enemies. And there's their blood at my feet and their bodies on the family altar."

Narcissa has changed her face and turned pale.

"Maybe I should go, Lucius is worried about me. I should go."

"Of course, Aunt Narcissa."

"Then I shall go, Harry."

"Goodbye, Auntie Narcissa."

"Goodbye, Harry."

"Kreacher! Show Lady Malfoy out!"

"Sir, yes, Sir!"

After Narcissa left, I sent Kreacher and Creighton to check the house for any tabs. An hour later, Kreacher left for Diagon Alley to buy basilisk poison. There's nothing to wait for. Even without Malfoy's help, I can destroy at least two Horcruxes by tomorrow.


Oddly enough, the next day, Narcissa brought me a diary. After a long conversation with Kreacher about the death of Master Regulus, he, on my instructions, destroyed the medallion and diary with Basilisk poison. My scar reacted to the death of Horcrux with a short sharp pain. When the diary was destroyed, the pain was much greater. This meant that my "power" calculations for the Horcrux were correct. It's perfect. The diary was the strongest, most spiritual Horcrux, and Tommy's power was halved. Ideally, Riddle would stay with one Nagaina and be reborn a complete madman. He'll be incapable of conscious witchcraft, he'll have the brains to his snake hissing.

I wanted to send an elf looking for a ring, but I didn't. The ring's traps could kill Kreacher. But I like his work.