Whistman Protected Forest, three and a quarter miles northwest of Princeton.

November 21, 1991.


I knocked on the mansion's oak gate. A quarter of a minute later, there was a house-elf, who I immediately baffled with an assignment.

"Tell the lady that Harry James Potter is asking to see her."

I didn't prepare the speech. It wasn't clear to me in advance what the terms would be, so there was nothing to push back from. I'll improvise. Truth is the best policy. While I was thinking about it, the house-elf came back.

"Follow Dinky, sir."

The road through an abandoned but not an abandoned warehouse. I bet that's the last of the family's house-elves. Died Augusta and the family die, died the house elf. Nice, good, decent, Dumbledore did it! A whole genocide of the oldest families was staged. And I've worked in that direction, too. At least two families ran out of Azkaban in that action. Crouch is in line. And Dumbledore. Mickey Mouse told me to buy Dumbledore his own medicine.

Busy with my thoughts, I walked into a small hall covered in oak panels. Augusta Longbottom was waiting for me by the invariable fireplace.

"Hello, Lady Longbottom."

Not to say "good day" to her after all. Good days for the Longbottoms ended with Neville's death.

"And what does the national hero of Magic England want from me? Don't just say that you've come to offer me your condolences."

"Allow me to outline the situation, Lady Longbottom before I say what I want."

"If you would be so kind, young man."

She never offered me a seat, but I will stand. All the more reason for her to react to what I have to say. But it's very uncomfortable to jump out of my chair.

"Our families are surprisingly unlucky. The previous generation of Longbottom, Potter, and Black's families have been influenced by the Great Light Magician. He fabricated a prophecy that only I or Neville could defeat Voldemort. And so as not to interfere with the plans of this greatest luminous magician, my parents die. Black gets into Azkaban on a false charge without being convicted. Alice and Frank become incompetent. Now there's nothing to stop Dumbledore, he thinks, from guiding the chosen ones to the right path. But I have escaped from his murderous custody. The old Spider naturally turned his attention to the alternate chosen one. Except Neville didn't survive Dumbledore's hero training course. And so now we have what we have."

"So you admit that Neville's death was your fault," Augusta pulled a wand out of her sleeve and pointed it at me.

"Madam, I just told you clearly who was responsible for Neville's death. I wouldn't be surprised if a spectacular beard was now trains another "chosen one". And when he dies, Neville will be to blame for his death?"

"Don't you dare mention his name," a nonverbal Stupefy flew at me, which I beat to the ceiling with a sword blade.

"Madam, do not place your responsibility to protect your family on me. And don't make me angry, anyway." For persuasion, I lit the dragon's eyes, "or the Longbottom family will end here and now."

That made some impression. Anyway, the spells didn't fly at me.

"Tell me what you want."

Fine! There's hope she's not a dumb bitch like Walburga.

"I want the same thing as you. We need revenge and the rebirth of our families. I killed Barty Crouch Jr. myself. Along with my squad, I killed the escapees from Azkaban Lestranges. There's Dumbledore left, but I'm actively working on it."

"Barty Crouch Jr. died in Azkaban years ago. Don't lie to me," stuck in August's chair.

"I swear by the magic that I killed Barty Crouch Jr. Lumos!"


That old lady had nothing to answer. I thought about it.

"Tell me what you want. You can handle revenge yourself."

"I need two things. One is to hide the children who are now under my responsibility. I expect the mercenaries to attack my base."

"Yes, I read about the hero of Magic England, Harry Potter, slave fighter and defender of the siblings and the wretched. And the other thing?"

"Unless the codes of the Black family and the Longbottom family intersect,"

The old lady's face was stretched out.

"And if you recognize me as heir to the Longbottom family, I swear to revive the Longbottom family."

Checkmate. Cheeky, confident.

After this statement, Augusta remained silent the longest. Well, I understand her! What a cheek, huh? Yes, that's what I am!

Finally, having decided something for herself, she sarcastically scribbled her voice.

"Dinky! Prepare the ritual hall. And you sit down, son. There's a lot to talk about."


Two miles on NE from the intersection of the A470 and A4059 highways, the basement of the administrative building of the DML training base.


Bones took her place on the short side of the T table. There were six employees she trusted along the leg of the "T" table. Six employees who fit into Potter's terms. Six out of eight dozen DML employees. Amelia activated the room's stationary defense and started.

"Thank you for coming. Circumstances compel me to demand a vow to keep secret everything you learn in this room today. Otherwise, I ask you to leave this room."

There were no refusals. Bones took her vows and continued.

"I have summoned you for reasons of primary importance. I have two news, good and bad. The first news. We have the second coming of Voldemort."

The pause wasn't just spectacular, it was penetrating to the heart. Bones went up, handed out two sheets of small text to each of them.

"This is what we know."

"Who do we know?" followed by a logical question.

"We' re Harry Potter and those who follow him. Read it, it's all there is to it."

While the staff was reading, Bones was walking along with the table. Finally, everyone finished reading and the same curious employee asked a second question.

"What's the good news?"

Bones wasn't disappointing.

"That was the good news. Voldemort is coming back, but we know his weaknesses. And Harry Potter has already destroyed half the eaters. Everything's under control. At the site of Voldemort's alleged rebirth, a trap has been set. Traps have been set on the remaining eaters at large. And if any of you say it's against the law, let's get out of here now."

Since the conditions of Harry Potter's mandatory point was "lost a loved one from the actions of Voldemort and his gang," all remained in their seats.

"And what's the bad news?"

Bones put a stack of sheets on the table. A copy of the Knockturn slave trader interrogation. The stack was big and only one. Bones was back in his chair. When the other three finished reading, Bones was tired of continuing.

"When all these "exposing" articles in the Daily Prophet about Harry Potter's life came out, I thought there was a clear twitch of facts and hysterical exaggerations. Now we see that child abduction and slavery is almost the basis of the economy of Magic Britain. And something has to be done about it. First, we'll take those who are explicitly mentioned here. There's no trial. The interrogation is in place. If you're to blame, you get death. Innocent people get Obliviate. No one will give us a high-profile case like this before the court. We have to do something about all this. Do you decide if you're cleaning up this scum with me or not?




Soon on the screens

Naruto Clones vs. Wizards


Naruto already wanted to leave this strange world of wizards. But he didn't know how to do it.

The boy knew he'd fallen into enemy land. This country has a government headed by Daimyo Fudge. In Wizard Land, there is a struggle between important families of wizards. But there is the great wizard Dumbledore. And Naruto met and tortured this wizard's servant. The boy tilted his shaggy head and looked at the body of the villain. He specifically learned the answer to one important question. Fletcher told him what he wanted and could do to the little naked girl. Such rats are not worthy of the title of the wizard. This Dumbledore is just a gang leader if he has such servants.

The blond boy turned his head, and a not good smile appeared on his face. Squeaking rats caught his attention.

"I remember you, you filthy creatures! I remember you, you filthy beasts! But I'm grateful to you. It is good to train with you to throw shuriken. Soon you will have your dinner."

The blonde raised his face to the sky and whispered.

"Shinigami this is for you. Thank you for my new life. This is for you, Hagoromo Ōtsutsuki. You're a chakra god, you didn't leave me. The chakra is with me. I understand your children's will now. The will of Fire is with me!"

Naruto took out kunai and killed the thief with one blow.