Severus Snape has long had the opportunity to act the way he wants to live. When Potter didn't come to Hogwarts, Snape felt free.

Now he was only held back by Dumbledore's threat to surrender his past sins to the Aurors as "an accomplice of Dark Lord Voldemort". Except nothing is holding him back in this nasty Magic England. Thank you, but no! He'll get a good job somewhere in Argentina or Cambodia.

Severus will catch snakes on the ingredients in the morning and fuck local beauties in the evening. There are a lot of both in Cambodia. And if he gets bored, he'll catch on the ingredients of beauties in the morning, and the evening fuck snakes. The range of entertainment is endless. Cambodia is a democratic country, especially after it is no longer a "democratic Kampuchea". And next door is no less democratic Thailand with its boxing fights. Snape saw the prospect! Alive as you like! And he doesn't care about Spider in the arms of Magic England. Thirty years from now, Severus will come back to see how idiotic it is and swim away much warmer again.


Two weeks later, another amateur naturalist specializing in snakes appeared in Cambodia. Ten years later, a change in the Aboriginal phenotype in Battambang province was visible. Local shamanism schools were filled with a wave of students with long, oily straight hair, big noses, and a predisposition to potioning.

A trap of four grenades in a cupboard with ingredients in a house in Spider Deadlock remained undisturbed, waiting for its time. Snape's house was sheltered by a muggle-repellent spell and lovingly equipped with magical traps set by Snape. The house kept a sinister surprise for curious wizards.


November 21, 1991. Evening, village

A rare opportunity to kill a Spider with other people's hands is approaching. It's not like he's going to kill me with other people's hands.

The ring is gone, so no one can collect three death artifacts at once. Ergo, the value of information about the Elder Wand is dropping fast.

The acceptance of the Longbottoms went quickly and without incident. I drank Augusta's blood mixed with wine. I gave my blood on the altar of the bloodline. I swore an oath of allegiance to my family and it's Code. There were only two rules, and they almost matched the rules of the Black family. The family got their heir by magic, I got "mother" Augusta and a manor where to hide the children. Having consulted my mother now, I decided to send the children to the manor with Anna. The time of active fighting was coming. The last step left was to declare open war.


Delacour Estate, Alain's office.

November 28, 1991.


Alain Delacour was intrigued by Potter's letter. It expressly stated that this would be their most important meeting and that there was a way to beat Dumbledore with one blow. That's tempting. And if Dumbledore and his supporters are thrown out of the International Confederation, it will be possible to make a productive impact on Magic England.

Delacour met Potter, said hello, and sat down the guest.

"So, Monsieur Potter, what did you mean by the possibility of ending the war with one blow?"

"I don't mean, sir, I'm being blunt. I know the secret to Dumbledore's power, and we can take that power away. Naturally, we will destroy Dumbledore along the way. The only question is whether we can handle it ourselves, or we'll have to outsource it."

"Intrigued, Monsieur Potter. So?"

"Elder wand."

Delacour didn't answer anything. He put his right hand on his forehead hair. He leaned back on his chair. He opened the desk drawer with his key, pulled out and put a lighter, an ashtray, and a box of cigars on the table. Smoked it. He let the smoke out a couple of times.

"How sure is that?"

"Pretty sure. Grindelwald's took the wand from Grigorovich. Dumbledore was a friend of the Dark Lord and he had the opportunity to learn the secret and the opportunity to take the wand. At any rate, there was no credible evidence of a duel between these old friends."

"What is the plan, Monsieur Potter?"

"The plan has not yet been devised. I see a simple one. Rub Dumbledore in the crowd and inject him with some strong, non-magic drug. The spider will instantly drown in his fantasies. Take out the wand, the spider in the infirmary. Use veritaserum in the infirmary. I need to know the answers to some questions. We'll publish Dumbledore's interview later. "Dumbledore" will be a swear word forever, and anyone who's spoken to him will be labeled a scumbag. You can keep the wand. I need the information from Dumbledore's interview. This freak has Potter family artifacts that I have to return. We need to figure out how to disarm the phoenix. With the Phoenix, Dumbledore once escaped death at my hands. The goal is to minimize the impact of the phoenix on you.

"The Elder Wand is a strong bonus, Monsieur Potter. Will you let her out of your hands so easily?"

I looked at this magician and I answered honestly.

"The power is not in the wand, or even in the hand that holds it. The power is in the mind that controls them."

Such a match caused the expected pause. But Delacour suddenly started another subject.

"Monsieur Potter! How do you see the proposal to marry our families?"

That's an interesting statement. Something I don't understand.

"I have considered such a possibility, sir. But Veelas are creepy owners, and they won't tolerate a second wife. As heir to three families, I must continue them."

Delacour raised his eyebrow, but he wouldn't interrupt.

"The family codes don't deny a woman the head of the family. And there's no prohibition against marriage to the Veela. But I need at least three kids. I suggest we consider this matter later, sir. Because in the case of your daughters, the marriage must still be done out of love. This is a time for war."

"Very well, Monsieur Potter. I'll take over the organization of Operation Dumbledore. I have more opportunities on the continent for that. We'll both be present during the interrogation. The information about your families' property belongs to you. The rest of the information will be shared. Questions, comments?"

"Only on sharing the rest of the information."

And the trade started.

"And yet, what the third Family?" Delacour asked me before he left.

"Longbottom, sir."



December 1, 1991.

The escape of Severus hard hit the faith of the Great Light Wizard of Modernity in people. Potter has to be finished, and the sooner the better. Then it will be possible to cry in public about another child whose heart has bent into darkness. The plan will have to be adjusted once again. He'll die heroically while it's still early. Dumbledore had a Polyjuice Potion and went to the bank. He queued up with the most ordinary Gringotts clerk and decided to pass the time by counting. So it's going to take an extra sixteen years.


Malfoy Manor, at the same time.


Meanwhile, the problem named Potter wasn't just about Dumbledore. Lucius talked to Narcissa, established the view that the head of the Black family should be a worthy wizard. He's his son. He never understood Narcissus' opinion on the matter, and it doesn't matter. The Black family is not Malfoy, it is the top of the aristocracy of Magical Britain. The question is resolved, all that remains is to explain convincingly to the Boy Who Lived that he lived for nothing.

At three o'clock, Lord Malfoy left his office and went down to the lilac lounge where Avery, Yaxley, Nott, and McNair were already waiting for him.

Malfoy entered the living room and greeted everyone. He took a seat in the chair opposite the fireplace with a glass in his hand. The Black family is not Malfoy, it is the top of the aristocracy of Magical Britain. The question is resolved, all that remains is to explain convincingly to the Boy Who Lived that he lived for nothing.

At three o'clock, Lord Malfoy left his office and went down to the lilac lounge where Avery, Yaxley, Nott, and McNair were already waiting for him.

Malfoy entered the living room and greeted everyone. He took a seat in the chair opposite the fireplace with a glass of fireworks in his hand. It is necessary to convince the worthy people to present here that Malfoy's personal gain is first and foremost their gain.

"Gentlemen. Not so long ago we were shocked to hear that true aristocrat had been killed. The true blood of Magic Britain was killed. Members of the Ancient and Noble Families were murdered in an attempt to escape from Azkaban. The scariest thing they were legally threatened with was a return to the same Azkaban after treatment in Mungo. The criminal must be punished!"

Lucius was saying his fiery match. His accomplices, with their normally stretched poker faces, were thinking of their own. Lucius isn't doing anything in vain. If a slippery friend took up something, then he decided to deceive both friends and enemies. Malfoy was simple and understandable! He was such a bastard.